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    paulsf got a reaction from vinapu in Things are back to pre-Covid (trip report June 2023)   
    Brings tears to my eyes, as I do my 30 hour trip , door to door.   
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    paulsf reacted to vinapu in Hasty reward - trip to Thailand and Malaysia in May of 2023   
    Day 9
     N sleeps in his shop. Because of that,  3 days a week  he is cleaning it before opening and after closing which I consider very fair. That was reason he could come only at 1 but I did not mind, we still had good , largely sleepless night. Left at 6  to take care about the shop so I returned to warmed bed  to get some sleep.
    At 9 marched to Foodland, heart bleeding becauseby 5 minutes  I missed  time when breakfast is whopping 10 baht cheaper, then to XOne to exchange money and to Silom market in soi 10 to buy charger as I left mine in hotel in Kuala Lumpur, one of senior moments I guess because I’m not exactly known  for  leaving my stuff behind.
    Silom market as market go is very modest affair but yet in my every hour of need , be it charger , coat hangers, baseball hat, undies, t-shirt , pen , day pack , you name it ,I go there and find what I need , usually for very little.
    I spotted one of Jupiter mamasans manning  one of the stands.
    In hotel no water again but power was so I made a coffee and then took BTS to Madrid for lunch with Christian PFC.  Always interesting chat over tasty pizza, we have our ritual and share whatever we ordered half / half with each other.
     We walked back , I was mindful that I have to meet  P from Hot Male at 3 to check stamp collection so made sure I’m there , in still empty soi on time. No sight of him , nor even answer to my Lines so at 3.30 I left empty handed. Reader reported that he will be drinking coffee at Coffee Grinder at 5 if I want to join so I used that occasion to complain, his answer was very reasonable P obviously is not in  a need of money. Good for P  thought I.
    Just before 5 I got message from him “ sorry I slept in”. Too late obviously as I had other designs this afternoon.
    Reader and I exchanged news while tasting their coffee and first and foremost admiring their cheerful and handsome staff. I even get bonus when boys were readying to leave at they close at 6 one of them changed  shirt to reveal torso worth 2750 baht short time in process.
    This trip I decided firmly to return to old butterflying days, did not work exactly as intended with few repats anyways but at least I tried and liked it. Today I scheduled last bar I did not visit yet- Dreamboys so around 9 went there.
      Several boys on the stage already , among them Fai, very good masseur  I know from Arena so called him for drink, shortly his brother Dit arrived to wing me from other side. But I was in no mood to hire from there.  What I saw was discouraging. Out of 3 rotation about 12 each so total 30-40 guys I’d remotely consider 3 and only # 11 looked truly attractive earning red not as I departed.
     A lot of veterans of soi Twilight which says something. Ggobkk who visited few day earlier had exactly the same impression but on another hand Jason 1975 who went there few days after me completely disagreed. So either I had bad luck or he had good one or there’s fundamental difference in taste. As I said somewhere else and tend to repeat constantly -  go and check for yourself , my throwaway may be your treasure and other way around.
     Tipped both brothers 200 for their time and old times sake  and decided to have another try at Moonlight I visited last week. With all bars covered time for 2nd round.
    I was hoping to see Y , who impressed me on my last night in Feb and yes , he was on the stage. No time was wasted to bring him over for a drink and before his was delivered , night’s fate was sealed.
    A,  the hunk spotted me as well so I invited him for drink too , if only to tell him that I did not like last week  when he abandoned me from another customer.
     This time he did not go anywhere  until his drink was finished . So I used that to try to wrestle him a bit which we always do  , he always wins but my ego is still boosted because I manage to resist for  a bit. He made suggestion we repeat Feb feast with Y and him together but I said that for me it’s twice expense for half fun so he gave up trying.  
    In models parade I noticed few new faces, Jack who appeared very nervous last week seems settled now but for now Mean seem to be my #1. I also noticed I’m warming up to Babe, perhaps because now he is not one to close parade as he always did , now he is one of many.
    I did not see Nut last time neither during parade today but at one point he showed up, came to say hallo, admitted casually he is late and way he was dressed made me suspect that he must be in good hands now. Very formal and elegant at the same time so I’m happy for him he found his girl or man, whoever. Another one not present was Nicky, neither last week nor today but time I was in love with him is long gone.
    I’m glad they are trying to refresh their models  stable  as old faces and bodies , while still attractive are becoming bit stale so new blood is needed. On another hand I must admit original set was of really outstanding quality,  real hunky hunks while never crew is somewhat mixed which is not necessarily wrong as not everybody likes that type.
     At one point I start getting itchy so tipped A and  marched with Y to hotel by the way of Unesco Heritage. Y turned endearingly modest when comes to food as Foodland was his idea and he chosen some ordinary dish like pad Thai. Not that modest when came to LT tip but absolutely and positively did his best to earn it. One of those few precious who feel immediately what and when customer wants. By far best night of this trip. I was so excited and happy that I almost pay dearly for all that fun but that’s the story for next installment .
  3. Like
    paulsf reacted to vinapu in Hasty reward - trip to Thailand and Malaysia in May of 2023   
    Day 6
     While day was hot , night was quite agreeable and since my room is facing east I managed to sleep without air condition, feast I repeated all 3 nights there.
    I like cold but don’t like cold draft and no day is better to say that than today, day I’m putting this report together  as thanks to draft at work directly over my head I waked up at 4 am tonight with heavy cough and sneezing and whole day today,  Jun 18  I feel like it’s my last, only slight exaggeration.
    Fortunately  now is easing up a bit  and I hope that if will go away as suddenly  as it arrived.  There was no consolation to talk to my friend in Germany on her birthday today as  few days ago she was in the same situation thanks to AC in Malta . As you can imagine our conversation was consisting mainly coughs.
    Age has own privileges I guess.
    Back to Furama Bukit, I slept  till 7 am without any interruption which means day 6 was my first without jet lag trace. It used to be 3 days now we are at 5. Breakfast in hotel at 35 RM, about 270 baht, not  bad value. What made me distinguished was fact that I was only farang in full restaurant.
    I made bit of sociological observation, to my right and left were families of 4,mom , dad and 2 teenagers,  one looked Chinese other Indian although not necessarily they were from those countries.
     What made me notice was how tables were looking after they left. One was fairly neat , another one was exponential mess. Sometimes we wonder why some countries are marching ahead faster than others and I thought bit of answer was right there. Of course it was one go so I’d not make much of that but still eye poking contrast it was.
    I made stroll around Bukit Bintang in daylight, then heat got to me so returned to hotel to freshen up and them went by combination of monorel ( how  monorail is called there ) and metro to pride of Malaysia - Petronas Towers. I was awed right away, what an impressive structures !!!. Doesn’t matter their place on the list of tallest ones, 3 , 7 or 11 or whatever. In esthetics it beats them all in my not so humble opinion.
     My friend warned me that ticket to the top are restricted and indeed they were , specially that today was Sunday and on Monday viewing is closed. At 2 pm only 16 tickets were left for the day – they have excellent system showing what’s available  All for last two lifts , at 8.30 and 8.45.
    So it will be KL by night.
    Guy at register was not blind thanks God and before I asked told me I qualify for senior discount of 60RM instead full price about twice of that. Old is gold !  
    There was no line up but when I was leaving 5 minutes later , ticket  for  8.30 pm in the pocket , it was only 1 available for the last lift. I guess internet sales cleaned the rest.  
     Lined  my friend so we had dinner together in Bukit district. Tab reminded me we are in Muslim majority country and while food was tasty and cheap , Tiger beer was tasty and expensive. We agreed to try massages after my Petronas foray and parted ways for afternoon.
    I did some local sightseeing , decided to take hop-on hop off bus for full circle tomorrow. Found stop nr 1 close to Bulkit Bintang monorel station and did some walk here and there, just to taste Malaysia bit more. At dark I decided to go to towers and it was wise as they let us about 20 minutes earlier than scheduled.
    If during day towers look impressive and night they become just fairly tale, I should say fucking fairly tale but today is Sunday so I wont swear on holy day.
    First step was that bridge mid way. Because towers are swaying is not fixed but hold on some rails  facilitating movement. Then 86 floor, really impressive and not for faint hearted I guess. There were some people who were reluctant to come close to the windows  and I don’t blame them.
    I have fear of heights too but learned in my mountaineering years  how to deal with that. It’s bit simple, at first don’t look into chasm, whatever it is , look straight ahead .
    Lined my friend from the top I’m coming down and we mat in Bukit Bintang again, had some drinks and went to look for  massage. There are several shops , mostly mixed on the one street so it makes comparison shopping easy.  Of course some ladies of the night tried to get business but we professed to be shy or married and after full tour of street  went to shop my  friend recommended.
     Massage was good but guy was dressed although not shy enough so I managed to tough his rigid thing through the jeans but that was about it . No extras were offered and no wonder as all they had was just curtains   as dividers. Then I decided on pedicure since my feet are always disaster , whole thing lasted 2 hrs and I was charged 215 RM. Not being sure I should tip but went on side of caution and generosity and gave boy 100 RM extra.  Of course it was no comparison to Bangkok other than price , 315 RM is about 2400 baht but I was happy to see other , more secretive side of KL.
     It was pleasure to finally have normal night of sleep again.
  4. Like
    paulsf reacted to vinapu in Things are back to pre-Covid (trip report June 2023)   
    blessed are those whose flight time is only 2.5 hrs
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    paulsf reacted to vinapu in Hasty reward - trip to Thailand and Malaysia in May of 2023   
    Day 3
     In meantime N, the masseur,   is carpet bombing me with messages of how much he misses me, how great I am (like I don’t already know), dispensing advices to sleep plenty and eat well    etc.
    I know it’s well intentioned but annoying too. My mother was not even 1/10 that overbearing. I like him and want to see him again so I feel entrapped.  
     On my way to Foodland I met him is Silom,  promised him another sleepover tonight.
    Today is my tourist day, I went to Nakhon Pathom to see Great Stupa I saw from distance when going to train market in February.  
    With trains moved to Bang Sue Grand Station it’s a bit of travel. -BTS  to Mor Chit,then  2 stops by MRT to station itself . Station is clearly oversized for traffic it handles and since my train was long distance it was some celebration. Passengers lined up in vast waiting area and we were admitted  to a platform in orderly queue only 20 minutes before departure but for 20 baht fare I can suffer plenty.
    Right after train started rolling so did numerous food vendors offering food and drinks and as I noticed doing quite a brisk trade. In about 1 hr I was there. No problem finding stupa as it is 200 m from station at other end of wide street connecting those two. Admission for foreigners was 60 baht.
    It is of impressive size and worth detour. On platform there’s big poster showing other attraction of the city certainly proud of being home of Thailand’s biggest stupa.
    After sightseeing I walked through the market and acquired 2 pair of shorts with multiple pockets ( 6 at front and 2 in the back )  I so like at 400 baht a piece.
    Returned by commuter train to Thonburi station, for some reason fare was not 20 but whopping 40 baht. From there walked to the river and took the Chao Praya Express boat to Saphan Taksin pier.
    Jet lag is still tormenting me  but barely alive I went to G’Bangkok in soi 4  for their Thursday schnitzel special at 199 as always warmly greeted by the owner and both Banana barkers across. No doubt their enthusiasm is generated by my good looks and heart  , not the 100 baht I occasionally,  but not every time, no, no,  slip into their undies just to train my Vinapu tuck motions. But one of them is veteran of soi Twilight and another one object of my  quiet adoration, lol.
    From there , invigorated by warm welcome and good food I went to Hot Male beer bar to have a beer there and chat with Aung, funny Myanmarese twink and then to Tawan where me, newest ATM model,  was enthusiastically welcomed with hugs, lowered briefs and  palms outstretched but today I had them disappointed for shortage of red notes.
     Even one of their performers sitting outside gave me heartily hug  saying ‘ welcome back Mr. KFC. I like that “Mister ‘ part as it boosted my ego exponentially. Tips or not , always fun there. It was still early but Mas, the twink did not waste time and offered massage upstairs. Generally not a good idea after just having a dinner but I like him and his massage is pretty skilled so I agreed and soon we were climbing stairs. Fee is 900 , not necessarily cheap for very average facilities but as I said I have weak spot for masseur so why not ? 1.5 hr nice session I can repeat every day although it crossed my mind it would be cheaper just to off him to hotel for 500 instead of paying their somewhat extortionate fee.
     By time we finished show started so additional bonus when going down was to see preparation and one of their guy was getting hard to a straight porn movie , I couldn’t resist and wrapped red note around his impressive, ready for presentation , endowment. He did not resist either, lol.
     Bar was packed and they had me sitting just by the back door but soon somebody left and I was offered better space.
    I noticed few new faces , both bodybuilders and  some  twinky types and one very proportionally built hunk , not exactly teenager with ass to die for so spoiled few newbies with tips as I miraculously found 500 baht in 100 notes in one of my 8 pockets. Remember that hunk as we will  meet him toward end of trip.
     So as always despite  not so subtle tip pressure, that being my own  fault  I agree, I had , as always , tons of fun in Tawan.
    Returned to hotel and was waiting for N to show up for promised overnight. Shortly I could welcome him in front of hotel but in the room we discovered nasty surprise – no water in the washroom. Fortunately he had shower before arrived and I had at Tawan after massage  . Big bottle in refrigerator was enough to refresh our teeth and we went to bed but activities for drought reason were somewhat restricted. Nobody’s fault and still nice exercise. Night guard promised things will be taken care in the morning and soothingly informed me that in case we need toilet , one by reception is  fully functional
  6. Like
    paulsf reacted to jason1975 in Things are back to pre-Covid (trip report June 2023)   
    Saturday (Day 14) - Poker night in hotel room with 3 Laos guys with loser drinking soju shots or stripping one piece of clothing. Winner of each round wins 100 baht. I met and got to know them over the years and had offed them individually.
    Last December during Christmas, all 3 were working at Banana and I took them back for poker party. 6 months later, one has upgraded to Jupiter (because he is most handsome among them) while another went back to Freshboys where he first started. The youngest had gone back to Laos but came back to Bangkok to work again at Banana just a few days ago.
    I had their Line accounts and told them in advance the plan for the night - pick up Jupiter Laos guy first followed by Banana Laos guy then they go to Foodland Patpong to order dinner while I pick up Freshboys Laos guy. As it was early at about 8.30pm, bars were empty and mamasans were flexible. They allowed me to just turn up at bar and no need to buy drink for myself. Just pay off fee. But it was my last night of this trip and feeling generous, I tipped the mamasans.
    Because the 3 Laos guys haven't met each other for a while now that they are working at different bars, it was awkward for them at first when we had dinner together at Foodland Patpong but once they got warmed up, it was like old times joking and having fun. After dinner, we walked as a group back to hotel, passing by Hotmale beer bar downstairs and I said bye to the staff there and see you again in December for Christmas.
    In hotel room, we thankfully didn't get any complaints from hotel because of too much noise. This time round, everyone had gotten wiser at poker so no one ended up stripped down to birthday suit. After finishing the soju and winning the money I prepared for them, they left happily.
    I went with them down to hotel lobby. We went our separate ways. I went to Tawan to off tall dark twink with glasses whom I had seen a few days ago. Very young only 19. Thai. Horny like crazy and kept begging to fuck me. Enjoyable session. Only downer is he asked for extra for taxi.
  7. Like
    paulsf reacted to vinapu in Hasty reward - trip to Thailand and Malaysia in May of 2023   
    Day 2
     No rush in the morning, N wanted to stay longer but I was hungry so ordered shower and trip to Unesco for breakfast.
    Then packed my luggage and went to my next dig – Baan Silom in soi 3. That’s one of my most favorite places in Silom  and almost  no trip goes without me staying there. Nothing fancy but very comfortable and spacious rooms, full size refrigerator, friendly hosts and night guard, very close to bars yet soi 3 with exception of morning and afternoon rush hours is quiet street. 7/11 across the street, and lively market right around the corner.
     Room was available so I was able to check in right away and got the room I was sleeping in many times before.
    For last few trips I become fan of Jey Spa in Sukhumvit soi 43 . I like their selection and fast response time . Guy I wanted based on their Line feed, Ten was not available this week so I settled on Noom whom I saw in Dec 2001 in Sabaidee spa and for whom I got very good feedback from one of our members who was entertained by him few times.
    On my way there I went to Siam paragon just to stroll through as I can’t recall I was there in the past. I’m not mall person and in Bangkok neighborhood markets like soi 10 or soi 5 plus Silom stores is all I need. Arrived at Jey bit earlier and noticed they have discreet but visible sign now. It’s about 10 minutes walk from either Phrom Phnom  or Thonglor BTS stations.
     Place is bit upscale , fitting it’s neighborhood and VIP rooms are like regular hotels rooms. Sure it cists but they have cheaper options too. 1.5 hr in VIP is 1250 for massage , when one books guy is informed what is his minimum tip rate for desired length of time. I was told 1800 for 1.5 hr.
    Noom is one of those who look better in flesh than on pics , much better. If not recommendation I’d probably miss him. He turned out great guy and it was very pleasant and rewarding 1.5 hrs . What a hunk, what a body !
    I was almost tempted to have another session right away but start feeling sleepy so returned to hotel to collapse one the bed from 4.30 to 8.30. Those jet lags are killing me.
     Then to G’Bangkok in soi 4 for my dinner warmly welcomed by not only boss there but also both barkers from Banana across the soi. I have secret crush on one of them  but I’m too shy to approach him but always promise myself I will do next trip. During dinner one of members Lined me asking what are my planes for tonight and I realized that I have none. It’s almost 10 pm and I don’t know where to go. What’s wrong with me ?
     I took easy way and went to Jupiter in the same soi. Wise decision. I entered just before first boy parade. Everybody was in briefs  but without number. I was stunned. Probably first time in any bar I ever been in Thailand I liked every single one of them. Not even one I’d not take home. 100% approval rate, wow! And this comes from me , never being fan of Jupiter and it’s boys. While I like their look I find their lack of facial  expression off putting although I know if’s just a management ordered  pose because when boys are sitting with you or being offed they behave normally . In the past  I never had much luck with them with exception of certain transplant from Tawan and my visits there were only for visual pleasure. I also don’t get logic of boys hidden in the corners and parading without numbers , how we are supposed to  get them ? seems too much effort.
    But last two offs from there  were  very good so I  started sniffing around tonight for an opportunity
     I watched a show , mid way was another parade, this time boys were in boxers but still without numbers. Some sported even trace of smile, o, la, la.
    Show quite interesting and entertaining and one can glimpse erect cock here and there for few precious seconds , thing unheard of before.
    After show third parade,   this time bare chested guys in jeans but sporting numbers, sign that it’s time to get serious . Since one of guys noticing my interest smiled at me broadly during that walkabout I asked mamasan to bring him over.
     Came all in smiles and when asked about going with me accepted immediately so I did not even bother with drink but just paid off fee and off we went parading through soi holding hands at his insistence.  Very embarrassing as I’m very shy guy , on Silom he changed to embrace me and that’s how we arrived in hotel, my heart pumping.  
    Seemed great off again but in the room return to usual Jupiter scheme, sweet but hasty. Long time yes but 6000 so I declined  an offer. So we had 40 minutes steamy, sweet  but rush session. When he left I was both happy and disappointed as I could use his great company longer but no, not for 6000.
    Since I slept during day I did not feel sleepy at night and after he left I caught with Line and e-mails as well as forum , even surveyed Grindr and went to bed only at 3.30 am ending quite a nice day 2
  8. Like
    paulsf reacted to vinapu in Hasty reward - trip to Thailand and Malaysia in May of 2023   
    That was nasty surprise. One evening I felt something between discomfort and light pain. By the morning it was something under my skin which was mildly painful  and could be easily felt as it was size of , say 10 baht coin.
     In the following days it did not grew but mild pain, sometimes just discomfort persisted. Of course in such case we assume the worst and so did I, specially that survived that long without hospitals and treatments. Then there were some obstacles like my workload and my doctor on vacations. Anyways after 4 weeks of kind of terror, more mental than physical though,  I got  tested. It was Wednesday. On Thursday at precisely 2.14 p.m. phone rung. It was not marketer, it was my doctor. “ Don’t worry , it’s just a cyst and eventually it will be absorbed. Nothing to worry about “ . Thank you doctor, you saved my life again said I.
     Now, May is my traditional vacation month for two reasons, I’m tired with work and my wallet is packed. But this year for reasons not related to me nor Thailand  May vacation were not in the cards.
    Doctor’s phone changed all that. I said he called at 2.14 p.m. By time I went to bed around 11.30 pm. I had already booked tickets to Bangkok for 6.30pm on Sunday and from there to Kuala Lumpur and back plus all hotels in Bangkok, KL and Pattaya. 72 hours and I was on the road.
     This was my reward I granted myself on account of good news. I loved it as my best vacations were always on the whim and not planned but with 72 hrs. I was even impressed with myself .
     Not particularly cheap, in fact my most expensive Thai trip ticket ever and not fast with 2 connections but who cares?. I got clean bill of health  and on the road again. What else I may want ?  
    When waked up Sunday morning , day of my departure I noticed very strange thing. Usually in such circumstances I should be dreaming about some naked hunk beside me with my hand on his thing but instead first thing which came to my mind was pizza at Madrid Tavern and schnitzel at Gbangkok.  OMG I thought, is that it, am I losing it or what ? In January after Cambodian fiasco I was afraid I may turn lesbian but food lover? Me?
     It was my first flight through Middle East connection , namely Qatar. I had expectancies based on what I read on the forum and heard from others. I found airline agreeable, service was good although seemed bit disorganized. Food kind of  so, so,  but would be treat for salt lovers. In short not as great as some claimed and not bad at all. What I loved though was Doha airport and while initially I was not happy with 3 hrs layover , when there I was glad I had so much time for my disposal.
    Surprise in the airport  – relatively few travelers in traditional ‘sheikh” white garb or veiled women.
    Landed in Bangkok very conveniently at 6.30 am almost no lines in immigration. I wisely decided to buy SIM card before picking my luggage and it popped out exactly in the moment I approached conveyor. So it was breeze. Checked rates at exchange booths and again wisely did not change money as  XOne on Suriwong  , it turned out,  had bit better rate. ARL to BTS, change at Siam, short walk from Sala Daeng to soi 8 and my day 1 started
    Day 1
     To be sure I will have an access to bed and shower I booked room at Nantra Silom for night before. Bit horror as they initially couldn’t find my reservation but finally they did. Not much changed from last time I was there pre-covid. Breakfast served no more and computers are gone from the lobby.
     Room was clean , A/C was working and so was shower. Safety deposit box did not but me , always naïve decided to take a chance and left is as is hoping for the best , as it turned out , rightly so.
    One thing was missing – not even one hanger. But  with markets in soi 10 and soi 5 across Silom deficiency easily fixable.
    It was morning so next step was breakfast in world famous Unesco heritage Foodland Patpong where I was recognized by at least 3 waiters and greeted with smile, shortly boss himself was passing by and wai me as well. Welcome home vinapu thought I.
     Then round of area, I always like scenes and smells of morning market in Patpong 1, went to XOne to exchange money , Silom market to buy, you guessed rightly 5 hangers for 50 baht. ( no,  I did not donate them to Nantra, took with me and only left in my last hotel ). Returning to hotel I saw short but very muscular guy in front of one of massage places in soi 6.
     He noticed my interest and run toward me trying to secure massage but I was sleepy despite this being only noon so promised to see him later . Lets call him N and we will hear about him often in this report.
    But now I collapsed on the bed exhausted by long trip and jet lag which is tormenting me more and more as I age. I did not sleep on the plane and to add , two ladies sitting in my row were yakking quite loudly for most of the flight.
     Returned to life around 3pm and yes , went to see N. It was very good decision as massage was excellent, it truly was. Not particularly cheap, 950 for the shop for 1.5 hr and N wanted 2000 for his troubles but I was happy, particularly that he came with idea of overnight with me before I even managed to opened my mouth.
    Well massaged , thus invigorated and feeling hungry marched toward Suriwong and in front of Tawan I saw Dum , boy I offed several times, sitting proudly on motorcycle. It turned out that during day he is motorsai driver , returning to bar duties at night. So asked him to give me ride to Madrid Tavern in Charoen Krung soi 49, paid him 60 baht. Business is business.
     Lady at Madrid not only recognized me immediately, right away asked : “Chang , no glass ?” and when I selected spinach and cheese pizza she expressed shock why not my usual shallots and cherry tomatoes so I was forced to change to my usual. Also asked about my friend whom she did not see for quite long meaning Christian PFC as we dined there many times on both old location and current. I promised  to bring him in one day.
     Getting dark so time for bars, first go to HotMale beer bar where I met reader and after a while we decided to check on Banana club in soi 4 which I consider 2nd most friendly bar after Tawan and even Lucy is not able to change that.  I called one of boys  to sit with me loyally telling him I already have boy for the night but we had pleasant time and tipped him 500 just for fun of it. Lucy of course tried to leech some tip but I stood my ground although she was tempting me with showing her knee , go figure.
    Next step was Moonlight. A, the hunk I offed on my last nights in last two trips spotted me right away , came to shake hands  and asked for drink which I gladly bought hoping to have nice time holding his massive forearm. But after sip or two he asked me to let him to greet some client so old idiot I agreed and he never returned that evening obviously having better time there . So my 400 were misspent so to speak.
     While I like him very much thank you I still considered it rude and taking me for granted. Leaving bar I  not only knew who is sleeping with me tonight but I also knew who won’t for sure this trip. On my way home I peeked into Tawan but  they were already emptying so promised to see them another night.
     N showed as promised at 1 and we had indeed good time so trip started well.
  9. Like
    paulsf reacted to reader in The Prince reopening?   
    Dutifully journeyed to location to be among first to attend announced Prince reopening. 
    It was not to be. 
    I was at first heartened when I spotted the the Prince logo on outside wall.

    I ventured forth but was soon greeted by evidence of on-going construction.

    Exploring further, I located what appears to be a temporary entrance but path within had more construction material.

     I texted Line website and inquired if new opening date was available. Short time later I received response of Sunday, 18 June.
    Will follow up because (1) management replied quickly to my question and (2) this is shaping up as a promising location from a brand with a storied Bangkok history.
  10. Like
    paulsf reacted to jason1975 in Things are back to pre-Covid (trip report June 2023)   
    Sunday ( Day 8 ) - Moonlight was choice of venue to visit. 450 baht entry for one drink. Payment at entrance. I paid with a 1000-baht note and the staff returned 550 baht in the form of prepared neatly folded 50 baht and 100 baht notes. Very clever and thoughtful way for customer to be ready with 100 baht notes to give tips inside the bar.
    About 30 customers for 10.30pm show. Group of 6 Koreans had a bottle of whisky to share drinks among themselves. Front row had two pairs consisting of farang customers and their Asian guys (from other bars) and also one pair of Asian customers in 50s whom I saw at Hotmale the previous night. At back seats, there was one pair of European male customers and 3 separate small groups of Chinese/Taiwanese customers (about 3 or 4  each) all with individual drinks. Only one other single punter like me - Asian in 60s and seated near me at back. All were here for show and no one invited any guy down from stage for drinks despite mamasans encouragement to cajole us.
    About 25 guys in black topless Moonlight T-shirt and black sweat pants on rotation on stage. Red number tags on their pants. Some are really handsome, most are next-door-types who have been dolled up. Not as model-looking as Jupiter but also not as rough as Hotmale and not as old as Dreamboys. I noticed one tall guy previously from Jupiter.
    Show started late at 10.45pm. Only 3 Moonlight models performing tonight- Tam, Nut and Mark. Tam had an impressive James Bond performance involving green lasers. Nut and Mark did towel number and there was slight glimpse of their pubes at finale. Nut and Mark also did matador and bull erotic dance. A lipsynching diva ladyboy also performed, alternating with the models. During model presentation after show, Jack and Jar came down with Tam, Nut and Mark. And there was a 6th model - a farang with distinctive tattoos on the entire left side of his body but no tattoo on right side. Muscular body and defined abs. His name was Mr Ryan. Awkward moment when the emcee asked whether anyone wanted to give 1000 baht garlands. Two mamasans went around holding garlands to ask customers. Unresponsive crowd. Finally one Chinese customer passed a mamasan six 100-baht notes to give to each model on stage.
    Models did get their tips eventually at last performance - the Boom Shake number where they danced close to customers. Customers freely gave out 100 baht and even 200 baht tips to models when they were up close to them. I think they preferred to pass them the money themselves. However, only 4 models appeared and did the dance - Tam, Nut, Mark and Jar (even though he seemed self-conscious of his dancing). Jack didn't dance and neither did guest model Mr Ryan so no tips for them.
    Show ended at 11.45pm. One hour as advertised. Two singers (one male and one female) started singing and the non-model Moonlight guys stood behind them and smiling to customers. I like this format compared to making them just stand and move in rotation like in other gogo bars.
    Close to midnight, a group of 3 male and 3 lady young Asian customers came in. They were here to drink only and listen to singers. They ordered bottles of wine and invited two Moonlight guys to drink with them. They left after half an hour and most of the customers had gone by then. I was second last to leave and only a group of 3 Asian customers was left at 12.30am.
  11. Like
    paulsf reacted to vinapu in First time visitor, can someone explain it all to me...?   
    when somebody mentions that I always feel under obligation to say something mainly because I rarely spend a night in Thailand alone. (Scandalously though it happened to me on last last full night of recently finished trip)
    While your advice is valid my experience is not too worry at all. I keep excess  money in safe but never hide anything when hosting a guy, either known or new to me. Phone is on the table and so it tablet, shirt and shorts stuffed with some money  always in plain  view and never  ever had anything missing other than occasional drink taken and consumed from mini-bar without asking for permission  - and even that happens  , say , once per trip. I think one of attraction of Thai  boys for me is exactly that - I don't need to worry about my money nor belongings.
    And yes, true to old saying ' trust and control" I count money in my pockets at least twice a day and reconcile if there's difference. Never debit after guy left  though 
  12. Like
    paulsf reacted to jason1975 in Things are back to pre-Covid (trip report June 2023)   
    I wasn't sure whether I wanted to do a trip report initially. I posted my experiences in various bars the past week in individual existing topics but upon reflection, I have decided to combine them so here goes.
    My last trip was last December and now I am here for 2 weeks in holiday. Unfortunately, I am staying with family so I only had the first two nights available to bring guys back to hotel room.
    Sunday (Day 1) - Arrived at airport at night and only reached hotel at midnight. Thank goodness for Screwboys which is open till late. Guys were in basketball singlets and shorts. I would rather see them in their previously infamous white briefs with blue stripes.
    About 15 guys on stage with the rest seated with customers. Party atmosphere with some of the guys dancing to the loud music. Saw a smooth charming twink but I hesitated and he ended up being called over to two German customers who sat next to me. We had some small talk and toasted drinks but inside me, I was cursing myself for not being quicker.
    Show started at 12.45am. Lots of ladyboy performances. Only 2 big cock shows and these were not done by Screwboys guys but by freelancers. They came into the bar before their performances, paraded their cocks, earned their tips and quickly moved off.
    Show ended at 1.30am and lo and behold, German customers paid up and left. I had expected them to take the twink off. I asked him over to my seat and five minutes later, we were in my hotel room. From Laos. Hardworking fella. After our session, he went to his next job which is at a karaoke bar. He says he only gets back to his room at 7am. Maybe I will ask him to bring me to his karaoke bar one of these nights.
    Drinks at 350 baht and off fee 500 baht. I tipped mamasan 100 baht and paid Laos twink 2000 baht for short time session.
    Monday (Day 2) - Full house at Jupiter. Mostly Asian customers. Ladies were all seated in front aisle rows. The Jupiter dancers really loved performing for them. In terms of show items, same as last year. No difference. Why change a winning formula after all?
    I arrived at 10.15pm at door and told waiter that I would be ordering a bottle of whisky. He led me to a table next to sound system. Not a sofa table but at least a private space and a splendid view of the locker and gym area where the Jupiter guys hang out before they go on stage.
    I took a look at drinks menu and ordered one bottle of Johnnie Walker. Mamasan remembered me. "Poppy (the singer) no work tonight. He work Wednesday night." "You come alone? Where your friends?"
    Mamasan called over Cambodian handsome model whom I met last December nd whom I had also contacted in advance. He was in red briefs - tonight's attire for first model walk on stage for Jupiter guys. "I have to do model walk 1030. After that, I come to you." No problem, I have all night.
    10.30pm - the first model walk started. Quite a number of Jupiter guys working today, easily at least 30. Most Mondays are quiet affairs.
    After the first model walk, the show started. Cambodian was with me, now fully dressed. We watched the show until 11.30pm after the second model walk where the Jupiter guys came out in white shorts only. One interesting thing happened. An Asian male and female couple in 30s had come in and they were seated at table next to me. I knew they were from China because they spoke to each other in Mandarin and they spoke to mamasan in English. They were looking for a guy for a threesome. Mamasan called over 8 Jupiter guys to the couple and the lady took some time to pick one tall fair skinned Jupiter guy. All this while, I was sniggering away. I looked at my guy and asked him if he had ever been in a 3some. Cambodian smiled shyly like a schoolboy and shook his head. He need not worry about me asking him for a 3some. I wanted him all to myself tonight.
    Still at least 2/3 of Johnnie Walker left. Shall go again another night this week and next week.
    Tuesday (Day 3) - I spent first half of evening at Hot Male beer bar downstairs. No lack of customers for the bars in Soi Gay Patpong. In fact many were casual tourists who went inside the bars for the shows.
    Hot Male beer bar downstairs remains best spot for people watching as they walk up and down the soi. And of course it's a great spot to perv at the shirtless Dreamboys guys on the balcony. Hot Male beer bar staff are as friendly and chatty as ever.
    Freshboys 10.30pm show was well attended - a group of farang tourists comprising one guy and three ladies, a gay Taiwan couple, a big spender with bottle service and two Freshboys guys (who have changed out of Freshboys white shorts) and a mamasan around him and an eclectic Asian group in their 40s/50s (5 men, 3 women). The lead guy was seated with the women and dispensing tips to performers on stage. The other men called down a Freshboys guy to sit with them. Later before second show, two farang ladies came in, with one of them using crutches as her leg was in a cast. She must have heard many good things about the show because she was willing to climb up the narrow stairs to the bar!
    As for Freshboys guys, mostly twinks and some twunks. Many familiar faces from last year. Mamasans and waiters also same, including one lanky handsome waiter with a number tag. Show was same as well. Mix of ladyboy lip synching, shower show and big cock show (4 of them). Drinks at 400 baht.
    Wednesday (Day 4) - I met some fellow forum members for dinner at G Bangkok. We had a great time chatting about our recent experiences. At the same time, we were ogling a hunky Banana Bar guy standing outside his bar with an umbrella (it was raining for a while).
    After dinner, we went to Jupiter. Longtime singer Poppy is back singing. He wasn't there on Monday and in fact, he doesn't sing every night at Jupiter nowadays. Only certain nights.
    I had reserved a sofa seat at the back for our entourage. Quiet night. Only 14 guys working tonight - fellow forum member actually meticulously counted them!
    In terms of customers, only half full compared to Monday night. Many ladies. There was in fact one group of ladies on 2nd floor looking down like fangirls and they remained there until the show ended. VIP table near the stairs was reserved for 2 very well dressed ladies. Midway during the show, they asked mamasan to arrange some guys to stand in a semicircle for them to choose.
    First time customers would only be able to choose them during the 3rd model walk when they finally wear number tags on their jeans. During the 1st and 2nd model walks, they were in briefs and shorts but no number tags so it was quite difficult to call them down to your seat unless you have mamasan next to you and you inform him.
    Cambodian handsome hunk whom I took back on Monday night was not working today. But I spotted a Laos guy who worked at Banana last December and whom I met. So surprised that he's working at Jupiter now. Happy that he haf cimbed the gogobar ladder. I wanted to get reacquainted with him. Unfortunately, another customer had arranged to off him in advance.
    I told mamasan that we would not be offing any guy tonight but I asked mamasan if it was possible to send over some guys to our table who could drink and he helpfully found some from those who had not been offed. We played card games where the loser had to drink half a shot of whisky. Some guys barely lasted a few shots while some guys could really drink and lasted all the way till we eventually ended at half past midnight.
    Thursday (Day 5) - Visited Dreamboys and out of 30 guys on stage, I would take half of them. Yes, many are old timers but they are keeping themselves in shape. Music was not that loud. I found music at Jupiter to be louder. 10.30pm show is more or less the same but opening coyote dancing is not done by professionals anymore. It's now in-house with 11 of the Dreamboys guys on stage dancing. Unfortunately, most can't dance. Kudos for effort. Rest of show was entertaining enough. Quick transition between performances. Just the right balance of drag queen diva lip synching and other performances including two big cock shows with sucking. There was a Magic Mike style dance where two hunks in police uniforms danced and e eventually stripped down. That was the highlight for me and it was comparable in standard to Jupiter and Moonlight. Macho guy in high heels dancing was there as well. Many customers and had to squeeze. Main difference is no ladies in crowd unlike Jupiter which had many lady customers. I have visited 3 out of 4 bars on Soi Patpong. Left Hotmale to visit on another night.
  13. Like
    paulsf reacted to jason1975 in Any good Jupiter experiences?   
    Monday night at Jupiter last night and it was a full house. Mostly Asian customers. Ladies were all seated in front aisle rows. The Jupiter dancers really loved performing for them. In terms of show items, same as last year. No difference. Why change a winning formula after all?
    I arrived at 10.15pm at door and told waiter that I would be ordering a bottle of whisky. He led me to a table next to sound system. Not a sofa table but at least a private space and a splendid view of the locker and gym area where the Jupiter guys hang out before they go on stage.
    I took a look at drinks menu and ordered one bottle of Johnnie Walker. Mamasan remembered me. "Poppy (the singer) no work tonight. He work Wednesday night." "You come alone? Where your friends?"
    Mamasan called over Cambodian handsome model whom I met last year and whom I had also contacted im advance. He was in red briefs - tonight's attire for first model walk on stage for Jupiter guys. "I have to do model walk 1030. After that, I come to you." No problem, I have all night.
    10.30pm - the first model walk started. Quite a number of Jupiter guys working today, easily at least 30. Most Mondays are quiet affairs.
    After the first model walk, the show started. Cambodian was with me, now fully dressed. We watched the show until 11.30pm after the second model walk where the Jupiter guys came out in white shorts only. One interesting thing happened. An Asian male and female couple in 30s had come in and they were seated at table next to me. I knew they were from China because they spoke to each other in Mandarin and they spoke to mamasan in English. They were looking for a guy for a threesome. Mamasan called over 8 Jupiter guys to the couple and the lady took some time to pick one tall fair skinned Jupiter guy. All this while, I was sniggering away. I looked at my guy and asked him if he had ever been in a 3some. Cambodian smiled shyly like a schoolboy and shook his head. He need not worry about me asking him for a 3some. I wanted him all to myself tonight.
    Still at least 2/3 of Johnnie Walker left. Shall go again another night this week and next week.
  14. Like
    paulsf reacted to reader in The Prince reopening?   
    Just received confirmation from Prince Massage. It opens June 15.
  15. Like
    paulsf reacted to ggobkk in Return to Thailand   
    Tomorrow (Thursday) at dawn I fly to Beijing for a week of catching up with special friends.  I wont know if the Forum is accessible from within the Great Wall of internet curbs.  So, I will post a run down of Tuesday and as much as possible about today, Wednesday, that I can write before going off to meet esteemed forum guru reader who has only this afternoon arrived from his secret location in the US.
    Backing up to Tuesday. This to my mind was a day of being disappointed by others.  Originally, I had rescheduled my guided tour of some sites that had been morphing over the past 4 years.  Guide due at 9am. 9:30 no show, no message, no call.  Grrrrrrr.
    So I went to my hangout, Coffee Grinder Silom and was cheered up by the infectious camaraderie.  I did some walking around this time looking up to observe how Bangkok was expanding upwards.  
    Then knowing I had a 3pm appointment to meet one of the waiters from Freshboys, I did some preliminary packing, adding a Patpong knockoff backpack duffle bag to store things I wont need in China that would add weight needlessly to travels. I’d already decided to return to Quarter Silom when I come back from Beijing via a stop in Pattaya and the hotel tells me with a smile that they will store my knockoff luggage.
    3pm arrives and….grrrrr.  What is it with me today, did I turn into a toad?  No show again, I text and retext.  Repeat the morning remedy with a smoothy at Coffee Grinder and a massage at Prime.  Around 6pm, 3pm-er is texting that he overslept and could I come tonight and take him from the club.  I say no, gently remind him that the idea was me to avoid the 800 THB off fee.  
    I go Silom Center for some exercise and to extract some baht from an ATM.  The One currency exchange at Siam Heritage wouldn’t change my $100 US bills as they had the blue laser tag line down the center.  Confused as newer Thai currency also has a similar laser line.  Cash is one thing, ATMs are another.  I like the one at the bank in Silom Center as a human banker will break the larger notes into smaller. 
    I am now getting texts from another  Freshboys waiter I know. This one looks like a Vietnamese version of Taron Edgerton (mea culpa, looking for looks).  We arrange to end the evening together.  As I’m on Silom, I drop by Circus and have a drink with Pao as he works a sparsely populated section.  Customers come in, I say good bye and walk over to Hot Male Bar where the Laotian will lavish much needed attention on me.  Which they do.  The no-show waiter comes over as does the soon to be my evening guest.  No-show suggests he get it right on Wednesday.  Suspecting that saying yes is easier than arguing as he doesn’t seem to be able to function in the afternoon.  Freshboys Mamasan sees her staff in the Hot Male Bar tells them to leave me alone and has a drink, downing a Leo in one swig!  Impressed the Laos (and me).
    I tell tonight’s entertainment that I am going to checkout the show at Moonlight and will come back and off him.  He offers to join me, I decline as I want to get there early to check out the rotation as many Forum reports mention that its not what it used to be.  Forum is correct.  18 - 20 boys in the rotation, three at a time.  A mamasan who once worked with Lucy at the bar across from Maxi’s on Twilight becomes my guide telling me who speaks English, who will do this or that or both.  Guys are in long pants and wearing. black Moonlight T shirts.  Three of the guys wear glasses.  Three cheers for the myopic (I one of them).
    One guy, from the far south of Thailand, appeals to me.  Mamasan has him come over and Huc (#38) reeks of charm,smiles broadly, and is well constructed on the tall side.  After some conversation, I tell him, I’m already committed for tonight.  I give him some red notes and receive a hug and a kiss.  He is off, Iask Mamasan where the crowd is as it is almost 10 and it’s more than sparse.  Guess I should have checked with Google and not the Hot Male Laotians as Moonlioght has a 10:30 show time…Mamasan says it really starts at 10:45.  I decide to leave and pick up my waiter.
    At Freshboys, I decide to watch the end of the rotation and with my waiter now seated next to me, and my no-show hovering, I see #7 (see Sunday’s report).  Smile and he joins our grouping which includes visits from Mamasan.  #7 still is as striking as before and still as young looking.  Decide I will survive without some diva acts and pole ringing cocks, I say good bye to #7 and as I go to give him some red notes, he nudges my hand away and says “no, you have good heart, thanks” and returns to the rotation.
    Waiter Taron Edgerton and I depart.  He also knows the hotel.  We have a moderately active time together and I receive a massage post release.  In normal Viet style there are something’s he wouldn’t do, I knew that would be the case, so a good time was had by all.  As he was leaving, in trueVIet style, he asked if I could give him some extra baht so he might attend a basketball tournament in Cambodia.  In my style, I said, sorry but no. And I went to bed.
  16. Like
    paulsf reacted to ggobkk in Return to Thailand   
    My body decided I need to sleep in after I’d said good bye to #10 Sam.  When I did wake up - thanks to the miracle of jet lag it was still only mid morning.  I had breakfast in the hotel - fairly standard but I noticed that there is some experimenting such as cheesy potatoes, Italian chicken, etc.  The western basics are never warm enough scrambled eggs and Thai versions of corn flakes and puffed rice.  
    The main thing on my schedule today was originally a tour but since my four hand massage had been confirmed, I put off the tour until tomorrow (Tuesday).  Guide was happy as he had another client who wanted his services.  WIn/Win.
    My toes and feet were showing some wear and tear and when I was at MBK I wandered about looking for the shop that was my Bangko base for pedicures.  Gone, gone due to covid.  So I did what any responsible pedicure-ist would do, I asked Google.  He/She/It/They made suggestions and one, Nailosophy, was nearby on a Sala Daeng side alley.
    I walked into a small crowded shop. The manageress, a bubbly young woman, welcomed me and plunked my now shoeless and sockless feet into some bubbly hot water.  I, the only male in the vicinity, was then ignored for 20 minutes while the staff worked with four other clients who were in various stages of selecting polish for their nails (hand and toes) and the designs and colors of said extremities.  In addition all had their attention drawn to televised election results.  I mention this as whenever the video showed Pita Limjaroenrat, the leader of the party that used orange as its color, was shown, an almost sexual sign went up from the the depths.  I suspect the fact that Pita is handsome and sexy might have had something to do with the reaction as a “desire” for change.  
    Eventually, my feet were tended to and my nails were added to the options for improvement and the cost was 700 THB about a third of such service at home.  Recommended.
    On much improved feet I wandered around checking out the marijuana shops - the number of them and the size and location. Coming from Berkeley, a California city that 20 years ago instructed its police not to enforce marijuana prohibitions and was one of the first to approve sales and shops, I was still surprised by how the shops here seemed to be everywhere.  It might be the “hood” but it’s there.  Wondering what passengers on flights from Thailand were now screened for.  Must drive the drug sniffing dogs to madness.
    The rest of the day was another nap, some swimming, and a return to Coffee Grinder - which was closed but the owners were doing some clean up so there was a chance to learn some more.  The owner/managers are a couple Phillipe and Paco from France. Phillipe is the baker who creates various fresh pasties and cakes and encourages his customers to try some on the spot fried bread options (tastes way better than I can describe it).  Note this shop became my morning staple for a beverage and pastry and an afternoon stop for a smoothy.
    As the sun went down, I headed to K-Man Spa via BTS for my meet up with Sun.  There had been some back and forth as to confirming that the third would be Fin.  Neither Sun nor I were confused but the Spa texted to make sure what I was looking for could be arranged. Finally, Sun explained to the manager that the shop would get the business but the arrangements had been made without their active involvement
    I arrived, Sun was waiting, the manager on duty explained the charges (1000 THB for a couples room for 2 hours, tips up to me).  Once in the room, I had a shower (down hall), passing one other client and therapist on their way to their space.  Fin arrived.  Massage begins….and, like a bad dramatist, I will draw the curtain on our activities.  I have a limited imagination but will note nothing was left to the imagination and I also had a good massage. One of the only times I’ve been exhausted by a massage.
    For the accountants - I tipped each what I paid #10 Sam for short time.  THB well spent.
    Back to Silom with the intention of catching either Moonlight or Jupiter’s show.  It started to rain as I exited the BTS.  Reaching soi 4, I decided to get out of the rain and get some food.  Three steps into the soi and the champion grabber grabbed me and took me to Circus telling me that Pao was back.
    Long timers on this forum, will recall an earlier time when there was a place called Twilight and at the fulcrum point was a drinks and food spot called Maxi’s.  Positioned so that both public and employees of the many clubs and venues would pass by, smile to regulars at Maxi’s, chat, have dinks bought for them and by them.  Delightfully presiding over Maxi’s was the owner assisted by his waiters led by Pao.  Not only was Pao a source of information, a postal box to pass messages to regulars, but he was so incredibly handsome and sexy in the most down to earth manner.  He was, damn it, straight. I know I lusted after him more than any off.  
    Then Twilight began to evaporate, Maxi’s announced its closing and Pao told the customers  that he had invested in a farm back at home where his parents and son lived and would return there.
    We lost touch, Covid came, word drifted that Pao was back in Bangkok as his farm had failed because of covid preventing him from transporting his fruit and produce.  
    I’d mentioned this on Sunday to the grabber, who told me that Pao was working on soi 4 but was back at home as his father was sick with cancer.  (Amazing what one can learn from folks!!).
    That lengthy preamble out of the way, the grabber propelled me to Circus and a reunion (joyful) with Pao.  I realize such stream of consciousness babbling on my part isn’t what readers necessarily want to know.  BUT for many years, this man was the center point information, hospitality, charm, and steady handsome integrity.  (And lust object). We had a great time catching up while he was tending to his job.  Thank the rain gods for having me turn on soi 4.
    Leaving I thanked the grabber who propelled me into Banana, business is business.  Same positive welcome, reinforced by the tips I’d left the night before.  Better seating, completely different show than the one I’d seen the night before.  Lots more male to male lip syncing, plots,etc. As two staff placed my hands on their private places, I could see the room was again full, significant number of women.  One table ofAsian high rollers (bottle service) was occupying Madam Lucy’s time and attention but not completely as she spotted me and was over for a kiss.  Knowing the drill, but not resisting,I knew a tip would be expected.  It was given once I freed my hands.
    This had been an extraordinary several hours.  Exceptionally exceptional massage service.  Reuniting with Pao, then some enjoyable time at Banana.  On my way back to the hotel, I thought I should get the number of my Sunday night off from Freshboys, I did,  it is #7.
    Quan one of the waiters at Freshboys offered to go to my hotel.  We go back with some history and arranged an afternoon meet - which avoids the higher off fee for waiters (800 THB).  
    Immediately went to sleep once I was in my room.  So exhausted physically buy buoyed by finding Pao, I fell asleep/passed out.
  17. Like
    paulsf reacted to ggobkk in Return to Thailand   
    Sorry, an internet interruption stopped my progress…so I went out to lunch
    back where I left off
    Rafael (#10) told me his name is Sam.  He is from Cambodia (what other ASEAN natives do I need for a conference?).  He is ruggedly gorgeous with a generous smile.  I never connected with #15 but tipped him and thanked him for sitting with me.  Sam agreed quickly to my offer to check out my hotel.  We stopped at the new 7-11 and he picked up some food and water.  Nice time getting to know one another in the room while he was eating.  He laughs and smiles a lot.  He, as with my first off of the evening, knew the hotel and how everything worked.  He asked what I wanted to do, and I told him my evening so far and said I’d like him to take care of me.  Which he did very well - after we were both exhausted there was no rush to leave.  So ends Sunday.  
  18. Like
    paulsf reacted to ggobkk in Return to Thailand   
    It is Monday morning and my scheduled activity has been postponed.  Which gives me some time to describe Sunday.  I woke early after an almost normal night’s sleep.  Must have been the one hour massage with Sun and two more at Prime.  I opened the Forum and responded to  comments and questions and also to the private messages.  It appears that Sun has provided favorable moments for a number of us!  I also read TotallyOz’s summary of the clubs and decided he was setting a trail that I might follow.
    Awake, I had the breakfast at the hotel buffet.  Many nice touches but the scrambled eggs are cold.  This morning I dined it ting buy the windows that look out on the pool.  Some very nice eye candy.  But reality intervenes and I headed to the BTS and went to Mo Chit for the weekend market.  It’’s only 9:30am and it is very HOT (in the heat sense).  Picked up a few scarves and trinkets for folks back home.  When the BTS stopped at Siam, I decided rather than an immediate transfer I’d walk around Siam Paragon.  A few empty spaces, amazing display of automotive extravagance.  
    Back on the way to the hotel, I stopped off at Coffee Grinder (see above) and had another smoothie.  Several tables of folks, very gay.  One gentleman and his extremely handsome and fit young companion, a table of friends of the managers and the usual cute staff.  Some gay cutting up and cheerful banter.  I was there for more than an hour and suspect I’ll be back.
    Rain started around 4 or 5 and I went out to change some $$.  The hotel staff insisted I take an umbrella as it might rain again…it did.  Since I was out and about without having had lunch I went to the James Beard Award winner restaurant known to many of us, and dined for a pittance.  They have lowered the breakfast cost to 84 THB for early risers.
    After returning to the hotel and returning the umbrella, I set out to check out some clubs projecting to visit all the major ones by Wednesday (reminder this is Sunday May14th).  But before I went out I was caught up with watching the election results come in and how they are reported.  Not understanding the politics, let alone the language, I guessed at who might be from what party.  Around 8pm, I decided it was time to get going.
    On my way to the Street of Boys, I passed a voting station where the ballots were being counted in the open for all to witness.  Participatory democracy in action.
    On entering the street I was spotted by the Lao who has long been associated with Hot Male and known by sight to many of us.  He introduced me to his co workers and I bought some drinks.  One of the grabbers/hosts from Freshboys remembered me and joined us. The uniforms have been up scaled from black shirt and pants to colorful vests and ties. He told me that the show would start around 10 but that the boys were on stage.  Since I really don’t care about the show, unless it is happening, I went up.  The Mamasan called me by my name and ushered me to a center seat.  House was about two thirds full.  Large contingent of boys in white shorts and shirtless.  Mamasan chatted about the changes covid made and that it was nice to see the old timers return (my term as I am old with a repeat history of visits).
    If you read above about my terminated negotiation with”Bird” you might remember that I am a sucker for the handsome.  Well,  or maybe WELL, one boy in the rotation met my visual high standard criteria. Mamasan always alert to a sale/pleasing a customer answered pertinent questions.  Gay - yes.  Does A & B - yes.  I invited him to join me and he confirmed all the Mamasan told me.  I asked his age as he looked VERY young.  He said 23 and ID confirmed this.  HIs name was head as Wile.  Struck by his handsomeness I forgot even think about remembering his number.  I asked for certain services, he smiled, and agreement reached.  His short time was 2500 THB.  A bit more than I am used to but I was momentarily in passionate love,  We escaped to Quarter Silom, where he knew the layout of the hotel, how the various bits and pieces of the room worked.  I played voyeur as he hadn’t lowered the shade covering the glass wall between the bathroom and the rest of the room.
    He is from Myanmar - and is incredibly well endowed.  I mention this most of the Myanmar spa photos on the forum from Myanmar show the well endowed.  Maybe they aren’t phot shopped.  He certainly wasn’t.  He proved that he did A+B+etc.  It was a very good time that I’d be happy to repeat.
    In a moment of post activity bliss we were discussing stamps and he asked where I was from. I told him, he then said he has customers from the US, China, Japan, Singapore, Germany, Turkey, India, Cambodia, Vietnam, Dubai, and some others he couldn’t remember their countries.  Yes, clearly he has reason to know my hotel and probably manny others.  Class act.
    He departed (probably for another immediate off) and I opened my IPad to find a message from a distinguished Forum member who also was an admirer of Sun going back to when he was at Bangkok Massage. We chatted and I mentioned that I was hoping to hear from Sun about a 4 hand massage.  Distinguished Forum Member (DFM) said he would Line Sun and vouch for me.  Ten minutes later we were all tasking and options for a third party were narrowed and one selected, he confirmed and DFM detailed his experiences and approved the choice. All arranged.  Thank you Forum for helping.
    It is barely 10pm so I head out to check out Jupiter.  Never got that far, when I reached Banana the grabber grabbed me and gave me. Hug and kiss.  We go way back from when he has the same same task for Hot Male on Twilight.  Given the reception at Freshboys and here, I was pleased but realized I wan;t anonymous and the word (whatever that is) would be out among the boys.
    So I was ushered into the remodeled (from my last trip) Banana and turned over to a Papasan who remembered me from Hot Male on Twilight.  Two of the boy from the rotation came over remembering me and I remembered  them.  Both Viets.  I bought them drinks and chatted as much as possible (my Apple Watch was warning me that the decibel level is so high that I could go damage my hearing if exposed for too long.
    Banana did. Really nice rethink of its space.  What was the upper level with its own show is now the prep area for the performers, The outdoor area was enclosed creating a large indoor space with room for stage with a staircase for the performers to enter from.  Shower was in progress, handsome Canadian gymnast (who I would have offed but he was already claimed), lots of lip synching, some diva singing. House was packed with maybe 30 percent female audience.  Sitting with my Viet friends there was lots of room for hand action.  The Papasan in regular attendance recalling earlier visits he remembered me from.  Lucy did not even acknowledge me but then she was busy as more women were arriving around the time the rotation started up again and dealing with a very intoxicated woman who passed out for all to see and the wait staff to move to the bar area.  Boys in white shorts and shirtless for the rotation, several appealed to me.  Banana has really upped its game.  When I left the house was packed, boys were being offed, and more folks coming in.
    While enjoying the handsy hands on experience,  decided to head out to Screwboys.  I tipped the Viets, thanked the Papasan, and tipped the greeter/grabber promising to return.
    On to Screwboys.  Once in it was funereal.  Only two tables of customers and 8 boys many looking the worse for wear.  If the devoted reader scrolls back to my mention of a couple at the coffee shop earlier in the day, it was touch on the fact that they were one of the other tables.  The young companion recognized me, smiled, and offered a vodka shot.  I declined and he wrapped a banknote around the shot glass and invited the performers to drink.  This was more interesting than anything on stage. Another place where the Mamasan reminded me of former visits and promised to let Yoyo know I had stopped by.  He isn’t working there, not sure if he is working anywhere.
     I bolted without finishing my drink.  Went up stairs to Hot Male.  No one here recognized me. NIce change.  Given a center seawhile the rotation was. In progress prior to the start of mid-night show.  The guys were in jeans and some were shirtless.  Very masculine appearing group.  One of the guys on my entering struck me as looking like Rafael Nadal. Tall and well formed.  Another also appealed to me.  I asked the waiter to give each a red note.  He confused who was to get what to the amusement of the boys and the other waiters.  When the rotation ended both came over and sat with me. Rafael (#1
  19. Like
    paulsf reacted to ggobkk in Return to Thailand   
    Now, where did I leave off?  Oh, right, I was in recovery from Sun’s ministrations.  Today was still Saturday which was part of the election eve shut down of bars - the bars were ok to open but couldn’t sell alcohol.  Anticipating this I had been in Romeo dialogue with a money boy about sharing the bar shutdown - thinking we could learn about stamp collecting.  This conversation was going well until I enquirer as to his desired level of recompense.  I decided to go solo.  Yes, I have a weakness for the well formed who are handsome,  Unlike, Vinapu who tells us he likes axe-murder types, I have a weakness for other types.  “Bird” posted a series of photos to me that showed he was capable of being photographed.  Our video call confirmed it.  But his idea of recompense was at the level I put out for an evening with Babe (yes, that one) prior to his surgical procedures.  
    So my night was now open and i did what any rational jet lagged massaged to bliss guy would do.  I took a nap.
    I woke about three hours later and decided since I was staying next to Prime Massage what better to do for myself than two hours of foot and Thai massage.  No wait, excellent idea, I complimented myself during the foot massage, then as my back was bent and my limbs pulled from their sockets, I knew it was the right choice.
    Leaving, I strolled to the areas where I’d normally go in the evening.  Dark, dark, dark.  From Surawong  to Silom on what I term the street of boys, only the French Kiss restaurant, the marijuana shop, and the NY TImes Best of Bangkok restaurant were open.  Only the dining spot had any customers.  I wandered over to soi 6 which was dark.  Only the massage shop on the left hand side was open with 6 boys looking at their phones. I had dinner at the German Restaurant and great conversation with the owner. There were two other customers inside with the air conditioning, and several outside in the heat.  I saw numerous tourists, locals, voyeurs taking pictures of the darkened street.
    I returned to Quarter Silom alone to learn from @UberFacts that May is International Masturbation Month. So I celebrated.
  20. Haha
    paulsf reacted to floridarob in Return to Thailand   
    What else do you miss.....?
  21. Like
    paulsf reacted to ggobkk in Return to Thailand   
    I had a non-Turkey Thanksgiving celebration with Reader in 2019.  I departed the next morning intent on returning in April.  And 1257 days after that meal I’ve retuned to a familiar but slightly different world.  It’s not as different as when I did a return in 2012 after a more than a decade disappearance.  
    I landed at Swampy at 4:58 AM.  After walking a mile or so from the gate, I cleared immigration in about three minutes.  I didn’t have to resort to the special one for diplomats, monks, and the aging.  My suitcase was the actual last bag off the plane so that added an increasingly stressful moment to what had been n easy but long journey.  
    As I needed to add a visit to Beijing to this trip, my routing from California to Bangkok took me east via Zurich and on to Thailand.  So I was in an aisle seat on a 777-ER on United and then on Thai from Zurich.  Total time in the air 21 hours with a two hour Swiss layover.
    So bag on trolley I walked out into the terminal, after noting the increased number of communications services that has moved into the arrivals area.  They outnumber the money changers.  And there were even more of them in the public areas.  I checked with the limo service to see what one would cost and 1700 THB was quoted.  I continued to the taxi rank.  (VInapu, I couldn’t use the rail line as  my suitcase is one of the big ones - needed for brining tea to China).  Once in the taxi, the driver started negotiations.  We settled on 600 THB which covered the tolls.  
    Following reports, comments, and gossip on the Forum I booked Quarter Silom, paying for my room from the night before my arrival so I could check in when I arrived. The driver after making a U-turn in a pedestrian crossing on Silom entered Soi 6 even at this early in the day had two way traffic which blocked our progress.  Then arrival at the hotel.  Very austere and up to date looking.  Check-in went smoothly, into room, moderate in size compared to The Raya.  I resisted the need to sleep, took a shower, and headed down for buffet breakfast which was similar to every other one in the world.
    I checked email and some headlines…found too many of one and too much I didn’t want to know in the other.  I decided to go for. Walking look around.  I headed toward Surawong noting that this stretch of road looked remarkably cleaner than I remembered.  Where are the massage parlors, Tawan is much smaller and advertising it’s Tawan BDSM location across the street.  There is an upscale definitely gay friendly (note flag) coffee shop directly across from Tawan.  (Coffee Grinder Silom).  The 7-11 mentioned in another section of the forum has absorbed the amulet shop and the entrance to the Tarntawan Apartments. The pharmacy that was just before turning the corner is gone with contractors working.  Suspect it wont be a massage venue.
    So many new building and/or business switches along Surawong. Still many massage parlors along the way some in what were restaurants, small businesses.  Note:  Checking exchange rates the shop in front of the Siam Heritage hotel was at 34.6 to the $ which was the best I’d seen..  Airport shops were at 32.  At MBK it was in the 33 range.
    I tuned in to see if pay homage to Screwboys.  Which, when I was arriving via Tokyo back in the pre-Covid days was usually the only place open when I arrived.  Thought fondly of Yoyo my companion of many moments.  Then to Hot Male road where the first sign of life was Vinapu’s breakfast location for sending his journeymen stamp collectors on their way. I noted that much of the space from the entry down the may is taken by Mary Jane - not sure (at this hour) what it does ( other than the Mary Jane connection) and then my eyes shook my  brain awake and started to spot the number of marijuana businesses.  There is one big change.
    Over on Silom, I saw huge construction projects and altered much of what I remembered.  The Dusit Thani project which was beginning in 2019 is still underway and will further upscale the area.  I guess that sums up what I was seeing an upscaling of familiar haunts.
    I got on the BTS and went to MBK to both check out the exchange rates (see above) and to browse.  Prior to leaving home I was scrolling the forums for insights on massage spas etc.  One that kept being mentioned was Kman Spa (K-Man?). So, I diverted my return to Silom to check out its location.  Reader sent me a link with some location information. NOTE:  the material from the spa says to get off at 2 at Saphan Kwai and enter the 2nd alley.  This does not tell you that once you land of the street level turn immediately left and then walk into the alley that’s right there.  I didn’t and had a long stroll  until I asked google.
    My original intent was to just find the location so I wouldn’t waste time when I would come by after LINE-ing on who was available. However, i had spent so much time looking for K-Man, that it was now just after 12 noon and the shop was open.  I went in and introduced my self to the manager.  He told me who was still working there from the photo gallery that it on their blog spot,  I said I’d like to set up a massage with one of my favorites from the gallery.  If that worked out then maybe arrange a 4 hand massage, as the video on the web, was “intriguing”  (ask “hot”).
    While all this is going on, boys/men are arriving.  One of them from a room overlooking the lobby starts to smile (Vinapu rule V-64a) and play visual games.  To cut to the chase, I decide to have a massage and not wait to hear from the “favorites”.  The massager of the moment was Mr Sam who introduced himself to me as Sun.  A twink from Laos.  Massage room two floors up, shower down the hall.  I showered and then he did, dropping his towel when he returned from the shower. Yes he could massage with some degree of excellence but neither of us waited long for what is euphemistically known as “afters”.  Quite a bit of “aftering” requiring some tasty cleanup and then back to finishing the massage.  What a great way to spend the lunch hour!.  One thing to note: Mr Sam’s photos on the Spa’s site would not cause me to want to book him which would have been my loss.  He knows his business (as we negotiated a tip for special “after” services).  He began his trade at Bangkok Massage on Twilight but he doesn’t look old enough to have been there - but the highest authority (Reader) confirms.  Sun and I exchanged Lines and as he is a 4 hand veteran asked him to suggest another therapist to join him in caring for me.
    And with that…I will conclude this installment of my report as it is already too long.  
  22. Like
    paulsf reacted to TotallyOz in A Night in Bangkok GoGo Land May 12, 2023   
    The guy from Freshboys I had seen years back. He said, "you can fuck me all night."  I said, I'm old now. He said, "I can fuck you all night."  To me, that showed drive and determination and he got a nice tip. But, I did plan to go back for him until I met the love of my life in Tawan.
  23. Like
    paulsf reacted to TotallyOz in A Night in Bangkok GoGo Land May 12, 2023   
    I took a ride to the heart of gay Bangkok and had a good time. Screwboys is open and had at least 30 boys. All of who I have not seen in other bars. One there I liked and wanted to go back and get but time got away from me.
    Hotmale had a nice array of more muscle type guys.
    Freshboys was filled with twinks and gay boys and several I knew and the waiter from Viet I really liked. Had less boys that Screwboys it seemed but still a full stage.
    Dreamboys was packed with sexy guys but crowded no seats down front and I didn't want to go to the top so I left.
    I liked the night market. First time in YEARS I went and it was open for business. It made it feel like life was coming back.
    Tawan not my scene but they have moved locations (across the street) so I went in and found my guy for the night. I had a good time with him.
    All in all, people who think the area is dead, don't have eyes. It is alive and well and boys are there looking for love (or just a quickie).
  24. Like
    paulsf reacted to vinapu in Silence in Pattaya forum very sad   
    while I can see your point , I for one like present better than past  for simple reason. No amount of wailing about glorious past will bring us there and we wont be 18 not even 46 ever again. On top of it , still more fun is to be had in both Bangkok and Pattaya than I can digest even during month long vacations.
    We all miss old days but missing them leads us nowhere and may even induce indigestion and with that melancholy and finally bitterness  so better is to look for full half of glass or bar
  25. Like
    paulsf reacted to reader in Massage (sex) shops Bangkok with kuay photos online (to see size, beads etc etc)   
    After viewing introductory video on One Spa's LINE site, I'm persuaded that this is actually a new shop located no more than an easy 10-minite walk from the Saphan Kwai BTS stop on Sutthian Winitchai Rd.
    Since I friended them on LINE I get regular updates on featured staffers. Here's the translated description of what appears to be a four-hand offering: "Newcomer, Red label today. Good massage. Complete 69 tasks. Take turns. Very fun. Massage all the time. If you don't try, you will miss it very much."
    Have to give them an "A" for effort. This place is definitely on my short list for next trip.
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