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    Manly69 reacted to GoldMember in WPBKK 2018 - Trip report - Happy People   
    Hey everyone, starting to write this at the plane back home. I want it done while all is as fresh and accurate as possible.
    Starting again with an introduction. I'm a 33 year old Israeli, married + 1. This is my 4th trip (and trip report) to BKK. I love travelling alone for sex and party adventures. With the recent addition to our family, I felt an on going, growing desire to feel independent, self centered and have a trip that focuses entirely on MY needs. Don't be mistaken, I love my husband and daughter. But, I needed the break. My husband is well aware of all my needs and thoughts and while he does not accept them happily, he understands them and we find a way to make this work.
    I have been contemplating the idea of visiting BKK for a circuit festival party for the last 3 years but never got serious about it. When the White Party Bangkok (WPBKK) punlished the dj lineup and I saw 2 names that I liked - Sagi Kariv (Israel) and Suri (Spain) the idea of going started getting serious. Just didn't know how to sell the idea to my partner. Once the rumers of the arrivel of the mother of all gay djs, my favorite love, Offer Nissim, I knew that is my ticket. I will explain more what is Offer Nissim for me, for now lets just say I am a really big fan and my husband might understand if I wanna see my favorite dj in my favorite city. So started talking about it, also in this forum, and as time passed by it got more and more real.
    This was an expensive trip for me. That is to be expected from a short trip combined with NYE dates. Since this was a 80 (a little more that 3 whole days) hour trip (excluding flights) I did not see any other option than using the only direct flight with our shitty local airline that has bad prices, bad service and planes older than my mom. But also, for BKK they have perfect time slots for both directions to sleep very well and avoid any form of jet lag. That ticket was 1050 USD (and an additional 150 USD for TLV-BKK one direction economy premium) which is considered rather standard for that line at this time of year. No sane Israeli will come to BKK only for NYE weekend so there was no high demand that made ticket prices incline. That was not true for hotels. My gury, Vinapu, recommended that I order as fast as I can the hotel and he was right, prices inclined by the week. I usually stay in Surawong's Meridian but this time I followed Namazu's advice and ordered the hotel near the party area Centara Grand @ Centralworld (Namazu, best advice ever! Thanks). The price for 3 nights was 860 USD. Yes, I know, no one should pay those prices for lodging in BKK. But for me, it was worth it. Also purchased a VIP full festival WPBKK pass for 9000 BHT. European prices for an Asian circuit festival in BKK. So unfair for most of the locals that can only dream to enter there. There should be a discount for them. Of course that makes most crowd for the parties to originate from more wealthy Asian countries. This trip was also in very high risk for cancellation for various reasons so I insured the flight, hotel, party ticket so that I can cancel for any reason up until 12 houts prior the trip (100 USD). So paid more than I'm used to for BKK, but didn't care, this was MY trip and I wanted the best for myself as I don't get everyday to meet my favorite dj in my favorite city.
    One last thing before starting actually to report, as similiar to previous trips, I started sexting on the apps with FakeGPS a week before. It was on PlanetRomeo that I got a text from the guy that I will spend most of trip with. It was a profile that I would not text to myself. The reason for that is that it was a faceless, PERFECT, torso. Those usually seem unreachanle or fake to me so I don't bother. It's a good thing that he texted me. For the purpose of this report, and in order to respect his anonymity, he shall be called V after his perfect V shaped body. Some of the details are blurred to respect his privacy. So we started talking and he seemed not only hot but nice as well. He was in the WP staff. So we said we will meet when I arrive since he will probably be on a break. I didn't expect to meet him cause this guy is the kinda guys that can have anyone he wants from the party, and with all due respect to myself, that party has the highest percentage of amazing looking muscle gods (or gueez haha).
    So, after this long introduction, let's get into buisness. Arrived Thursday, Dec 29th at Ben Gurion airport for the 11PM direct flight to BKK. Saw dj Sagi Kariv at the plane, wished him good luck, took a sleeping pill (didn't want to leave anything for chance) and woke up 8 hours later. 2.5 hours later landed 2:50PM BKK time friday 29th. Smell of Suvarnabumi makes me happy, immigration queue (45 mins) makes me anxious. I had to pick up my festival pass by 5PM at Centralworld. Traffic was shitty most of this trip. Used more motor taxi im other cases to avoid it. Arrived at Centralworld 450 PM, took my pass, bought a 2000 bht worth of drinking ticket to use at the party, went to my room and texted V I have arrived to see if he has a break and wants to meet. Checked in Centara deluxe smoking room with king bed. As expected, a high standard, 5 star hotel. V came 10 mins after me, to my room. Overwhelmed by how he looks, I tried just to be cool and not to act excited. I suggested him to rest in his break but he wanted to make out so I complied haha. Connection and chemisry was intense immediately. I wanted to fuck him and he seemed tired for that and suggested after the party. Was fine by me. He asked if he can use the hotel gym later. Gave him my second key room and told him he can use it for the gym whenever he wants. I verified with him that he knows he needs to text me if he wants to come to the room to avoid any awkward situations.
    After he left, I met my almost monogamous boyfriend from my last BKK trip. The localy based fashion designer. I told him 2 weeks prior my arrival that I'm coming to WPBKK and that I need gay, white, unique party shoes. He did a great job. Met him for in room dining and sex at my place. Club sandwiches and beer were excellent, sex was too. He left at about 930PM.
    HPSQM (Homos per Square Meter) on Grindr was one of the highest I saw and resembeled Gay prides around the world. I was still a bit horny so invited a hunk aussie that suggested he just come to my room for bj and to drink my cum on his the way to the WP. A short, funny and hot 10 minute interaction. He was very high. Probably E. At that point I was happy and not horny at all. Decided to come late to this night's party cause this night was my only chance to go to the bars. On the other nights the parties were more important than the bars.
    Arrived at Tawan 22:30. Place was already full. I got a bad seat. There were two guys I would totally off for a muscle worship session but they were both occupied with other customers. Looked aroud to search for others I find attractive but did not find. I decided to leave at 23:00 cause I knew no chance for a good off and didn't want to waste my time on a show I have seen several times. So from there, based on forum recommendations went to Jupiter. Show already started. The show as a show is very enjoyable with some impressive eye candy. Rules of the place were less clear to me: who can be offed? how do I off? But as sexy as the guys were, they all seem unmotivated to be offed and so I just enjoyed what was a nice show. And I also kept in mind that hopefully, I'm returning to my room tonight with a guy that attracts me more than them. Passed by Soi Twilight, and returned to the room to get dresses for my first Asian Circuit party, The White Party: Military Ball. Bought at the WP booths a militay harness and straps to match so I followed the dress code. Left the room at about half passed midnight.
    Flight wheels touch the ground now. Slept great also on this return flight. Going straight to work. Will continue soon.
  2. Like
    Manly69 reacted to Tomcal in Tarte is going to South America   
    I will weigh in on this against my better judgment!  first Tartegogo thanks for your in depth reviews!  It is seldom that someone goes into as much detail as you have, mostly I think because they don't like to tell even anonymous posters on here what they like to do and of course the inevitable critiques/criticisms from posters most of whom are keyboard warriors who have never been to Brazil but feel compelled to add their 2 cents!   I have always believed that as long as your not using or asking for my money to do your activities it's none of My Business how or what or how much you spend on your activities. 
    In my first few years of going to Brazil I thought that people that paid more then the "going" rate or gave large tips or presents where going to wreck it for the rest of us! that American would be seen as having lots of money to throw around...I learned the boys are a lot smarter then we think!  they know who are the easy marks and know how to work them!  I realized that I was Wrong! So now I keep my opinions regarding how much to pay the guys to myself!  I thing it was Badboy82 who said on there "...it depends on a number of factors , your personality, your ability to communicate, etc as to how much not only will you pay but whether or not they will want to hang with you afterwards for dinner or drinks at the local clubs/restaurants.  I have a good friend who has been going to Rio for almost as long as I have and he just doesn't have the type of personality that makes him enjoyable to be around so after the obligatory time in the sauna cabin the boys are out of there!  He says to me " how do you always end up with the guys that like to hang around and go out afterwards?'  I gave up trying to explain to him... 
    While I might think it's too much, if it makes you happy and again it is your money...fuck them(not literally! lol)
  3. Like
    Manly69 reacted to torogen in Havana trip November 2017   
    I have been to Mexico and several Central and South American countries, but this was my first foray into Cuba. I spent 6 days in Havana and the surrounding area. This report encompasses my impressions of the city and the scene in Havana.
    There are still many beautiful men in Havana. There are MANY guys trying to make money by having sex with tourists. The scene is mostly on the street, but also at the bars, and there are some peculiarities that I have not experienced elsewhere.
    On my first night, I strolled down to the base of “La Rampa”, or The Ramp, which is a five-block-long incline that leads from the high point at Ave 23 and L Street down to the Malecon on the oceanfront. I noticed many guys sitting around on the raised wall of some planters along the route. The wifi in Cuba at this point is very difficult and glitchy—you must buy a wifi card for 2 CUCs ($2) and go to a public park to log in to the wifi signal, which is often weak, or which may disappear entirely at points. For this reason, apps like Grindr and Scruff and Planet Romeo are of limited use—I got many messages on them, but the guys often did not respond until hours later or the next day. In this way, Cuba really is a face-to-face cruising environment, which is fine with me.
    The very first time I sat down and tried to log onto the wifi, a guy sitting about 10 feet away from me moved over and said hello. He was clearly a young gay guy, and he pulled out his phone to help him translate, since I couldn’t understand all of his rapid Spanish. I almost choked when he showed me the translation, which was “do you want a child?”—until I realized that he had typed chico, which is really just slang for boy, or (more accurately), “guy”. I laughed and told him that the translation was NOT a good translation, and explained a bit, and he immediately pulled out his ID (which all Cubans are very conscientious about carrying on their person at all times—in case it is needed), to show me that he really was 18 years old. He was friendly, but not exactly my type, and we chatted for a bit and I moved off to seek out some more fun.
    I discovered during my trip that the Cuban gay nightlife is very organized, almost as if all the bars were owned by the same person, and the bars often cross-promoted with other bars (the most popular bar during the week, Club Las Vegas, which is standing room only on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, does not even open on Saturday, just as an example—can you imagine a gay bar in the US voluntarily closing on a weekend night, just because that night was more popular at another bar?) A sidenote about the gay bars: the entertainment is extremely uniform across the bars. Wherever you go, there are drag queens, followed by a few group dance routines (including some professional dancers), followed by more drag queens. On the night of my arrival, on Tuesday night at Club Las Vegas, I was told that I needed to buy a bottle of rum for $25 if I wanted a table (it came with three colas as mixers), or I could simply pay a $10 per table fee. I opted for that. The show was capped off by the drag queen IMPERIO “El Icono Trans de Cuba”, and she sang (lip-synced) 8 fucking songs in a row as the finale. I have never seen a more self-indulgent display. She has her fans, but she’s her own biggest fan.
    The scene for rentboys is this: along La Rampa from dusk until around 8 pm, guys gather to socialize and see if they can make some money. After sundown, many move to a restaurant called Toke, on the corner of Calle 25 and Infanta (a decent restaurant that makes good cocktails and offers cheap and totally acceptable food, but which only has seating for around 30 people, half indoors and half in front). That occupancy is if all the tables are occupied by the full complement of two or four guests, but the Cubans seated me by myself at a table for four, and many of the other tables were occupied by single guys, so the actual occupancy is more frequently limited to around 15 people. There were something like 30 to 50 boys hanging out on the street in front, trying to make some money. They will walk right up to you as you eat (if you are in front), and ask if you will allow them to sit and buy them a drink. This arrangement took place every night I was there, with the single exception of Saturday night, when the crowd gathered later in the evening, around 9 or 10 pm. When the bars open (around 11 pm, truly “night” clubs), much of the action moves inside. I had several guys beg me to pay their cover or take them in and buy them a drink. If you go in alone, you will continue to be hit up aggressively by the guys who are already inside the club, for drinks and sex.
    At this point, it becomes necessary to mention one of the peculiarities of Cuba—even though it was clear these guys had almost nothing, and they really wanted to make some money, none of them wanted to come out and give a price. They responded with simple assurances such as, no, whatever we do is fine with me, and if you like me and wish to give me a gift, that is fine. They may express boundaries such as “I don’t get fucked”, but across the board, they were willing to suck dick (if, as it turned out on my first choice, somewhat amateurishly), but they were otherwise genuinely friendly and eager to please.
    My type could be described as adorable masculine guys with (most important) a cute face, a nice body (which could be naturally muscular due to genetics and age, or could be a gym body), FRESH BREATH (this killed many of the otherwise beautiful guys I met in Brazil), nice dick, and friendly. I found this the first night with a 21 year old that I picked up on the street after leaving the bar.
    When we got back to the place, we made out for quite a while, and he was an eager kisser and not at all squeamish. When it came to sucking dick, though, he was turned off by the obvious precum that I was producing. Still, he attempted to suck my dick (never suggesting a condom), while still stopping frequently to spit out the precum/quickly wipe his tongue. It was fun, but it was not really getting anywhere, and he had agreed to come with me based on whatever I wanted to pay, so I wasn’t too upset, partially because I have encountered this reaction many times before (it really is copious), and partly because he was such a nice guy and so eager to please. We ended up just shooting on each other’s tongues. I paid him $30 CUCs, and he seemed extremely happy, saying “thank you!” enthusiastically. Afterwards, he was enthralled by my NastyPig hat, and wanted me to take photos of him modeling it, so I have several photos, even though he never requested that I send a photo to him—I guess it just made him happy that a photo of him wearing that hat existed. He did want to see the photo, and he smiled when he saw it.

    I went to the beach twice while I was there—Mi Cayito, which is the “gay” beach. It is a 30 minute cab ride from Havana—and all of the cab drivers I spoke to quoted me a price of $25 CUCs for the ride (taxis were the only expensive thing I encountered in Havana). The first cab driver offered to wait for me for several hours, rather than wasting gas back to the city, and I said yes. This arrangement isn’t a bad idea, but you will be able to find a taxi later on, so you shouldn’t worry too much about this point. If there are no taxis immediately available at Mi Cayito when you decide to leave, a 5 minute walk will bring you to a more populated area.
    The scene on the beach was laid back. You can rent a chair and umbrella for 2 CUCs each. The stand is run by the government, and they close precisely at 5 pm on weekdays and 6 pm on weekends. There is a little restaurant/bar over the dune, near the parking lot, and they offered drinks for around $2.25, plus food, and they were very friendly. I did see one older guy running food back-and-forth from the food stand, but he never approached me or my end of the beach, so I’m not sure if he was a freelance person who just showed up to offer his services as a waiter or what. That may well have been the case—there was a guy in La Habana Vieja who makes his living telling tourists on the street that there is a bar on the top of Hotel Ambos Mundos (something not immediately apparent), and then hoping for tips from grateful patrons who appreciated his assistance. Havana was full of people who had apparently carved out a similar extremely tiny niche for themselves.
    The second boy I picked up was an 18 year old that I also met on the street. He had said hi to me the day before, but we finally connected on my second night in town. He was a darker guy with more African features, a large cock, and a wicked smile. He was also very dirty. He was conscientious about telling me that he need to take a shower before we could do anything. He also left my bar of soap covered with a dark film, so it was clear that he had needed the bath. He turned out to be less squeamish about sucking dick than my first guy, but he did quote a price to me: $25. He offered to let me fuck him bareback for an additional $5, but I skipped that option.

    A last note: the first boy that I met on the street, the 18 year old who I had passed over, primarily because he was a little femme for my tastes, followed me for several days and kept trying to say hi, before simply telling me that he is great at sucking dick, and he swallows, and he would do it for whatever I wanted to pay…$10, or $15.  So if you aren’t picky, it would seem that Cuba still offers many eager guys who are willing to do most anything you would want.
  4. Like
    Manly69 reacted to spastik00 in Private Club on here   
    I'm one of those lurkers with no posts, mostly because I didn't feel like I had anything of value to add.  But I am glad you mentioned that you don't approve people with no posts so I don't waste my time haha.
    Anyway, I just wanted to agree wholeheartedly with docbr's comment.  I completely understand if you want to keep photos private - it really sucks as I loved being able to put a face or body with a name but that's the way of the world today.  I also understand you would want to keep garoto's contact info private.  But please, please, PLEASE don't stop writing your amazing stories in the public forums.  If you have to change some details, fine, but you Mr. Tomcal, along with many of the other guys in the group have such fantastic, sexy adventures that it would be awful if those went away too.
    Inspired by Tomcal's and other members posts, I am hoping to go to Brazil, possibly next year.  I wanted to go this year but as often happens life got in the way.  At any rate, a trip there would be a once-in-a-lifetime event for me, not a once-a-year thing.  So I and I am sure many other posters/lurkers eat up every word you guys say, both for fantasy material and, frankly, as something to dream about someday.
    Sorry for rambling, just wanted to say thanks to all of you who post on here and I hope that you won't completely leave us.  
  5. Like
    Manly69 reacted to reader in Bed Bugs at Sansuk Sauna Guest House! Help!   
    Putting Stevie's trademark jibberish aside, your physical symptoms should be addressed by a dermatologist who sees this stuff every day. I say this even if it violate s Stevie's advice to avoid those with expertise.
  6. Like
    Manly69 reacted to TotallyOz in Lurker   
    We have been in touch with his family and they are taking care of everything.  A friend from the USA from http://boytoy.com got in touch with them as he had many friends on that site. That is where I met him.  We use to have gatherings in LA often and I met Lurker at a few of those gatherings. He was a very sweet and kind man.  He will be greatly missed by those that knew him.  I don't know of anyone I ever met who knew him that did not adore him.  I met him in his home city of Phoenix a few years back at Gay Pride and everyone loved him.  RIP my friend.
  7. Like
    Manly69 reacted to vinapu in Reporting on my first ever trip to Bankok   
    We did not know you for too long but we missed you already.We can't even wish you a Happy Birthday today
    Rest in peace 
  8. Like
    Manly69 reacted to reader in Somewhat dry rainy season - Thailand trip of Sept 2017   
    Your play-by-play reports of this trip appear to reflect a more adventurous vinapu who has evolved from an old Thailand hand who primarily pursued good value at predictable venues to one who arrived with an agenda to do things with fewer rules and more open to new experiences.
    Your pursuits were a joy to read because of their unpredictably. Who could have expected the same guy who traditionally made Bangkok his primary base of operations would suddenly decide that in Pattaya he was having more fun, twice extending his stay there. I also sense that it wasn't simply a price-to-book calculation that most influenced you.  Never a cheap Charlie, you were this trip quicker to acquiese to the asking price of the most sought-after specimens and didn't look back. However, crossing the 4,000 baht rubicon put you in new territory where few here have ventured so all the more compelling were your descriptions of those experiences.
    Thankfully, there's a fair number of members who submit trip reports and we devour them all. Yours, however, are unique in the sense that you often pursue otherwise straight men. Doesn't mean you don't enjoy the occasional twink but you're definitely comfortable with guys who'll will be going home to wives or girlfriends.  I think you find them less complicated and appreciate that they're unlikely to view you as potential boyfriend material.  No "you love me?" comments emerging from these guys.  As you said more than once, "you happy, I'm happy" is music to your ears.
    You also managed to take us on a few road trips such as the fast boat to Hua Hina and back and brief excursions around Patts and Bangkok.  These are enjoyable to read and helpful for fellow visitors.
    It seemes that you also turned a page with just a single visit (if I recall right) to Soi Six, previously one of your regular stomping grounds. I'm not (and know you're not) putting down the trio of bars there but you've been there, done that and spread a wider net this time around.
    A few random comments:
    Swampy to Silom -- I find getting off the airport train at Makkasan station (two stops before Phaya Thai) and transferring to MRT Petchaburi station is a better option than connecting to BTS.  Transferring at Makassan is via a switchback ramp that  eliminates stairs.  It also avoids the BTS train transfer at Siam.  Cost is about the same but there's less hassle.
    Watching the world go by -- I thoroughly enjoy, as do you, passing time with a beer on Soi Four or Soi Twwilight, watching the work-bound guys (they're the ones carrying their meal), tourists and waiters interact.  Love it.
    Thanks for tip about who might be found on the streets of Soi Thaniya after bars close.  Hope to pursue this.
    All in all, you've set a high bar for the rest of us.
  9. Like
    Manly69 reacted to vinapu in Somewhat dry rainy season - Thailand trip of Sept 2017   
    Final impressions
    All of my trips so far were either May/Jun or Nov/Dec so I decided on September one out of curiosity and sense of adventure – how it is in supposedly rainy and low season.
    I must say an experiment failed. While it was some rain , few times very heavy, Pattaya part, whole 7 days was sunny and pretty mild temperature wise.
    Rain which I suffered in Bangkok was always somewhat expected with clouds gathering so gave a chance to look for shelter and organizing time around disruption. Night when soi 6 was under water was actually quite exciting although it helped to be prepared with proper i.e. plastic sandals ( no not cheap one, I think I paid 50 $ at home .
    So in short , nothing to be afraid but having an umbrella and extra change of shoes and shirts will help. Since I always do my laundry , humid in the air made drying slow process.
    It was not as hot as I expected which was good news for me since I hate the heat.
    As for low season , boys were complaining but really when they don’t ?
    It was some difference comparing to say last December but not dramatic  one . Bars usually crowded  ( Jupiter, Tawan , BBB ) had good crowds. The same goes about number of boys in bars. Fame had it they may be heading home but they were working in good numbers and there was always good selection. Can’t comment on number of offs but at least I did my part.
    Only time when I saw low season in full swing was Dongtan Beach , almost empty at mid-day but this could be timing / lunch time/
    So I definitely can recommend September trip.
    Most boys I wanted to see were there although two key ones were MIA, Boy from Tawan found another job and Bank from BBB took some time off but this could happen anytime. #42 from Jupiter did not show up and I had great hopes to nail him somehow but finally managed to off #60 Tam from Boy66.
    It was nice to see M at Senso and James in Arena back as rumors were they left for good when I was there last time.
    All offs with exception of one from Toy Boys were somewhere between good to excellent and even that twink was far from disaster, just bit less than OK.
    Nicest surprise was Art from BBB with his massage skills and M from Senso return to the field.
    Market economy worked perfect this trip , while some reader expressed reservations about my tipping practices there’s no doubt in my mind that quality went up  with price paid.
    I regret Art did not want to avail himself to Long Time and I did not have time to off super handsome Cambodian I spotted at BBB at end of stay in Boyztown.
    Second time in row I liked Pattaya part a bit better than Bangkok one thank to boys from BBB and Copa massage in main part, not that it was anything wrong with BKK boys.
    It was great pleasure to meet our members Paulsf, Christian PFC, Williewillie and Aussie_, thank you guys for your time.
    Christian as always found some interesting , remote yet close to BKK place to initiate day trip. All in all those were fabulous vacations and even Cathay Pacific chipped in with upgrading me on return leg.
    I always wonder if coming to Thailand just for 1 week is worth trouble,  effort and expense considering it takes me roughly 23-25 hours door to door to get there or back. Verdict is YES so who knows , I may try it next time.
    Thank you for reading those reports , if I bored you with too much or not enough detail send me a bill for a time wasted. 
  10. Like
    Manly69 reacted to vinapu in Somewhat dry rainy season - Thailand trip of Sept 2017   
    Day 14
    Before I left home I had really only one thing firmly planned for this trip – to visit Bank Of Thailand Museum  on second Saturday as first one I was in Pattaya. As noted previously during week museum is open only for groups  of at last 20 and by appointment only. On Saturdays there are  4 guided tours available  with 100 free tickets available for each tour at 10.30, 11.30, 12.30 and 1.30.
    I was prepared to wait but to minimize chances  of being turned away I wanted to be there early so for change this time I was rushing my boy companion in the morning to have  a breakfast together and see you later.
    Warned by Christian’s report from the place I took long trousers with me. Fastest way to get there is by a boat and I took Tourist one for 50 baht as it was departing  right away. Boat stops at Tha Phra Athit  from where there’s pleasant walk partially along river with Santiprachakan Park and Phra Sumen fort on the way.
    Museum is located in old  palace and it was recently renovated, on the same grounds is new Bank of Thailand building.

     new building

    I was at the gate at 10.15 and guards pointed at my bare knees but as noted I showed them proper attire pulled from my day pack. Then I was informed that 10.30 tickets are gone but for exchange of passport I got one for 11.30 tour. With more then 1 hr to wait I walked around exploring bit of Bangalampu, very quiet compare to hustle and bustle of Silom, had a coffee and even bought decent undies for just 30 baht.
    Group was split in 3 . Guide we were assigned to was very talkative but since I did not understand what he was saying I had a bit more time to actually see exhibits and palace itself. He even made visitors prostrate in front of figure of previous occupant of the palace, an exercise other groups were spared- I took pains to check. As  a republican I skipped that part as well . But it was interesting and a bit out of ordinary tourist experience, it was only one other farang in our 100 strong group so I can recommend  this to everybody , even those not interested in banking and money matters as palace itself is interesting   and being part of tour with only locals is  different experience than crowding  in tourist infested , more popular places. I was expecting more actual coins and banknotes will be exhibited though.
    Leisurely walk back to a boat, again I took 50 baht tourist one even if regular 15 baht Chao Praya Express  came actually first but it was quite crowded so I opted to splurge 35 baht extra for a  guaranteed seat .
    It started to rain and it was raining all afternoon , not that I suffered much since at 3 p.m. I was expecting Dum from last night for another  few hours of intimacy. On the dot, just like Phet on day 1 , at 3 he showed up. He lavished affection,   well rehearsed last night in exchange for short time tip of 2000.
    It was getting dark when he left  for a bar and I marched slowly through a Patpong and Suriwong to soi Twilight for a massage  at Bangkok Massage. Namu from there is another veteran of many massages and offs and our meeting today was 11th. When we meet first time , back in spring of 2013  he was assigned for me from rotation  so living proof that sometimes blind fate can fix us somebody pleasant and exciting to be with. On top of it he is fun loving  so jokingly suggested we take another boy with us and I saw a candidate right there, Lek a bit feminine boy with bodybuilders body.
    As usual with Namu lots of fun with massage part fast neglected but I had Lek who at least did that part.
    It was supposed to be 1.5 hr. but we expanded it to 2 , no overtime charge though, just regular 1000 they are charging for 4 hands it that much , I don’t remember really.
    Too bad it’s my last day because there’s another boy there I like , Kai , muscular with bit angelic face but he was busy massaging lady client    at the moment .
    From there very circular walk toward Tawan  getting sights  and sounds of Patpong  for the last time this trip. It was well before show when I arrived so boys were presenting themselves on the stage and when they saw me , wasteful spender and known 100 baht notes stuffer in their undies , they presented themselves even better so few notes were placed   in their nether regions in exchange for a feel. As usual boys offed this trip got nothing as they got their share of spoils already. What I noticed it was few new boys , mostly aspiring bodybuilders , some very aspiring including # 8 , twinky twink  of size never seen in that kingdom of muscle and meat. It looks Tawan is trying to catch with  those who were afraid to step inside so far.
    Boonthon #48 , from 2nd night  was making gestures of “I go with you?” kind and nothing and nobody caught with my eye better at the moment so I called him over, no drinks tonight as on the last day I need to watch my pockets and told him to dress only to be hit with news  that he can stay only till 1 because is booked by somebody else after bar closes. Half night for half tip  with steely muscles and great kisser on top of that is just a bargain but I can’t sleep alone on the last night for fear of missing flight. Help is never far there and Dum just happened to be  standing behind  and when Boon explained unfolding problem he agreed to wait until he comes to pick him up at end of his shift   in my room.
    Off we went , Boon and me , first to Oasis for their signature chicken with cashew nuts. Owner farang recognized me and greeted with ‘ I saw you passing by few times and knew that eventually you will come. Exchanging hand shake with Boon was his nice gesture as well.
    Then back to the room for world peace discussion combined with flexing muscles  for me , all of them.
    Great men specimen he is and like most of straights knows why he is in the business, no drama , no fuss, another ’you happy , I happy ‘attitude.
    He did not even forget to thank me for  chocolates I bought for his baby last week . His appointment was calling him but he did not pick phone up until I told him he can and even then he told him he will  be wherever at time  agreed not before, exact words.
    After exchanging parting kisses he went to Tawan to pick up Dum as discussed previously and I utilized lobby’s computers to catch up with the world while waiting.
    Few minutes later surprise , surprise, instead of seeing Dum third time today there was some unknown soldier I recalled seeing in the bar. Well built  but not overbuilt ,if given a chance probably I would overlook him but since Boon said something about Dum unable to come ( sure he can have enough of me today but after all he agreed  for another repeat ) I decided to play along with all this pimping and nodded approvingly .
    At this time what choice I had, only yes or no , ‘no ‘  meaning oversleeping my flight perhaps.
    It was a bit awkward but in the room with clothes shed it turned not that bad at all , nice and responsive body , good enough to prepare  for long flight specially in view of discounted  , half price tip discussed.
    Gave him 500 extra and invited for traditional breakfast after which we parted ways with hug and still wave of arms  from the distance. Day 14 was over.
    I returned  to the room , packed and in 15 minutes was on my way to Sale Daeng, then Phya Thai, train to the airport, fast  drop off a suitcase and for a change I exchanged leftover bahts for my domestic currency loosing surprisingly little on operation.  70 baht left over I took home hoping it somehow multiplies before next trip in yet  unknown future . 
  11. Like
    Manly69 reacted to vinapu in Somewhat dry rainy season - Thailand trip of Sept 2017   
    Day 8
    Today is last day I have hotel reservation in New Café Royal  and one I planned to make a decision what to do in next two days- stay in Pattaya or return to Bangkok. If stay in Pattaya , question to answer is where, still in BT or  move to either  Sunee or Jomtien. This was plan devised before I came here.
    This morning in view of last two days I don’t have any doubts what I want to do  - stay here in BT where I belong and have fun so far.
    Handsome receptionist in New Café Royal was kind  to leave me in the same room for the same price I paid originally with benefit of breakfast for two as in original reservation. I paid 2720 for those additional two nights and took motorsai taxi to Bali Hai pier to buy tickets for  ferry to Hua Hin and back. This I had planned in case I will stay in Pattaya. I don’t have any interest in Hua Hin but for fun wanted to see how this new acclaimed ferry works.
    Ferry has separate ticket office in the pier building on the 2nd floor and is very well posted, There was no problem with getting ticket but girl there seemed to find exotic an idea of me sailing there and immediately back in the same day and called another girl with  better  English. I can swear that Thai words she said to her were something like ‘ this farang is  so stupid I can’t believe so you better confirm  if I’m hearing him right” . Confirmed that this is what I really want I got my tickets .
    For trip there business class for 1550 and for sailing back economy one for 1250, total of 2800, sounds  like off fee, drink and boy’s tip. I was instructed to be at pier 1 hour before once a day 10 a.m. departure.
    Rest of day spent wandering lazily here and there about Pattaya sois and Beach Rd with sole aim of wasting time and energy. After al today is breaking point of my trip and from evening I’m closer to departure than arrival. Just before sun set another dinner in Alt Heidelberg restaurant. Wait for my  meal shortened by being chatted up by typical example of one of sad faced  Pattaya expats with litany of complains how expensive it is and how demanding and greedy girls become   in comparison to glory days of past and even my habitual phrase that in the past even water was more wet    was met with approving and compassionate understanding.
    Then is was time to return to soi and as usual have a seat at Oscars where I found williewillie parked already boys in conversation with freshly arrived in Thailand two young Russians. I did not waste that opportunity to switch to Russian if only to impress them and boost my self-esteem by them being impressed. It worked, LOL. Since they expressed an interest in special show we instructed them to check XBoys .
    In meantime I kept an eye on goings around BBB and for a good reason  - I wanted another massage from Art .As it turned he also was keeping watchful eye and as soon as he saw me he came to make sure I’m still interested in his company tonight.  Mutual understanding at it’s best. At 9.00 p.m. I went to the bar , paid off fee of 500 and we marched back to hotel , not sure who was happier but we both were.
    Still he did not want long time but was not in the rush to leave so we had good 2.50 – 3 hrs together not exactly spent discussing world peace but some conversation we had. Again great , fast paced , long stoked massage and great time together, another candidate for only hand holding session.
    I actually never did it but for my personal use if I  classify boy they I could off him only to hold hands with him , dressed or not, it means he is top of top of the line for me. There are few of those brilliants  still in business and at end of day primary reason to fly half globe across.
    Just before midnigt  he left and I was in no mood to sleep in the cold bed so decided to check only bar in the soi I did not visit this trip, you are right – Toy Boy. Since there’s circulating opinion that those lingering outside are just bait or available for girls only I was not even in the mood to check accuracy of those claims and went inside. 
    As before and it was not my first time in that bar on offer are mostly twinks , among them one Vietnamese boy discussed and showed in this forum not long ago. Nice face but slim bodied I kind of had problem to chose one I’d like to take with me , few were smiling at me , making inviting gestures etc so finally settled on one who had hair style I like.  If can’t have muscle at least I will have some face to look at. Waved over drink bought to smooth  up an  interview process. Long time OK  wants 2500,  2000 offer accepted. Usual question ‘ do you want et something?’ answered ‘yes”   ,” where you want to go?” , ‘up to you” so we went to my favorite metal tables on corner of soi where XBoys are but half way to,  all of the  sudden he changed mind that he is not hungry and we can go to the room.
    So we went and it was quite OK but after few hours , it was like 4 a.m. he woke me up asking for some money because he wants to go to Wat Chai to buy some food because he’s hungry. Not a good sign so I gave him half agreed tip / 1000/ and went to bed not even sure he will return- I had cases  like that ending with no-show.
    But after while knock to door wake me up, he was back. Then in 15 minutes he needs to smoke, OK open window and smoke. Back to bed for ½ hr. perhaps  , he needs to go to 7/11 to buy some cigarettes and a beer.
    Firm candidate to one of  worst offs  ever thought I and when he returned , opened beer for me and him and after few gulps asked whether he can go I gave  him my permission and other 1000 of agreed tip,  happy him and happy me that he is gone. 
    So much for those economical long time rates I thought. Since it was 6 a.m. already I decided on early breakfast and waiter did  not say anything but clearly was  a bit surprised seeing me sitting alone . 
    Not exactly thrilling  end of day 8 but look at full half of glass – at least it was over.
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    Manly69 reacted to vinapu in Somewhat dry rainy season - Thailand trip of Sept 2017   
    Day 7
    Today a bit cooler and cloudy day. Noonish walk along Beach Rd but last night tiring tasks got to me , returned to hotel for 2 hours nap. Age shows thought I but can’t figure better reason to feel tired.
    One of Ambiance massage boys is parking himself daily just in front of exit from my hotel and accosting me for a massage. Not a bad looking boy so I decided to give him a chance to clear displeasure of  one of his co-workers , quite hunky so I placed him in line as well. Ambiance,  like all massages in the soi is collecting boy’s minimum tip of 500 up front, I mentioned that and repeat because for uninformed 900 / hr. massage fee may seem to be very steep.
    Massage was Ok, perhaps even quite good and volcanic eruption at the end , certainly biggest I have seen in a good while warranted doubling his tip plus some more.
    As soi was coming to life again I sat down  at Oscars to talk with boys over beer , this become my routine. Of course one offed previous night was showing some faces over being bypassed last night , clear disadvantage of whoring in the soi where everything is noticed and perhaps commented but  I’m prepared for that and take it with humor.
    When comes to worst , red note will help to smooth things but at end of day it’s clearly visible that boys are used to be bypassed , that’s nature of working in entertainment position. I always buy them a drink , spoiling them perhaps but if I have fun , let them have some too. At one point one talkative reminded me casually that boys are working for money i.e. to indicate subtly that drink is fine but they expect tip as well.
    Warmed up by visit to Sunee last night with aussie_  I decided to check on Good Boys tonight and walked there , using shortcut past hindu temple in the first soi after baht bus stop it’s only 6 minutes from BT.
    Few boys were on duty , none standing out but what frosted  me a bit  was 500 quotation for the show , quite a hike to usual 300. It doesn’t mean  more expense for me , just less fun as I have routine going there always armed with  1600, 600 for drinks and 1000 for tips. Anyways grabbed two  with instruction of one by one performance and while first one was  quite mechanical , was at least well equipped and delivered ! Second one was better , much more passionate choice and only fact that funds on me were limited as stated stopped me from taking him short time somewhere. His girlfriend must be very happy to have such a tool at her disposal I guess.
     It was another one lurking beside clearly did not get message that I’m underfunded because of rise of ticket price and shoot his load anyways  but his reward was paltry 150 leftover after I paid for 3 drinks at 150  each.. I felt a bit bad but on another hand I did not invite nor engage him so it was all volunteer work on his part.  
    So this time expected good time with good boys of Good Boys   turned out to be kind of so-so but at least I did my part to support them in their hour of low season need. Walked around the plaza as always but also as always nobody even remotely interesting  for me in that twink kingdom Sunee Plaza is. Wait , it was one exception in some bar roughly across from Winners, quite hunky and massive but since my funds were depleted I did not stop by anyways but even for me there’s hope in Sunee I guess.
    Returned to the room , armed myself with wad  of notes and went about grand tour of BT bars as is was Saturday after all. Prisma , very classy décor perhaps best of them all but only few boys , two warranting departing tip of 100 but none creating long lone desire Only one other client but when I entered party of 5 was just leaving without  a boy .  ABomb , same same , 6 boys , all twinks, one tip , 2 more customers.
    It used to have more hunky boys but at least today it was just twink , twink , twink. Leaving bar I noticed one of BBB  boys sitting in front of bar on motorcycle , talking to one of the boys. I took notice since he is one of  their boy I pay close attention to but can’t extract a smile from. Not for much longer though as we will see.
     Passing by Copa I checked if Ko, another fine specimen from there is on duty as we were supposed to have LT engagement tonight but he was  no show so I decided on Cupidol, never been in their new location. Another well appointed and spacious bar , quite well patronized tonight, few boys sitting with customers. Several more on the stage vying for business but again nothing for me although ever inclined to act charitable I called one of the boys, bought him a drink and allowed myself few  indecent touches just to give myself excuse to tip him.
    At 11 p.m. they advertised show at Castro so I went , house was packed , lots of straight couples . Show nothing special but entertaining with lots of energy  so drink money and a time well spent. Some lip synch singers really funny, recommended to drop by. Finished past midnight , too early so time for an immense in the known and unknown – back to BBB.
    Show was over , boys were on the display , second from right was Art, one I saw few hours ago in front off  ABomb. He is veteran there , hunky with funny hair style and stands out because his very white skin. Stare is blank when I try to catch an eye contact but I have cure for that, dug out 100 baht and went to tip him. Wai was high and not long after I returned to my seat, perhaps in 25 seconds he turned out toward me and beamed THAT smile. Then we are almost home , waved him over. He did not want long time  because his friend and my companion from last night warned  him about sleepless night but ‘till 4 OK “ was  quoted and accepted with my internal smile of  “finally nailed” type.
    No boy drink , 500 off fee, requested tip of 2000, plenty for Pattaya but not for this kind of specimen so no qualms to agree and soon after we trek across the soi to the room passing by knowing smile of reception girl ( I think she is ladyboy but who cares , smiled nicely). He must be well known as she  did not bother with ID request.
    I tried to convince him that 4 is ghost hour and he better stay till breakfast but his mind was made up but other than that one can’t ask for more. Muscular , very smooth body, good conversational English and knowing well why he was engaged, one of those straights with wife you wonder how really straight they are. In short an absolute gem as far as I can see
    . What surprised me was great massage skill , I asked if he went to school but he said that he just learned by trying. Certainly one of the best I ever had with fast and long stokes I so like. No way this will be my last with him . He even wanted to come during day tomorrow but I had some plans and so did he and we couldn’t fix agreeable time so it was decided to see what evening brings.
    Second night in row in nirvana thanks to BBB boys , not as intensive as last one because of shorter time but life is good thought I falling asleep  in order to finish day 7 by waking up alone at 10.00 am.    
  13. Like
    Manly69 reacted to denny59 in The best cock   
  14. Like
    Manly69 reacted to vinapu in Somewhat dry rainy season - Thailand trip of Sept 2017   
    Day 6
    If one bothers to read these reports from rainy season trip may notice that it is actually very little mention of rain. There’s  good reason  for that, other than first day storm and occasional short drizzle so far there’s no rain. Skies are sunny and only reminder about wet season so far is humid in the air. 
    After boy left I went to soi Post Office to internet café to deal with some e-mails and other internet traffic . I made my tablet working but still don’t like typing on it. Beside me was sitting chatty American, avowed  Trump supporter who talked  quite a bit  and while listening I thought POTUS better delivers because lots of his people have a lot of hopes invested in him.
    When subject came to European style   health care he labelled it as usually Americans do  socialist heath care and I resorted that this is not socialist care , it’s members of society taking care about each other.  “ I never thought like that” he said , “you gave a lot to think about this afternoon”. So by coincidence I turned out to be a bit of communist agitator corrupting healthy capitalist minds. LOL
    In the evening small forum meeting at Oscars. From posts here I suspected that there are few members in Pattaya at that time  so sent few PM’s asking if they are willing to shake hands with disclaimer that no offence will be taken if they are not interested for whatever reason. Some prefer to be anonymous , others may not like me or my posts  , others still may have better idea of vacation fun that meeting with farangs. 
    Williewillie and aussie_ were interested so we arranged for highest level meeting this evening.
    It gave me a chance to reveal to williewiliie that we were already sitting beside each other 2 days ago and we had a good laugh. Nice conversation over beers and coffee and then aussie_ and me took off to Alt Heidelberg for  a dinner and from there to Sunee to survey some bars.
     While I’m not into twinks at all, I like bar hopping and am not averse to see what other side like aussie_ likes . At least it’s sure thing we will not be fighting about the same boy.
     I’m not aiming at anybody but at times I’m surprised when people are talking how unsightly Tawan boys are while at the same time admitting they never put foot inside. At least I know what others like and are fond of.
    Nice Boys were pretty busy with few boys on stage presenting their wares already and willing to show more for  a consideration so few tips were distributed. After while we changed scenery to Winners , bar I never was in previously. Less busy than Nice boys with few in the audience and cheapest drinks in industry at 75 baht so for 1000 baht one may have quite a party there.
    Again,  like in Nice Boys quite a few boys nice to look at but none I’d even remotely consider taking home unless very pressed for company but I realize that many would say the same about boys I’m salivating about. As said many times before none is better or wiser and such diversity helps to keep all kinds of boys occupied.
    Then we decided to see show at XBoys so marched back to BT. Nothing new with show but I think they toned down volume of music thanks heaven . Boy I offed 2 nights ago smiled immediately perhaps hoping for repeat but I had other designs for tonight although not sure it will work. After we left I walked aussie_ to a Jomtien baht bus stop, thank you again for a lovely company and an interesting evening  , quite diversified in entertainment .
    Boys at BBB don’t have numbers now , they wear name tags and  had my eyes from day 1 on Keow, hunky hunk who will be at home at Tawan  . He did not express much of interest in me, read ‘ not at all ’,   no shock here , until   I tucked reddie in his briefs during big cock solicitations. And tonight I came in the right , exactly the same moment. He did not forget who generous farang me was , so hasted to come to collect his note with wide smile and I was not about to waste such an opportunity so motioned him to sit down for a usual interview : ‘you go with me’, ‘yes’, ‘long time?’, ‘yes’, “how much you want?”, ‘3500’, ‘3000?’,  ‘no 3500’, WTF , this is not a BKK so I tried again ‘I give you 3000”, ‘OK” and my silent ‘ yessssssssssssss” .
    What a catch ! In meantime waiter was trying to entice me to buy boy drink at 450 but I said no, I’m taking him. Since he is show boy they charged me 800 off fee, no way I’d be forking 450 for  a drink particularly that late, earlier it would make sense if only to make sure he will not go astray with some other admirer. Happy, happy me marching with him across the soi to my room, knowing smile of girl on reception was priceless and made me proud  of my catch even more.
    His English is very limited which worked very well since no time was wasted for  a conversation and nirvana could be started right away. Very energetic night although we got some sleep and when we opened eyes at 7 a.m.  I could not miss that proposal – you stay till 10 and I give you 4000 / readers please stop screaming , see the man first ! /.  Money has  spoken and I was contemplating next extension but at 10 he mentioned being hungry and I realized I’m as well .
     At tip distribution was that cold moment I mentioned in another thread, I dug out 1000 baht from pocket , gave to him and his face freeze for a second with an expression not even anger but big disappointment or who knows what but I did not torment him longer than 1.5 seconds and told him he will get what was promised in a moment as I have more money in the box.
    So another late breakfast , this time with a view of broad shoulders    and day 6 was over with very clear pattern visible – I enjoyed those overpaid offs exponentially more than ones I managed to economize on.  Thanks God for Thailand where dreams are coming true at reasonable cost. I don’t want even think of how much 10 hr. long , no rush  overnight witch such a hunk would cost me at home but certainly several times more than equivalent of 4000 baht plus 800 off fee.
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    Manly69 reacted to vinapu in Somewhat dry rainy season - Thailand trip of Sept 2017   
    Day 5
    That was morning when I finally figured out  what is wrong with my tablet ( having  it plugged when reinstating power in the room ). We are supposed to be in the middle of rainy season but weather so far is hot , humid and sunny. I took motorsai taxi to Bali Hai pier to see that new Pattaya’s toy – ferry to Hua Hin.
    There’s only one sailing a day and ferry already departed but two other identical  vessels were still moored at the pier, costly back up I thought. I got that bright idea that if I decide to extend my stay in Pattaya I will make day trip to Hua Hin and back just to see how it is.
     Then meandering through walking Street and adjacent alleys I came to 2nd Rd to catch  baht bus to Jomtien as another option I’m entertaining in case of extension is to move to 2 nights there.
    I went for  a walk along the beach , now partially demolished due to all that construction and walking along concessions for a first time this trip I realized that it is low season as chairs were empty everywhere. Perhaps timing was partial culprit, it was between 1-2 so lunch time  but quite  empty it was. Going back toward Jomtien complex I was tempted to stop in Bamboo bar since it seemed to be     well staffed and patronized for time of day but decided to keep walking. Jomtien complex was deserted at that time with one exception when I was passing by – Fah massage was sporting more than half dozen guys lingering at front and all of them quite attractive so after surveying realm of complex it was no way I could resist temptation. Problem of which boy to choose I solved easily simply by grabbing nearest one.
    Lao boy named Chai, left me to take a shower , returned shortly after and started massage with fast and long stokes I like . Heat in the room most likely was reason he shed his clothing almost immediately and things went their natural course. It was great time , 300 for the house, 1000 for the visibly happy boy.
    On departure checked boys again and truly  if I stay there I’d run through the whole stable since all of them looked attractive. Unheralded and rarely mentioned place but quite a gem in my not so humble opinion.
    Returning to Pattaya I had another moment of enlightenment with an idea of returning to Bangkok by the airport bus instead of one departing for  Ekkamai from North bus Station.
    Rest of afternoon spent wandering around the Tuk Com and Sunee Plaza, still deserted that early but I noticed  some congregation of farangs having a dinner in Ting Tong Red and recalled it must be Gaybutton’s  crowd meeting for their Thursday meal.
    Back in Boyztown I took a seat at Oscars , got my Chang and started light flirting with their boys  one of them quite talkative and funny, feminine type not shy to admit “ I’m a lady at heart”  and another one tall and handsome, manly  but a bit more reserved. I was supposed to have another massage with Kao at Copa and true to Boyztown form as soon as he arrived somebody from there spied me sitting at Oscars , came and told me that he is  there already so off I went.
    Since yesterday I told him that next time I will be massaging him  he resigned to  his fate and succumbed to my mutilations and I was in 6th heaven having a chance to do that to his near perfect , highly caressable body.   It would be nirvana to have him long time I thought.
    Added 100 to yesterday’s tip to extract a smile and returned to Oscars boys for more fun talk with hope one tall and handsome will be willing to do time with me till morning.  It was actually him who suggested “ I go with you”, very inexpensive proposal at 1500 / LT so not before long we were marching to Walking street to see the traffic, have  a beer  and return home for  a quite passionate and long meeting.  World saw us going down for a breakfast as late as noon if not later .
    Always good hearted I volunteered to up his tip to 2000 and judging by his smile it was good move. Thus day  5 was over very late.
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    Manly69 reacted to vinapu in Somewhat dry rainy season - Thailand trip of Sept 2017   
    Day 4 – evening
    Rumbling become too long so I split day 4 into two parts, first available to everybody and second one restricted to 20 y.o. and over.
    Dressed in new shiny shorts after making sure contents of all 11 pockets from old ones were transferred properly to corresponding in the new garment I parked myself over beer in the last chair outside of Castro bar in front of BoyzBoyzBoyz ( BBB ).to my left it was some potted  bush and on other side of bush two farangs were chatting. As it turned out later one of them was Williewillie from our forum . I met him before but somehow neither one of us recognized other even if   from exchanging PM we both knew we will be there.
    In meantime  in front of Copa I noticed Kao, masseur I met twice in  December  when he had morning shift there but now I learned  he has another job in Baan Suoy so is only moonlighting at Copa. Couldn’t be happier seeing him and even more when saw smile on his face when he noticed me.
    Well built yet still super cute smooth eye candy with very good massage skills and hair style I like. In all massage places in BT they charge minimum tip up front so when you pay 900 , 400 goes to the shop and 500 to the boy, just make sure you ask if in doubt.      
    But sensing that I’m already familiar with boy I was charged 400 house fee only after receptionist asked something Kao in Thai, most likely something “Am I charging that dick your tip or no? “ I guess .
    Happy , happy with prolonged body to body part , well deserved 1200 tip met with smile and an appointment met already for tomorrow but I told him tomorrow I will massage him as such a well proportioned body can’t be wasted  to sweat over my carcass and LT was out of question because of his day time job. Did not cross my mind to offer to  buy him out for a day from that job. Not very talkative but pure three times distilled pleasure to be with that man. One of those I could off LT just for hand holding session ( getting hot in here, let me open the window) .
    Energized by massage and recognized by one of mamasans lurking outside I went to BBB hoping Bank, boy I offed 10 times already including taking him to Bangkok for  a few days  back in 2015 will be there but unfortunately no and I learned later that he  will not be there  next week either .
    Good thing I did not look into mirror to see my long face although BBB is not short of attractive boys and quite  a few are my type including  one tall hunk  of Tawan proportions named  Keow.  Show was about to start so all boys were parading on the stage , unfortunately all of them in jeans or track pants  and only some shirtless.
    So yes , it was wall to wall cock as always but this time somewhat hidden. Show more or less follows known format with violin playing to blowing wind , drum banging and most important big cock show with participants parading through an audience looking for tips. I outwaited many suitors until said Keow showed up nearby tucking 100 baht into his briefs, no better way to extract that smile.
    Drink in BBB is 280 but if you want to invite boy to sit with you his drink  rises to Bangkok proportion whopping 450. Apparently this is  to ensure that boys are receiving something for time spent with customers taking them from the pool  but skimping on tip. There’s logic in it I learned few days later when boy I was willing to grab was sitting with some lady throughout and as I learned  later , tipped for his pains 100 baht , missing not only my off but any off that night.
    Off fee is 500 and if you are taking buy who is in the show it’s gigantic 800.
    Before midnight I changed scenery to XBoys in soi 1, just in time for their midnight show. Boy with silicone cock is gone , show is that same like always with 5 performers  and at end we were treated with spectacle of SPECIAL SHOW. Two Chinese visitors were so excited  with what they saw that they did not even wait until actors will start their round among audience but climbed stage with fists full of banknotes  , probing with hand  if thing is really THERE and tipping lavishly. Watching their excitement was  truly best part of the show. Kids in candy store at it’s best . Music level finally toned down at XBboys.
    I did not want  to venture anywhere else in search of pillow for the night so grabbed one of show boys, not one from special show though , ensured that he does long time ,  2000 asked  and approved. Before we landed in the room went to seafood restaurant on the corner , one with metal tables and had a meal and conversation.
    Nothing spectacular in the room but not bad either, after all for half of Tawan price I’d be last to complain. I liked his no rush attitude  and conversational English so we emerged for breakfast at 9.30 only but in New Café Royal that’s no problem as breakfast is served till 5.15 p.m.  And this is how day 4 was over.    
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    Manly69 reacted to vinapu in Somewhat dry rainy season - Thailand trip of Sept 2017   
    Day 4- day     
    When coming to Thailand somehow I never had any pull toward Pattaya. It took me 9 trips before I ventured there and even that only for 2 days and I did not like it. Too many dour faced old farangs and to top it,  my both LT offs were disastrous.  But some members, Pattaya defenders like 1moRussian , anonone or firecat encouraged me to give her a chance so I did and second time seemed better so ever since every trip has Pattaya component.
     Last December  I was there only two days and first time since fall of Troy I actually liked that part better than Bangkok one, also short with 5 days there including day of arrival and departure.
    So when preparing for this trip I decided to book record 5 nights there with option of extending by another two if I will be inclined to with firm resolution that decision will be made on my last, 5th day.
    If extended I entertained option of staying in Boyztown  ( BT )where I always do or moving  either to Sunee or Jomtien for those 2 extra nights.
    After lonely night in the cold bed and Foodland breakfast I packed and went to Ekkamai bus station this time deciding on taking a bus despite van driver waving at me from the distance. Vans from there are bit more expensive 120 vs. 108 for a bus but drop you at vicinity of your hotel   for free or 20 baht extra depending on the whim of driver I guess. Somehow did not feel like seating in cramped van and opted for bus comforts , particularly that next one was departing in 20 minutes or so. Even that short wait was shortened with chat with some farang and young black guy from Belgium.
    In Pattaya  bus station songtaew mafia has vehicles waiting and will deliver you close to hotel for 50 baht at least if located in Central Pattaya , no experience with Jomtien ones. If one wants to economize , can dross the road and stop baht bus / songtaew / and go for 10 or 20 if change at Delphin roundabout is required  but coming from place where bus ticket costs 80 baht I found 50 reasonable.
    Always stay in one of three  BT hotels  ( New Café Royal, Copa and Ambiance ) and don’t have any preference for any of them , always go by the price or a deal like breakfast included. This time it was New Café Royal, I even splurged for more costly Executive room , not much more spacious than Standard one but with breakfast included for 42 USD I found it great deal / one of the days that follow that breakfast actually was only meal I had in a whole day and it kept me running throughout /.
    Advantage of staying in BT is being in the thick of action with everywhere close  but with good you need to take a bad  - whole soi  will see and comment on whom , when and for how long you are taking home.
    So be aware that your last night stand or yesterday massage boy may give you evil eye next day or day after because you decided to lavish your affection on somebody else.
    But with bad comes good, when I asked for particular massage boy from Copa he was not there but when he arrived somebody came to me sitting at Oscars , bar two door over  and told me Kao is already there.
    Altogether I found it to be friendly and good value location, not for shy types though and sometimes with late night noise issues but living on busy street I never have problems with noise seeping into room while in BT.
    One of receptionists there is a boy  well built and cute like hell and passing by I can’t help but wonder how he looks  like when less dressed so to speak but never had a courage to make a move and try to  check if such a survey would be possible but it’s an eye candy pleasant to smile at  10 times per hour.
    After settling in and desoiling I went for an usual ‘ what changed since last time “ stroll  noticing new bar 360 in Pattayaland soi 1 and now closed Vassa, only bar there I never put my foot inside and it looks I never will. Old Happy Place bar location still vacant with name still shown. On the Beach Rd toward walking street is Alt Heidelberg, German restaurant which is my favourite feeding place and their Wiener Schnitzel with homemade fries is almost like Mom used to make for us when we were kids.
    It shows a bit of age , to correspond with ‘Alt” (old in German) in the name I guess  but it was great relief to see it’s still there. On my way in one of stands on the street I spied nice patterned cotton shirt so lavished 150 baht on myself  to let poor to know how rich people are living.
    After the meal more shopping since I decided finally to check Central Festival mall never being there in my 6 previous visits in PTT. 10 baht for baht bus  from 2nd rd and 5 minutes later I was in to find myself back outside another 5 minutes later realizing I did not sit 18 hrs on the plane just to see another standard shiny , chain shops infested mall and opted for Pattaya Night market across the street. 
    I’m not shopper at all but like wandering through exotic markets even if they are aimed at tourists but had a reason to visit – I need new shorts as one I brought  started fraying and not being of high quality could disintegrate fast any time , God forbid  on my way to church for example. I like type with plenty pockets locked with Velcro as I found them useful for my system of distributing spending money all over me  , 1000 here , 700 there and 500 in the back pocket and so on. It took me while to find  what I wanted but I did and 380 baht happier , shorts in the daypack heavier returned home.
    (rest of day will be reported later on today )
  18. Like
    Manly69 reacted to vinapu in Somewhat dry rainy season - Thailand trip of Sept 2017   
    Day 3
    I noticed that with age I take those long flights better and better but at price of jet lag killing me more and more. Today is day 3 and after two quite intensive days and nights I start feeling like energy is leaving me.
     On top of it problems starting with my tablet, not that I can’t live without an access to internet but sometimes Nantra’s lobby where public consumption  computers are located  is full of people waiting for something and it does not created good environment to open page of our forum with all those semi-naked beauties. I even created thread looking for help with that tablet problem  and using this occasion I sent big THANK YOU to all who responded.
    After few days I identified problem – when leaving room I was leaving tablet plugged in. Upon removing key card from the slot power is cut off from the room. On return , when I place card back in the slot power returns but at the same time small surge created overheating inside of tablet and until it was unplugged and cooled down I couldn’t start it. When I made sure I unplug charger before leaving room problem was gone and tablet worked normal way. So much for a technology for you I guess.
    In order not to waste whole day dozing,  I took BTS to National Stadium , then walked to Saen Saep Khlong (canal )and took boat to a Talat / market / Bobae. For some reason I like wandering there and visit it every trip.
    What is new in the khlong   is tourist boat which goes as far as Bangalampu as an addition to  regular commuter service  terminating near Golden Mount temple.  I just noticed it but did not use tourist one yet. If you are interested visit Christian PFC blog at
    where you find more detailed information.
      Did not buy anything in the market and after hour or two returned , stopping at MBK for a lunch.
     Full stomach and untreated jet lag made me so sleepy that I barely managed to take those 3 stations to Silom , went to hotel  and there went to bed hoping that after 1-2 hours of sleep I regain consciousness and be ready to see ChristianPFC  who was supposed to drop by at 6. It was already dark when knocking to  a door  woke me up and immediately I thought it must be him.
    Yes he was but time was already 7 p.m.  Of course he was here at 6 , knocked to a door , since was no answer went to reception , asked them to call me and because it was still no answer he decided to try one more in 1 hour . It shows how deep in sleep I was. No kidding with sleep deprivation.
    We decided to have a dinner in some Japanese restaurant on Silom , 2 servings of gyozas fill me in, Christian had some other treat and we decided to do some bar hopping as usual , this time we started with Screwboys.  Mamasan recognized me , she always does . It remnants of Dec 2014 trip when I offed 6 times Lao  boy named One from there , perhaps best off I was dealing with ever. Well built , well behaved, patient and never asking for anything, still after all those years I miss him and every trip ask mamas an if by a chance he did not return to his duties to no avail.
    We had our drinks , I distributed some tips but none of us was in offing mode so we decided to make a hop to Fresh Boys to see human resources there. In December I had great fun with two boys I took from there and on entry one of them recognized me immediately while it took good  15 minutes before another one sent big smile in my direction as well. We watched the show, here they have SPECIAL Show as well with one of my boys performing top position.
    Again few tips and then as agreed previously we went to Jupiter 2018 where I expected Oud to be available for an off as agreed on day 1 but he was nowhere to be seen.
    As it turned out week later , he was in airport kissing good bye to his motorcycle throwing Chinese lady. Show was almost over when we arrived, Christian did not stay long but I decided to kill some time there to watch the boys and listen  to some oldies from lip-synching by some girl on the stage. Actually I had a good time and was in no rush to leave but when bar started to empty around 1 I took off with everybody else.  On my way home detoured to BBB Inn to see if my favorite masseur Tao is still working there, he was and actually still wet after shower he freshly took. Promised him to see him next week but I was in no mood for a massage nor off with lag still lingering in my body .
    On Suriwong I saw some Tawan boys going home , in front of 7/11 ion the corner of soi 6 some others  including my last night off Boon and #6 I started to salivate about were having a beer.  Both boys even made motion showing desire to walk with me to a hotel but today is historical day, first time ever in my 16 trips to Thailand I did not have neither massage nor off any boy. Not as much tired as scared by that  oversleep incident I decided to have good night sleep alone to avoid any disturbances  hoping to bring my body to a balance after 4 sleepless nights including one of departure and one lost on the plane due to time difference.
     I always chastise members who are reporting going to bed alone for wasting their vacation time so now is your turn to get back at me. It was good move still for two reasons, first to get my sleeping pattern adjusted to normal , second to balance budget after 2 LT at 4000 it saved me 1000 compared to my usual 3000 / night pattern.
    See how prudent am I ?
    And this is how day 3 was over.
  19. Like
    Manly69 reacted to vinapu in Somewhat dry rainy season - Thailand trip of Sept 2017   
    Day 2
     Boy decided to skip breakfast so I did my customary trek to Foodland Patpong alone and it was in vain –place was packed with no empty table , my first. I decided to return to the hotel where some simple breakfast / tea , coffee, toast , cereals, juice, fruit / breakfast is offered, had a bite or two and returned to the room where feeling results of quite busy night and uncured jet lag I fell asleep.
    Sometime later knock to the door wake me up –it was cleaning lady wanting to tidy room a bit. She did it tactfully while I stay in the bed . At 2 p.m. I went to Foodland again , you guessed rightly , to finally have some breakfast. Go imagine 2.p.m.  ! I did not forget that Phet is returning at 4 so not much time left , did some walk around Silom, went to post office  to mail something  and parked myself in Nantra’s lobby at one of their computers to catch up with technology and to spare him an embarrassment of being stopped although at Nantra it’s highly unlikely.
    It was 4 p.m. on the dot  when he appeared, so much for unreliable Thai boys. Again very entertaining few hours with all that boyfriend feeling he so skillfully managed to project. At one point and I’m kidding you not  I had that impression crossing my mind that it would be worthwhile to spent all those 18 hours in the plane and another 18 on return trip just to  live again those several hours of yesterday , last night and today.  
    Since all those exercises made us hungry and he needs to go to the bar we decided to have a dinner together , he suggested Telephone in soi 4 and off we went. I liked their ‘quiet’ room on 2nd floor and we had pleasant meal there. In the corner was another farang with his boy speaking an excellent English from shreds of conversation I managed to overhear.  
    Phet went his way and I walked to soi Twilight for another meeting with Paulsf and boys in Hot Male beer bar , one of them  Alex ,  Burmese buy I found quite attractive and good looking. Good and fun filled few hours.
     At 10.30 I went to Tawan to see the show. As yesterday few new boys ,show more or less similar to what was before with one big improvement  - special show is back with participants circulating tip fishing among us voyeurs so I parted with two red notes on that occasion. In meantime I’m being seriously cruised by #48 Boonthon, one of the steely muscles  but not beefy one. I had already pleasure to meet him last year  and with Phet , my last night stand and dinner companion nowhere to be seen , it did not take much of thinking  to engage #48 services for LT tonight. 
    Usual tip negotiation mirrored exactly one of yesterday  so again few  cases of blood pressure rises hearing that , my apologies to you guys who think I’m making it hard for others but paying inflationary tips  I can’t mistreat serious bodybuilder competition contender and can only hope for the best.
    In meantime I’m keeping my eye on # 6 Dum , I noticed him in Dec during my sole visit to Tawan.
    Nicely built , looks like half black with full kissable lips and I made promise to myself to give him a chance to earn some serious money in future, LOL.
    Off we went , #48 and me , straight to the room and while tip mirrored last night’s so did boy’s performance. It looks I’m undergoing serious  boyfriend like treatment second night in row. And some think there’s no use of straight boys , can’t disagree more.
    In the morning instead of usual walk  to Foodland for a breakfast we went by his motorbike. After breakfast we went to a store as he wanted to  buy a chocolate  for his baby but I chipped in with another two bars, after all I paid him enough so he can afford baby’s dental bill. And so day 2 finished with continuous feeling I’m somewhere in heaven.
  20. Like
    Manly69 reacted to vinapu in Somewhat dry rainy season - Thailand trip of Sept 2017   
    Day 1
    This trip, the 16th I decided to take in supposedly low, rainy season. Assured by few members that as long as I have my umbrella I will be ok and bars are still full of boys I landed this Sunday morning excited as always and curious how it will work as all my trips so far were either May / Jun or Nov / Dec.
    Hot but bearable and skies hazy but still sunny , nothing like rainy season at 10 in the morning.  Immigration was breezy, no more than 10 minutes to clear and luggage arrived promptly as I approached  the conveyor.
    Exchanged some money in the last booth on the train station and was pleasantly surprised by the low spread between airport rate of 31.19 and as it turned out later , then best street rate of 33.02 / USD. Last December airport paid 30 while street rates were around 34-35 if I recall.
    While watching scenery from the train I noticed that new king is slowly taking space of his father and first sizable portrait of old king I saw past Hua Mak which is 3rd station. Much less black dressed commuters as well, still plenty but it seems city slowly regained it’s color.
    Check in in Nantra Silom fast and staff even smiling and explaining breakfast routine. With still sunny skies I went to do my  Lumpini stroll and after circling park it started drizzling so I sped a bit toward Patpong . By time I got there skies were opened and it was REALLY raining but I was well positioned already so hid myself in Madrid Tavern on Patpong 1 , ordered pizza and while they baked it for me went outside to watch then deluge.  
    By time I finished my meal rain suddenly stopped . Went back to then room, changed shirt to dry one and went for a short stroll to Arena, my usual place to start my Thai adventures. HIS , now defunct for perhaps 10 years in the same plaza was my first massage place ever in Thailand hence my habit of starting it all at Arena.
    As soon as I opened door few familiar faces appeared among them my favorite Dit with 13 meetings already and I guess none of us both had a doubt that meeting number 14 will start in few minutes    but not before I will have a beer in the lobby with few boys I hired previously including mamas an Art who is not a bad at massage as well. Of course few red notes changed hands as well and all were happy including me, the distributor.
    Customary 1.5 hr session, fun as always, 1600 for then house including several  beers and 1500 tip and I’m firmly placed in the paradise. Massage relaxed me a bit but jet lag started kicking in so short nap in the room and a stroll past Tawan to soi Twilight hoping to see Paulsf on his throne in the HotMale beer bar, he was not there but arrived shortly and for next hour or so we were catching with news.
    Show time at XBoys so we went, few tips distributed among needy but handsome but I was itching for something else so around 10.30 I left. Something else was of course Jupiter 2018 in soi 4 , new bar for me.
    Drinks 280 are paid outside , you get a chit immediately collected at the door and when inside drink arrives. House was packed for the show already in the making.   I like layout with catwalk but show seemed similar to what I recall from the old place and boys , while very handsome are still holding their sober unsmiling looks so one never knows if they are interested or know.
    Not all lost though thanks to those two Tawan implants Mekhin and Oud , another of my favorites with 8 offs already but today busy sitting in company of older Chinese lady and few other boys.
    Lots of  ladies inside and as in old place almost whole audience Asians. 
    Mekhin passing by perhaps recognized me as I offed him in December and shook my hand , soon after Oud noticed I’m here , excused his lady and came for a hug and to share his good fortune.
    Pulled on his phone a picture of shiny motorcycle , not a motorbike mind you , said lady  bought for him. So where I stand with my ‘lavish” 3000 baht tip for long time ?
    Not in  a good position I thought but I learned that on Tue lady is going home and Oud will be free  so we made preliminary reunion arrangements .
    In meantime show was on with Chinese throwing tips right , left and center , two Chinese ladies lavished 1000 baht notes on two boys , one of them ‘my ‘ Oud who certainly is on the roll after moving from Tawan there. All in all I did not notice much  a difference between old and new location and a bit put off but that distinctive lack of smile from the boys.  
     But it needs to be said they all are prime model material although best looking of them , muscly Tan #60 was nowhere to be seen since he did not move with the bar apparently working at Dreramboys now.
    Oud stopped two more times to ensure me that Tuesday belongs to me , what I found as nice that his lady obviously did not mind him sitting with me for a few minutes  then and now. Oh well , I always had fun with him so perhaps so did her.
    With Oud engaged and other boys unsmiling, remembering my internal rule of not offing anybody  who doesn’t smile or at least catch an eye contact I went upstairs  to check their access  to the sea i.e. washrooms and to see that even that lounge is quite full then set off in a search of some warm body for tonight and this being me on my first day I had  only one other place in mind – Tawan.
    This time I was a bit, just tiny bit apprehensive  since last year I have some pricing issues , namely 4000 LT  requests from few boys  and one jealousy  hissy fit from one of the boys so I feel a bit as marked man there but when comes to men this is my # 1 place if not I the world , in Bangkok for sure.
    It was almost midnight with show finishing up with J/O contest, welcomed by mamasan  who recognized me got adrink and surveyed scene noticing immediately that there are quite  a few  new and not as massive as Tawan standard seems to be , boys . One , sitting nearby even smiled at me nicely but before I started thinking about giving him  a chance  familiar face of Phet # 51 showed in front of me and smiled.
    Those who are reading my reports my recall that one at Tawan I was dumped by the boy while   paying off fee  to take him out with boy claiming that he must go with another clinet, kind of humiliation although I did not feel that way at the moment then since I had substitute in the room.
    Since I  find him attractive next trip I gave him  a chance and offed him ST which was great but cut short by his claim that he must go already after perhaps 40 minutes. Only sweetener was that  he was excellent kisser and owner of great , muscular but not overbuilt body.
    Twice mistreated I should forget about engaging with him and now  on my first night of 16th trip he is standing  at front of me , whole in smiles with hand extended so what choice other than patting on a seat beside me inviting him to seat I had ?
    Bygones are bygones and body is as attractive as always , perhaps jet lag is fogging my judgement  , drink is ordered and before arrived he asked me already if he is going with me. “but long time only, OK” , ‘yes, yes”, things  are going well  so ‘How much you want?”
    “long time 5000”,
    I know already I’m marked man there, sucker  and idiot throwing money away but had courage to state firmly  ‘’ no 3000” , ‘ok, ok 4000 is the answer’.
    I know I should  say no but in meantime kiss is planted while my hand moved forcibly against my no-resistance from the knee to THE THING but still sixth sense is telling me that this time it may work or may be Guardian Angel is whispering ‘are you stupid for a sake of 1000 you want lose your fun” . Anyways OK, dress and go. “Are you hungry? “ , ‘no ‘,
    ‘ we will eat breakfast together/” , firm ‘yes’ – that was a moment I knew  I did best I could for myself.
    There’s this expression ‘exceed expectation’ and it’s best to describe last night. If was as close to sleeping with boyfriend one can wish for . I know it’s all theater  but he was very good at that.
    Showering in the morning I couldn’t not to ask if he comes during day. 4-7  p.m.  agreed and I don’t know who was happier , him or me but definitely it was great start of this trip and great end of day 1.
  21. Like
    Manly69 reacted to TotallyOz in Derailing of Threads   
    Just to be clear suspension was used in the first case with samebb and others and he was informed that any future incidents would result in a ban. The suspension took place after first being warned a number of times.
    This was not a case of one personal insult to other members but multiple insults. In the end he practically dared me to ban him.
    I agree it is a lose of some valued information that he provided. But he is an adult who was warned more then once and continued to act like a spoiled child.
    In the end he gave me no choice and in the future such members will be handled in the same way!
    Warnings first, if no effect a suspension and once suspended next action will be to be completely banned.
    Certainly I hope no such actions will be needed in the future.
  22. Like
    Manly69 reacted to TotallyOz in Pattaya in Low Season   
    What is it with the personal insults? No warning next time. Immediate suspension and if suspended before , then banned forever.
    Take a note from Vinapu's posts. It is easy to strenuously disagree without being disagreeable!
    It should be easy to figure out who I am referring to!!
    We all see boys differently , just like we all have our likes and dislikes. Also it does not take a brain surgeon to figure out that the same Bar may have a different offering from 1 night to the other never mind 1 week or month to another.
    I don't like interfering in theses threads and recently some have forced me to get involved.
    Wake up!
  23. Like
    Manly69 reacted to Boy69 in Pattaya in Low Season   
    I will insist to see his ID in advance I am not sure he's 19 yo as he declared on GR. his refusal to give his phone number and the fact he 'forgot' his ID seems to me very suspicious.
  24. Like
    Manly69 reacted to Londoner in Pattaya in Low Season   
    Sglad acted wisely. i was very surprised that Travellerdave took that chance and wouldn't recommend it even if the guy looked old enough. I'm surprised that the hotel allowed him in.
  25. Like
    Manly69 reacted to sglad in Pattaya in Low Season   
    Seriously, how were you able to verify his age without an ID card?
    A friend from Sg visited recently and he wanted to take a boy off from one of the go go bars and the guy didn't have ID.  I was acting as interpreter and wasn't entirely convinced that he was 19 as he claimed.  My friend decided against taking the boy off, tipped him nicely and we left.  My friend seemed disappointed that I didn't give the boy the 'all-clear' but I told him it's better to be safe than sorry.  He has a good job and life back home and any hint of impropriety of this sort and he's finished.
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