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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. Honestly, I am still consumed with "Whether Tomcal will Wed", and not able to focus on anything else on this forum..
  2. Patience Lars, I am sure Oz is dealing with lots of stuff, including the obstacle of time. . He's fair and usually has a way of doing the right thing.
  3. The five stages of grief in the era of What’s His Name 1. Despair 2. Anxiety 3. Petty 4. PISSED 5. Revenge Yes, the retarded, deplorable Trumpanzees are loving it!
  4. In fairness, if Bucky feels attacked here, those are his feelings to process, and we cant/shouldnt discount them. However, as a black man, if HE is finding comfort or salvation in Trump, that's a way bigger issue. We have all been guilty of derailing a thread, something recently addressed by our host Oz... Apologies to Lars for leading his thread astray, however I feel this new behavior will take time to adjust to ? Sometimes a little "hi-jack" is necessary to diffuse a potentially heated environment.... When your pot starts to over-boil, dont you lower the heat ?
  5. I can see now why those threads like "Will Tomcal Wed" are so much more popular here !
  6. Exactly right, but when you do post, expect that you are an extension of your words, and your history and the person YOU are plays into that. You can post anything you like, take any position you want, but dont expect people to overlook the source, and release you from your words. I value your posts, you are the perfect foe, and many people feel the way you do, so that cannot be discounted. But please, dont serve us this "detachment" thing. A comment is not just simply a comment.... It shows us who YOU are. And lets bet real. Much of the news and views you share with us is FAKE or simply your opinion based on your cherry-picked polls. There's always "the other side"...
  7. THAT is because the WHITE experience in America is quite different from the Black, and considering the history of your people, you should truly be ashamed. If Trump makes you feel EQUAL to a white man, you need to be in therapy, and not here posting in his defense. And we have to discuss YOU since YOU are the one posting, unless you have been hacked by the Trump administration and its NOT you posting ? Unfortunately, you need to take ownership of your beliefs and words which will be discussed when you post them that's how THIS works..... BTW, Eleanor Roosevelt was just a big ole dyke .... Dont give me her dated words.... Give me MAXINE ! she knows how to throw some "stank" into it . ( I know you cant give me the words of First Lady Melania, unless someone gives HER some !)
  8. An elf that makes and sells cookies should not be presented as a political figure. Oh and did I mention he a Big ole racist too ? Gee Bucky, your idols are an odd bunch . You must have very low self esteem ?
  9. I think you've been "mislead" Bucky. ? Trumps goal is to have WHITE America.... Where does that leave YOU ? back serving the "massa" ? I think you need to open your MIND ? you are a black man and will NEVER have that WHITE privilege, regardless of what Trump promises you.
  10. Funny, but expected how your drip, drip, drip overlooks ALL the Trump corruption and lies.? ... But that's what a good cult member is about, blind LOYALTY until death ! Never works out well Bucky, I'm just sayin !
  11. Let's get real here... Even with all the pushback for Trump and his regime, we arent making any headway, and things seem to be getting WORSE, if that's even possible ? Resistance is making the Trump camp stronger.... So disheartening to realize that the heart of America is in the sewer along with all the sewer rats and people that feed them. I'm about to wheel my wheelchair off a cliff, but I dont want to give Bucky any satisfaction....
  12. Donald got where he is because of Putin...Let's NOT forget that.... So perhaps his 7/16 summit with his good buddy will be another plea for help with the "drainage" ? Or maybe Trump just needs another golden shower from the Russian hookers Putin supplies for him ??? It's hard to resist...
  13. Bucky, the only sludge in the swamp now is Trump & Co.....
  14. And you are a better person FOR it....
  15. This WAS the moment, wasnt it Bucky..... when Trump acknowleged you and you felt the Love and empowerment ? You were hooked !
  16. Suckrates


    Wow, you even give Trump credit for a justice retiring ? Trump really needs to send you a muffin basket !
  17. With the a Northeastern Heat wave coming this weekend and scheduled for next week, is this guy dressed "work appropriate" ?' Or does it really just depend on your legs ?
  18. IMO, those emoji likes are the ruination of social interaction. If I like something, i will SAY so, and not take the easy way out, avoiding a personal connection. Dont tell me your fucking life is so busy that you dont have 3 seconds to SAY you like something ?
  19. Suckrates


    DERANGED is an interesting use of word here.....
  20. Well, we all know Trump loves a dicktator.... so he has planned a date night with his secret Lover for July 16th... Serious meeting or typical "photo-op" ? Summit or Scam ? Trump base gets a boner ! Considering the political climate, perhaps Trump is up for a "threesome" and will invite his NEW fuckbuddy Kimmy along ? "THERE WAS NO KOLLUSION".......
  21. When you say America, WHO exactly do you mean ? I am part of America and dont LOVE it, I dont even like it a little..... So when you make those broad, sweeping Trump-esque statements, it might need a little clarification that you are really speaking about "the Trump Base"....
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