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Everything posted by ChristianPFC

  1. I can only speak for Germany, but here we have a wide range of laws regulating the purchase, selling, use, disposal... of various dangerous chemicals. Medicine has to be prescribed by a doctor, there are laws that regulate and control the use of chemicals that can be used to make drugs or chemical weapons, and so on. Glycol contains a chemical that makes it taste bitter, sleeping pills are now safe regarding over-use for suicide, and so on.
  2. I would ban (not drop, ban) all sports that involve animals or engines. (Not only for the Olympics, which I have no interest in, but in general.)
  3. ChristianPFC

    Fast Quiz!

    How do you jump from Moor (black African, as black as they can get) to Muslim countries? The only connction I can see that the Arabs/Muslim had slaves from Black Africa.
  4. Before my first trip to Bangkok (August 2009) I bought "Utopia Guide to Thailand (2nd Edition) : the Gay & Lesbian Scene in 23 Cities Including Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Pattaya & Phuket" but found it of little use. Now I do all my research by internet. I bought a second hand copy of "The Men of Thailand" from the 1990s, it has a lot of addresses, but I bought it for other useful information. But I have to add, I found Soi Twilight by chance. I read about Soi 4 and Telephone bar and Balcony before (on the now defunct gayboythailand), but was not aware that a place like Soi Twilight exists and stumbled on it when walking around (and make a big cross with an exclamation mark in the map of Silom area I had printed out from the internet).
  5. I am in support of war on drugs. Even if comparing results from countries that have death sentence and countries that don't shows that death sentence is not such an effective deterrent, one thing is sure: every dealer or trafficker you kill will never again traffic drugs!
  6. I very rarely read travel site reviews. When travelling by plane, times and price are the most important factors, everything else is insignificant (although I am now aware to take a closer look at their prices and conditions should I ever fly with Air Asia). For hotels, I usually stay in the same place or look around for alternatives while I am in Bangkok or Pattaya. Finally, I am easy to satisfy when it comes to hotel rooms.
  7. Koko, you are not alone. A few months ago I had my first physical contact with a friend's i-something, but I have read about them before. Nothing special, as far as I can judge. When they have an app than makes coffee, I might get one.
  8. There is a niche for the old Baht-Stop (with some higly polarizing posters), but if moderation is increased, they can as well shut it down as the market is served by other boards. And I wonder, why do people need a gay Thailand forum to discuss US and Israel-Palestine politics?
  9. ChristianPFC

    Short Quiz

    What an irony: Ashke NAZI Jews. On one hand, some get older than average: http://nymag.com/news/features/ashkenazi-jews-2011-11/ on the other hand, there are more hereditary diseases than in other religious/ethnic groups: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Health/genetics.html
  10. This part is important: Some people in the West consider HIV "manageable" or "not a death sentence any more", which is an euphemism. The lastest medicine against HIV is pretty expensive! Money that can not be use to find cure against cancer or malaria, illnesses that are not as easy to prevent as HIV. I think I read on fridae that many Singaporeans with HIV go to Thailand to get cheaper medicine there.
  11. ChristianPFC

    Short Quiz

    How is this possible: 126. North Korea 67.3 years I read pretty bad things about North Korea, whoever made the list must have used data provided by the North Korean government.
  12. ChristianPFC

    Short Quiz

    I read months ago that the life expectancy in Macao (or was it Hong Kong) is among the highest of the world. And I remember one of the smaller islands near Japan has the highest percentage of over 100 year olds in the world. So I guess the top four are Macao, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore. In the middle Malaysia and South Korea. The lowest probably Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, China?
  13. You can have both, not my type. Yes, I will look around Thailand, especially Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China. There must be jobs in industry that require my skills and are better paid than in Thailand (it seems in Thailand is mainly production and little research and development). I cannot see myself teaching or working self-employed. Japan is off my list, I have been working with a Spaniard who spent over a year in Japan and with a Japanese, and both agree: cold winters with insufficient heating in houses and at university, work really long hours, little holiday, the occasional earthquake or tsunami.
  14. Thanks for the advice. That was one of my jokes - typical sociologist/politician/manager/... speak, things I as a scientist would never say! But the problem remains: how do I justify my desire to go to Thailand without telling the truth and without lying? There is more to Thailand than sex, but everything else I can get elsewhere. (E.g. in Italy there is warm weather, food I like, interesting history and architecture, the language is easier to learn for a European, it's less developed than Germany, but there are no boys!)
  15. I think circumcision is just a useless body modification, as are tattoos and piercings. If done properly, they do no harm (but have no health benefit, and I find them unaesthetic/unattractive), if they go wrong, they can even lead to death. There is no benefit, only risk. (Apart from adult circumcision for medical reasons.) I assume circumcision is paid by your health insurance (at least I didn't anything that says the opposite) and therefore by all who pay health insurance. As there is no medical benefit, the parents should pay the circumcision if they want it for their son. I have no idea what a circumcision costs.
  16. "complot" is a germanism, it should be "conspiracy" in English. Is there any benefit to the country by allowing civilians to carry guns? No. How many people get killed by guns carried by civilians? A lot. What else could a terrorist, Communist, Jew, Muslim, ... wish for? Hence, the second amendment is a conspiracy by the terrorists (Communists or Jews or Muslim or whoever) to get US-Americans killed. (As you may have noticed before, not all of my posts are meant serious. So is this. But the facts are true.)
  17. Looking for a job in Thailand If I understood correctly, a few members on these forums are working in Thailand. How did you get the job in Thailand? I want to find work in Thailand as a chemist, in academia or better industry, preferrably synthetic organic chemistry or fragrance and flavor or research and development or industrial chemistry or analytical chemistry or process development or gas and petrol or chemical engineering or medicinal chemistry or specialty chemicals. I have been looking for a job in Thailand on the following websites: www.jobbkk.com www.jobthai.com www.jobsdb.com . There is information on www.ajarn.com and www.thaivisa.com as well. Unfortunately, there is not much that fits my education and career goals. There are jobs in chemistry, but most require only a Bachelor, I have a PhD. There is a lot of chemical industry in Thailand, but the jobs offered are for technicians, managing, sales people, lower personnel, nothing that fits my education and career goals. And I assume that when the job offer is in Thai and good English is required, the job is aimed at Thai nationals even if this is not directly said. I didn’t even get replies on my inquiries if a work visa is offered for the job and what level of Thai is required. They have strange age brackets: e.g. they are looking for 22-27 year olds, or not above 30 years old, or at least 35 years, in addition often male or female is required. All this is unheard of in Europe. I could do other jobs as well, everything that is legal, preferrably with a work visa and full social insurance. As long as the job does not involve driving a car or motorcycle, singing or dancing or teaching English. (I’m not a native English speaker, I have no interest in teaching and my attitude towards students is: “How nice would university be if there were no students”). In general, I am not good in communicating with people, so I can’t take any job in sales, teaching or management. I would even do jobs that do not require a brain. But you can get others to do them much cheaper. Mininum monthly net salary would be 60,000 Baht. I know I sell myself under value, but this is just to set foot in Thailand in a job that does not exactly fit my education as a lateral career move. And I can have the same standard of living in Thailand for 20,000 Baht less per month than in Europe. And going from a two two-week sex marathons per year to catch up for six months of forced celibacy in Europe to a normal sex life? Priceless. Of course I can’t give this as a reason in job interviews for my desire to relocate to Thailand. The official version is that I like Thai culture and would like to make a contribution to deepen the Thai-German friendship and to increase mutual cultural understanding. And the job should be CV-compatible. Should I ever get bored or fed up with Thailand, I want to be able to return to Europe without any disadvantage to my career. My Thai is basic to intermediate. I can’t take a job that requires fluency in Thai. I think I can become fluent in Thai in a few years if I were living and working in Thailand. Any suggestions or job offers?
  18. Apart from him, it seems, only US-Americans get killed. This is a complot by the Communists, Jews, Moslems, whoever you want. No war since WWII or terrorist attack killed so many US-Americans as get killed by gun crimes, accidents and suicides.
  19. I did not misunderstand your comment, I just twisted it to my needs. I think the fact that something has historical, religious or cultural reasons should not exempt it from applying current standards to it. This applies to bullfight, circumcision, tattoos, smoking. Nothing of this would be thinkable/imaginable if someone came up with the idea now. Bullfight in Spain and Foie Gras in France are exempted from animal protection laws because it has a cultural and historical background. I find this unacceptable!
  20. You have my full support for that, and let's include tattoos as well.
  21. These numbers should be corrected for days of stay. Someone who comes in by airplane from Europe or America or China or Japan is likely to stay for a week or two. Numbers from Malaysia probably include boarder traffic with people just staying days or only one day?
  22. "the right to bear arms" is the basis of a great pun:
  23. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reduced_gravity_aircraft : I always wondered what sex without gravity would be like, just imagine total freedom in position, every part of the body accessible from everywhere.
  24. ChristianPFC


    I'm not sure if I ever saw a Bugs Bunny cartoon. But I know the character. I was eating the carrot without any sexual innuendo.
  25. I am quite surprised about this court decision, usually the German government pets all ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities. (This has nothing to do with the German government, but in administration and court you have to be aware of this general trend.) I applaud the court for its decision! If male circumcision is their (Jews and Moslems) religious custom, so is female circumcision for many African tribes. The catholic church used to burn witches in the Middel Ages. Just because something has a religious background or is a local custom, doesn't mean we have to keep it for eternity. There has to be some advancement in humanity. Banning all kinds of circumcision worldwide would be an advancement. I totally agree. And I want to add: I value animal protection higher than freedom to exercise one's religion (there have been cases in court about kosher butchering.)
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