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Posts posted by Docbr01

  1. Thx for the update in both stories. I really like to know how others deals with some “long” term relations with the gp… While I find easy to connect and make friendship with the guys, most of the times it end up with them asking for more and more “free” money, that’s make me feel bad to deny or even to comply , because I feel explored. 

    But loved the charity idea …  I guess there is even commercial potencial for a care home for older gay guys where all the caregivers are tall, strong muscular ex (?) GP Brazilians … I’m sure I would love to spend my last days in one of those. 

  2. Would add Recife too, quite a few tourist options (museums, forts from colonial time, Olinda colonial houses) and great beach’s in southern litoral in Pernambuco (well, not really in Recife - unless you dont mind losing a limb to sharks) - like Porto de Galinhas e Carneiros / Tamandaré beach (both like 1 hour car drive from Recife). Also, Termas Boa Vista has some good market boys wise. 

    While the beach’s in Pernambuco are fantastic (with great resorts), the scene on those is lacking - but if you make contacts in Recife, it’s quite easy to arrange for a guy to spend the day (or a few days) with you in a hotel there. 

  3. I’m fact the recent spike in Brazilian central bank interest rates (taxa Selic, as we call here in Brazil) from an all time low of 2% per year (unheard of in all Brazilian history) in the middle of the pandemic, a move to boost the economy, to the now actual rate of 11.7% / year, a move needed to slow down inflation, is the main reason that the Real gained value against the USD.

    High interest rates mean more dollars in the country.

    As Brazilian inflation rates are always very hard to control , we could expect higher interest rates and the dollar losing more value in front of the Brazilian real (or at least keeping it actual rates) for at least 2 years. 
    On a side note, a window for investing in Brazilian real state is closing now … apartments were a real bargain here for a while (for anyone with USD that is).

  4. On 2/23/2022 at 6:53 PM, westonweb said:

    São Paulo and Rio both use 110v/115v... completely compatible with American Voltage requirements. In the kitchen areas you may find 220v outlets, they are usually marked with a red face plate to differentiate them from the 110. Most times they will be clearly labeled with 220v, especially at an AirBnB, because a few Americans did not understand what the red color meant!  The 220v outlets are always in the kitchen to accommodate certain popular counter top appliances that Brazilians like to have in their kitchens.  

    This is correct. Except that in hotels there might be (usually only one) outlet with 220 v (all marked with a label or red color). 

    In Northeast states the outlets are mostly 220v.

  5. 14 hours ago, speedoo1 said:

    Elaborate?  Expecting to travel to Rio later this month and would like to buy if easily available. Where to buy without prescription?

    Most medications (except over the counter like ibuprofen) in Brazil requires (by law) that you show a medical prescription in the pharmacy counter in order to buy it - like viagra or Cialis. It is never enforced. Just ask at the counter for viagra (original or generic) and no one will bat an eye for it , and you will get  it.
    The only medications that the pharmacist will require an prescription are the special drugs (like steroids and opioids) that the law mandates retention of your prescription.  Oh , antibiotics too requires retention of prescription now, but not a “special prescription” other drugs need. 

  6. Sad to see it go, always liked the old fragata, even with its subpar facilities. The new place (I went twice) was too hardcore to me … only one suite and no bedsheets in any of the other cabines. Besides that the number of guys where low both days I went.

    I think the challenges of the sauna scene are too great in Brazil now - the internet competition, pandemics and juridical insecurity for owners - nothing helps . 

  7. Well, Brazil, despite Bolsonaro attempts to let the pandemic runs its course (and killing the projected 2 million deaths if no control measures were taken) is starting to see a downturn in cases, thanks to the vaccination rates gathering pace. The restrictions are much softer now (bars and restaurants - including saunas - can stay open up to 11 pm in São Paulo, the state with most restrictions). Keep in mind the virus is still in circulation, but if you are vaccinated and would use masks in public places , I guess it’s an reasonable risk to travel to Brazil now, and you would not lose much in terms of fun in Rio or SP - unless you would want to engage in crowed parties like the ones in The Week or other pool parties (some can still be found,  but “underground”).

  8. In fact, Brazil Visa requirements for US (and I think Australia) were based on a pillar of Diplomacy and International Relations - the principle of Reciprocity. Since US, Australia and Canada requires Brazilians to get a visa to travel to their countries, Brazil used to require the same. That’s not the case for the countries of the Schengen space, with which brazil has a tourism agreement and citizens of both places do not need visas to visit the other.

    Bolsonaro government abolished the Visa requirement for US citizens in a move to please Donald Trump, his so called friend, in hopes that the US would drop Visa requirements for Brazilians. I’m not sure if Bolsonaro loses the election (God’s permit) the visa requirement abolition will uphold. 

  9. On 6/13/2021 at 8:15 AM, floridarob said:

    I was at Lagoa Fri and Sat and it was as busy as before Covid.....

    Unfortunately that has not been my impression. Was at 117 last week and definitely it isn’t what I remember from 2019 and earlier. But nonetheless I had great time and even met a competitive and handsome men’s physique bodybuilder (among others).  About lagoa, was there the week before and had the same feeling, but maybe I’m mixing memories with the old lagoa building. 

  10. I guess all the days others posted in the forums still apply… For Rio, Tuesday being the best day on 117 and Wednesday being the best day on Point 202. Monday only Point is open and Sunday only 117 is open (as well on Tuesday). Others days is hit or miss I guess.

    On Lagoa, Monday is a somewhat good day other than Friday/Saturday. 

    Keep in mind that business haven’t gone back to good old days in any venue, but you will find a good number of working guys. 

  11. Tom, hope you find a great house and have great time in Florida ... but can’t help wondering why , now that you are retired, you are losing time looking for a home elsewhere that is not Rio. You know a retired Tomcal living full time in Rio would become almost a tourist attraction for boys in all Brazil. :D

  12. Wow, I’m totally shocked to hear that Tinder / Grindr app where (or still are) closed in France. I understand the rationale of avoiding meetings but I think it trespass too much civil liberties. I mean, come on, with everything closed one have the right to at least virtually meet and talk  people. Dating in person or the serial dating that many guys indulge is other matter, but until “mandatory stay at home / domiciliary prison orders” are at place, people must have the choice.

    On the other hand , I’m living in São Paulo right now ... and after one year almost locked on home I could visit Lagoa two weeks ago (15 days after my second vaccine shot), but now cases are soaring again and the saunas in SP (and all other bars) are closed again.

  13. Wow, so glad I found this thread ... don’t know why, but I can’t access my old account (docbr) and started this new one. I had no idea of the minimum post requirement to get access to the other sections and will start working on those asap. Unfortunately the Brazil area is off limits for me, so can’t contribute much since I’m here right now.

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