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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. justice prevailed, (Thai version of it for the rich). If those were ordinary NZ bacpackers strangely I'm sure they would be rotting in jail for good while.
  2. exactly, it was misspelled name of candidate to vote for. Harris spells Harris , not Trump
  3. typical pro-lifer, they oppose abortion in the morning , in the afternoon are all for death penalty, day after day
  4. hope you did not differentiate their tips depending of that background
  5. sure , those days drinking gin without tonic some people consider extreme form of torture
  6. at Hot Male on 2nd floor that have go-go bar. Like in every go-go bar in Thailand this is where you will see boys presenting themselves on the stage , usually bare chested , sometimes in jeans , sometimes in just briefs with number pinned somewhere. That indicates he is available to be taken out . Around 10.30 they will have a show with finale most likely being big cock show after which boys will circulate audience for tip in exchange for a feel of their rigid thingy. T you not obligated to tip but in such case don't touch guy either as it will be bad form, just look is for free. I usually tip 50 or 100 , some others just 20 drink is likely 500 and it's in reality admission ticket to a bar with 1 drink included. As you enter you will be seated and asked what do you want to drink. With your order invoice will be brought and placed in bin in front of you , you will pay when you will be leaving but feel free to pay right away if you wish so -I usually do. You can invite boy to seat with you, then either ask mamasan (waiter) to call him over or , like I do , motion him yourself. You should offer him a drink which , depending on bar will be the same , slightly cheaper or slightly dearer than your drink, we are talking 50-100 baht deviation either way, in Hot Male if I recall it's the same. If you subsequently decide to off (take with you ) that guy , you will get another invoice in your bin. In such a case no need to tip guy you are taking. If you decide to send hi back after a while you should tip him 100-300 may be even more depending on length of time you were holding him and how things went under the table. A we all know , hand holding and cock holding are not exactly the same. Try to be discreet though , just follow boy's lead. Keep in mind if you not planning to take boy with you by holding him you are depriving him chance of getting business so either compensate for that with higher tip or sent him back with his tip after he is done with his drink. Off fee for taking boy is almost universal 500, only exception I know in Bangkok is offing models from Moonlight which is 1000, floor boys there, often as attractive as models are still at 500 Waiter at Hot Male beer bar on ground floor can be taken home too for the same 500 but sometimes you may need to wait till end of their shift. More questions-ask
  7. if they start taking bookings , for sure they will make it. Otherwise it would be un auspicious start
  8. Welcome to the forum. No need to be shy and no need to get drunk. Mamasans will pressure you, mainly to off a boy or buy next drink indeed but it's not like strangulation and can be easily shaken off. Drink your drink slowly and it doesn't need to be alcohol, they have water , soft drinks some bars even hot tea or coffee. All drinks in bar cost the same 400-500 depending of venue. Best way to prevent from overspending is to take only that much money. I'm sure somebody will find you there to be your guide even if it's relatively low season there. Mamasans at Jupiter , Moonlight, Dreamboys and Hot Male are relatively tame so you mat start with one of those bars. But first step should be Hot Male beer bar on street level on Patpong 2. No mamasans, drinks are cheap and no pressure to off the boy as they are mostly for drinking company. Don't confuse with Hot Male go-go bar which is on 2nd floor right above.
  9. March closure, The One, new incarnation of Tawan is opened and depending on reports and days seems to be busy or slow
  10. that impressive falls up high on Mt Kulen would do nicely to power some hydropower station , spoiling environment in process.
  11. you are spot on and it was picked up already for few seasoned commentators as wells. Oh well , if they strangle each other , no harm done I guess
  12. yes, I don't know technical term in English , " peak and pump" perhaps. at night when power is cheap and abundant they pump water to reservoir, in peak times water it's released powering turbines while tumbling down. I wouldn't be surprised it it was actually developed / invented in Russia . a lot of hydropower plant don't require daming whole river across , canal and artificial lake will do
  13. yes, those days when luggage usually comes at a price , if airline offers free checked-in I tend to utilize freebie. Long life Aer Lingus !
  14. Once by mistake I booked rooms in both Zing and Copa for the same night and it turned out to be great idea I utilised few times since. Having 2 rooms at disposal at both ends of Pattaya in inexpensive hotels, avoiding travel need when it's late and I'm hot under collar
  15. as they say where I was born ' bell sounds but nobody knows from which church". There were various versions of reason for sudden closure circulating but I guess it's better to leave them to whispering, if at all , than put in print. Even from their boys I got two completely different reasons.
  16. Great to heat Gop is alive but questions lingers - who was cremated on that Wednesday mentioned in OP. I know dead body but whose ?
  17. in that case , yes , although I observed that usually , regardless of destination, my connecting luggage comes out rather close to an end.
  18. exactly, often when I see that kind of lists on any subject I suspect their only purpose is to instigate discussion of how stupid they are
  19. that's prejudice of us, English speaking people. May be less of requirement for Japanese, Brazilians, Germans, French etc.
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