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    BL8gPt reacted to ggobkk in Time to return   
    It’s now Thursday night and we convene on soi 4. Arrive in time to see Bananas manageres change the base drink price at Banana to 380 THB.
    Directly across the soi at G’s German Restaurant, Coco and I each choose the pork knuckle special which is a mini-mountain of food.  Mostly meat.  Good beers, conversation is light and I pick up some of the CoCo background information that I posted early in a reply to vinapu.  We joust with Banana’s grabber and catch up on how his son is doing and growing. G’s owner has headed off to Pattaya I so didn’t get more time with him to take in his opinions. Skipping the strudel, we head to the jazz club for an hour of piano and singer melding into classics (e.g“Stardust” ).  
    While at Groovin’ High, the jazz bar, we discussed where to go next.  Three clubs still on my list to checkout: Stranger Bar, FreshBoys, & Hot Male.  The Stranger Bar has moved from its narrow show case  next to (?) Adam Massage to a much bigger appearing from the outside to the left of Jupiter. Decided to start at FreshBoys and depart in time to see Hot Male’s 2nd show.
    It’s been more than a year since I was at FreshBoys, I have many happy memories and a string of offs from the club’s locations and incarnations on both sides of Surawong.  Minh is in his usual spot near to the stairs.  I learn that the reason there ares shirtless boys at the top of the steps is both marketing and a cast holding area for the 40 boys in rotation.  Inside it’s the same room, same layout, strong sound level, stage filled with boys in alphanumeric rotation 1 to 40 in order, unless someone has been called over for a drink or more.  Mamasan sees me and orders boys off the sofa area immediately inside the entrance.  We effusively greet one another and she does the same with CoCo. Once seated, I scan the rotation, by the end of a round I realize that over the past four or five years I’ve offed four of the boys and two of the waiters!  The vibe in FreshBoys has an energy I haven’t encountered until now.  The main seating area appears to be full of both paying customers and boys who are being treated to boy drinks.  Seated where we are I see a constant coming and going of drink waiters.  Number 40 in rotation is smiling broadly as he moves past. Since he’s handsome borderline cute with a big smile I indicate interest and mamasan has him on the sofa next to me.  He’s from VietNam!  Drink offered, drink accepted.  His name is Nam (I’ll probably be able to remember it).  
    Mamasan is very involved in how the show runs, interacts with the boys and is constantly chatting up the customers (of which there will be a steady flow in the next two hours.  Once the rotation ends and the first of the 2 divas comes on stage, many of my ex offs stop by, I’m having a good time, Nam leaves to be in different acts, returns after each, he is first a dancer with a flower lei, then in the two guys and a diva number with each molesting and committing rapine, as clothes are shed. He will also be an a two guys in a shower scene but that will be later, and he’s one of the 9 in the big cock hit the pole festival.  Yes, it reads as the same, rotation, diva, act with some sex, rotation, act with naked sex, diva, rotation, shower scene with more but soapy sex, ring the pole,  pole ringers circulate for a top to touch their tips, diva and end the show with a rotation for the midnight show.
    During all this Nam returns to cuddle and unleash his smile.  Hands encouraged to wander.  I’m capitvated by the room’s vibrant vibe.  I think that someone in Management took a pause, looked at what was on hand, and thought about making it flow and come alive.  The mamasan is part of that as she is constantly on the move, encouraging the audience to chheer the boys when needed, to leading sing alongside with the grander diva numbers. There is still a crowd when lights come up to signal the end of the first show.  Drinks have been mixed and served during the two hours we’ve been there. There might be money being made here.  Maybe six boys leaving with customers.  
    CoCo and I say our good byes…shirtless honor guard to the door and outside.  Head to Hot Male since it’s right next door.  I walk past the entrance - it was too well lit! Inside there are one mamasan and two managers and 20 boys in red trunks and maybe  Hot Male logo T-shirt.  Notice  I have not mentioned the audience numbers.  There were none!  Guys are good looking, etc.  Note: to vinapu, #10 the blonde god we both noticed and exchanged comments about was there!  Even knowing I wasn’t going to be caught being  the only customers , #IO called him over as he had spotted me when I spotted  him (maybe before).  A glorious piece of god’s craftsmanship!.  I explained I couldn’t stay and gave him a remembrance vinapu tuck.  Coco and I leave as the boys begins to perform the show (Indian temple dancers, remember?)  One customer has arrived.
    We go back for a remedial stamp session as I process the last few hours. 
  2. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to ggobkk in Time to return   
    After the Jupiter final march out concluded and the show ended to prep for the next one, we lingered which gave CoCo a chance to introduce me to his Burmese compatriots who are working on the runway as models or are in the sport jacket of the night as managers (bar captains).  All seemed to be genuinely nice and looking out for each other.  Wondering if the Burmese and this era’s Viets?
    Out of the club, we spend some time talking with folks either or both of us know one way or another.
    At my hotel we delve into research on stamps from the British period in Malaya.  Decently satisfactory practical and theoretical learning.
    Next morning, (Wednesday for those - like me - trying to keep track of life), CoCo out to his market helper job before breakfast.  I skip the hotel’s 249 THB buffet and pick and choose from the carts on Patpong.  Back at the hotel it’s time to update this report and answer DMs.  I turn on Planet Romeo, I turn off Planet Romeo.  All Money Boys!  Yes, that’s really not any different than meeting a boy (boys) in the clubs, but I prefer to pick and choose - which, it appears - I’ve already done.  Oh, and we are confirmed for Pattaya this weekend.  Could be interesting as CoCo says he’s only been there for an overnight tour in a group which went only to Walking Street.  He’s not familiar with the beaches, Jomtien, or Boystown. 
    Rest of day is errands, some work on reports for a project at home and continuing investigation of the boy agencies in Osaka. I’ll have four or five nights not committed to my Chinese friends and touring with them and their 8 year old son.  
    The post in the Forum’s Gay Japan section entitled “List of gay brothels…” caught my attention when I was thinking about this trip.  As a result, I did and am  continuing doing research.  Several agencies are only in Osaka (where I be based); some are both local and national.  I looked at 15 but narrowed my focus to Fragrance-boy.com and Chancesosaka.jp sites which have English versions, English translations, quality pictures, links to reviews and boy’s twitter, and comments from the boy and the manager.  They respond to questions (Chance even sending additional photos). The boy’s work schedule is up for the week ahead, it appears to will be easy (?) to book, pricing is right on the page.  What the boys are willing to do or not do and how good they are judged to be at their individual skills, rooms at agency, or at your home,  or in a hotel, or a love hotel? - all these non-Thai informational channels have pulled me down a time sucking- hole.  
    Time to pull myself out of this hole, doing something outside in the fresh air, then return to my report.  Three items tonight: dinner, drinks, and clubbing.
  3. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to ggobkk in Time to return   
    Editorial note: I wrote this section of the report, thought I’d hit submit reply, but unable to  find it.  So…here’s another go…
    OK, OK!  Too much drama, the chalk dust was a metaphor for my loss of will power. Standing outside of Good Boys,  Coco and I had a brief conversation about getting together the next night and the where and whens logistics…and that was that… for the moment.  He went back to work and I went off to Dream Boys. 600 THB!!!  Dream boys back when it was both a destination and  the star in  the Twilight nights was always pricier than its competitors - but it had upmarket cache.  Tonight, I entered a large and what seemed to be an audience starved venue, finding the  waiters not so subtlety hawking bottles and settling for getting the customer (me) his watered entry fee libation.  Drink delivered,  a jacketed manager lingered to provide information on the “artists” and their “talents”.  I didn’t conduct any in depth fact checking.  The boys (maybe 40 or so) in rotation  were visibly not engaged with the audience and definitely on low power.  The show was as the boys say “same same”  as the same same somewhere else.
    Here’s something I never thought I’d think or say:  BRING BACK MAMA LUCY!  When this dynamo was bossing around  the boys, the staff and the guests for the pre-Dream Boy owners of the venue things moved, visitors got caught up and pulled into the activity, the sounds, the lighting, the drama, and being instructed to buy Mama Lucy a beverage!  The comparison of today to then is stark. Maybe, something after the middle of the show created a WOW! Moment, I don’t know as I was down the stairs, out the door, and back into the “real world” of a Patpong night.  I stopped by the street level bar that’s connected to Fresh Boys and had a drink with the waiters.  Then back to my hotel to sleep alone.
    Next morning after breakfast, it was up and out and errand filled.  I went to Prime for a foot massage which allowed me to go to Reader’s designated massage value area of Saphan Kwai and a return to KMan spa.  When I got to Good Boys, CoCo and two mamasans were outside along with a mix of boys and waiters and girls from the various new clubs and girl bars that have opened in the last year.  I paid the off fee (500 THB) and CoCo and I were off for some food and to catch the show at Jupiter.  
    On entering soi 4, we were pulled in quickly with a wai from the Banana greeter/grabber.  I began to introduce CoCo but found out there was no need as he was already known and a favorite.  Same with the owner of the German restaurant, I was recalled as vinapu’s companion at a dinner, CoCo’’s given a hug and an exchange of stories, repeated experiences as we move toward Jupiter.  Pao comes over and greets us both, telling CoCo he’s been away too long (?!!?).  
    We get to Jupiter, I buy the entry/first drink coupon, which is never a real coupon, we’d arrived thirty minutes before show time and are entertained  by a singer.  CoCo had gotten the host to seat us right behind the primo bottle service tables to the right side of the stage.  The area provides a direct view into the dressing and weight rooms.  There is a steady stream of Jupitereans dropping by to say hello to CoCo and as they do, I learn some more about my companion.  He’d once in the not too distant past been a Jupiterean.  During the parade of artists circling and intersecting in and with the audience Coco received a steady stream or fist bumps/Thailand equivalents.
    I didn’t notice any major changes to the show room since last year.  The runway stage is surrounded on tree sides by tables with seating that is occupied by bottle holders,  There are three with two patrons each,  one with one grande dame presiding, one with three patrons, and one that is filled in with 6 as the show starts - similar I suppose to how the Academy Awards have a pool of extras to fill seats during the show when the stars go to poop, keeping the place looking full. Beyond this first row, the tiered seating to the right and left of the stage is full at about 80%.  The seats directly facing the stage but behind the front rows is sparsely seated.
    Show is/was much as I remembered it.  The hula hoop guy which I gushed about several years back  is now looking wan and a bit ancient history.  There were no real “wows” but no real horrors.  Just a well tended to entertainment that attracted more women than men to make up the audience.
  4. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to ggobkk in Time to return   
    You, vinapu, nosy.? Not possible!
    The details on CoCo are part of my reporting journal and are about to emerge.  He does have a Burmese name but everyone seems to know him as CoCo.  But this much now: He’s 37, from Burma, looks like a brother to the mid-level Broadway American gay actor/singer Telly Leung.  CoCo is a certified and very active and creative stamp collector.  He’s a very popular denizen of the campus, here. He worked at Jupiter for some time, thus his connection to owners, managers, bar boys, and entertainers.  I learned a few things about the fitting of the costumes at Jupiter and Moonlight.  For those that don’t need artificial enhancement, the shorts, briefs, undies etc  are tailored to enhance nature.  CoCo was/is in that category.  
    I was also hoping for more from Jupiter…there were quite a few lookers, some great lookers, but no one I’d consider a stunner - someone to make me pause, look again, and then look one more time.  Lots are are at the “look again” level.
  5. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to ggobkk in Time to return   
    Coco leaves pre-morning with thanks…actually with some kicking of myself.  Why?  Well, when I planned this trip I wrote “BUTTERFLY” 500 times on the blackboard of life.  My well tested sense of commitment to a goal was already on FAILURE ALERT advising me that this guy was one who could erase the blackboard.
    Anyway he was out the door and I had a number of texts from other models who saw me in town.  I booked a 2 hour combo Thai/Aroma massage at Prime. Then went shopping at Uniqlo with a stop at the Food Hall for a sit down pasta meal.  When in Bangkok eat like a Roman.  Back for my pummeling in the best way possible.  The Prime empire has expanded.  In the late late 90s I had a massage in the Thai style building at the soi 6 turning point,  later the building across and to the right was added to the territory,, then the space adjacent that had been used  for laundry was remodeled to be several massage rooms, then this space was expanded in the direction of Silom.  As Reader mentioned earlier in another topic, 3 Teen Massage shops, 5 or 6 other brands, and the Prime conglomerate the concentration of massage power located on  soi 6 is remarkable.  For quantity it rivals Saphan Kwai area.
    After my brutalization at Prime, I responded to a text from CoCo that I was going to give tonight a pass and butterfly some shows and bars solo (MY BLACKBOARD was finger-nailing across my reserves of willpower).  I had a pleasant meal and conversation at the French restaurant in Phatphong 2.  Then stopped by the Hot Male and Fresh Boys street level bars to say hello and renew old acquaintances.  Minh (speaking of old acquaintances) found me and suggested/urged/implored/did the disappointed bit to get me to drop into Fresh Boys.  I said maybe later and headed to Hot Male for memories sake from the Twilight Days where I met Van of many memories and PaulSF.  As I was about to go up the stairs the Hot Male pusher/greeter/ went after me with a pitch and questions why I wasn’t already there.  Very strange behavior.  I went up into the club.  It’s been spruced up since last year.  Sprucing up did not appear to have enhanced audience numbers.  I didn’t recognize the mamasan or any of the managers.  I backed out saying I’d be back and weaseled out,  headed for the Fresh Boys stair to avoid the Hot Make stairs greeter.  At FreshBoys, I observed that many of the “models” were seated outdoors shirtless.  Enticing and when Minh appeared out of no where I took his suggestion and went in.  Same room, same everything as last year.  same mamasan - which is a good thing as she has never failed but to be fun in her exchanges with me, somehow always finding a great seat for me adding a few model suggestions tailored to me.  
    40 models all lined up in neat numerical order for rotation.  Almost  as many as Good Boys but with a less over whelming effect due to the room’s larger capacity.  As the models were in rotation, mamasan and I conferred and two boys came over to keep me company.  Neither would work out for an off…and at some point my blackboard collapsed.  I tipped the boys, both nice guys, wishing them well in their careers.  Telling mamasan that I’d be back to see the full show, I departed, to find Minh to tell me, Caliban that he is, that had told CoCo I was in the ‘hood and steered me to Good Boys where  CoCo emerged in a cloud of blackboard chalk dust.  
    Narrative will now pause as I need to run some errands and a rain storm is due.
  6. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to ggobkk in Time to return   
    On Sunday, I took it easy, kept up with attempt on the gauzy haired former president.  There were several texts from boys who using the bar boys grapevine learned I was back in town.  
    I went out on Sunday sight inspections of the ‘hood and found several new hotels and restaurants and more massage parlors than I remember from earlier visits.  I noticed a definite bias towards Japanese and Indian tourists.  Overall things looked cleaner than my most recent memory.  
    As I was leaving Good Boysat 2am,  I palmed some baht to CoCo who I’d been steered away from by the Vietnamese conglomerate.  He confirmed he’d be at work by replying to my query with “Yes’ and 8:30”.   I used the day to get a 2 hour Thai / aroma oil massage at Prime.  After a nap, I headed over to soi 4 to visit with  Pao my favorite waiter anywhere in the world, we had a mutual hug fest and caught up..  Pao as the host and real time bar and restaurant manager used to supervise, Reader, PaulSF, another former Forum member, and me as PaulSF presided from a prominent table adjacent to Hot Male Bar I & 2, and across from two clubs by a massage service. Right in front of it was the yellow brick road to take the public through Twilight.  
    The bewitching hour arrived and at Good Boys the mamasan called CoCo over to meet and greet, he was surrounded by an uninvited posse of Vietnamese.  My escort from last night had advised me whom to invite to join my table which consisted by himself, his bother, and CoCo.  After a few awkward moments I told the mamasan that CoCo and I’d be leaving, his clothes changed, off fee paid and we were out the door leaving several long faces behind.  Coco has developed English skills so it was easy to learn some things.  First we decided that he wasn’t one to hurry an off so he could return to the club.  We started toward Jupiter but got “grabbed” from Banana’s “pusher” in chief, who is an old old friend from Twilight days and so went into Banana where with his prodding and a wave to the host CoCo and I were given prime seats.  Not That it was difficult as the club was lacking an audience, “sparse” was the reality maybe 20%.  Half women.  The show was much the same as the one I saw in May 2023.  
    While much the same as last year, the performers go full out which disperses good energy.  Drinks were 400, no cover charge.  Chatted with the manager who remembered my other visits in other venues.  He told me I had  excellent taste in men and CoCo was proof.  I suggested we head to Moonlight and CoCo agreed saying “we can go to Jupiter tomorrow”.  The hook was in and this fish was willing to be pulled in.  Guess tomorrow is booked.
    At Moonlight, first drink still 500 Thai baht.  Same mamasan who was in place when it was the old Jupiter. The pre-show rotation of boys was underway and mamasan gave me background information on many of the dancers, telling me to stay with CoCo but maybe add one of Jupiter’s to the mix telling me that based my past likes..  All this while CoCo is filling in the public record on CoCo.  He’s Burmese and fled Myanmar to avoid being conscripted.  He’s 37, works a morning / day job at a market.  He knows many, many folks, one is in the  Moonlight rotation    CoCo invites him over.  I’m unable to tell if this is impress me or the friend.   Friend is Burmese, he and Coco drink and catch up with Burmese comings and goings.  Mamasan and I discuss the merits of a Laotian who is just now new to the lineup. Friend goes back to the final rotation before the show.  With his shirt now off, I can see his large variety of tattoos, repeat “large”.
    Show begins and it clearly has been redone and rethought.  Babe is the best and most polished dancer and is given two spots to shine.  Nicky has more stage time and has almost learned to act and emote.  What makes it work for him and the audience is that he knows it is a form of farce and they are in on the one together. Fast paced.  One or two divas ( my mind blanks at these and I lose count.  Mamasan notices that my back is tiring from sitting on a stool close to the stage and confers with CoCo before suggesting we move to a row with backing to the seats but a prominent visual.  We move, it was a good idea, and soon many of the performers are smiling and winking at us - seems CoCois a known favorite of theirs.  The gentleman  and his companion seated next to tell me that I’m blessed” to have such a stunning lover.  I refrain from mentioning we’ve only been together maybe all of three hours.  I nod and say thanks.
    This show is working, the main stars have meshed together and made a connection with the audience (about 60% of the house, a third women).  When the intros of the main performers are made and each comes out, Babe waves and smiles at CoCo and they share a mutual laugh across the room.  When the stars last bow is taken in the center of the house with a shirt strip, Babe ends up in front of us.  He’ll return when the lights some up and say hello and (if he even remembers) doesn’t mention our   encounter several years back.  My opinion based on only two shows so far - Moonlight has got its groove back.
    CoCo and I walk back to Quarter Silom.  We discuss what we saw, overall opinions are similar, CoCo noting that each management sets its priorities, styles, to attract the best audience mix for its economics.  He observes that Good Boys likes a full house and fills it with boys who then compete for the patrons who will buy drinks or the boys. 
    Back at the hotel, CoCo is as stunning as people have been informing me all night.  He does voice some irritation that it was apparent to him that I was interested in him and could see that the Viet ground forces has me surrounded like Dien BienPhu.  Then he notes that he was able to get a full intelligence briefing on what I liked about stamp collecting and that he could teach me some moves I might like to learn.  I LEARNED. 
  7. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to vinapu in Dick's Cafe Jomtien   
    Rest assured, there's whole brigade here.
    If course we never start thread about where to find the best because surely we wouldn't agree but common denominator is , we love it.
    Beauty of that dish is that almost everywhere it tastes bit different,  even if ingredients are more or less the same , proportion are not and it ranges from sweet to outright hellishly spicy.
  8. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to vinapu in I want to try Malaysia   
    and so is prostitution in some SE Asian country, forgot the name.
    When I was in Malaysia last year I did not bring  any boys to my room but there was one who was kind of stalking me in front hotel in the open almost demanding we have business so certainly he was not afraid that he may be stopped by reception. 
    There's massage street in Bukit Bintang district in KL where masseurs of both sexes and jolly girls look for business far from conspiracy.
    And there are deeply conspired massage units where  you need to be introduced but it's not impossible  to find those  , just needs more work. They are full service places.
  9. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to Lotusleaf in I want to try Malaysia   
    Have been residing in KL on a part time basis for nearly 20 years. 
    Hotels - no problem with joiners. No problem booking double bed with companion. 
    Bars - Blueboy, been in existence since the 1990s at least.   Other bars/clubs come and go. 
    Saunas - a few
    Massage centres - quite a number
    Freelance massage - many particularly from Indonesia. 
    Apps - very active. 
    Cruising - more than in Thailand.
    Over the years there has been the occasional raid on venues but more often to do with drugs and illegal workers..
    Just be be sensible and think with your 🤔 and not your 🍌.
  10. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to Lotusleaf in Mister Buriram 2024   
    One of a number of sections of the competition. 
    And the winner is? 
  11. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to ggobkk in Time to return   
    Well, I made it!  Thursday morning United Airlines Flight from San Francisco to Tokyo, 5 hour layover, then more hours on the ANA flight to Bangkok.  Arrived as Friday turned into Saturday.  Using the benefit of being an ancient and following long time ago advice from PaulSF and Reader I bypassed the general immigration area and went to the monk/diplomat/old fart line.  Changed some money and then my bag tumbled onto the conveyor belt.  Then through the green channel at customs and down one flight to the taxi stand.  Checked my watch and found that it had taken 22 minutes from departing the plane to negotiation of the taxi fee and heading to Bangkok.
    Quick check in at Quarter Silom.  Decided to not unpack but, rather, to see what was up and happening, I thought I’d read that the closing hours were extended to 2am.  So out of the hotel, soi 6 had a few guys sitting across from the dark Tawan (need to put the new name into my memory), noted that the Coffeee Grinder Silom space was up for rent.  Massage emporia darkened, many with the foot massage chairs occupied by sleeping staff.  Patpong was a clatter of booths being dismantled and Tuk Tuk availability being shouted.  Tuned onto the next street which features a dispensary much better lit than the ones in California.
    A bit surprised by the aggressiveness of the “women” at the new bar  (I’ll have to get the name and put in my next report).  One even grabbed my arm and forcibly blocked me from forward progress - I had to push her away.  
    Hot Male Bar and the grabber for the show were busy, I put off checking out the show which I thought might not be too busy for Mr at  1am.
    Went to Good Boys which in its former life was always one to stay open as long as possible…it was open and crowded….very crowded.  And, I came to understand what it must be like for Vinapu, PaulSF, and Reader when they arrive after a time away.  At least 40 boys on stage or in the club.  Several were formerly at Banana,Hot Male, etc.  and knew me then and the Vietnamese who remembered me well enough to surround me and provide much fondling, kissing, etc.  I bought a few drinks and the crew around me expanded - it was clear that the Vietnamese had decided to keep others away and my eyes from wandering, which they were going.  A benefit to this was when the big cock show ended and the wandering for tips for wanking headed my way, my Viet security staff blocked them from getting to my person (wallet).
    All this while, the stage acts kept changing, divas, drumming with personal equipment, more divas, all the  boys on stage, and I had a very good back massage. While viewing   At 2am, staff start bringing in the furniture that had been outside, lights go up, and it seemed that private going’s on continued.  I noticed one table of  two straight couples (guessing, which I shouldn’t do) had a dozen boys drinking with them.
    I tuned down multiple offers of night company, including one boy, who told the manager that I was offing him.  I note here that there was one boy who was with another farang .  One of the Viets noticed this and did a yeoman’s job of blocking my view.  I left when most of the  boys were departing, I gave the object of my attention a Vinapu red note with a practice Vinapu tug.  His name is CoCo from Cambodia,  and we will meet up night.  One of the boys who I’ve known for some time insists on walking me back to the hotel.  I tell him, I don’t want anyone tonight as I’m jet lagged.  He says he understands. We settle on a gratuity for services and we walk back to Quarter Silom.  When we pass The Tarntawan he goes to turn there, which tells me that my habits were a matter of recorded memory as for many a year The Tarntawan was my hotel of choice.  
    After a couple of rounds of discussing Vinapu’s stamp collection and two showers.  My guest accepted his gratuity, asked for a tip, after hearing “no, tried the taxi tactic.  Again no, then we both laughed as I said that if I over tipped the first night in town, the word would get out and my expenses would expand.  He laughed pointed out that I’d managed to avoid the off fee and confirmed with another laugh and smile that I was correct in the word of mouth as he’d already had texts about our encounter.  We exchanged Line info, and he gave me the bar tag #s for CoCo, himself, and someone he thought I’d like.  The sun was beginning to emerge as he emerged from the building.  I have not put in his name, real/stage, as he is a Viet who kisses, sucks, bottoms, and tops.  Qualifications rarely found over many many years of Viet boy experience.  
  12. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to vinapu in Confession of a football fan   
    That's not nice so I plead : force yourself to be nice. As bkkmfj advised It's easy to skip parts we are not interested in. I guess when shopping,  you only visit aisles with stuff you are shopping for. That approach will work great here too
  13. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to vinapu in Classifying Jomtien bars by boys?   
    Bars are the same but boys in each one are different so you are spoiled for choice and exploring those should be fun
  14. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to vinapu in Bangkok bar shows?   
    Don't be discouraged by what you read about here. Downhill for one may be uphill for another. For every client lamenting demise of f***k show will be another one relieved that such display is no longer there. Friendly and uninhibited approach of Tawan guys  may be tiresome for those who prefer to be left alone ponding their choices and they may like Jupiter better with their boys disinterested looks.
    Two advices I gladly repeat for 427th time , all you need is just one bar and one boy in it and always go and see for yourself.
    things change from Wednesday to Saturday even in the same bar so two visitors may report different goings.
    As for erotic, you will not see frontal nudity in Moonlight and only sometimes glimpse in Jupiter but you may in all other BKK bars. F**; shows seem to be absent at the moment but that may change  at any moment.
    For everything else it may be matter of luck and personal taste. I.e i find shower show (Banana, Fresh Boys, XBoys pattaya may provide for those ) erotic if at least one  of performers is on hunky side but not if both are in urgent need of nutritious meal. I can provide long list of our members who disagree with me immediately and counter that hunks are good to move furniture , not to perform on the stage
  15. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to vinapu in Bangkok bar shows?   
    lots of good ideas from you two above, there's only one problem - how to introduce them in practice if none of you owes the bar. I'm not trying to be sarcastic here, believe me. Idea of lap dances is great and I too wonder why Thai bars did not catch on it (yet ?). 
    It has advantage of cheap fun although , say , 5 lap dances at 400 , 10 minutes each , comes to 2000 which can be exchanged for  more intimate and comprehensive performance but that is for clients to assess if it's worthwhile. Second advantage is allowing for  familiarize ourselves with potential off, exchange Lines etc without going full off way.
    I still am big fan of Thai bars and always can't wait to  be back from day of return from my trip but one thing I fully agree with those less enthusiastic. Owners lack creativity and are content with established way of doing things whether they work or not and only change they can envision is raising prices. Last creative invention I can think of was Moonlight decision to create separate class of models and there was a lot of buzz around idea in it's time but even that  seems to be fizzling out as turnaround is too slow and novelty become stale bread.
  16. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to macaroni21 in Bangkok bar shows?   
    It's very hard to imagine that a bar permitted (in one way or another) to provide big-cock parades and other acts involving nudity on its main stage is prohibited from nudity in some screened-off corner, but TIT, so I don't really know.
    But there's a simple work-around if there is a prohibition. If I were a bar, I'd rent a satellite location a short walk away, a simple upstairs room or two. A room can be divided into 2 or 3 screened corners. When a customer orders a lap dance, he pays at the counter, and the boy takes him to that satellite location. The boy is told by the bar that he must return within, say, 10 minutes. The bar also keeps the customer's seat and drink for his return.
  17. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to macaroni21 in Bangkok bar shows?   
    Thanks, @Riobard for those kind words. Lap dances inject scaling into bars' product offer - that's what started me on this suggestion. It's like this: most businesses would try to offer a range of products to suit different budgets. For example, airlines have first class, business class, premium economy, economy. and then major airlines often have a low-cost subsidiary too. Shampoo makers usually have different brands at different price points, and each brand may have different bottle sizes, again to cater to a diverse market. 
    Less visible is that the lower end of the product ranges are used to generate volume and thus spread the fixed costs. 
    What has struck me about gogo bars in Thailand is that they really have just one product and one price point  -  the off fee (500 baht?) and after that, the compensation to the boy, now averaging 2000 - 2500 baht. If the customer is not prepared to spend that amount, the customer gets next to no satisfaction from a visit. It's an all-or-nothing set-up.
    There are potentially plenty of customers who could be attracted with additional product offers. For example, a customer who has come from a massage with happy ending, and (being older, perhaps) does not think it worthwhile to off a boy for another full-service bed-romp. Or a customer, e.g. from a middle-income country, who is travelling in a group and sharing a room. He can't take a boy back. 
    Lap dances can pull some spending out of these customers and provide some thrill and fun, even if not the full works. In turn, a reputation for lap dancing pulls more customers into a bar, and drink sales go up (generate volume and spread the fixed costs - rent, wait staff).
    It's equally important to see it from the other angle. For the boys working in bars, it's currently also a ridiculous all-or-nothing set-up. They either hit jackpot on the night they're on duty (with an off) or go home empty handed, save for a 100-baht tip or two. Lap dances allow them to earn a bit more (e.g. 400 baht for 10 minutes?), and they can serve more than one customer a night, so that there is a lower risk of a night with no income and having to go back to his lodgings with empty pockets. This makes the bar attractive for boys to work in. 
    The bar can also attract boys to work there who are happy to give lap dances but are otherwise reluctant to be taken out i.e. boys who would exhibit and interact superficially to make money but don't do full sex. This can be a two-edged sword for the bar's reputation, but if carefully managed can still work.
    Sorry @Kiwi306 that I am going off topic. Personally I don't think there is any worthwhile erotic entertainment in Thai gogo bars anymore. The only one I can think of is X-boys Pattaya, but it's quite rough at the edges. Beware too, the last time I was there, the off fee was 800 baht!
  18. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to Riobard in Bangkok bar shows?   
    IMO Moonlight is the least pedestrian of a generally poor showing over the better part of a high season month’s visit. To each his own, and my bias is driven by 48 years of strip club interfacing, I do grasp the appeal of a night out in a club atmosphere, but erotic payoffs in BKK seemed better and more naturalistic when arranged to occur in private settings.
    As interesting posters like @macaroni21have pointed out … apologies if I have distorted here … the clubs could inflate appeal more broadly with hotter guys than currently exist giving private lap dances and not necessarily obligated to execute more advanced sexual interaction. They could conceivably be selective in going further with clients based on their appraisal of match-ability. 
  19. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to bkkmfj2648 in Meeting boys in apps   
    Try Twitter - I had to plan a 17 day trip down south to Songkhla province during the New Year's holiday and I did most of it via Twitter - by writing to random guys - gay, bi, or straight until I found 3 that would be my tour guide for these southern Thailand provinces and also for some fun.  It took me around 3 months to find the right 3 after contacting around 35 of them....
    It is hard work - but the rewards can be very exciting....
  20. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to vinapu in Vinapu's Boot Camp - short trip of may 2024   
    For my standards of trips to Thailand , this 8 days  jump was among short ones but it was also part of longer vacations which took me  from home  for good month.
    Of course there are parts of my diary left out. As you may noticed,  my reports are usually cut out  at the moment door are closed. They were daytime activities which were left out completely unreported, if only because they were not related in any way to boy hunting part of narrative. Like everybody , I report what I consider interesting to at least some readers and leave out parts which could be boring , irrelevant or just ones I prefer to keep to myself or , at times,  somebody else would like to keep it in the shadows.   
    As for alibi , you right I never would be short of , on another hand , can't envision situation I may ever need one.  
  21. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to bkkmfj2648 in Vinapu's Boot Camp - short trip of may 2024   
    When I lived in Italy for 12 years and then for 6 years in Hungary - I had quite an abundance of fellow edgers to play with, and in Budapest I was able to organize many edging contests that were super hot where the idea of the game was to see who could cum first when being edged super slowly - totally frustrating but erotic and exciting at the same time.
    One of my hunks in Budapest was a semi sadistic edger - he just LOVED keeping guys on the edge of an orgasm forcing them to beg him for mercy for their release - too hot for words....
  22. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to bkkmfj2648 in Vinapu's Boot Camp - short trip of may 2024   
    Hi Emiel,
    Good to see that you returned to our forum.  It is addictive.
    If it was not for my "Boot Camp" training incentive from Vinapu, I would have never met Khim - as Khim is an only SalaDeng / Silom person and I tend to be a, "I need to be near the sea and never lose eye contact with the sea" person - and we would have never met otherwise.  So, it was worth it to go into grimy and wet Bangkok with Vinapu to find these hidden muscle gems --> which is not the norm here in Pattaya - as this tends to be more a "twink heaven" kind of place.
    Consequently, the beauty of seeing the sea is more important for me than the beauty of sexy hot muscles.  The longer I am in Pattaya - I find myself starting to enjoy the twinks more and more - which was a no-no for me in the past.....
    Currently, I am grooming a new 23 year old Twink that I met into being a GREAT edger.  The Edging sexual practice is VERY rare in Thailand - unlike back in Europe and the USA, so, when he edged me on his own volition - I was like - WOW - I need to keep this guy.  He did not realize his own Edging talents, or how he acquired them, but I am helping him to capitalize on them as he truly gives some AMAZING Edging orgasms with his lovely twink hands.....
    Regarding those beautiful muscle guys, I just wait until those BKK guys come on over to Pattaya for a visit - as they often do - as they also need to escape from the grim of BKK.
  23. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to bkkmfj2648 in Trip report - Koh Tao (the mysterious "Death Island")   
    So, we safely returned from Koh Tao yesterday evening, 29 June 2024.
    There was no sex on this trip so if that is what you are looking for in this trip report then you can skip this article.
    We took a limo car service from Jomtien to the Suvarnabhumi airport hotel = Novotel, which is located within the airport, on Monday 24 June, as our flight was very early on Tuesday.  Also, it was an excuse for me to meet my Thai volleyball friend's mother and sister, as they took a taxi down from the nearby province to eat dinner and hang out with us at the Novotel.  I always enjoy meeting the family members of my friends as it helps me to understand better their nuances - as an important human trait is to be indoctrinated by our family.
    Next morning we were up early and took the Novotel shuttle over to the Bangkok Airways check - in counter.  All went well.  On our way to go through the domestic security, I was emptying out all of my pockets of metallic items into my backpack when I realized that my small bag was missing, which had my documents and cash for our trip.  So, panic ensued and my friend and I ran out of the airport (our luggage already checked in) and took a VIP urgent taxi back to the Novotel to open my room safety lockbox to retrieve the missing bag and the same VIP taxi took us back to the airport.  We had a good laugh after we got through security and still had 30 minutes to spare before boarding for our flight to Koh Samui commenced.

    Travel modalities - plane, taxi, & ferry
    Flight was good and non-eventual and we landed just 10 minutes late at the Koh Samui airport - which if you have never been there is an outdoor open-air airport complex.  The only other airport that I have seen that is similar is in Hawaii.

    The airport was all decked out for their Pride Nation celebration, to be celebrated on 29 September 2024 --> which will become important at the end of this trip report.
    Then we took a short 20 minute taxi ride over to the Pralan Pier to catch our Lomprayah ferry. https://lomprayah.com/timetable
    We were very surprised to find out that this catamaran type of fast ferry service offered by Lomprayah, can also originate from Bangkok (near the famous Khao San backpack haven road) for a total transit time of 10 hours by bus + ferry (1 stop from the Chumphon Pier to Koh Tao) - which explains why we saw a plethora of backpackers on Koh Tao.
    Our catamaran high speed ferry took 2 hours from Koh Samui to Koh Tao - which consists of 2 stops:
    Koh Pha Ngan - which was about a 30 minute ride - but as the ferry was super packed we probably had a layover of 20 minutes - as this is the famous "Full Moon" party island, there were a gazillion young and sexy backpackers exiting and then entering onto the ferry.  What slows everything down is the moving of luggage from the ferry up onto the pier BEFORE they let the passengers off of the ferry. Koh Tao - which took up the remainder of the travel time. Upon entering at Koh Tao - one has the mental vision of a cramped pier town - somewhat dated back in time - that has a feel of like a pirate's or hippies town.  The attraction of this island is the numerous diving centers, diving schools, and diving trips.  The main port definitely needs an overhaul - because the wooden/cement passageways are just too narrow for the throngs of people that need to move about with their luggage in tow. Our resort transportation was waiting for us at the pier but we could not leave until all of the passengers were off of the catamaran with their luggage.
    My Thai friend is 30 years old and I am close to 63 - and I could feel that I was one of the oldest persons here on Koh Tao.  Back in Pattaya, in the Jomtien Supertown Complex, I tend to be on the younger side of the local inhabitants.  So, if you want to be surrounded by energetic youth - then Koh Tao and Koh Pha Ngan are for you.  In addition, the majority of the workers on the island are almost ALL from Burma / Myanmar.  My Thai friend was quite shocked to feel as a "foreigner" in his own country - because often when he spoke Thai - nobody understood him and replied in English.
    Our destination was the Jamahkiri Resort & Spa https://www.jamahkiri.com/ which is located at the southern tip of Koh Tao on the famous and beautiful "Shark Bay".
    We had 2 accommodations with stunning breathtaking views of Shark Bay. (overhead shot of our resort - note the numerous steps up and down - good to stay in shape)

    Photo of one of our 2 accommodations. 

    Day one - as we arrived around 3pm and being very tired, we just hung out at the enormous resort and explored the grounds, rented motorbikes for 4 days, and went to 7-Eleven to stock up our room refrigerator.  While driving around on the main road - we could not find what is known as the party zone - as we were not looking in the right place.
    Day two - determined to find the party zone - we realized that there was a parallel beach road - to the primary big road.  This beach road was more like a side walk that meandered through all of the various bars and restaurants, and hotels on Sairee Beach.  We parked our motorbikes and walked on this pedestrian walkway and eventually by accident we ran into the famous "Big Rock", where those awful murders of the 2 Brits took place.  The hairs on my arm stood up and I told my Thai friend, when we return here in the night time let us stay away from this area - I just had a bad feeling - but probably just paranoia.
    While walking around there were signs everywhere for the local Pride celebration festivities at the Lotus bar https://www.facebook.com/Lotusbeachbarkohtao/
    and so, we returned later that night to see what it was all about. Well, it was so packed, as they were having a Koh Tao bar crawl - so the bar was full of young university farangs who were there to party and celebrate.  They had the traditional fire shows - but so many young farangs were so drunk it is amazing that none of them ran into the swinging fire balls.  Lot's of eye candy to look at - but I was the oldest person there and I just enjoyed the view and energy.

    1719757309817[1].mp4 During the day we rode our motorbikes across the island to the opposite coast to snorkel and swim at Ao Hin Wong - Freedom Bar beach https://www.islandtravelkohtao.com/koh-tao-beaches/hin-wong-bay
    This was a real hippie beach as you could smell whiffs of weed everywhere, relax on a blanket or beach chair, swim in the water that was FULL of coral with amazing colorful fish to look at.  It was truly a great experience here.
    Afterwards, we drove up the steep mountain on dirt rugged rutted roads.  This really tested my motorbike skills - as my heart was racing and I was so tense - but I was with my Thai friend who was also my motorbike instructor to prepare me for my trip to Da Nang, Vietnam back in April - so I wanted to make him proud.  But, at a certain point, the dirt road just became too steep for me to feel comfortable, that I just parked my motorbike and walked the rest of the way which was only like 100 meters more - until we arrived at the Jim View Bar overlook and Mango viewpoint - https://www.islandtravelkohtao.com/viewpoints/jim-view-bar
    Day three - Late morning wake-up after the previous night watching the youngsters party.  Just rode our motorbikes back to the main Sairee Beach pedestrian road, as we wanted to get our souvenir shopping out of the way, eat a nice lunch at one of the beach restaurants, and to get a massage (professional clean one for my Thai friend). Back to our resort to relax and enjoy the resort.
    Day four - Today I was determined for us to rent a kayak and to kayak over to the Shark Beach area - which is within view from our resort and was very enticing.  You could see that this is where the really rich people enjoyed the nature.  While laying on the pristine white sand beach, a Thai family was near us and they had a professional private  photographer who was photographing their family of 3 adorable children and the husband and wife.  The husband would speak to the 3 children both in English and Thai.
    Just like at the other beaches - when you walk out in between the coral structures you could see amazing fish and marine life in full amazing colors - hence the reason why Koh Tao has its tourist allure for nature and diving.
    Back to the Sairee Beach pedestrian road to eat, buy last minute items, as we depart tomorrow morning.  My Thai friend decided to get a massage and I decided to return to the resort by myself on my motorbike - hahahahaha - and guess what, I fall down on the turn from the main road for the road that goes to our resort.  Thank God nothing was hurt - me or the motorbike.  I got up and was ready to go - but my pride was hurt - as a very sexy young farang ran over to me and said, Mister, are you ok ? do you need me to help you up.  I replied, no I am ok (but inside my ego was hurting).  I was too embarrassed to tell my Thai friend what happened later that evening - until AFTER the motorbike company came to pick up their motorbikes - and I could breath a sigh of relief as they did not find any damages - and then in that moment I told my Thai friend what happened.  
    Went to bed early as we had to already be packed with our luggage at the front desk by 8:30am and already had breakfast. 
    Day five - Check out was a breeze, and then the resort took us back to the main Koh Tao pier (Mae Haad) so that we could check-in and then wait for us to be allowed onto the 9:30am catamaran ferry boat for Koh Samui.  Again, it took 2 hours with the longest part from Koh Tao to Koh Pha Ngan and then 30 minutes more to Koh Samui.
    As mentioned on Day one of this trip - we did not know the significance of today, 29 June 2024.  It was Koh Samui's Pride Nation festival and when our ferry arrived into the Pralarn Pier we were greeted with large festive Gay Pride decorations.  @reader, we somehow missed this news broadcast with all of the other Thai Pride announcements.

    It was now 11:30am and our flight for Bangkok wasn't until 5:25pm, so I convinced my Thai friend for us to go to Chaweng Beach, where all of the Pride Nation festivities were being prepared.  The gay parade would not start until 4pm, and we would already need to be at the airport, we were able to catch some of the gay festivities.  Had I known prior to making all of these bookings for this trip, I would have had us stay the night, 29 June, so that we could have participated in the Pride Nation festivities.
    As was the case in Pattaya, Pattana who owns the various Central shopping centers in Thailand was the main driving force behind the Pride Nation celebrations in Koh Samui.
    Here is a Youtube video of what we missed because we had to depart on Pride Nation day.
    and the party info:  https://www.pridenationsamuifestival.com/
    Would I return to Koh Tao?  Yes, it was a unique fantastic place.  But I would combine it with a longer trip to nearby Koh Pha Ngan - to see the Full Moon Party and to spend more time on Koh Samui - as I see that their gay center in Chaweng beach is much bigger than when I was last there back in 2014.
    Would you change anything if you returned to Koh Tao?  Yes, I might change the travel modality to fly from Bangkok to Chumphon airport - because then the ferry ride only requires 1 stop - Chumphon then Koh Tao.
    Did I ever feel to be in danger?  Not really, but we made sure to stay away from those mafia bars where the prior incidents occurred, and I had a Thai person with me to watch over me - as I believe that all of the 24 murders to date on Koh Tao were to non-Thais.
    A funny story.  A guy on Hornet wrote to me who works on Koh Tao and he was really pushing for a hookup.  I was not interested and he was insistent.  On one of his messages he wrote to me, I see you with your Thai friend - I know where you are.  That gave me the creeps.  But, I compared his photo to the photos of the alleged Thai mafia killers and they are not similar at all - so I think that this was just a random weirdness situation.
    Gay activities - there was only the party at the Lotus Bar.  In Grindr, Hornet, and Heesay, there were perhaps around 10 to 15 possible gays online on Koh Tao. However, the number greatly increased when looking on nearby Koh Pha Ngan (30 guys) and on Koh Samui (100 guys).
  24. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to vinapu in Vinapu's Boot Camp - short trip of may 2024   
    First - actually no. I have Line of boys who initiated that contact. Contrary to what we may think  and regretfully in few cases, not everybody offered or asked about Line.
    Second - it's not how I operate. I prefer to show unannounced for two reasons: vanity because I like to see their reaction and practicality, since I don't want to be tied with messages from minute I leave train at Phaya Thai. I have few guys who never stop sending me messages of  " when can I see you ?" type if they know I'm there. I find this kind of attention overwhelming.
    Actually out f 7 boys I feel like missing on my first three days I did  have contact of only one. 
  25. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to bkkmfj2648 in Vinapu's Boot Camp - short trip of may 2024   
    And this mantra Vinapu, made our time together wonderful - as we respected each other's need for "private fun time" and to not become a drag or boring to the other.  I looked forward to our daily post-fun updates and meeting all of the people that you know (from this forum and also not from this forum) to get a feel of the bigger picture about how things work in Silom - Sala Deng and greater Thailand.  It was truly educational.
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