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Everything posted by tassojunior

  1. Medellin has a small block (Calle 57A) of hustler bars with a sex hotel with rainbow flag on the north side. The guys in Medellin are generally much better looking than in Bogota and half the price or less, but this block attracts the only ugly guys in Medellin somehow. I think the Definitive Columbia thread here still has photos. In spite of hot guys and perfect weather, Medellin is mostly worth it over Bogota if Club Tobi is open.
  2. Sending shots is for show. It's a drop in the bucket to what's needed. 20 million vs. 6 Billion. The only solution is to let vaccine factories in other countries make the vaccine and waive the patent. India alone has over 500 vaccine factories. Pfizer bought the patent from a German firm that invented the vaccine and won't let anyone else make it. Moderna is not so mean and AZ has an obligation from the EU to waive it's patent for poor countries. The Sputnik vaccine is excellent and many countries, including Argentina, are manufacturing it free of patent but the US is trying to stop countries from using it for politics. Lives should matter most, not corporate profits or politics.
  3. Bars in Washington, DC are now open 100% . One of the last holdouts in the US.
  4. It is fantastic acting. A great 7-part binge now. The acting excels and I thought it would turn out a psychological drama but instead turned into a who-done-it with dozens of twists and turns that make you dizzy.
  5. 99.9% publicity gimmick and hoping for a Bachelor controversy or special gay show episode.
  6. There were reports on another site that it was closed down and off net.
  7. Are Twitter re-posts still ok if not obviously-snatched copyrighted stuff ? Facebook/Instagram PG personal photos?
  8. After you apportion the airfare by the number of guys you date and add the cost of the cubicle at the sauna for each, much less the value of the 2 days in transit and foreign health insurance, those Brazilians aren't so cheap. (and if you have a fetish for Brazilians, thanks to the diaspora there's no shortage of them anywhere you live or go). I can fly from DC to Ft Lauderdale or St Pete in 1 1/2 hours for often under $100 roundtrip and have my pick of private-curtained encounters for fairly low cost or the best online ads for over an hour for $200 or less (competition in Florida is fierce). Plus, if we click I can keep in touch, invite them to visit, or travel with them. Maybe same risk of contagion but the mortality risk skyrockets once you have to depend on the Rio healthcare system.
  9. Until there's a vaccine, I'll be sticking to Ft. Lauderdale and St.Pete for potential healthcare. All the strip clubs are open and plenty of guys in them and online for dates. If Europe opens I'll travel there as the healthcare is better. (And there's no shortage of Brazilians in either).
  10. Not many people more disgusting than a Trump.
  11. Early voting started today in Georgia and lines take over 5 hours. 11 hours reported in Atlanta's usual mess. Ridiculous American elections.
  12. He's out of the oval office today in Orlando maskless with 15,000 people and a maskless Governor DeathSantis. Trump gets votes with these big rallies. (by contrast Biden and Harris had a joint rally today in Phoenix and zero -0- people showed up) . Trump knows he has to win Florida.
  13. Covid survivors often have permanent disabilities.
  14. sorry, no edit after an hour. That link is https://www.pewsocialtrends.org/essay/an-early-look-at-the-2020-electorate/
  15. In other news, in that bastion of socialism Switzerland, voters in Geneva have raised the minimum wage to $25/hour. ($4100/month). The Swiss have democracy, they vote for this type stuff, unlike in the US. Democrats and Republicans are both scared of democracy. https://fee.org/articles/swiss-city-geneva-votes-for-world-record-25-hourly-minimum-wage/
  16. You haven't looked over your shoulder for a while; Millennials (the "EchoBoom") may become the largest voting bloc in America this year, surpassing Boomers fast (and finally getting out of our basements). Some of them are turning 40 in 2021. Together with Gen X and Gen Z they will be 62% of the electorate this year. Fewer than 38% of eligible voters were born before 1964. Few of the young can stand the Democratic or Republican parties and are the first generation where "socialist" is a favorable term (and "liberalism" is a bad term) They really see through political platitudes and don't buy into identity politics, trickle down or corruption. They are much more entrepreneurial and gig-type workers than employees. Bernie was their leader. Generation Z (which is 21% Latino) becomes 10% of the voters and their hero is Andy Yang. Gen Z will have very few jobs left as out-sourcing and robots take over. Either they get a UBI check or exist on food stamps and Medicaid while the richest 100 get almost all wealth. An America where a very few people own almost everything, there's a 10% borgie set serving the rich, and 90% are poor cannot happen under democracy.But it's headed to those stats fast as the now 20% "middle class" disappears) We're already past the democratic tipping point (as Romney said about the 47%). In a way Gen Z is very conservative; cut the bull and the government programs and just divide most of the country's wealth equally in monthly payments to each person, while leaving enough to ensure investment and entrepreneurial enterprise for inventors. The other voting bloc that will become number 1 this year is Hispanics as they surpass Blacks, with Asians (mostly Indians} soaring up in % to soon in the future overtake Blacks and probably Hispanics. (Of course the longer Hispanics and Indians live here and assimilate, the more they self-identify as "white"). With assimilation and interbreeding the idea of "race", much less Black vs. white is becoming less meaningful. But the Republican party and the Democratic party both are stuck in Baby-Boomer generation ideas and politics from the turn of the century ("liberal vs "conservative" lol...they are the same thing) which are pure nonsense to the new 62% of the electorate (just as people born before 1964 can't understand why liberal vs conservative is meaningless babel). Bernie saw fit to work within a party system, but I doubt many of his young and Hispanic followers relish the idea after this year.
  17. @stevenkesslar 2 things: how tricks like the filibuster, the electoral college, runoff voting, etc get to be part of the Washington "game" and 2nd , why economics will eventually end up decisive for those rich suburbanites the Democratic centrists are selling their souls for. First the DC game has a great story from of all places a travel blogger from DC today. A friend of Jerry Overton who had that window. The airlines are about to get yet another $25 billion "help" although financially they're solid, because of political clout. The bill will save 35,000 jobs at a cost of $714,000 per job for 6 months.....$1.5 million per year !!! The workers would probably love just a check for 1/10 of that. Ridiculous? Not in DC. 99% of the benefit goes to the airline corporation's stockholders, which corporation is already plenty solvent, to make it richer. https://viewfromthewing.com/why-airline-bailouts-are-getting-priority-in-congress-over-unemployment-testing-and-covid-treatment/?utm_source=BoardingArea&utm_medium=twitter ""And Members of Congress don’t hear from the people whose money is being taken and given to the airlines. And that’s because of concentrated benefits and dispersed costs, an idea that comes to us from Mancur Olsonin The Logic of Collective Action. People who benefit from a policy have an incentive to learn about it, focus their time and energy on it, and spend money to influence it and pass it. When benefits are focused on a small group, that group will act. And when costs are dispersed across hundreds of millions of people, there’s little cost to each individual, and there’s little incentive for that person to spend time and resources opposing a policy (or even paying attention to it enough to understand what’s happening)."" How on earth did we get to a place where President Trump is calling on Congress, and all Congress members seem eager, to send him a bill to hand $25 billion more to U.S. airlines (after the CARES Act appropriated $50 billion)? The second issue, related, is why suburbanites won't stick with the Democratic party, if they "come over" this year at all as they did in 2018. $$ ultimately is important to suburbanites who are usually more educated and upward-mobile (and struggling to move up). Democrats do spend much more on everything and Democratic jurisdictions have much, much higher taxes. Trump penalized those high-tax areas with the $10,000 limit on deducting local taxes. That's fine and didn't penalize most suburbs in most states that have low taxes. But in an expensive high tax state like California, or a city like DC, $10K is peanuts for total local tax. Higher or unlimited federal deductions for state and local taxes subsidizes high-tax places with money coming from everyone. (The same way, there is no relief bill being passed because Pelosi insists on a "comprehensive" relief bill that also sends enormous money to bankrupt high-tax Democratic cities and localities to bail them out of going bankrupt. And that will be paid for also by federal taxes from the low-tax suburbs. People flee to the suburbs to avoid high-tax cities and inner suburbs and when they realize it costs them substantially more federal tax to subsidize those high-tax cities they fled, they revert to voting their pocketbooks. And in states like Florida and Texas, with no state income taxes and usually very low actual property taxes, those educated elite suburbanites aren't going to stay Democratic when they realize they're heavily subsidizing high-spend areas. Especially when many or most of those high-spend areas are corrupt and hot spots of Pay-to-Play. (An exception may be college town districts like Slotkin's where social issues are more important). Politics based on social issues and not economics is unsustainable. Especially as people get more educated and non-partisan. (and even Trump's seniors, who love him, are deserting him because of cuts to their Social Security and Medicare). Redistribution of wealth from the super-super rich to the rest of the population, most easily through UBI, is the surest route to a super majority.
  18. I'm surprised there was that much of a difference on Hunqz since most ads there are free and guys leave them on a long time but never check them. Even in Europe the more quality guys are moving to $100/mo RentMen. Stiges is sort of a Barcelona suburb so I'm not sure how ads there vs Barcelona factor. I'd take a hard pass on most of them in winter.
  19. Kyle is almost cute. And that he doesn't seem to know it makes it better. But he does have a lot more sense than any of the cable news morons. People don't realize what a behind-the-headlines force he was for queer rights with his podcast and YouTube channel which he started at 18 in his parents' New Rochelle basement.(Now at 30 he's making $500,000/yr from his YouTube political commentary channel). I just follow on Twitter Kyle's 1st show at 18. I got a jumpstart on the streamers to sanity when in 2000 I completely stopped watching cable news I was so disgusted with W winning. Cable news was addictive and my intent was to avoid any knowledge of W, who it was consumed with just like Trump now. But I found freeing myself up to read other stuff made me realize what a mess America is partly because of the establishment quasi-government propaganda barrage cable subjects us to endlessly. GE owns NBC but makes most of it's money building war weapons. (Yahoo and Google collect data and help China surveille and imprison people. Facebook helps Israel murder Palestinians). I can't imagine young people under 35 who would ever watch CNN or MSNBC or Fox or any of the mindless US corporate news media intentionally but unfortunately they still frame American news "events" (and the mediums that carry the internet help the surveillance state and genocide). IF the Democrats' intent is indeed to replace the blue collar white Dems they lost to Trump and poor people with wealthy woke Republican suburban women in Birkenstocks, it's not working. I think the polls are not showing any significant defection of real Republicans. That's more a media story supported by endless Republican establishment "leaders" who are anti-Trump. That didn't filter down in 2016 and it's not in 2020. Kicking the anti-war, the Hispanic, and the economic reformers out of the party is going to have bad consequences in the near future as those wavering woke suburban independents will waver back away when their taxes go up, their schools are integrated, or plastic straws are banned. It's not a long-term winning strategy unless your idea of winning is getting rid of reformers and poorer people. And that's the plan. Romney's 47% quote in 2008 sent shock waves through the Democratic party establishment on Wall Street and Silicon Valley. If indeed that % of the population is so dirt poor they pay no taxes and they all vote Democratic, they will inevitably take over the Democratic party from Wall Street and Silicon Valley. How much money can be made by "leaders" of a party that gets cut off from that gravy train? The intent is to leave the poor whites in the Trumpist Republican party, along with many poor Hispanics and some Blacks while bringing over to the Democrats "moderate" Republican-voting suburbanites. Continuance of the present 2-party system with it's current "leaders" requires that both parties be pretty much similar in their members' economics. If you were to have the majority of Americans who are dirt poor all in one party, they could easily control that party and actually make economic democracy. The poor have to be divided for the rich to survive in the style they are accustomed to in America and 3rd-world countries. That's why not just Romney but plenty of other Republican and Democratic "leaders" (ie:rich) believe democracy may be a bad idea if it means the leaders having their money taken by the poor deplorables. Anyway, I'm not a fan of the leaders' dream of having two fairly similar parties again like we did in the last half of the 20th century. Eventually the half of the country that is poor is going to take control as the underclass grows if we keep democracy. These social division games wear thin after a while with people being more educated. Reuters today: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-tech/amazon-and-big-tech-cozy-up-to-biden-camp-with-cash-and-connections-idUSKBN26M5O2 Amazon and Big Tech cozy up to Biden camp with cash and connections Joining Amazon, Google and Microsoft are among the top five contributors to Joe Biden's candidate campaign committee in the 2020 cycle,
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