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Everything posted by bcdaron

  1. They just want you to vote so they can throw it in your face. We'll you voted for him or conversely you should have voted as if the choices were any better. I'll vote 3rd party instead or won't vote. Not voting is just as power a statement that nether choice is acceptable.
  2. If people are stupid enough to listen to medical advice from Trump that's on them. Do I care what these past presidents would think, HELL NO. Those past presidents were the progenitor to Trump. Trump didn't just evolve out out some Petri dish. The racism was sown in by FDR and his exclusion of Blacks from federal subsidized FHA loan for homes, exclusion from the GI Bill (Hurt my family Great Grand Father Airforce WWII). Don't let me get on all the other virulent racists and sexists who have run this country. I could go on for days with all the other presidents on your list but I think people think most fondly of FDR so I hit him. If you look at Biden he is in the same club of sexists and racists. How does Biden solve Black crime due from poverty- Incarceration How did Obama/Biden handle Immigration from Central America caused by gangs (MS-13) that were started in Los Angeles- Deportation, where they can be killed by MS-13 because we decided to turn Guatemala into Narco state because we wanted right-wing Juan Orlando Hernandez and his drug trafficking brother because they would allow for American business interest to continue. How was Medical handled under Obama/Biden- Greatest blowjob to the insurance industry ever, not only was every American forced to buy private health insurance they were fined and the costs were astronomical. No public option, no expanded Medicare, didn't fix Social Security (Super easy just raise the cap on earnings). Biden is also the reason for the 1.5-2.0 Trillion dollar student debt crisis, he made it hard for regular people to discharge debt and impossible to discharge student debt. He is so far up Wallstreets ass that who cares if he didn't recommend Hydrochloroquine. He'll probably end up killing more people with his economic policies. You'll be lucky to afford the co-pay on your Hydroxy, because handsy Joe doesn't believe in universal healthcare for all citizens like most of the developed world. Finally, all the sexual harassment claims against this man and his apparent lack personal space with young girls hair makes me think, Why is he so much better a choice? All of the past presidents have sucked why assume Biden is better when he is cut from exactly the same cloth. This is all a game and political illusion to think the Obama's, Trumps, and Clinton's all don't just hang out in the same social groups but put on a big show for C-Span. It's why you see Michelle Obama hanging all over GW Bush after they spent their time in the WH saying he was the Devil. There are pictures of these people all at the same parties. It's a sham and Biden won't get my consent to be abused.
  3. I think it's a lost cause to try and persuade this group. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter who wins. We will still be in wars, have a rigged economy, and a crumbling democracy with untrustworthy institutions. But hey, some of our sauna aficionados will get to see more desperate Venezuelan guys when they visit Colombia or Brazil.
  4. I'm going to be perfectly honest with you Black people are not pleased with her. There are conversations that Black people (Excluding Africans or Any Person Not of The African American Diaspora) that we don't have in front of guests. The non-politically correct Black folks that you don't see on T.V. are telling me they can't stand Kamala because she is only conveniently Black now, but when she won her Senate seat the headlines were first Indian-American wins California Senate seat. Her criminal record layered on top of Biden's Crime Bill just kills her chance. This conservative Black YouTuber is on right now with 20,000 viewers trashing Kamala with some arguments I really find hard to refute. Now the majority of Black folks will more than likely vote Biden/Harris. But a full quarter of Black men voted for Trump in 2016, just imagine how that number will go up especially after his soft criminal justice reform in light of the polar opposite presented by Biden & Harris. Criminal justice is an acute issue for Black men when a full 1/3 to 1/4 of Black men are incarcerated. The vote that shows up will heavily go Democratic but turnout will be low, low enough to push Trump to squeak a win in key need to win states.
  5. @numazu1 Thank you for sharing info. Do you happen to know what the minimum coverage is? Do you need 100K or outpatient care? It looks like all they want is travel insurance that has a medical component that covers you in medical emergencies or the need to repatriate for medical reasons. Am I right?
  6. I am Black, I don't need to live vicariously through friends. And I refuse to vote for her. I don't represent all Black men, but I think I know my people better than you.
  7. You think like most politicians "I'm through with being schooled about "black people". Seriously!" our issues and perspective get ignored or sidelined. Just wait for November, then check back with me, you'll see.
  8. I think she will be one component as to why Biden will lose, there will be a confluence of occurrences that will push this election into Trumps hands. I don't want either candidate that's why I'm voting Green. If we get another 4 years of Trump it's honestly what we deserve. Maybe it will knock the DNC out and we can finally have a non-corporate party for once.
  9. If you want more evidence watch watch how young Black people feel.
  10. I'm not going to expose all of Black YouTube just to prove a point. But check the link to see just one such video. There are dozens, not super easy to always find unless your subscribed because the algorithm now prefers to recommend content with no harsh critiques and primary news sources like CNN, FOX, MSNBC first. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTzwmbhmHWg
  11. I know it shouldn't matter but I guarantee Black America is going to feel some type a way about Kamala when they figure out her husband is a crooked rich White dude. I'm not saying it's going to turn Black folks into Trump voters but I don't see Black people showing up for the cop fucking some white man while throwing her own people in jail and is on video cavalierly laughing about it. I've already seen some prominent Black YouTuber with large followings making the argument when she was running in the primary. Everyone forgets she got dusted in South Carolina, you know, the state she was supposed to do so good in because Black people were going to vote for her because she's Black. Some people are thinking the two choices in most people minds are turd or snickers but it's more like choose your death, would you prefer to be drowned or be burned. Neither sounds appealing which is why Black voters that the DNC is counting on will stay home in large enough numbers in key states for Trump to squeak out a victory.
  12. I can't believe they let the gay clubs be open. @numazu1 Do you know if there is any trade at the gay clubs usually? Did they at least have reduced hours at the clubs? Thanks for the detailed report! Can't wait to hear about Rio!!!
  13. Biden needs us to come out and vote enthusiastically for him like Obama to win. Progressives might not make up fully half of the party (young barely vote) but they do make up a 1/3 at least. It would be like Trump ignoring Evangelicals. I personally refuse to vote for Biden he offers nothing to me and my generation. He and Harris have actually has been shitting on the poor, and minorities for 30 years and has gotten away with it because Democrats are supposed to be helping the lower class (BULLSHIT). I'm wasting my vote on Green Party and voting on more important ballot initiatives instead. DNC can eat a dick.
  14. I guess it depends on your community because I know people who would say their level of police harassment would be considered state sponsored terrorism. Someone in this blog just stated how Harris tried to execute an innocent man. Well that innocent man had to be accused by law enforcement first.
  15. All I know is that Trump will win and it will be because a confluence of vote abnormalities due to the postal service, local county officials ineptitude combined with political bias, and finally low voter turn-out for African Americans, Latinos, the young and disenfranchised progressives. I'm trying to be in another country when the stunner from this election comes through....Biden might even win the popular vote. Democrats will hold the house, possibly flip the senate or will be deadlocked almost 50/50. The leadership will refuse to change the filibuster if it goes Democrat or if they do "eliminate the filibuster" it will only be applicable to certain situations and at the discretion of leadership, which is the way it is now (create a fake win they can point to). I hope I'm wrong because I think Biden would be slightly less fascist than Trump domestically, while I still think he'd keep our same international policy of war and oil. But who knows if Biden would be less fascist, after all, it was Obama that got rid of posse comitatus that stops the ability of the government to use federalized troops as a police force, Biden more than like agrees with that stance as well especially since he authored the Crime Bill and just chose a prospector as his VP. Let's face it people the Democrats and the Republicans are corrupt and even the progressives like Bernie Sanders are corrupt. There is no way Bernie could back Biden and actually believe in climate change. At this point it's better to ignore all this white noise of politics and just enjoy what peace you can bring to your reality.
  16. Could you share what company that was, look into using it for a trip to Brazil possibly.
  17. @Riobard Yummy! Where do I send the marriage proposal lol. When he says this place will be open soon does he mean by the end of the year or by 2021?
  18. Thanks Riobard for always keeping us updated. Adriel is gorgeous would love to take him home.
  19. Please let us know how this all goes, I'm dying to go to Brazil but am scared to go and be literally dying.
  20. I am curious does anyone have any information on how big the market cap is for gay oriented businesses worldwide. Additionally, have there been any monopolies or major gay companies or studios with significant power. I am trying to find a pattern of gay influential companies and people that are major players in the gay oriented business sectors. Who would be Hugh Hefner's (brands of old), and Elon Musks (new innovative mogul) of the gay world be. I'm very interested if there has been anyone that's tried to to consolidate the whole gay business sectors like owning all the gay bars in Western Ohio. Thanks in advance
  21. Because I would like to learn what your line of reasoning is. Best Regards,
  22. I don't follow your logic here. For the students that worked their way through school I would say congratulations. You do have to realize that wages in the United States have been stagnant for the last 40 years. So for some people depending on when they went to school during these last 40 years the cost of college was much more attainable especially at the beginning of the those 40 years. The cost of college has increased so much that it is nearly impossible to get out of college without any debt. Additionally, just because someone receives a benefit that you may not be privy to shouldn't make you jealous. I mean plenty of people didn't get social security and then all of the sudden people started getting it, would you also agree that was wrong because the first recipients our grandparents and great grandparents certainly didn't pay fully into the system when it was first created. African Americans especially didn't get social security due to the nature of (forced) domestic work that employed a large percentage of the populace which was exempt from social security. I think it is crazy to begrudge a future generation for receiving a new benefit, so what do we say to all those kids that didn't get free lunch at public schools before, or to the people who didn't get free public school, or even free public libraries. It's silly to think a benefit to all of society hurts the ones who had a harder time previously. Please explain what you mean by non-school pleasures. I can see stuff like crazy study abroad programs or even spending some of the college aid on beers, but I think you need to talk to current college students because that is happening a lot less than you think nowadays. I think Sanders is a genious to question the status quo, I'm not sure why people think we can't do these things. We are the richest and most powerful country on Earth. We literally can print the money to get it done, we all know that ever since Breton-Woods we are not on the gold standard and we have had a trade deficit since 1975 and still have the biggest GDP. As long as we have a military that everyone fears and respects and are the lynch pin to global safety in trade routes, we can essentially do as we please. Additionally, his tax on trades is really well placed because it is the only place to generate that kind of revenue and it is on a part of the economy which is essentially wall street funny money with trillions in faulty derivatives and inflated government and junk bonds that are only performing due to FED quantitative easing.
  23. Please tell me why you think it is unrealistic. I am genuinely curious.
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