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Everything posted by ChristianPFC

  1. a. Clique yes, intimidating no. b. welcome c. I love the banter at SGT, banter elsewhere is positive as well. I have been on Gay Thailand forums (mainly gaybuttonthai and SGT) for some years and have some further comments. Subjects get repeated (in some cases I write again what I think about the subject, sometimes I copy what I wrote elsewhere). I wonder how some people can create such amounts of contents (sometimes very competent). I think I spend too much time on these boards (more than 1 hour per day).
  2. There was a similar topic on SGT: http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/why-did-you-leave-t27259.html My reply there: If a bar has far less than 10 boys, I get an overview from the door ("Come in Sir, have a look first") and if none is my type, I leave. Otherwise, I enter, order a drink and stay about 30 min to 1 h. Generally you can say the more boys, the longer I stay (but only one drink per bar). If I see a boy I like, I invite him and take him off or make a note to come back for him (maybe). If there is nobody I like, I leave or ponder what to do and where to go next. Sometimes I try to get a look at one boy from the back or from the side which can mean I have to wait until he turns around. I generally do not enjoy shows and plan my visits to be before or after the show. Only exception is X-Boys Pattaya, I like their show. I prefer bars without smokers, no loud music, some white light (I love Thai complexion, but with colored light and too little light you can't see it).
  3. As far as I know (from the internet), there are problems with the way tigers are kept (not appropriate to the species). Furthermore, they might be drugged, and still accidents happen regularly! It seems there is no way to keep a tiger appropriate to the species and allow many people to touch him. I will certainly think well about animal rights before I go to any zoo or show, or anywhere else that involves animals, in Thailand. (There are even reports about abuse of elephants. The only animal I think is resistant to mistreatment in captivity is the crocodile.)
  4. Germany, Berlin, Unter den Linden, Adlon Hotel. Back to the subject, which has been discussed many times. I have to add one more reason to my previous explanations. I could meet my future boyfriend anytime and anywhere. (Not only could, probably will!)
  5. Due to lack of suitable phone, I never tried Grindr. But all these reports made me curious! I got a glimpse at Grindr on a Thai friend's phone, but would like to have a look at a Farang's phone with some explanations.
  6. What kind of smoothies do you make? I love the watermelon fruit shakes I get in some restaurants in Thailand. I tried to make one (or rather get my mother try to make, she is more kitchen-savvy than I am) in Germany based on a recipe from the internet, and failed!
  7. ChristianPFC


    Where did you get that number from? Furthermore, it's important to distinguish between people who where killed and who died.
  8. Two towns come to my mind: Barcelona and Bruxelles. (There are many more interesting places I haven't been to, but a quick answer gives this result.)
  9. Most Bangkok taxis have an information sheet hanging from the headrest of the front seat with distance - price (I think from 1 km to 100 km) and fares to locations all over Thailand. There must be a copy of that somewhere in the internet.
  10. Misleading book title While I was waiting for boarding for my flight back to Germany, I saw this at Suwannaphum Airport: I have been around gay Thailand forums for too long, so I was actually mislead into believing ...! After a stroll through the bookstore I came back and found someone taking a picture (after arranging the book so you can see the whole cover). I took a look inside and was relieved: Poo is the author’s nickname (ปู bpoo = crab). Checking on the internet, I found these links: http://www.cookingwithpoo.com/ http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2012/mar/30/cooking-with-poo-oddest-title-prize My favorite odd book title is:„Der gegenläufige Doppelschneckenextruder“ (in English: „The counter-rotating twin-screw extruder“).
  11. Peeing standing safes time and space. In public toilets, there is usually a queue in front of the ladies' toilet, because it takes longer for them because they have to sit, and you can install fewer toilet bowls than urinals in the same space. There was even an attempt to introduce urinals for women in Germany (at least I read so in a journal for sanitary ware long time ago), but it did not catch on.
  12. When I post something on blogs, there is usually a "captcha" to verify I am a person. That would be an easy way to prevent automated registrations on forums? http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAPTCHA
  13. You are so quick! Bummer, now I can't use this line I had prepared as a hint in case nobody finds the solution: "It's LMTU's home turf." It's indeed a public pissoir (I think they call it urinoir), I took the picture a few days ago in Paris. And indeed, there is need for it, you can smell piss under bridges, on walls and in many other places and often even see the wet trace on the floor. They even filled corners with concrete to prevent people from pissing there (the piss would splash back onto your trousers and run to your shoes). But would you want to piss in public on one of these? Three people can piss at the same time, but I would be hesitant to use them. Picture from the internet:
  14. Let me continue this thread: what is the following device? (Both pictures show the same device, from the third side it looks the same.) (Don't look up the website on the sticker, that's cheating!) Pictures taken in Paris, 19th arrondissement, there are a few more of these devices.
  15. The vast majority of my taxi trips is without problems. I had only a few drivers who tried to overcharge me by quoting a fixed priced (about twice the amount it would cost to by the meter), and that happened only at the airport or in Silom (and there only right in front of Soi 2 or 4, if you walk a few meters no problem). I don't remember free taxis not stopping, but I often have this problem with empty baht-busses in Pattaya. Sometimes empty baht-buses drive past, I beckon them to stop, but they wave their hand to show that they will not stop. I can only assume that they are booked and are on the way to pick up their client.
  16. A light year is only a unit of distance. To make your confusion complete, a parsec is the distance from which the distance between Sun and Earth appear under an angle of one second. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parsec
  17. My comment above was of a general nature and not referring to the deleted/reinstalled posts by Bob and fountainhall. The limited number of my posts that were deleted on various gay Thailand boards, I had both cases: no message at all (which left me wondering if there was a technical problem when I submitted) or PM by the moderator with reason and quote of my deleted post.
  18. I did not make it up, I heard or read it somewhere.
  19. I know "Shove it up your ass", but it's too impolite in this connection. "Shove it where the sun doesn't shine" is better (the answer - where he can put this device - is supposed to be funny, not insulting). For the record: PFC means "Private First Class" (the English (language) equivalent of the rank I had when leaving the German army, at time (2001) we still had compulsory military service).
  20. I think that posters should be informed that their post was deleted, given a reason why it was deleted and given a copy of their deleted post.
  21. Read this thread only today. I had no idea what this device was for. I do NOT want to be associated with circumcision. I am again utterly puzzled about this new proposal to curtail the spread of HIV by circumcision. The only explanation I have that the catholic church is behind all these studies. Condoms prevent the spread not only of HIV, but of other venereal diseases, as well as unwanted pregnancy, much better. Well, in German we sometimes say: "you can shove it under your foreskin", but this saying is inappropriate in this context. So I have to resort to "you can nail it to your kneecap". (I'm not sure if these sayings translate well. If you know English equivalents, please let me know.)
  22. Largest Thai community outside Thailand is about 80,000 in Los Angeles. http://en.wikipedia....wn,_Los_Angeles Khon Kaen 113,754 (sic!) Pattaya exceeding 100,000 (wikipedia)
  23. I don't pay any attention to other's writings about "quality boys", "stunners", "man boys", "handsome boys" and so on, as my taste is probably totally different. For the same reason, I prefer to use "my type". Therefore I can't understand Gaybutton's outrage about HeyGay writing "quality boy". I don't understand the attraction of cottaging, but who am I to judge about it? I don't like raisins, other's love them!
  24. But definitely not into checking grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  25. ChristianPFC

    New Blog

    I made a comment on the tantrum, which has yet to appear in the "comments". There is a slight chance that there was a technical error, and a bigger chance that the blog owner didn't like my comment (which was slightly negative, but in no way offensive or impolite).
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