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Posts posted by RockHardNYC

  1. 17 hours ago, BiBottomBoy said:

    God that's a nice dick

    It is Photoshopped, just to be clear.

    Jack's dick is pretty to look at, fun to photograph and Photoshop, tasty to lick, but a beast to suck. Maybe if you had the mouth architecture of a Carly Simon, but I don't like the look of over-sized mouths. I'm not a size queen probably because I don't enjoy sticking large things in my body's orifices. I don't follow the bigger-is-better ethos.

    I love the look of his small butt. His beautiful butt hole is so tempting and inviting. Watching another guy lick his ass does it for me. I also like his face; intense eyes, lush mouth, and a strong nose. Love his hair color.

  2. 3 hours ago, Lucky said:

    Let's see who needs a life...

    Suckrates posts at Daddy's: 17,500

    Suckrates posts here:  15,927

    Total Posts = 33,427

    Holy mother-fuckin desperation for attention! That is one lonely, empty life. Sure hope she won't be spending Thanksgiving alone.

  3. I suspect there is a good reason why Al Franken is supporting the call for an investigation into his conduct.

    If you look carefully at the photo that was submitted by the accuser, you can see that Franken's hands are not touching the woman. The shadows caused by the placement of his fingers away from her body indicate the science behind flash photography. If that photo is her only proof of "groping," she's going to lose her claim in a court of law.

    Upon deeper inspection, who is going to buy that a woman can easily get "groped" on a packed military plane flying folks who carry cameras? Many of us have fallen asleep on a flight. Does anyone actually believe that someone can get groped and sleep through it? The accusation seems to be very false.

    The woman accuser is also a hard-core partisan Republican. She has anti-Democrat rants published on the internet.

    At the time the photo was taken, Franken was a silly professional comic. The photo gesturing joke while someone sleeps is as old as the Boy Scouts and Candid Camera. I fail to see any sexual harassment here.

    As for slipping her the tongue in rehearsal, it's another cheap, heterosexual ploy used by male actors to tease their female counterparts. I'm not saying it's a good practice, but this notion of screaming HARASSMENT every time someone famous teases or touches you is not going to end well for women.

  4. I'm really sorry to hear you grew up in Alabama, Oz. That's an interesting anecdote that I did not know. I've been to Alabama numerous times on business, and my skin crawled the entire time I was there. These days, I will do everything I can to avoid going there. Too many people in Alabama are dreadful examples of the human race.

    I'm not so sure about Roy Moore's chances for a win. I sure wouldn't put any money on it. In the end, no state wants to be a laughing stock or the butt of endless jokes. No state wants to endure complete and utter humiliation.

  5. http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/15/politics/trump-water-bottle/index.html

    I first saw it last night while watching Brian William's The 11th Hour, my new favorite news program. It was absolutely hilarious. You simply can't write this Karma. And now we have it on video for all to see over and over again. I'm not surprised it went viral, as it should. The asshole looks like the biggest confirmed asshole. I hope more is coming. Can't wait to see this asshole drown in his own shit.

  6. When I heard Keurig dropped Hannity from their ad buy, I went out and bought one to celebrate. I'm a Melitta guy, so I have no plans to use it.

    Then I read CEO Bob Gamgort's response, and it turns out someone in their social media department fucked up. Keurig had no intention of "taking sides." All they care about is not offending anyone so they can cling to their sales numbers, especially with Christmas season upon us.

    Then I thought, if you don't want to get involved in politics, which can be VERY offensive, why the fuck are you buying ad space on cable news TV shows? The fucking idiots at Keurig.

    I'm donating my new machine. Never opened the box.

  7. 21 hours ago, unicorn said:

    The only "advantage" of the other site I've heard, other than traffic, so far, is that they allow posts to be altered indefinitely, and this site limits the time one can alter one's posts

    By "altered," I assume you mean edit. Every serious writer requires an edit feature. Educated gay men tend to appreciate the written word and love their opportunities to edit their work.

    Since I no longer post at Daddy's, I can't speak from experience, but I am familiar with their new software. Daddy controls the amount of edit time.

    When I was a contributor there, I often complained about the timed edit. My complaints fell on deaf ears, or I was offered stupid excuses. If true, I think it's great that Daddy is allowing untimed edits. Oz should do the same, immediately.

    Some people think the purpose of an edit is to hide something. I happen to think that is a ridiculous excuse. Spell checks, grammar, memory, and intent can all be enhanced via the edit feature. People who take their writing seriously and wish to become better writers can seriously benefit from an edit feature.

    I see little reason why an edit should be timed. Why test your contributors? Some of my favorite boards do not time their edit feature. They give you an opportunity to update your information without having to post a new thread or make a new post. Fabulous!

    Sometimes, I think of something I left out an hour or two later. Sometimes, the following day, I catch a spelling error.

    What is the big deal about letting adult men better their posts? OK, if you have some ridiculous, esoteric reason for a timed edit, why can't the time be pushed to 48 hours and give the aging brain a chance to work properly?

  8. 6 hours ago, Latbear4blk said:

    A friend reached out to me through PM at Daddy's suggesting his explanation, aligned to @Suckrates's theory. He says he visits this site and read the messages but he does not want to post because does not want to be associated with a place called boytoy. It is just one case, but perhaps it is something to consider.

    Read above.

    There's only ONE main reason why Daddy's site is more popular: VOLUME. It's either Coke or Pepsi for most guys. They don't normally want to stock both. Again, the audience is so SMALL, most people want to participate in the game that has the most players. It really is simple math.

    The reason that Daddy has more VOLUME is a bit more complicated. And I have no desire to teach that class, one more time, right now.

  9. 19 hours ago, Latbear4blk said:

    Yes, I did notice over there a preference for the older gentlemen, and I do remember pejorative comments made in the other site about boytoy's name.

    This conjecture is pure myth, written by a few folks who are bored and don't have anything more interesting to write, or someone with an agenda.

    The audience in both places is quite small, in the scheme of things. Follow the numbers. It's not that difficult to do.

    The people who participate on both boards are interchangeable. Most here started over there and continue to post on both boards. There is no "preference." If you believe there is a preference, that may be your own biases at work.

    The change in names from maleescortreview to boytoy could be a fun discussion for a marketing class. Oz broke all the traditional rules by changing a business name years after the business had become established. The truth is: Boytoy is catchy, with only two syllables. It rolls off the tongue more easily and it looks better in print. Maleescortreview is clunky and wordy, with six syllables. The two ee's together look awkward. It was never a great name.

    Oz took a gamble. The audience here is so small, changing the name while the show is already in progress would do no serious harm. Plus, he figured, for the 3-5 readers who typed in maleescortreview because they had not heard about the change, they'd be re-directed automatically to boytoy.com. That's the way a re-direct works when you own more than one URL. No harm, no foul.

    Any link of Boytoy to pedophilia tendencies is pure fantasy. Sounds like a rumor deej would start to dampen competition. The word "boy" in gay advertising has immediate impact that cannot be denied. Rentboy is a prime example. The nouns male, men, don't quite pack the same punch.

    Most gay men looking for escorts are aged 40 and older. They tend to prefer guys in their 20's, often referred to as "fresh meat," unfortunately, or boys.

    Selling a concept is almost always about impact. Business 101.

  10. 7 hours ago, AdamSmith said:

    You only need to look back, if you care to, at 15-year-ago-plus content still archived on the M4M forums to see the tragic comedown from then to now, there.

    "If you care to" are the key words here. Who on earth wants to do a 15-year search over at the "other site?" Spend just 3-minutes with the software's "Search" feature, and you'll quickly realize that The Judas Cradle from Medieval times would be a far more enjoyable form of torture.

    5 hours ago, AdamSmith said:

    I only mean that forum had a greatly higher quantity of higher-quality conversation under HooBoy's intelligent, light-handed management than under daddy's totalitarian, pointlessly ham-fisted, essentially witless style of moderation.

    As much as I respect Adam's intelligence, this quote is playing havoc on my recent brow furrow Botox treatment.

    While it's true that the "conversations" in the early Hooboy days were often wordy and spirited, there was a group of haters, which included the self-haters, that made the board a very unwelcome place for anyone with a thinner skin or any decent guy who respected gentlemanly behavior. If you didn't know how to swim with sharks or deal with evil, hateful queens, you would not last long.

    I've talked about this before: Benjamin Nicholas was the only reason I joined the Hooboy site. I had been an avid reader of the review site for years, but I always disliked the tone of the forum and never joined. Several of the haters were out to tar and feather BN, simply because he enjoyed gossip. They found that so offensive, coupled by the fact that he was selling himself as high-end.

    BN's marketing concept deserved scrutiny, but I saw and appreciated his fundamental talents. As a secret fan, I joined Hooboy's forum to challenge the haters, and within six short months, I aged ten years.

    I suspect many of the haters from those bygone days have died. When a personality is so cancerous, which is the lifeblood of many TROLLS, it eventually affects their health. And then they expire. These are not happy folks with productive lives we are talking about.

    IMO, Daddy got rid of many of the miserable, self-hating, troublemakers. With Time-Outs and Bannings, he cleared the board. It took a long time. Many of the assholes were TROLL ADDICTS, similar to the current ONE that continues to spread his particular style of plague.

    Avoiding the meme "Breakdown" and ignoring the countless "freedom of speech" screams, Daddy helped foster a new esprit de corps, which I hear is quite evident at the Palm Springs events. Yes, the ones Lucky started. Daddy's board is at its best when the TROLLs are banned, and most serious thinkers know this and say so privately.

    Unfortunately, expert moderation is not easy to come by. Good moderation requires time, energy, and writing skill. You have to know how to manage personalities, which is a talent, and who wants to manage a bunch of loud mouth, egotistical drag queens, especially when the work won't yield much profit.

    Escort chat is no longer the novelty it once was. How many times can you ask the same questions over and over again? The answers get regurgitated, so the board can't really be what it once was. I see little point in looking backwards.

    There still is promise. The career of escorting will never die. Gay men will always have a need to talk about their research and their adventures. They will always support a worthwhile forum effort. We just have to wait for someone to create one.

  11. 16 hours ago, unicorn said:

    The only reason that site gets more traffic is that it's been around longer

    With all due respect, it's a bit more complicated than that.

    16 hours ago, unicorn said:

    I was blocked for a month because I posted a photo a model had on his facebook page, in which he was with his fully clothed toddler son. He accused me of promoting kiddie porn!! :wacko: If that's not crazy, I don't know what is.

    Daddy is very low on cash. In the wake of the Rentboy fiasco, he's particularly paranoid about the legal issues associated with photo uploads. He simply can't afford the Feds breathing down his site. He can't afford the hint of any fines.

    It's not a good idea to take Daddy's decisions too personally. He pays the bills for owning and maintaining his site, and none of us knows what it's like to do business in his shoes.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Latbear4blk said:

    "we are few but we are better" sounds like self reinforcing bull shit.

    It is self-reinforcement. It's a generous attempt to stay positive about a board in limbo.

    Without the donations, there's no telling how long the "other site" will last. One health care crisis, which can come any day now, will most likely be the end. Mark these words: the week after that place closes, this bar will be packed. The escort-loving queens need to talk, and they'll gather at the most convenient location where the talk is cheap.

  13. 17 minutes ago, AdamSmith said:

    why, Bill is destroying Hooboy's legacy

    Oh Adam, I think that train left the station a long time ago. Hooboy had a clever idea, but he died without health care and a will. Let's not place him too high on a pedestal. Otherwise, we end up looking silly.

  14. 13 hours ago, JDDanielsxxx said:

    Rockhard, and many others who dislike this piece of trash of him being an asshole

    I can't believe another member encouraged me to read this gibberish. To avoid reading the entire post, I had to do a search for my name. IMO, JD should never write another word until his writing/grammar acumen equals his ego.

    One way to seriously lose my favor and respect is to misquote me. To describe Daddy, I NEVER used the words "dislike this piece of trash" or "him being an asshole." I really despise being misquoted, almost as much as I despise having my member name appear in the same sentence as the TROLL.

  15. On the other hand, in the calm of the hurricane's center, should we not consider the serious ramifications that a rush to judgment might cause? Is it really fair to bring down one person's career over a single indiscretion? Who among us is free of at least one indiscretion? Should an indiscretion be treated the same way as serial harassment or rape?

    The problem with the media frenzy, with newspapers like the NYTimes posting "lists" of offenders, all the names get lumped into the "Harvey Weinstein" category. Is that really fair to all the folks who don't come anywhere close to his level of dysfunction?

    Most gay men of a certain age know, a sexual grope from a gay man is definitely not the same as rape or forced sex in exchange for a job. In the 70's, a sexual grope from a gay man was considered an act of friendly flirtation among gays. Things have changed and some gay men have evolved. Should society punish George Takei, or gay men like him, simply because at one time he may have behaved normally, given how gay men behaved at that time?

  16. Some people take advantage of a flood and use it to clean house.

    If you've ever encountered a sexual grope from a famous person in your life, now seems the right time to go public with it. With the astounding deluge that's taking place immediately, how can we expect anyone to hold back? Why should we expect anyone to hold back?

    There's an old saying, what goes around comes around. Another one is karma is a bitch.

    If you once behaved like a predator and got away with it, now may be your day of reckoning. Deal with it.

  17. 4 hours ago, RockHardNYC said:

    7. Donna was upset that, as temporary DNC chief, her hands, power, and agenda were completely controlled by Hillary's campaign. She did like being patronized by smarty pants, cutie-white-boy, Robby Mook.

    This was supposed to read as:

    She did NOT like being patronized by smarty pants, cutie-white-boy, Robby Mook. I guess my edit time maxed out.

  18. I've always enjoyed and respected Donna Brazile, but I'm not sure what to say about her tell-all book. A lot of people don't enjoy gossip-fests. The timing for Democrat bashing is not in her favor. It's a risky venture, for sure. She's gambling with a few burned bridges. Some powerful folks may drop her and leave her forever.

    I'm sure Donna has plenty to vent about. Swimming with sharks is no fun. She defends her effort by saying repeatedly, "Everybody else gets to tell their story, why can't I?" And that's a fair question. But is her telling her story a smart business decision?

    She lost her CNN gig when it was discovered she shared debate questions with Hillary. She claims she shared debate questions with Republicans, too. She's an equal opportunity offender. She said she wanted folks to be prepared for specific topics like "Black Lives Matter," topics that were important to her and "to the country." After that, she became absent on news programs. In essence, she lost her job.

    She complains about not getting paid for all the work she's done for the DNC, being on the road 24/7. She sounds like she's broke and determined to inflict comeuppance. The tell-all book may be the only way to pay the bills at this point. It's never good to be in a desperate financial state, faced with making crucial decisions.

    Her tell-all book is really quite simple:

    1. The DNC was in serious debt.
    2. Obama is a HUGELY popular president who dislikes politics.
    3. Debbie Wasserman Shultz overspent on her hairdresser and clothing, and was an over-worked incompetent. I'm sure Obama and Hillary knew this.
    4. Hillary was forced to re-build the coffers at the DNC, while she was battling Trump. A serious nuisance.
    5. Bernie was asked to do the same, but felt no allegiance to the DNC. He's not a Democrat.
    6. A one-page memorandum suggested that, because Hillary's money came to the rescue, DNC expenditures needed to be approved by Hillary's campaign. The same agreement was offered to Bernie's campaign as a joint oversight, but Bernie didn't give any money.
    7. Donna was upset that, as temporary DNC chief, her hands, power, and agenda were completely controlled by Hillary's campaign. She did like being patronized by smarty pants, cutie-white-boy, Robby Mook.

    8. Hillary's campaign, Obama, and scores of others were overly confident that Hillary had this thing in the bag.

    The End.

    Everybody needs to vent, especially if they work with the assholes who work in politics. IMO, it's rarely a good idea to burn bridges, unless you know you can earn a decent living doing something else.

    I will be watching to see what Donna's future holds.


  19. 37 minutes ago, AdamSmith said:

    Lacking any pain reflex at all

    Slaps are for sissy girls. I prefer to punch assholes in the mouth, knocking out a few teeth. The pain lingers for a few days, if not weeks. Gets the message across quite effectively.

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