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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. Suckrates

    NOT Again !

    Well Kim Kardashian has thrown her hat in the ring. She announced on The Van Jones show that she is pondering a run for the Presidency. ....... Why not keep the Reality Show legacy alive in the WH ? Kim feels she did so good orchestrating the release of inmate Alice Marie Johnson, why not be President so she can convert prison sentences every fucking day ? Sounds like a plan to me..... You GO Kim !!!!
  2. Apparently, there was another pop-up event called for Sunday night, at The New York Bondage Club @Paddles. No word yet on the attendance, other than the usual horny perverts that attend the club anyway. This time the invite was from WhippedGuy, a popular member of Daddy's . Not sure how much "getting to know you" applies to a bondage sex club. So what IS the purpose of these meetings ? "Wish I woulda known, I love bondage !"
  3. I agree, but once again, TRUMP didnt do that ! Its more education and accomplished skills. Stop drinking Kool-Aid and have a glass of water.
  4. Nice to see you are able to cherry pick a talking point.... That really has nothing to do directly with Trump. It's a cyclical reaction to economy, but if you want to give your "massa" that notch on his bedpost, go right ahead. And while you are at it, KISS HIS FEET !
  5. Bucky is an uninformed puppet... Yes there are immigration laws that have been in place before Trump. But the separation of kids from their parents is a "policy" put in place by that racist hobbit Sessions and endorsed by Trump, which Trump can easily dissolve but chooses not to.... That's how big of a dick he is, and how big of a fool Bucky is. Dont speak if you dont know what you are talking about, man..
  6. Are you fucking kidding me now ? Trump has been blaming Obama for EVERYTHING since Obama took office. God, you just keep digging your "fools hole" bigger and bigger. You might as well go in "white face" and carry a Tiki-torch .
  7. That's all OK....with ALL the lies Trump HAS told, the media still comes out ahead. Bucky you are really trying too hard to give your boy some credibility. And you as a Black man, what has he done for your community except keep you down ?
  8. Yeah cause he made their Nazi/racist agenda popular and "visible". Now they dont have to hide in their closets with their hatred. They can wave it proudly and have it applauded by THEIR President. You and the other happy campers can all sit around the bondfire and celebrate with Glee until it comes crashing down on your heads. Especially the Gays, who have obviously turned their backs on their community to put this vile, homophobic animal on his pedestal. SHAME ON YOU.... trading a BEAUTIFUL Rainbow flag for a symbolic "white sheet"....
  9. Hey Evangelicals, I know what you mean now ! You're right, we dont need affordable healthcare.
  10. NEVER skip a beat in the fight for Justice & Equality !
  11. Wake up and smell the corruption Bucky. You and Trump should start packing your knapsacks NOW ! Oh and BTW, if you consider that carefully orchestrated Kim summit (photo-op) another "success", you're even a bigger fool than you've already proven to be.
  12. I do LOVE Oz's new Civility/be nice path. I dont have to say anything.... Just post a meme !
  13. Since this thread has already derailed....I will offer my "Thought of the Day" "When you see a piece of shit, the best you can do is avoid stepping on it !"
  14. Gurl, you just stay on that Trump Train until it derails..... (hope you're wearing a helmet?) He is one guy I'm gonna enjoy kicking when he's DOWN !
  15. Forgive me while I get Ready.....THIS thread is headed for the Sandbox....(when Oz wakes up) .
  16. Now Lucky, please dont tell me you are keeping track of the "Lurkers" ?..... Even for YOU, that's bizarre !
  17. JD kinda looks HOT here.... maybe its cause I cant see the jerri-curl ?
  18. Now here is where this thread can actually be De-railed.... i say, GO FOR IT !
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