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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. Girrrrrrrrl, who you kidding, that pic was just for my trip to the market...... I'd never go clubbing so BASIC !
  2. Perhaps for you and I sis, but its a fucking leather bar. You dont even need to take a bath ! If you smell like piss, they'll eat you up,
  3. Lars, I must STRONGLY disagree with you about RH..... The word is NOT remind.....it's CONVINCE. You have to BE something before you remind someone you ARE something.
  4. What to Expect by the end of Pride Weekend......
  5. Some of you may know that when I posted over at Daddy's, I tried to arrange one of those meat-n-greets for NY members, like the one they have in Palm Springs ? Well, it was a bomb and NEVER happened... So now, a warm wind just blew in and told me there actually was a pop-up meeting Saturday night at The Eagle, one of the hot city leather bars. The board members were given a FEW hours notice of the event, announced the SAME day.... And the attendance: Total 3, 2 of which were already at the bar for a Pride Week event... The board is considering it a success (just like ALL Trumps events) , and claiming "that's how you put together an event"... Guess it was a message to ME ? Glad the 3-some had a blast. Kudos to the event planner...
  6. OH please, call me a Cocksucker.....That would mean you Noticed and my scabby knees werent for nuthin !
  7. I'll stick with the other 1%.... Mr Oz...
  8. Good advice, but not always applicable and practical for every occasion. One size NEVER fits all..... (did I say that nicely ?)
  9. To all the members blessed to be Dads, Happy Fathers Day from Grandma...... Now, show Daddy some LOVE.....
  10. I think people just feel they ARE participating when they post any comment, pro or con. I equate it to as if I was having an in person conversation, and the person i was speaking with said "I love those older muscle dudes"... I wouldnt just sit there and not say anything. I would either say "So do I" OR "they are so not my type".... So that same civil discourse is translated , at least by me, to a message board, and I will post my feelings, positive or negative if I feel strongly enough about a topic, comment or pic. II thought that was the purpose of these public boards, to share opinions?...Nothing in the rules about those opinions always staying positive and agreeable. But I suppose it really just depends on the type of person you are ? I am here to participate. . .
  11. I often use Bullshit and useless interchangeably..... BOTH are things I dont need in my life.
  12. Obviously, you can tell I dont like BULLSHIT, and have no patience or tolerance for it, and will say so right of the bat. I have always believed in getting to the point, and cutting your losses and have no time for allowing others to "perform" for me. So I guess, like you, I will shut it down right away. Not sure that attitude comes with age? I've always been this way. Even at work, if a boss tried to explain how to do something that I already knew how to do, I would say "I know" right away and spare him ... Probably not courteous, but its Efficient ! My attention span only allows for interesting, useful information and people that can deliver it. Why be stuck in a place you've already been ?
  13. Some people will always Derail a thread, and then others will pick at its carcass once its off the track... (I've always been a Carcass kinda Girl !)
  14. I stack em on the fridge DOOR shelves where there is enough height. The door guards hold em in place. Works like a charm.
  15. Ya win some, ya lose some, lighten up.... It's nice now that you are back @ Daddy's.... That way you have Variety: a fun, loose site, and a strict mandated one, and you can frolic between them depending on your mood. . Variety is the Spice of Life , really....
  16. In keeping with, and respecting Oz's new "civility" mandate, this is as Civil as I can get about the above post.... It might seem like I DO, but.....
  17. That's it, Oops ? How's about an apology to HIM ?
  18. Oh come on lat, give us a break here. EVERY thread NEEDS a little bitching. Otherwise its just a lot of Fake news and proselytizing from uninformed people with too much time on their hands. .
  19. I am sure Hitler would love a few of Roseann's cookies ?
  20. Gossipers had him dating Hailey Baldwin, Alex's daughter, but now she's back with the The Biebs, so Shawn is up for Gay Grabs.
  21. They say they will still have "breakfast" but are showcasing Burgers..... I want my hashbrowns !
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