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Posts posted by vinapu

  1. Not wasting money on phones & clothes is admirable. 

    However I've never quite got this concept of sending money to mama. 

    Surely any young lad working in a short career as a hooker should be saving some money to fund his own education or potential business opportunities?   Whilst mama should get off her own arse and take her own opportunities in life?


    I've also seen boys sending money home to pay off the family car loan for a brand new car.  So they spend money to buy an expensive depreciating asset and send their young lad out to work for it.  

    In countries with weak or non-existing income  safety net family  must go first as it's only place people can fall on when going get tough.


    As for buying new car they can't afford since this is status symbol many will go to great lengths in order to acquire it  . And this is true in Western societies too

  2. Great mystery  for me is as heavy as I am, my cholesterol and sugar are perfect.  Still no excuse and have to get to work on it. So much harder when you get older to lose weight.


    Think I heard something about it being another mediocre addition in the same building but I will look for Zeus tonight if the rains stay away.

    Regular boyscapades to LOL are probably helping you to stay with perfect levels.


    Somebody mentioned that Zeus may be in old Ocean Boys place ?

  3. I never been to Starbucks and even before this story broke I was always  proud of it .


    Yes,  guy's  logo resembles theirs a bit but who believes small guy would be any competition for them , I'd rather say he provides an additional   and free advertisement for brand.


    I guess they want to teach Thais a lesson with such a unreasonable demand for compensation.


    My best wishes of healthy heartburn  and indigestion for all Starbucks customers.

  4. I'd check cholesterol level after all those cheeseburgers and desserts unless  you had couple drinks of something more substantial than wine.


    Four gentlemen 3 minutes from HERO and  nobody venture to inspect? LOL


    They were reports about new bar ZEUS in soi Twilight, would you like to confirm if it's true if you go there

    • Who is this human form visible against the window? You or resident hotel ghost?
    • You right  about extremely good deal with limo from Pattaya for 40 $, probably most of us pay more  just to get to airport where we live. 

    What do you mean you are tired? Just bring boy special , do not molest him but ask him to wrap himself around you in bed, go to sleep as his pillow and in the morning you will be years younger. This is my method of fighting jet lag and it works with bit of self discipline / I let boy to molest me if he wishes though, some actually do ,  considering age difference it's not bad self esteem  booster for me/ .


    Enjoy your time in this most invigorating city in the world. 

  5. Great report Devint,

    sorry to hear  about your ocean misadventure but this is what happens when youngsters are not listening to their elders. Everybody says stay away from Pattaya beach and you had unpleasant task to confim that.


    Thank you for positive review of La Café Royale- will be there in 4 weeks.


    It looks that Boyztown can keep one occupied for a while

  6. MrBill, are those pictures from  he said Sanctuary  ? looks impressive, how to get there ? I know it can be googled but for sake of future readers.

    I second an idea of taking boy to somewhere not sex / food /shopping related like Alcazar show u you mentioned. Once   took boy for a Grand Palace tour and genuinely I was moved by his reaction. If we don't treat them as just a toy,  chances are they respond in kind. Not all chance encounters need to be toy/ATM meetings only.

  7. The Japanese certainly claim the oldest dynasty still in existence. If they  are to be believed, their monarchy traces a continuous line of descent going back 2,600 years or so.


    Wow! Just imagine how much more impressive this record would be if he'd got the job while he was still Gorm the Young! (Sorry - couldn't resist that)

    Probably not that much, these days people did not live that  long, 50 was old already. Scandinavians liked to give fancy names to their kings, my favourite is Harald Bluetooth, Gorm succesor

  8. Most of the Pattaya bars allow pics and movies of cabaret shows. BBB and WWB allow also, though WWB make you stop during the "sexy" routines..not that these have been sexing for quite some time



    What old hands consider boring for newcomers to LOS will still be gate to heaven warranting sweat and space discomfort inside their undies

  9. you are both smart, you did not fall in his trap of 400 and he was obviously trying to cash on his good looks - free market so why not. I can imagine somebody new to Pattaya  and little drunk carried over and  paying that much.



    As for prohibition for  photos inside of bars I think it's good idea, last thing many people need is their face on somebody else's photo taken inside of bar and posted  on the facebook. Has nothing to do with debauchery, more with keeping private affairs private as it's nobody's business  how and where one spends vacations/weekends e.t.c.


    And for 27th time thank you for keeping us entertained with your adventures

  10. I am not a show person but there is no comparison between the show at Copa and the show in Jupiter.


    Jupiter is an amateurish  production in comparison.

    Neither am I but now you got me curious  

  11. Mystery solved, thank you Garrison. I was just curious, actually it would be fun to off some Russian and at one point surprise him as I speak quite a bit of language.


    I know there are Russian girls working in bars, any sightings of boys? I know there's one  / Alex / working in Magnolia massage .


    How you compare Copa show to one in Jupiter in BKK, I think best of all there.

  12. don't tell me you went home alone...?

    Don't be too nosy, lol.


    This thread developed nice as mine of information for prospective Pattaya first timers and well illustrated at that. Next time some newbie asks for advice before trip I think we can just direct him  to study it.

  13. Great photos and great community service ! You have a good heart !


    Will go to ABomb in Nov and extract back 200 bht boys  made you paying !. Curious -did they requested that or you just thought it's fair?


    Is first boy Thai ? it looks like Russian to me but it may be just photo.


    Second one I'd off in a fash ,bar would be deprived chance to sell me  a drink. I like spark in his eyes but both are stunners in my eyes and well worth the sin / and a generous tip /.


    Nice line up at BBB  , they look more man than boy so you're right I'd be happy  in BT likely.


    On more serious note I personally do not see anything wrong if strangers are demanding fee for posing for us, when travelling I hate sight tourists pushing their cameras in everybody's face.    What you guys think?


    As for bar assessments nothing wrong with conflicting opinions, likely both jomtien and firecat are right about that bar as we all look through our own lenses-good example above, I'd off boy in a second , firecat was happy to take a picture and move on.


    So everybody can register their opinion and prospective visitors will make their own based on what they heard, or rather read.

  14. vacation after all should be vacation from everything, penny pinching included.


    Often in my travels I met and  felt sorry for people who spent fortune to travel somewhere and after arrival they seem to  deprive themselves even cheapest pleasantries in order not to overpay or haggle with locals over equivalent of 30 cents just for sake of haggling.


    Personally I do not see need for fancy hotels but understand that some travelers may get  fun living few days in luxury and splurging on it. The same goes for taxis and fancy restaurants. On another hand I spend silly amounts on luxury  massage treatments I don't even have need for other than for sake of sheer indulgence , why not ?


    I enjoyed Gold's posts immensely and my favorite part was his encounter with Tawan boy-brilliant idea instead of getting massage from boy why not to reverse roles. Gee , getting hot in here ! Lol

  15. In comparison to girl bars, gay ones are minuscule minority so straight have much , much bigger variety of venues and escorts available. Hence  biggest price range.


    Even for us one can imagine ugly street urchin from Nature Boy agreeing to go long-time for much  less than 1000 if desperate while stunner from Tawan or Jupiter can easily try to extract 4000 or more for the same time

  16. Actually, that's probably the best way to "save face".   If the bar doesn't merit a stay, make it look like you were never intending to visit that type of bar.

    Smart guy you !

    And likely boys would feel better if they sense one waded in there by mistake instead seeing him  grimacing with disappointment .

  17. Gold ,


    don't worry about this. Every board will have inflamers who will be trying derail thread , gay forums are not exception.

    Don't get discouraged by this, it's price we need to pay for anonymity of participation. 


    You do not need to justify your spending habits to anybody as it's nobody's business.

    Some people are driving fancy cars, wearing expensive jewelry, why others can't spent their money on expensive hotels, clothes , drinks e.t.c.  


    as for point 3:

    it's possible that people with lots of time in their hands and good imagination and writing skills would invent and post stories just to entertain themselves and possibly others, may be to improve their self-esteem as well to show everybody how worldly they are  . Again,  gay boards are not immune to this. Like Italians say " si non e vero, e ben trovato" - "even if not true at least is well invented".


    This summer I was confined home for several weeks and being stuck , among other things entertained myself  by combing through 3 most popular Thai gay forums and  definitely some stories were in this category. Sample I remember:  in 2006 poster is commenting as eye witness on some recent  goings in Tawan bar, in 2011 the same poster    is asking some questions claiming  is coming back for vacation  after  20 years absence  in Thailand .


    But really  where's harm  IMHO? Not that I condone fiction, just trying to state that it can't be avoided so why bother to worry.


    Thank you for great reports and keep posting without worry what trolls will say.


    You should be commended as many people are looking for information and won't even bother to thank , not to mention to repay posters with even shortest  trip report we so  love to read.

  18. You are right about tendency of the  elite to keep those positions in the family .


    While percentage in US is lower . as per article,  than in other nepotic countries their position on the list along with Thailand, Argentina,  Phillippines and Japan is more worrying as USA are seemingly old and entrenched democracy as opposite to former autocracies,  fresh to the democratic principles. Eventually this will lead to erosion of democracy there and it will not  be pretty if human  history has any lessons for contemporaries.


    As for monarchic issues HM King is currently  the world's longest serving monarch but world longest currently serving dynasty is  in Denmark, with their uninterrupted rule stretching back to A.D. 950 with Gorm The Old enthroned.  


    Based on what you say you like , you will be wasting your time going to Sunee.  95% skinny twinks which I like.



    Even if boys type may be different type tourist in me says I have to go and see.


    What about GUY bar in Walking street? Any comments?


    Don't want to seem to nosy but did you manage to hook up with Amazing from GR , your all time favorite?

  20. which 3 bars you'd recommend firecat ? I will be staying in Boystown / Le Café / , shortlisted Funny Boys and Toyboys as must visits plus outside BT  Magnolia massage recommended by "anyone" on this forum and KrazyDragon + CityBoys bars in Sunee


    I'm not bar hopping type , usually enter bar and find somebody smiling at me I consider offable and off we go.


    I love energy of big cities and do a lot of touristy stuff  beside manhunting, it's why I'm enamored with BKK and never ventured further away in 8 trips, always there 5 or 7 days only in between of other places in Asia / Australia.


    Always skipped Pattaya as long time ago somebody judgment I trust  and who knows me well told me that I would not like PTY but this time with longer trip and solely to Thailand decided to see if it's true by myself, feel energized and curious by few reports presented here recently. 

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