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Posts posted by vinapu

  1. It looks that government underestimated opposition resistance to the amnesty and they mat still reconsider..


    And opposition does not presents any  plausible argument for their case hiding behind the façade of ' defending monarchy '.


    Just my opinion, I may be wrong. Still believe electoral verdict on issue would be preferable than staged protests.  

  2. I would disagree only in that I don't think it's even close. I suspect the Admirers are much better at lying judging from some of the profiles on Cam4, Camfrog and even GR. Many haven't seen 50 y/o in at least 10 years yet list themselves as 32, 35, 39 etc. :yahoo:

    But this is part of adventure - joy of discovery for both sides.


    I'm not on those sites but I assume that all users are not really  expecting accuracy with stats and pictures. Just something like "Pattaya is popular family holiday destination on the Gulf of Thailand"

  3. opportunistic theft will always exist, not only in the sex trade. It's why sensible person needs to take precaution by removing temptation from pure view, spreading money between few pockets etc.


    But we can't create an impression that by bringing boys specials  home we are at risk of being robbed as this is clearly not a case. 


    It's why I have an issue with statement above that 'large percentage are liars and thieves and particularly in BKK".


    Clearly trailrider has bad experience and we would like to hear his side of story or he is trying to take us for a ride. 



  4. vinapu; I  don't think it is the boy's knee that is mistaken for the gear lever.

    I did not want to make to lengthy post and wanted to include girls so opted for all -inclusive knee version, political correctness running amok, my  fault

  5. You are right but one can replace Thailand in your post with Mexico, Egypt  or India and rest is as accurate.


    Many countries simply don't have road infrastructure to handle number of vehicles on the roads and corruption allows everybody and his sister to obtain a license without proper training.


    But it looks from other posts that as soon as one leaves BKK driving becomes pleasant and easy. 


    Farang drivers are source of few accidents because they mistake girl's  or boy's knee for gear lever.

  6. They are not retards but a large percentage are liers and thieves.  I fine this true particularly in Bangkok.

    Are you trying to inflame us here? What is your statistic sample so you venture with such an opinion ?

    Do what Christian did and tell us your stories so we may be warned. " Large percentage ' is pretty serious statement 


    As for me - 8 trips 1 week trips since 2001, almost always long time off for the night so possibilities of theft increasing with longer time and me inevitably falling asleep for hour or so -and never not only anything stolen but not even any hint they may be interested in looking in my staff.


    Firecact is talking about hundreds meetings with 1 snafu, rarely on forums one can see reports of thefts. Not saying it doesn't happen but for my personal use I feel safe with the boys .


    As for lies - as firecat noticed above it may be part of trade for both sides, they tell us we are handsome, we tell them they must be blind, but those are harmless lies.


    If boy promises to do something and doesn't deliver it may be deliberate lie to land a contract but also lack of chemistry or size / hygiene etc issues.


    But this is just misleading advertising - not a lie, all companies are doing this 8 days a week , 25 hours a day, turn your TV and watch the ads with all those dirty spots disappearing with wave of hand.

  7. I think in any setting  - commercial/ non commercial, straight / gay etc. Thais prefer just to do it instead of talking about it  , you rarely see any display of affection in public even among young people, at least this are my observations.


    Even fact that those dens of sin  - Patpong, Nana and Cowboy , prominent yet somehow hidden from main street perspective is telling.


    As for  Rogie's comment above  about "making friends and allowing possibility ..." even with commercial sworn king/top boys on few occasions when long time offed   I noticed that while early during convention there's no  way even  of toughing their lower behinds without some growling, if everything goes right and you seem to built some rapport with guy  in the morning resistance  is disappearing / to toughing , not actual act - for this more time and likely more money is necessary /

  8. I have found everyday Thai guys on the street are best. Get talking to them, if you click, ask them over for a drink and things go from there. 

    As ChristianPFC's adventure few weeks ago with drivers  from Hualampong  described on this forum  attests to


    I know Vinapu will give us some good stories.    


    Also lets get some more GayRomeo reviews. I know there are others out there using GayRomeo.


    I need more leads for the next trip which will last 60 days.

    60 DAYS ! Lucky you, it looks that soon you will be domesticated in Thailand ?


    Another week and off I go, hope to find something interesting to contribute although like Anonone I use to take very low tech approach to vacations, no laptops, phones just immense heater to make my own  tea in the  room at morning time.

    But there are reports that internet cafes are becoming trendy place to meet boys special, one more incentive to  go there.


    And definitely will try to check the lead you left us here with pictures of 2 boys from A-Bomb, it would be waste of your 200 bht If nobody  followed there

  10. My apologies if I offended anyone.


    I have mood swings. Yesterday I wondered why so much goes wrong, had a dull day, then at night I had a chat with boys in my area that cheered me up, and later picked up the boy from paragraph (doesn't matter) at Sanam Luang and we had a great time back at my place. Now I am fine, and this morning I wondered if I should have opened this topic yesterday. But all cases are real.

    Long live Sanam Luang for putting ChristianPFC  back on his foot.


    And again you managed to stir posting community which is good thing, too bad that case could not be defended  but at least was discussed and as one can see summarily dismissed. Now cheer up with last night memories and start smelling roses again


    Any element of society - whether the military or other elitist element - that argues that illegal change (i.e., a military coup) is required or justified because the voters picked the wrong party or leader are simply elements that truly have no respect for or belief in democracy.

    As one of those people for whom Sept 11 is not as much anniversary of bombing of World Trade Center as anniversary of bloody Pinochet's coup in Chile in 1973 I'm signing your statement above with both hands !


    Yes, sometimes forceful removal of people in power my be good thing but it should not be dressed as defense of democracy neither as exercise of saving nation from itself.


    I don't have much an idea if Thaksin was good or bad  leader but can help not to notice that his power was sneakily  stolen from

    him and no pleasurable case can be made that country or it's people  were  made visibly better by this theft.

  12. It's interesting to see where and how others live


    But you have to be ready for surprises. Last week, I went to meet a boy. My and his body fluid was spilled over my abdomen, so I wanted to take a shower. There was no towel in the bathroom. There was no towel elswhere in his room! So I had to shower, trying to minimise water contact (only where necessary) and then roll in the bedlinen and dry on air. Then we had to hurry to get out before is sister comes back.


    The mattresses used in Thai bedrooms have a plastic surface. That might be usefull because you can just wipe off when you pee in your bed, but I don't like the feeling of plastic on my naked skin, I prefer bedlinen.

    Lesson learned- when visiting somebody in order to check his stamp collection  is not a bad idea to drop by 7/11 and pick up roll of paper towels. always can be explained that you need it for one's own place to avoid face loss.


    Plastic mattresses in Thai climate may be handy to clean but definitely not pleasant as bed surface. 


    Again not a bad idea to accept invitation to see somebody in his place just to learn few new things.



    And for every opinion expressed in the Washington Post or the New York Times there is always another one expressed by some farmers in a remote corner of Texas who vote too, particularly on issues like teaching "Creationism" as "science" in schools - your point is?


    Farmers from remote corners of country by majority vote  may  force issue to be implemented , right or wrong. This is price for democracy.

    As long as I remember Thaksin was not voted out of office but removed by a coup . 


    So we either believe in democracy , all bells and whistles included or we believe in democracy if suits us  but if does not than all of the sudden we are falling in love with  other "saviors".


    This was my point

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