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Posts posted by vinapu

  1. Thank you und danke schoen for very interesting travel post.


    As for night confession in the park I don't think revealing that you a gay prevents you from getting laid but fact that is cone in front of quite of crowd. Even if somebody is interested in you may be hesitant to make further step in company of his likely straight friends.


    Waiting impatiently for more pictures and travel prose.

  2. Yes, yes, yes and yes. :) LOL


    It tasted horrible. It was actually the worst thing I have tasted in ages. So much so that when I took a bite, I knew I would be sick. Within an hour, I was bent over the toilet. If you want more details, the boys did photograph that as well. :)

    you should disinfect yourself immediately with shot of Mekhong whisky or gin  and you would avoid whole adventure

  3. As far as carbs, what I do when I eat Pizza is eat 2 slices and then 4 hours later, eat two more. I think we need carbs and if done in moderation, they are good for you.

    you just follow old wisdom  - what is better than one  slice of pizza ?


    ans : two slices of pizza 

  4. Great job Devint, waiting for your series impatiently


    My 2 cents:


    as part of Silom street food experience I'm  fun of Convent street food stalls 


    additional advantage of street food is that one's  boy will feel more comfortable eating there then in restaurant of your choice where he will be stared at by half of farangs dining there. At least this is my observation. Usually if I ask them where they want to eat answer is as one expects  'up to you ' but I always tell them bluntly  -this time is up to you,you tell me , I just pay.

  5. Sharing on all boards is good.


    1 Some of us don't read all boards

    2 Readers might not care much for the bitching on some boards.

    3 People who do read all boards can learn to spot duplicate thread title & therefore only read them once..

    re point 3.

    What I found interesting is the same post  generates heated discussion on one  board and is barely noticed on others. Even posters often are more talkative on the same subject  in one place and quite brief on another.  


    So Christian   and everybody else of course do not be discouraged by  some complains and post wherever you like.

  6. Interesting how nobody seems to understand the boys are at equal risk here. Going with strangers to short time rooms and nobody knows who they are with.  


    I completely understand why they might carry a knife.

    You are correct, probably they are even at bigger risk if they decide to go after another trick the same night obviously carrying some money with they from the first assignment  but is one thing to carry concealed knife for protection and different one to use it against somebody to threaten him like it happened to Christian.

  7. looking in other's  people pocket is always interesting, thank you for the post.


    Watch your  diet-you spent  similar amount on sweets and on fruits.


    Taking public transport as lifestyle choice - I like that,  I'm the same.


    But for person with such a lifestyle  it looks that still  you spent quite a bit on taxis -  2/3 whoring amount


    Chances are without working you would not be able to spent 40000 / month even with all that extra free time-where money would be coming from? Sorry for being nosy

  8. .


    After showering, I didn’t switch off the TV (he was watching, waiting while I was showering), a big mistake! He was watching TV during all our interaction, I asked to switch it off, he replied something that I interpreted as “I just want to watch this to the end”. Catch-22: if I switch off the TV, he will not be happy, if I leave it on, it will attract all his attention. I left it on. Sex was so-so, will look for another boy next time. I think they have pegged me down as easy to please and softy/wimp (can’t even tell a prostitute to switch off the TV during sex!).


    ...... I told him that I don’t like him playing with a knife in my presence (to put it mildly, last time he pointed the knife at me in jest and asked for money). I hope he made the connection between me giving him 20 Baht he had asked for and not playing with his knife (on our two last encounters I didn’t give him money because he was playing with his knife). I should have told him as well that I like his T-shirt.

    Not necessary softy /  wimp, quite possible he may consider you having "good heart", spread the news and your reward will come.


    Years ago /2002 / I took boy short  time to my hotel / Niagara hotel in soi 9 of all places , sometimes I stay there for few days /.

    After our convention he collected his tip and on leaving asked if he can watch football game Thailand-Vietnam in my room which I gladly agreed to just to share fun with no sin in mind at all.


    After game not only he announced his desire to stay till morning because my 'good heart' he said,  but after night of  cuddling did not accept any money other than asking 100 baht for mototaxi.   


    As for boy  with knife I wish I could say I admire your bravery but I can not. But since your are there one hopes you know what you are doing

  9. To reduce the risk of DVT, a little exercise on flights is a very good thing.  Walking upstairs to go to the toilet would be perfect.


    Those of us who fly in economy or on 777's don't really have that option. 

    One of new Airbuses / A 350 ? /, one that serves Munich-Newark route actually has 6 or 8 washrooms downstairs in the economy for desired exercise.

  10. I really don't understand the aversion to tipping especially in a place as Thailand where the wages of the working class are so low.  If they were earning a living wage such as in Japan or Australia that is another matter. But in Thailand that is not the case and maybe a tip can make a difference in someone's life? 



    I'm fully with you on the issue. Tips haters should follow your earlier post- tipping depends on how many drinks you tipped  before tip. Few drinks help to loose up wallet and one is still happy. We should be grateful for Thailand offering Third world prices for what is often first class  offer. And I don't even mean quality of boys on offer .


    A for wai and a grope, now I feel jealous, wonder what I'm doing wrong



    The Vinmanmek Palace is even worse. There are security checks like on an airport, and you have to leave everything in a locker, if I remember correctly the fee is not refundable.


    * Most temples do not require you to wear long trousers. I think I had the Grand Palace in mind when I went out, so I could have worn long trousers, but simply didn't think of it. Now we have dragged the defensive position I am in on other boards (Almost there (getting laid locally)) to this board as well.

    You are correct, Vimanmek locker fees are not refundable. I don't remember what they are a but it was more than token amount.


    My apologies if  I sounded aggressive with temple dress mini-lecture. I did not mean to attack you at all nor directed it at you Christian, rather wanted to provide some info to all those newcomers to Thailand  who are always on prowl for the advice  combing posts on this and other forums. It just came handy there  because of contents of your posts


    I'm following your posts on other boards with interest..  


    Still believe we should not to be upset at hosts trying to enforce their rules, be it temple, bar or house.


    One thing I have noticed in restaurants in Thailand is the waiters/waitresses rarely thank the customer for the tip. Have others observed this or have different experiences?


    Yes and I'm glad  you mentioned that. I noticed that not only restaurant's or go-go   waiters  , mamasans etc rarely think for a tip but also  boys seldom do.


    It may be cultural thing and hope others can comment on it . And no, with short time no less than 1500 and long no less than 2500 I don't think my  is Cheap Charlie case

  13. Regarding the tipping (cut from a post I wrote on another board):


    Many people would agree with you Christian. Although choking to death on a chunk of food might be more appropriate than a malignant cancer.


    One thing I have noticed in restaurants in Thailand is the waiters/waitresses rarely thank the customer for the tip. Have others observed this or have different experiences?


    I hope Christian and you are not serious with that malignant cancer comment / wish. If you didn't witness such a death count your blessings.


    In most places it's  still fairly easy to avoid burden of tipping by choosing non-tip kind of establishment by eating breakfast at McDonalds and buying one's beer at the store and drinking it on the bench in Lumpini Park. 


    As Christian noticed when in Rome do what Romans do.


    In Rome , New York  /yes there is such city between Syracuse and Albany / leave 15-20 % customary tip, in Rome, Italy ask locally what customs are . 


    And no, I'm not fun of tipping either as tipping  system is forcing service workers to depend on kindness od strangers instead of receiving fair wage like in Japan or Australia.

  14.  It just goes to show a sense of humour helps in Thailand. Rather than seethe just laugh it off. I think that's why some ex-pats and tourists come amiss, they let the little annoyances fester which in time is a recipe for becoming jaded and cynical.

    Wise , wise words. Unfortunately often forgotten.


    And not only in Thailand sense of humor and distance to ourselves helps-works everywhere.


    The same goes with your recipe for becoming jaded -not only tourists and ex-pats can use  your warning but everybody . Looking at full half of glass  is always much better than being upset about empty part.


    i.e. on our home turf of  various forums -instead of being inflamed by unkind responses to one's posts poster should enjoy fact that somebody bothered to read and took pain to respond

  15. They have dressing rules, with shorts you cannot enter.


    Unfortunately, I did not think of these rules when I left my room (otherwise I would have dressed in long trousers). They provide long trousers that you can over your shorts, however you have to queue and pay a deposit, then queue to get trousers, then queue for the dressing room, and on leaving the same backwards (you get your deposit back). Very annoying and a big waste of time!

    Good thing you mention that Christian so others can be warned and prepared.


    Last time I had my sarong  I just bought in Indonesia and proven handy anywhere I went  -to cover myself in Emerald Buddha and other temples, to use as towel in hot springs, even one of boys visiting my  used it to show his modesty  after shower. Long live sarong !  



    Don't treat your experience with shorts as waste of time, rather as other culture learning experience or handy reminder. 


    We enter church, we take hat off, we enter synagogue hat goes on, in the mosque or wat we will  take our shoes off . 

    Not difficult to remember and makes sightseeing  easier and shows that we know and care.


    As I  mentioned before biggest waste of time at Grand Place will be staying in the bed too long-than you need to beat crowds, it took me 4 or 5 visits before I smarten up to realize that. 


    Arena is for me too close by to what are often abysmal standards in the tourist zone. It is indeed not that clean-and sits in a near deserted kind of enclosed shopping centre, just round the corner of that cheap gay guesthouse, BTS Chong Nonsri.

    Cheap gay guesthouse you mentioned is Om Yim and is indeed  around the corner-no need to cross the street from Arena

  17. Vinapu has lived a very charmed life if a boy has never brought up the subject of payment. His report contrasts with a bizarre experience I had a couple of months ago with a boy from one of the Jomtien Complex bars.


    We had not discussed payment, because, like Vinapu, I do not like to deal with that until it's over. I reckon, anyway, that if I have a reputation in Jomtien it's for generous, if not foolish, payment. He was a very fem boy and doing his job delightfully and with no difficulty, when, sitting on top of me, he stopped mid-congress (don't I put it tactfully!), withdrew from me and said, 'You pay me this?' I think I spluttered something like 'Of course, of course', and probably looked a bit thunderous. He followed this with, 'OK, we stop. You pay me half now.'  I was so taken aback that I could not continue, even on my own terms. I did not worry about his losing face and gave him a straight but short lecture on the foolishness of his behaviour, which did not serve his own best interests at all.


    Strange to tell, his super-smooth skin belies a hide like a rhinoceros. Subsequently, whenever I pass his bar, he sidles out across the soi to me, smiling and manipulative, and gives me the old 'I wanna go with you' routine, as if nothing untoward had ever taken place. My answer is always, 'Not tonight, thank you.'


    But don't worry, snwbrdr015. I think you have to wait a long time before something like this happens to you!

    Holly smoke ! That's Bizarre with capital B. Either boy was stupid and greedy or took you for somebody else who cheated him or his friend in the past.


    I can live with charmed life designation but honestly never had up front or after money discussion apart from asking for taxi money on few occasions for which I have straight ' you got enough already ' answer unless boy is leaving in middle of the night due to previous agreement.  


    May be you should start 'boy's  bizarre behavior' thread with your story  as probably other would chip in with similar experiences.


    Don't cut yourself short- there's no such thing like generous foolish payment as long as boy make you even half happy.

    Stingy foolish payment -yes but this is not a  case as per your narrative.


    And yes, 'mid-congress ' is as tactful as it can be .

  18. Cheers guys; helpful info.


    I'm thinking of taking my changes at Arena in the Silom complex. Anyone been there? Their guestbook offer real straightforward Q and A's. As a 'cut to the chase Dutchie' I like that. Once in LOS I obviously will let that attitude go and settle for Thai manners en be patiently :-)

    I was  there in May twice. Selection of boys was not big so firecat may be right but I was late during day. Nevertheless both times I left very happy . For bigger selection you may go earlier. Pictures on the website are not giving boys justice and this is a case with many sites IMHO.


    Go with your guts and try them, certainly I will next time. In fact  this is always first boy place I visit  in Bangkok after arrival so I may be biased being sentimental.


    Keep in mind it's always draw of luck, you may see 3 boys and all will be your taste or 20 and none will be- see recent HERO thread.


    Take all of our opinions and advices with grain of salt as each has own preferences about boys , venues , cleanliness, noise etc. which may or may not be the same like yours.


    Don't be discouraged by places where you are not picking boy but get one assigned from rotation i.e.  Bangkok Massage in Soi Twilight. You may land  a gem too.


    Look for eye contact from boy-chances are he is interested in you, helps to built chemistry which at end of day is more important than dick size, body shape etc.

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