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  1. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from VancBCMan in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    You guys are very argumentive, its ok to criticise viet boys working in thai bars without accusing the poster of being anti vietnam, laos boys, burma, cambodia are all great working in thai bars, viet guys its not their bag they don't dig it, good luck to them, i hear there great for massage here, yes i believe they are, massage parlours there trained for good service, bars are not.
    I've slept with great viet students in the UK 1 who took me out for dinner at his expense, however i am batting 100% bad expierence here with them from 2 boys working at bars both with a air of violence around money, hundreds of tricks here no problems, 2 problems with viet boys in bars, that's life maybe they hate the bar jobs, my feedback from mammasons from a few bars was the same both thai customers & farang were very negative on them.
    whether you want to heed the advice or not that's up to you, each to there own.
  2. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from VancBCMan in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    Well apparently so is everyone living there too is afraid too, you did read the articles maybe all the people living in that soi maybe their all lying too, what a mixed up world & life you live where you ignore reality & facts & try to portray sunee as a heaven on earth. So i am wrong the police are wrong the media is wrong, the residents are wrong, the hundreds of arab kids on bikes are a asset to the local community, because Captain Florida ROB say so, florida who is sending immigrants to martha's vineyard are not these kids assets too? are capt florida bob to you defend florida's rights but not pattaya residents.
    Big Bad Rob or BOB where do you stand on marthas vineyard, or maybe in florida would you be just fine with hundreds of muslim kids riding up & down your families road for kicks would you praise them in gay forums as upstanding members of the community, what say you capt rob.
  3. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from VancBCMan in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    But thailand does not hang people, in iran they are hanging 12 year old boys because a old muslim queen accuses them of homosexuality, basically they refuse his advances & he saves face by blaming the kids, a adult muslim word comes before women or childrens word, only muslim men can tell the truth in muslim countries.
    Everything is pretend illegal in thailand, the money they recieve in bars if for a new cow for their farm or their mother who is sick it is not Prostitution
  4. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from VancBCMan in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    Typical woke talk, sorry i never bought into the woke world you live in, in your woke world everyone who dissagrees with you is a nazi, sorry i am gay not a nazi, i think my hero Clint Eastwood calls you woke people the "Pussy Generation" i have to agree with him on that.
  5. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from VancBCMan in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    Well i've lived in thailand for 22 years i am not a once a year tourist inventing gay fantasies in thailand for forums, drama queen i'm straight acting unlike you, judging from from your bitchy comments, you seem dead against any good advice to tourists, i was a victim of bad advice in this forum 3 months ago regarding sunee plaza hence my posts here to correct the nonsense promoting the area. If you ant to write bitchy comments please do, camp people by mature are bitches.
  6. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from VancBCMan in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    I blamed covid & floods not ethnic  groups try reading my post, then i merely stated a fact boystown and the 2 sois next to it are becoming  indian & muslim areas & as neither culture respects gay people should i be happy they are taking  over the area?? you are aware homosexuality is illegal in all muslim countries bar 1 or 2 with the death penalty in many, is it good thing in your view that boystown is becoming a muslim area??????? do you agree with muslims views on gay people, do you share these views if not get off your high horse.
  7. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from VancBCMan in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    Yeah Pattaya used to be heaven, now its not, thats covid to blame, we could all trick  tourists to waste their time in pattaya, but at the moment pattaya is dead from covid & flooding, bangkok is recovering the bars have boys in them now & some are young now, Fresh Boys has perked up alot and has some cute guys 25 or more.
    There are serious problems in pattaya at the moment the abandoned gogo buildings, arabs & indians buying up premises all around boystown, message parlors etc & thai business owners deserting  boystown, arabs & indians do not frequent gay bars & arabs by religon are dead against gay people also factual, this is all taking place in boy gay areas not hetro areas. sunee & boystown is totally being overun with arabs & indians buying  up buildings there, this is not ideal for gay people, because i never see them in bars there & eventually i see them causing trouble with gay people.
    Even  boys i used to  know worked in pattaya bars are moving to bangkok for customers, i hope 1 day pattaya will return to heaven again, but not this year it wont & unless thais move back into boystown its finished.
  8. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from Nathan_B in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    Typical woke talk, sorry i never bought into the woke world you live in, in your woke world everyone who dissagrees with you is a nazi, sorry i am gay not a nazi, i think my hero Clint Eastwood calls you woke people the "Pussy Generation" i have to agree with him on that.
  9. Like
    RobinHood got a reaction from Will7272 in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    Always agree what service you want from a boy before you off him whether its through the mammason or the boy, that way you will not be dissapointed, especially kissing as the straight ones will say no once you get home if you don not pre ask, however in order to be offed they will say yes in the bar & mentally they are prepared to follow through, & how many hours you will use there service i always say 2hours max, you will get drama queens who only want to be there for 20 minutes & will whine non stop until you cum. To weed the drama queens out agree the time before you go.
  10. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from splinter1949 in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    Rarely do those who base their pugilistic ability on lifting weights win bar fight or a street fight. It's determined by totally different skills and experience.Regarding Vietnam boys, you're either incredibly unlucky or making this stuff up as you go along.
    You claim that you're "...not against Vietnam.." but in the same sentence caution us to" ...say no & move on..." if we ever find ourselves thinking about going with a Vietnamese."
    my point is this if these 2 vietnam boys i met over a period of 3 years  were willing to start a fight with someone who is very fit, one wonders what they do to older guys in there 70's, i am tring to warn the older guys to avoid them, as for being incredibly unlucky well 22 years, hundreds of wonderful times with great thai  guys, 2 terrible times with 2 vietnam guys, 100%  says alot and i have talked to alot of mammasans on this issue & they say the same thing thai  customers would not OFF them.
    So either you know  more than the mammasons & me who have lived here for 20 years, as for making it up, give me a break i am trying ro help not hinder people, forums are supposed to give good advice.
    Vietnam is a troubled country & volitile something you cant seem to grasp, wars etc, of course modern day kids are affected by the killings there & in cambodia, thailand is the land of smiles no wars & there culture is different & there is less poverty here & crime, if you want to look at veitnam through rose colored glasses good look to you.
    Thailand is a wonderful country & peaceful no fighting etc & thats a great reason to live here, hovever their are dangers here & the vietnamese are them, they will not join queues at airports or at borders or taxi stands they go straight to the front, they are very antagnostic people, probably from their tortured history.
  11. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from Boy69 in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    You guys are very argumentive, its ok to criticise viet boys working in thai bars without accusing the poster of being anti vietnam, laos boys, burma, cambodia are all great working in thai bars, viet guys its not their bag they don't dig it, good luck to them, i hear there great for massage here, yes i believe they are, massage parlours there trained for good service, bars are not.
    I've slept with great viet students in the UK 1 who took me out for dinner at his expense, however i am batting 100% bad expierence here with them from 2 boys working at bars both with a air of violence around money, hundreds of tricks here no problems, 2 problems with viet boys in bars, that's life maybe they hate the bar jobs, my feedback from mammasons from a few bars was the same both thai customers & farang were very negative on them.
    whether you want to heed the advice or not that's up to you, each to there own.
  12. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from kjun12 in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    Well i've lived in thailand for 22 years i am not a once a year tourist inventing gay fantasies in thailand for forums, drama queen i'm straight acting unlike you, judging from from your bitchy comments, you seem dead against any good advice to tourists, i was a victim of bad advice in this forum 3 months ago regarding sunee plaza hence my posts here to correct the nonsense promoting the area. If you ant to write bitchy comments please do, camp people by mature are bitches.
  13. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from kjun12 in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    I blamed covid & floods not ethnic  groups try reading my post, then i merely stated a fact boystown and the 2 sois next to it are becoming  indian & muslim areas & as neither culture respects gay people should i be happy they are taking  over the area?? you are aware homosexuality is illegal in all muslim countries bar 1 or 2 with the death penalty in many, is it good thing in your view that boystown is becoming a muslim area??????? do you agree with muslims views on gay people, do you share these views if not get off your high horse.
  14. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from kjun12 in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    Rarely do those who base their pugilistic ability on lifting weights win bar fight or a street fight. It's determined by totally different skills and experience.Regarding Vietnam boys, you're either incredibly unlucky or making this stuff up as you go along.
    You claim that you're "...not against Vietnam.." but in the same sentence caution us to" ...say no & move on..." if we ever find ourselves thinking about going with a Vietnamese."
    my point is this if these 2 vietnam boys i met over a period of 3 years  were willing to start a fight with someone who is very fit, one wonders what they do to older guys in there 70's, i am tring to warn the older guys to avoid them, as for being incredibly unlucky well 22 years, hundreds of wonderful times with great thai  guys, 2 terrible times with 2 vietnam guys, 100%  says alot and i have talked to alot of mammasans on this issue & they say the same thing thai  customers would not OFF them.
    So either you know  more than the mammasons & me who have lived here for 20 years, as for making it up, give me a break i am trying ro help not hinder people, forums are supposed to give good advice.
    Vietnam is a troubled country & volitile something you cant seem to grasp, wars etc, of course modern day kids are affected by the killings there & in cambodia, thailand is the land of smiles no wars & there culture is different & there is less poverty here & crime, if you want to look at veitnam through rose colored glasses good look to you.
    Thailand is a wonderful country & peaceful no fighting etc & thats a great reason to live here, hovever their are dangers here & the vietnamese are them, they will not join queues at airports or at borders or taxi stands they go straight to the front, they are very antagnostic people, probably from their tortured history.
  15. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from kjun12 in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    IN  22 years of living here and hundreds of GOGO boys & wonderful fun,  i have had problems with only 2 boys from bars both vietnam & both trying to extort money, their is a air of violence around them, i lift weights, but getting into arguments or fights in thailand is a very bad idea the laws here are very severe for fighting, the thai bar owners are aware of there problems but still employ them, always ask where the boy is from, & if they ever say vietnam no matter how good looking they are, please say no & move on thai & laos boys are the best followed by cambodia, vietnam boys are great if you want to train to be a kick boxer or psychiatrist, & no i am not against vietnam i have slepts with nice guys in the uk from vietnam, but bar boys here are a menace from vietnam.
  16. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from kjun12 in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    Always agree what service you want from a boy before you off him whether its through the mammason or the boy, that way you will not be dissapointed, especially kissing as the straight ones will say no once you get home if you don not pre ask, however in order to be offed they will say yes in the bar & mentally they are prepared to follow through, & how many hours you will use there service i always say 2hours max, you will get drama queens who only want to be there for 20 minutes & will whine non stop until you cum. To weed the drama queens out agree the time before you go.
  17. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from kjun12 in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    No i live in bangkok for 22 years & slept with hundreds of gogo boys in bangkok & pattaya so i guess i know something about thai people & culture which are the best in the world in my opinion.
  18. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from kjun12 in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    Well i guess i was very unlucky 2 boys & both projecting a violent undercurrent regarding money, considering i have always tipped 2100 baht since i came to thailand  alot more than most people, it was something to warn people about, i have never had this problem with thai pr laos or cambodian boys in bars, only viet ones, you said your boys were massage ones, massages guys tend to be better trained for customer service, bar guys are not, maybe that is the difference between your expierence and mine.
  19. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from kjun12 in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    well i hope you continue to be lucky, they left a very left me with a permanent dislike of ever offing them again in thailand, on at least 3 occasions in 2019 the only decent looking guys have been viet boys in bangkok bars, each time  i said no when i found there nationality was.
  20. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from PeterRS in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    You guys are very argumentive, its ok to criticise viet boys working in thai bars without accusing the poster of being anti vietnam, laos boys, burma, cambodia are all great working in thai bars, viet guys its not their bag they don't dig it, good luck to them, i hear there great for massage here, yes i believe they are, massage parlours there trained for good service, bars are not.
    I've slept with great viet students in the UK 1 who took me out for dinner at his expense, however i am batting 100% bad expierence here with them from 2 boys working at bars both with a air of violence around money, hundreds of tricks here no problems, 2 problems with viet boys in bars, that's life maybe they hate the bar jobs, my feedback from mammasons from a few bars was the same both thai customers & farang were very negative on them.
    whether you want to heed the advice or not that's up to you, each to there own.
  21. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from alvnv in First time Pattaya   
    Twinks, twinks, where are they, what bars, names? stay on topic
  22. Confused
    RobinHood got a reaction from alvnv in First time Pattaya   
    No i think trump is a idiot so was bush, so was obama & biden has dementia, i liked Bill clinton, i maybe right wing but i can like left wing people, i love the enviroment too & against shooting animals, your mixing right wing Americans up with right wing brits, we are not breast fed guns in the UK, & we did not have slavery neither, problem with the UK is race problems in america  spread all over Europe, which is unfair as europe did not have slavery in there countries only america did.
    segragation all belongs too america a black man is shot in america Floyd & stautes are down all over europe & canada, i failed to see why american slavery & segragation is europes problem.
    America needs to grow up, fix there country & stop dumping racism & killing blacks onto europe, we are sick of picking up the cheque for red neck cops shooting blacks.
    we are brought up in the UK not to see a difference in color no one gives a hoot what color you are, being gay i only see a difference when specific religons or races target gay people.
  23. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from Mavica in First time Pattaya   
    "all the suspects arrested had no license, insurance, registration, tax, helmet, or other requirements to legally drive in Thailand."
    well i would define this very statement as chaos, hundreds of kids on bikes, tourists being injured 1 report of a russian killed in 1 of these links, most of these arabs are in thailand illegally, if you wind up in hospital because of them the chaos of trying to get anyone to pay your hospital bill other than yourself would be the definition of chaos.
    I would not take a free house on that street its a glorified race track for hundreds of high as a kite kids on bikes, both me and my friend were furious at being trapped their for what seemed a eternity.
  24. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from alvnv in First time Pattaya   
    The point being woke poeple ignore reality while burnings burn behind them & say folks nothing to see here just another peaceful woke democratic demo, i am both left wing & right wing, left wing people swing one way, everyone that dissagrees with them is a racist & a nazi you are so formula you are comical.
    Im a racist against vietnam yet am married to singaporean, you are aware they are both orientals?
    and i am living in asia to sleep with orientals what planet are you on?
    i am racist against muslims? no i hate people who hate gays, yet to find a single muslim who likes gay people, why dont you visit muslim countries they are still hanging gay people in many of them, do they belong in gay areas like sunee or boystown no they damn don't they despise gay people so what the hell are they doing there.
    when they stop hanging 12 year old boys for being gay in muslim countries then i will stop hating there bahaviour to gay people
    between 4,000 and 6,000 gay men and lesbians had been executed since the 1979 Islamic revolution
    reports from uk home office 6000 gays executed 1 muslim country for being gay, you might find muslims funny, i don't.  they despise gays & i sure the hell ain't going to pretend they like gays they don't & they do not hide it either.
    i deal in facts not woke cuckoo land.
  25. Downvote
    RobinHood got a reaction from vinapu in Vietnam Bar Boys   
    Well apparently so is everyone living there too is afraid too, you did read the articles maybe all the people living in that soi maybe their all lying too, what a mixed up world & life you live where you ignore reality & facts & try to portray sunee as a heaven on earth. So i am wrong the police are wrong the media is wrong, the residents are wrong, the hundreds of arab kids on bikes are a asset to the local community, because Captain Florida ROB say so, florida who is sending immigrants to martha's vineyard are not these kids assets too? are capt florida bob to you defend florida's rights but not pattaya residents.
    Big Bad Rob or BOB where do you stand on marthas vineyard, or maybe in florida would you be just fine with hundreds of muslim kids riding up & down your families road for kicks would you praise them in gay forums as upstanding members of the community, what say you capt rob.
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