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Everything posted by Londoner

  1. As an aside, I'm surprised - and I hinted at this in an earlier post- that most of the recommended restaurants aren't Thai. Is this a fair reflection of falang taste? For me, the prospect of Thai food- both the sophisticated and that on offer at basic restaurants- is one of the things I look forward to most. And miss now!
  2. Hundreds of thousands of Thais will be on the road as I write. Usually, the fear is that many won't arrive at their destinations owing to road accidents. Now the fear is that they will arrive.... and bring the virus with them.
  3. Not quite as disturbing as the video from a few years back of a snake climbing up a toilet while a guy was using it. In fact, this creature looks quite friendly.
  4. Yes, I recommend it. I think it preferable to the Pattaya FM one on Youtube , though that too is useful for those of us missing Thailand. The young Thai (Jet) is part American. It's reassuring to hear the correct pronunciation of Patta-YA, too. I always find the falang "Pa-TTA-ya" irritating. Silly of me, I suppose. Age!
  5. Yes....just as I'm an expert on Classical Boyztown, circa 1998.
  6. A word of thanks to those who have posted about the Japanese scene. It's been an eye-opener to me and I now regret that I didn't go there in my younger years. Which brings me to a question; we know that many Thais are happy to maintain relationships with older men and that their up-bringing and culture is a significant factor in this. Is the same true in Japan? I recall reading about samurai and their young acolytes and the similarity to practices in Classical Greece.
  7. My perception of this current situation is largely governed by age and my fear that I haven't many trips left. The three I've already missed, as well as the next (June) I shall also miss, were ones that , physically, I'd cope with. The time is coming when neither the journey from the UK nor the delights offered to me on a plate in Thailand (I'm obviously referring to Thai food!) may no longer be within my grasp.
  8. That was my view from Tarntawan thirteen months ago....thanks for the memory. Unfortunately, my depression continues.
  9. Thanks for that memory....particularly the salt-water pool!
  10. Am I the only one who enjoys Thai cuisine? Has anyone tried the Thai up-market restaurants in Terminus 21? unusual menus, elegantly served....considerably more expensive than run of the mill places....but worth it.
  11. The period I was referring to was the late 90s. In those days, the A A go- go dancers were predominantly Thai twinks, sometimes from hill-tribes. As with blue Star, my experience is that the more macho guys are more comfortable than twinks. By the way, the bottoms during sex shows in Bangkok invariably wore jock-straps. Perhaps this is a similar issue?
  12. Blue Star (Soi Twilight) used to have periods of nudity in the late 90s. There were two separate "troupes" of go-go dancers, one basically twinks, the other macho. I recall the periods of nudity featuring both troupes together. The macho guys seemed happy, the twinks less so, some standing with their hands strategically in front of them, looking most uncomfortable. I also remember Adam's Apple in Chiang Mai having nude interludes during the show , when a few of the dancers would appear. My memory is that they too looked unhappy. So much so that I couldn't watch. We know from the manner in which offed guys undress in our rooms, towels tightly around their waists, that nudity is not always welcome.
  13. If only...... Any reference to whether they speak English?
  14. I had the same thought...preparing the worst scenario last week, I looked at Zing on Agoda. Apparently, it was taking bookings. A lot of Agate's custom is from Chinese tour group "one nighters" , or so it seems to us, and so it may not re-open until these groups re-appear. But that's a guess. At least we know now that Agate staff (or at least some of them ) are still employed1
  15. Midguy1 and others will be pleased to hear that I received an email from Agate yesterday confirming its re-opening, once the local authorities give permission. I'm now beginning to wonder whether a visit in five or sixth months times is a possibility.
  16. This is not just a Thai issue, nor a Covid one. In most (perhaps all?) societies, parents are expected to provide for their children and failure to do so is seen as shameful. In Islamic societies, it is primarily the father's duty, perhaps in Buddhist societies- women do much of the selling- it's a more shared responsibility . When I was in Palestine a few years ago I came across a dad in Gaza, where food was scarce and unemployment rife, who hanged himself when he saw his two children rooting in a bin for a discarded rotten orange. He saw this as his failure as a father and a man..
  17. Any attempt by a political party to address the huge wealth-gap between the small minority of very rich and the rest of the population inevitably leads to a coup and a military government serving the needs of royalty and the ruling elite. Today, elections aren't needed; the junta just bans any party which seeks meaningful change. I strongly recommend the documentary, though it fails to deal adequately with the political aspects of the crisis. Some of the personal testimonies are heart-breaking.
  18. A wise response. The racist-homophobe Bolsonaro's Covid- denial is even more deranged than that of Trump, with inevitable results. Wait for his defeat ...and that of the virus!
  19. No recommendations for Thai cuisine? i recall PIC Kitchen from many years ago, in a soi off the northern part of Second Road. Much more expensive than the usual but beautifully served traditional food- much of it unusual to me- in two salas. Reminiscent of The Good Earth in Chiang Mai , that some of you may know. But better food, I think. When I was last in Jomtien (one year ago almost to the day), there was a sign near Theppasit announcing a re-opening nearby. I hope to keep my promise to take P there one day.....if it does indeed open, something that must be questionable in present circumstances.
  20. No mention of Luxor's Banana Island? a frequent destination for the boat captains. And others.
  21. I've been to The Gambia, Senegal and Zanzibar (Tanzania) but long ago. Handsome guys, undoubtedly, but opportunities are so limited and perilous as to make a sex-jaunt unwise. I had one experience in The Gambia with a cute guy but the circumstances in which it took place were- shall we say- uncomfortable. Plenty of offers for walks up the beach to a quiet areas which I didn't accept. One sort of relationship where sex was offered but, somehow, it didn't feel appropriate in the circumstances. I'm older now and more timid. I wouldn't consider a reprise.
  22. Our last glorious (or so it seems now in retrospect) stay in Pattaya was over a year ago. and as indicated above, was at the Agate in the Complex. I won't rehearse the reasons for our exodus from Boyztown, in my case after twenty-five happy years, but have one reaction to z909's post to share. P had wanted the move to Jomtien well before me but I resisted for the reasons z909 mentions; the facilities of South Pattaya are immeasurably superior to those of Jomtien. particularly the restaurants. This meant that we'd travel into Pattaya twice a day, usually by baht bus, sometimes by taxi. This time last year, that trip could, particularly in the early evening, be uncomfortable. Full buses often with standing room only, of course, but also very slow buses (or taxis) owing to the numerous roadworks. Nevertheless, the superiority of our hotel, its quiet location, its two swimming pool in particular, made our decision worthwhile. And, while moaning at the traffic jams we'd say to each other, "In June, the roads will be clear." Well. we were right but not for the reasons we wanted or expected.
  23. It only takes one carrier.....remember the boxing stadium outbreak last year? I am genuinely astonished and , while pleased that life is returning to gay area, fearful that with such behaviour restrictions will soon be back in place. And just when I was beginning to think about a summer visit.
  24. Thanks....I don't know whether to be relieved that they are not boarded-up and sold as 711s or depressed because another one hundred days of imprisonment- at least- lies ahead.
  25. Traveller123 persuaded P and I to stay at Agate on this very forum; and we love it, more than any of the other hotels in Thailand, some considerably more expensive. Thanks for the post; now that things are looking up, I've been trying to contact Agate but without success. I worked-out that it was closed of course but your report that they plan to reopen cheers me enormously. As far as other possibilities are concerned, I told P only yesterday that Zing is well-liked and gay-friendly. i think it's still open. Cheaper than Agate.
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