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Posts posted by vinapu

  1. certainly he is right on this one


    "We [people who are fighting] will soon be gone. It is our children who will take our place and they will have to live in a bruised and battered country because of what we do, because we just want to win" / quotation from his interview above /


  2. When I saw new posts in 'some models' I knew you feeling better now.


    Hope you will be able to report a little I bit more, this was one of best threads for long time, kind of addictive.


    As for pace settling down a bit toward end I think this is normal. Novelty value wears out and pocket starts showing bottom but never hurts to have one or two relaxing massages as good bye Thailand kiss.


    Smart move with being closer to Swampy, last time was leaving hotel during the deluge, it was pretty unpleasant drive from Silom and can imagine would be  outright dangerous from PTY if one is in a hurry.  


    Unfortunately almost all North American flights are arriving and departing at such crappy times of day.


    Last night in Asia I usually  keep some company and sleep very little if at all, noticed that this helps to sleep better during those long flights and jet lag is manageable-wonder if other have some experience ?


    How are rains?

  3. You may see no reports from me for a few days.  I have a bad case of the Flu and it is requiring constant toilet runs for both throwing up and the other.  Not want I want for my last week in Thailand.  Hopefully it will only last 2 days but I know Devint6669 had the same thing recently and he is not completely better after 4 days..


    And yes I have had this years Flu vaccine but as we all know it just reduces the chance but does not eliminate it.


    I suppose it could be food poisoning but with only fruit and cheese the last few days , I just don't see how.

    Sorry to hear about your troubles at end of such entertaining trip. It could be so called stomach flu, vaccine probably doesn't work for that.


    Drink plenty of fluids as it can dehydrate you fast.


    And have mercy on boys for few days  as if I'm right , it highly contagious / Devint case ?/

  4. Long time dream of mine to visit the place but I will be in Thailand right after ICJ verdict and not sure how it will be taken by Thai side, thye are closing border there quite often and as you noticed , not a good place to be stranded there.


    Possible  taxi from Kantharalak is not a bad option, need to investigate.

  5. The behavior described by z909 doesn't make any sense. Maybe Lao boys can pass as Thai if they are fluent in Thai without accent, but I'm sure the boys talk among each other about their home province, they would have to lie to their co-workers, and if someone is from the same province the lie will be uncovered.

    possibly z909 meant other clients in the bar, not employees .


    It looks Christian than as far as entertainment value goes you were much better served by Hulapampong boys then Scorpion ones based on your reports 

  6. They prefer not to do over nights as they have to go back to their GFs or wives


    I don't normally comment on barboys directly... but the one in question is pretty lousy in bed... In the dim distant past he was a coyote in Dude and worked in cartier boys


    Unless you are into body worship there is very little else he is capable of doing... certainly not a bottom or top...

    Never hurts to try, on quite a few occasion actually married guys kept their part of the deal and stay till morning.


    They may not be gay but with family responsibilities  some have better understanding of benefits of proper client service and difference  short and long term rates are making to family budget.


    Thank you for warning but never hurts to invest short time tip in order to disappoint ourselves on our own account.


    Although I'd say for some reason second pictured boy  from Abomb, one on motorcycle drew even more of my attention. So hope mmjmmj invests in first one and I in second and we can tell firecat if 200 spent on tips for them was money well or not as well spend. Certainly for eye candy it was spent well.


    Rogie, on 23 Oct 2013 - 4:40 PM, said:snapback.png


    And This is All, Most tourist that come to this country don't have the money in hand, This mean or finding A ATH Before you get top the immigration or wait in line like every body for a guy to tell, you that you need the money and go find the money an do the Q again for the second time...


    For me this will start my trip on a bad start... I remember once i when to Cambodia and when i stop at the ATM just before the Immigration my bank card was refuse... And i had no other way to get money....


    I was lucky because I call the hotel where i was staying at the time and there came to help me, I was so lucky, And i will always be grateful of that. But Can you just Imagine if I did not find this solution what would of happen of me... Send Back home it would of bean bad start of a end trip.


    That's the problem of many travelers, they do not do even minimal research before departure and assuming that everywhere is the same, visa on arrival, ATM and exchange counters open, food available in the airport etc


    Then all of the sudden stress-ATM non existing , moneychanger closed or offering lousy rate, taxi drivers and restaurants don't want other than local currency  and airport personnel on strike . All easily avoided with few question researched before departure

  8.  sometimes we may be tempted to think to ourselves "no problem for me as I've got insurance". Nice if you have and a bit silly if you haven't.

    Insurance will cover your loss eventually but when we are robbed first inconvenience is we are deprived of cash immediately and if cash is in the same place credit cards are we may lose them too in the same heist.


    So two more lessons -do not exchange all your money at once / I suspect this is a case of those robbed of thousands  /

    and do not keep all your valuables in the same place. 

    Like Rogie said -use your head and eyes I add

    1. Thank you Rogie, you promised , you delivered.
    3. Did you take organized trip or just went there by car / train ?

    International Court of Justice ruling is expected on Nov 11, hope it will not be  any commotion in BKK over this as nothing is expected to change status quo.

  9. Hello everyone


    I do not want to get cheated and ended up paying more than what I should (as a benchmark).


    Welcome and do not forget about us when you will be back from Pattaya.


    If you pay more than going rate you are not cheated, you may be naïve and not know what rate is or better still -  you paying more because you are extremely happy with the boy and you think he deserved higher tip.


    I wish second case will be one in your adventures there !


    And thank you firecat for your answers as I'm next in line and looks that mmjmmj is looking exactly for the same type I'm / muscular and long time /

  10.  One nasty problem for the lone traveller is being swamped by other people. I seem to recall at some immigration crossings you have to queue at one booth to get your application form, then go away and fill it in and take to a different booth with your money for processing. In the meantime, a few coachloads appear, their occupants spill out, and before you know it you are at the back of the Q!

    This is cost you are paying for saving money  by using train/bus versus air.


    Your description fits Poipet crossing to Cambodia very well.

  11. The only caveat to all this discussion of GoGo Bars is that for someone who has never visited Thailand, they will still have the same excitement that we did when we first visited.


    The ability to walk into a bar and find 40 boys onstage in underwear and be able to say I'd like #23 to come home with me is still an exciting attraction for many. It even remains a strong attraction for some multi-time visitors who enjoy the Bar scene.


    Just because I have become somewhat jaded to the bar scene , I would not want that to discourage the first time visitor .


    You will feel the same excitement we all did and the need to constantly return to Thailand and even possibly retire here.


    Maybe you will continue to enjoy the Bar scene or maybe you will use it with GayRomeo etc but the one thing I am sure of is that I have never known anyone who viisted Thailand that was not planning their next trip before their first trip ended.

    You should type all this great post in capital letters, I read this 3 times with increasing pleasure each time as this exactly reflect my feelings.


    All this musings about great bygone bars of yesteryear my be accurate but in such a concentration  are a bit depressing so finally you put some level to it.


    My grandmother used to say ' some people still believe that when they were younger even water was more moist  than it's now '.


    I miss bars of old and their prices too but I chose  to cherish more of what we have access to now and when entering bar I don't think what I used to see there 5 years ago but still feel this curiosity of what I will see there  in  second. 



    Addendum: far too often I go to boy's places (but only after checking if their room is free). According to Euclidean Geometry, his place is exactly as far from my place as my place from his place. I am going to pay for taxi fare anyway, so if he is too lazy to come to my place, why should I go to his place?



    In order to see how other people live as added bonus for a shag 

  13. Regarding the clubs in Montreal, at one time a great experience and cheap but not the same same now; just a shade of their formal glory. That can  also be said of the go-gos in Thailand

    I wonder if this is decline of bars / clubs/ venues in LOS  or our optic changed over years with age and number of visits somehow extinguishing novelty value.


    For my personal use I see improvement - noticed I like my boys better now than before.

    Always butterflied and never thought about returning to hire the same guys next trip / with one exception of cutie from Aqua few years ago /, now when I return I will be looking for at least 3 from my last trip.

    Honestly I don't know, am I  less demanding / really never was /, more sentimental , quality of boys improved or it was just luck last time but fact is I'm happy to proclaim dissenting opinion :   I like it better now

  14. The educated professional Russians I deal with in my job are fine.   The Russians in Pattaya are a different matter.

    I don't want to step on anybody's toe but well before influx of Russians I heard the same words  about all farangs in Pattaya and Kho San in BKK. It's why I never bother going there and hoping to correct this mistake in few weeks.

  15. I don't get off arguing any particular point but I've been coming here since the late 90's and I don't remember any entry fee ever being charged.  I never paid one as far as I know. Anybody else ever hear of this? 


    Perhaps you mean the fee for certain visas which was waived for a short period of time? 

    I remember only  exit fee of 500 charged at airports

  16. Let's say (I think this is about right) that Thailand has about 55 million international entries per year.  If my calculator is working correctly, a 500 baht fee tacked on to all those entrants would raise 27.5 billion baht a year.  Maybe a little bit of an overcharge? 

    Consider it sealed, no sane government will forfeit revenue of such magnitude at cost of few fee collecting booths at border points.

    Hope Thai treasury minister did not read this post 

  17. It seem so.


    Most hospitals where Foreigners would go are private business, I assume. It's their business to make sure their customers pay.


    As I said on gaybuttonthai, countries that require me to apply for a visa or have entry fees or exit fees or whatever, are seriously downgraded in my travel plans.


    Next time I exit Thailand will be for a visa run, probably to Singapore and not Laos or Cambodia, because I don't need a visa for Singapore. A visa run to Laos or Cambodia would me come cheaper, but I don't want to apply for a visa. I did so when I went to Laos three years ago, and extremely unpleasant an incompetent service at the border crossing in Nong Khai.

    Absolutely trouble free and fast visa on arrival  issued at Luang Prabang airport last May so may be you just had a bad luck / or I had good one /

  18. The purpose of my post was nothing to do about the 500 baht because this is nothing to someone who spends thousands to travel here and then spend money.


    My question was how can there be anyone stupid enough in the government of Thailand to make statements that this fee will improve the quality of the visitor. Can he really be that stupid?

    This is what governments and businesses are always saying when raising taxes and prices. "In order to serve you better", so they simply used this time tested formula not even thinking anybody will believe it anyways. 

    While I agree with Moses and you that for most visitors 500 is just a drop in the bucket I still rather spend it at say, Nature Boy than Swampy. 

  19. Everywhere in the world if you emerge from ATM or exchange counter you are marking yourself as man with money and prey / not always easy but still prey /. For this very reason in  less known places I'm always limiting my trips to bank machine and prefer to take more in one shot and then stash it in hotel's safe as Rogie suggested.


    Never been robbed but have 2 cousins robbed while emerging from ATM , both in supposedly safe cities / Melbourne and Zurych /.


    I was followed once in Yogyakarta / Java / after I left machine but guardian angel sent me taxi I could jump in.


    On another hand never , ever felt uneasy in BKK , day on night so I'm surprised with Devint adventures but again, ChristianPFC was threatened with knife at Saranrom while ago so we can't go low on guard


    So my advice would be handle you cash way you feel comfortable with. If you not planning to go right back to hotel use Rogie's approach, better pay 150 baht per withdrawal even couple times a day  than swallow lead.


    If you need to exchange lot on money try to use few booths as this limits your time  there. By time you count 30000 baht half Silom will see you standing at the counter. But again , do what you are comfortable with. And never keep all the  money in one pocket, use shirt with at least 2 and trousers with 4 and spread money between them.

  20. So although you may be 28 Devint, many ex-pats and foreigners more than twice your age feel a lightness in their step enjoying the company of 20-something boys and girls. 

    Rogie , stop talking about me, I'm shy guy and don't like publicity. LOL


    Well said nevertheless, thank you for expressing nicely in short sentence why we love LOS even if factor X doesn't work sometimes as hoped for.

  21. This guy was lucky that it was not me, Because I'm not a very bad person but at that moment i would of break something and for sure it would of bean him. How can a man be so much disrespect, Lucky for him it was you Michael you and your big heart... Probably save him.

    I'm surprised too that he did not drown by accident somewhere mid-river.

  22. Well, we lived in Pattaya for a long time and he mostly dislikes Pattaya Farangs. But, I think that has to do with the constant BS a "taken" boy gets from others trying to woo him away.


    I went on a boat trip to the River Kwai a few years back. It was organized by a group of Pattaya expats and they charged a price for the boys to go but provided some whiskey etc and guaranteed the boat. I took around 20 guys with me. That means I paid for them, paid for their ticket, their transportation and liquor. I won't even begin to say how much this cost. But, one of the sponsors of the trip took a liking to one of the guys I brought. He was insistently following him around and hitting on him. The young lad was nice but kept saying no and moving on. Finally, the older farang said, "I am one of the sponsors of this trip and you must go to my cabin with me." Many Thais would simply do as asked but he turned back and said as he pointed at me, "That is my sponsor for this trip." The old man came over and asked my name and I chatted with him and he asked if the boy was taken and I said, "Yes, he is." Truth is that he wasn't but he had already filled me in on the guy. The man said, "well, I pay a great deal for this trip and guys like him should not be invited."


    The story is simple. There are many like that from guys I know. When a farang treats a guy with such disrespect, it is often taken against the whole lot of us. Sad, but true.

    I like your post but story is appalling and no wonder your boyfriend doesn't like assholes like one you described. One of those I mentioned above acting like they own the place and it's people.


    Do not think how much it cost you but count all those merits you earned by taking those boys there, money well spent.

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