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fedssocr last won the day on June 4 2023

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About fedssocr

  • Birthday 12/16/1967

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  1. when possible I try to arrive in Asia late evening so I can just go right to bed. Europe from US East coast is the worst for me since most flights arrive early in the morning and are too short to really get much sleep. Typically I find the jet lag worst on day 2
  2. Shapiro was Attorney General of PA just as Harris was AG of California. So that might inform somewhat their similarity in style and substance.
  3. There were so many people who dreaded Trump v Biden II. So I think just replacing Biden with anyone else will be a big boost. And the fact that Harris has been out on the trail doing a really good job will be a big relief. The campaign has already raised nearly $50m in small donor money in less than 8 hours. Which would seem to reflect a lot of us who have been sitting on the sidelines. I hadn't donated to Biden this cycle but sent some money her way. Everyone in the party is coalescing around her. The Trumpers are flipping out. Frankly I don't think anyone votes based on VP. So it probably doesn't matter too much who she picks. Personally I think Gov. Cooper from NC would be a good choice. Southern state gov who is term limited from running again. I believe most people still don't want Trump back. As long as she seems basically competent she should be able to win against him.
  4. I read somewhere that there was a seventh person who they found also dead from poison. Implication appeared to be that she murdered the other six and then took her own life.
  5. no, this was 15+ years ago when Purple Dragon was still in business Last time I was in LP was 2015. It didn't seem particularly gay to me. But definitely worth a visit. Back in the day there was a restaurant outside of the town that was a mixed place where the gays gathered. At least that's what I was told. It was pretty quiet the night I was there. I don't think it's still there
  6. one doesn't really go there for the sex. But it's a beautiful place. The first time I went my gay tour guide really wanted to have sex with me. I got the feeling that the poor guy was really hard up in such a small place. Nice guy but not something I was looking for. Lots of hospitality industry going on so probably more than a few gay or gay enough guys on the apps. Check out Big Brother Mouse and Big Sister Mouse. Great organization trying to provide quality education for the children of Laos.
  7. The Crowne Plaza has a very nice breakfast spread as well. Lots of western options as well as very good Thai options. Cooked to order eggs. Very friendly staff.
  8. Just saw a post on Twitter that there's a new host club in Chiang Mai called V1. Looks like lots of playful handsome boys. No idea exactly where it is located or any other details though. https://x.com/ShunJou/status/1804364133221175751
  9. I've stayed at Airbnbs in several places around the world over the years, but none recently. I'd say 90% of them were excellent. But I think some of it is luck of the draw. Using properties of "super hosts" seems to be helpful. But these days you see more and more stories about problems with them and weird extra charges. There's also the ethics of how they skew the local housing market. The building I live in has a strict no Airbnb policy. These days I am more likely to stay in a hotel or serviced apartment.
  10. I guess this whole thing ended up being a giant clusterf%^#. Now they're saying the new rules won't be in place for a while.
  11. The typical tourist doesn't need a 60 day visa. But giving visa exempt entry to many more countries might move the needle a little bit. The "digital nomads" seem to have been finding loopholes already so I don't know how many will jump through the application process hoops to get a 6 month visa. Apparently that is only extendable by a further 6 months in a 5 year period, not that you can add 6 months for up to 5 years total.
  12. I thought ASEAN citizens already had longer stays. But I guess not.
  13. 30 injuries out of 230 on board doesn't seem like that many. As noted it was during the breakfast service so many crew members would have been up and about. And it's likely people would have been using the lavs or even just accessing the overheads. As some one who uses the lavatory frequently during a flight this is one of my worst nightmares.
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