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Everything posted by BigK

  1. Great movie. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_death_of_stalin
  2. I agree that Nick does not have a gay vibe about him and your comment has stayed with me. But the more I think of it I think his lack of gay vibe was perfect for the movie. Or, at least, more preferable than someone obviously gay or worse, stereo-typically gay. Box office seemed to peter out a little to soon.
  3. BigK


    Very distinguished looking. I'd be happy if I'd married the young Alain with how he looks today.
  4. BigK


    And then there could be operator error. Certain movies are greyed out because they don't qualify (like IMax , 3D and Special Engagements). I'm not discounting that there could be application problems. I just haven't experienced any yet.
  5. BigK


    I've been using it for 4 months and haven't had a problem yet. Please keep us updated. My gut feeling is that their customer support will be practically non-existent.
  6. I got one too. Just assumed a software glitch as Suckrates suggests.
  7. Here's Reuters take on this: https://www.yahoo.com/news/sex-ads-website-backpage-shut-down-u-authorities-003228741.html
  8. Happy Birthday! Thank you for your efforts here on our behalf.
  9. The concept of it being Spring is great...just not so great when I went outside this morning in a short sleeve shirt and it was 50 degrees outside after being in the upper 60's for the previous few days. Normally I check the next days temperature the night before but it being the 1st day of Spring psyched me out. Back to long sleeves and a jacket tomorrow morning.
  10. I haven't had any problems. Welcome back!
  11. BigK

    The Organ

    Love Dame Edna. And Queen E was a good sport. I've been noticing a lot of effort lately to make the Royal Family more personable. In a recent PBS special The Queen, Prince Charles and sons are shown watching old home movies many taken by Queen E herself.
  12. Thanks. That was very heartwarming.
  13. My favorite flavor!
  14. Anger is fears bodyguard.
  15. I've become more ambivalent about BB over the years. I missed the 1st episode this season and since CBS so closely controls their content I have not been able to watch it on demand with Comcast. So I've just decided to skip the whole season. Fuck You CBS your CBS ap. I'm not that interested in your content to pay you a dime. I hope their ratings fall through the floor.
  16. Lucky has posted a much better post than mine regarding The Last Post in the Theater, Art and Lit forum. He included great visuals. Check it out. https://www.boytoy.com/forums/topic/28706-the-last-post-on-amazon
  17. I find it very sad. Thanks for identifying the procedure. Obviously I'm not up to date on my cosmetic procedures.
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