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Everything posted by TotallyOz

  1. I know how you feel with this and I agree with your statements. I also know that many boys have regulars that really do pay their bills and they don't want to offend the one or two guys that are being overly generous to them. I have boys in a few bars that I know will go with me no matter who walked into the bar. Why? I have offed them a hundred times over the years and always been very generous and kind. When rent is due, I help., When mama have surgery I help. I don't want the boy as a boyfriend but I do like to spend time on occasion with him and he knows that he had much rather have a easy night with me rather than an unpredictable night with a stranger.
  2. TotallyOz


    I zm always a little skeptial of new things I have not used in the past. I signed up for epassporte.com and moneybookers recently. I may try this one as well. Adult webmasters are always coming up with new ways to get money. When Paypal was really wonderful, that is how everyone was paid. Now, epassporte seems to be the big guy.
  3. >Nonetheless, the pics were fascinating. Did you know that over >4000 of the new members signed up right there in oz's >apartment in Bangkok? Lucky, I have not had a party for that many in months. The holidays season is coming and I just finished a movie about Martha Stewart. She gave me some amazing ideas. Perhaps I'll have a big party and if so, just wait till you see how many sign up.
  4. >It puts you in good stead and >highlights your dedication to social intercourse. My dear TY, I have always said that intercourse is the most important thing; whether social or another form.
  5. My dear GayButton, that is just too easy. This is Thailand.
  6. So, you are the MF that took him? Damm you Rainwalker. I had been looking for him for months. I do think the bar is in bad taste in doing this. I had that happen to me one time and I politely called the manager over and said I was having drinks with the boy and if the manager wanted to pick up my entire bin then the boy could go sit elsewhere and I would leave. It is not that I was going to off the boy but I don't think a boy should be offed when he has sat down with someone else. That is very bad poor judgment for the bar. I will say that the ONLY bar that I go to that the mamasans seem genuinely interested in all the boys getting offed and working is Jimm Jimmy James. They really do want the boys to go off and work and are very happy if every boy on stage is off for the night. There are other bars that get upset when their prime boys get off as it takes away from the show or the ambiance and more importantly the number of drinks they sell. I had a drink with a boy last year and told the mamasan that I wanted to off him. She said he was already off. I politely got his drink tab and gave to her and said then, this is for you. If there are not there for work and able to be offed they should not be paraded on stage. After a discussion with the owner, he came back and said he could be offed. I kept him for a few days and had a great time with him. But, the guy who wanted to off him that night turns out to be his current BF to this day. It really is a small world we live in.
  7. I had a little tour of the new airport today. I can honestly say it was simply beautiful. They did a great job with the aesthetics of the place. If you have not see the photos that Boxer took, you need to go to his site and see. It is really a much needed improvement and a shining star in Asia. I do wonder if the other star will be built? (No, I'm not talking about a shrine to LMTU's black book) You know the 90something story star? Any news on that?
  8. In order to take any dog out of the Kingdom, you must have an Export License. It is easy to get as long as you follow all the guidelines below. An Export License is required even if your dog or cat has been into and out of the country many times. I take my dogs with me when I travel and I must get this every time I leave LOS. 1. You must take the animal to the Animal Control Center at the New Airport. It is located in the Free Zone. If you are entering the airport it will be a group of buildings on your right and most of them say customs or Duty Free. If you are leaving the airport, it will be on your left. It is called the Free Zone. 2. Once you enter the Free Zone, you do not take the left into the parking lot. Keep going straight until your car passes the beginning of the first building. At the front of this building, you will see steps that go up to the Animal Control Center. There is no large sign on that is visible but it is there if you get out and look for a small 8x11 piece of paper with the name. 3. Once inside, you will need to bring your animal, a copy of your passport and a copy of all relevant shots and etc. You must take these copies as they will not make them for you. Once inside, you need to present all that to the lady at the desk. You will also need to know your flight number and day of departure. Once she has taken a look at all your info to see it is in order, she will help you fill out an application and enter it into the computer and then hand off to someone else to check. 4. You will then see a Veterinarian. The Vet will check the temp of the animal and check its health. He will ask the age, sex, etc. He writes down all this info on papers and then you must sign off on it. He will also take a photo of you with the animal, 5. All of the paperwork from the vet is then given to the Checker. He checks all the shots, papers, etc and goes over them in GREAT detail to make sure all is right. I went the first time and the name of the breed was misspelled and we had to get a fax from our Vet. EVERYTHING must be perfect and in order. 6. This is then presented to the Stamper who puts seals on it all and sings off on it. 7. You are then given an Export License and asked to pay 50 baht per animal to the cashier. I cannot stress enough the importance of having ALL the paperwork in order and filled out perfectly. If any of the 6 people who check the paperwork has any questions, your entire day will be filled up with other work. The new facility is much nicer than the older one. It looks to be all computerized and networked. It was a vast improvement over the last one. On NWA, your pets can travel with you in the cabin. If you have only one, it is easily done. If you have more, you have to buy a second seat. Each airline has different rules. If I travel with 3 dogs, I can take one as my guest, purchase a ticket for the second dog and then the third dog goes as a guest of the second dog. Or, you can place them in the baggage area which is safe as well. The best site to look at for this is: http://www.pettravel.com/ If you are going to the states, it is easy to get the dog in as long as they have the recent shots. Unless going to Hawaii which I am told has a quarantine for all animals for 6 weeks. If you are going anywhere in the EU you must have a microchip as well as all the paperwork translated into each language of each country you stop. All of this is a pain but the chips are making things so much easier for animal travel. I hope this helps.
  9. TotallyOz


    Not many take advantage of this great software package we purchased for the site. We have one great area at the top of the forum area called Blogs. You can create your own little area to post your thoughts, ideas, etc. Take a look at this area and start your own blog on Gay Thailand today!
  10. There is a link for Gallery at the top of the Forum., In this area, you can upload as many photos as you wish. For those businesses that have parties and events, please take some photos and upload them for others to enjoy! Cheers! GT
  11. TotallyOz


    I thought Rainy season had ended. I have spent a part of every day watering my garden. However, the last 2 days, gushers of rain have plummeted Pattaya. It was hard and heavy. It was helpful to have all the water for the grass and flowers but it spoiled the days at the beach. I am sure the Rain will be gone soon but I quite enjoy the rest from the flower garden.
  12. As my Boyfriend was getting ready to leave, the sadness always sets in even though you know it is only for a short time. He wanted to go back to his Village while I am away. Last night, I walked into my bedroom and it was covered with candles, some flowers, a bubble bath and Celine Dion music. He was all naked and wanted me to talk a bath and then gave me a massage. Then, well, you know. Anyway, I was really moved as I am not much of a romantic and this was such a sweet gesture. I asked him what made him do this for me on his last night in Pattaya, he said,
  13. I was thinking of returning it just in case you thought you said that. jk Enjoy your trip back to Montreal. Tell the boys at Taboo I say hi.
  14. HaHa. No dear. Valium. Viagra and Rogaine. Oh yeah. I needed a muscle relaxer for my hurt shoulder (plane ride). Many times in other countries if you take large amounts of anything they want to see a doctor's prescription. I always have one with any medicine I have just in case. Brazil is always very cautious when I come as I have about 5 large suitcases and tons of computer equipment. The price for computers and electronics there are MUCH more than in the states and many take things down there for sale or for gifts. This is forbidden and I have been questioned many times for my luggage.
  15. If he were gay, I would. Since he is not, it would be a waste of money. I spend my time in the gay activities and he would be bored and very unhappy. Been there done that, not doing it again. I have brought a few gay farang boys over to Thailand and they had a great time. But, they were gay. I don't think a straight boy from Thailand would really enjoy the gay scene in a far away land. I agree. However, how did we get from the amount of money to give a boy for a month to how much I spend on facials. Not sure what the connection is. And, for you dirty minds out there, I mean the facials in Royal Garden. If you remember, I offered. I think your response was, "cannot." Without a doubt, you entire posting made me laugh for hours. Thank you! Thank goodness someone does. That is what I love about message boards. They tend to really get conversation going. I appreciate anyone's response on topic. I find it intelligent. Anyone having sex with a sex worker who is having sex with 100 plus other gay men each year is really crazy not to get tested at least 2 times every year. I come from NYC and most doctors tell every gay men who is sexually active to get tested 2-3 times a year. I am still in the under 40 group and I know that many men in Pattaya really believe their BF when they say they are the first, the only, and etc. I don't. I don't take anyone that is a paid companion at his or her word for that. Pearl dear, when you start a post like this, you have others thinking you were going to pop the question. Needless to say, I was disappointed no ring was attached. I am going to take Aunty's stance. This is my last posting on this topic as just this one posting took me ages and I am on short time here and I need to have a little bit of fun before I have to go to that dreadful place in South America and work my fingers to the bone to pay for my next trip here. BTW: I decided on a number for the boyfriend that I think is fair and generous. I just hope his lady will be able to buy a few new items with what he forks over to her before I return. GT - Signing off
  16. I was at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital today. The new building is open. It is simply beautiful. They did a great job on it. There are some beautiful flowers that adorn the waiting room on the first floor. There are 16 floors. The lobby had a violinist playing today. I was told it just opened yesterday and the only issue I had was I needed some sleeping pills for my plane and they had to go to another pharmacists in another building to get it. They didn't ask me to walk over but it did take 5 min. They have gold carts out front that will take you from one building to the next. There is also a covered walkway that connects them all. Congrats to this great hospital on an excellent job!
  17. Perhaps that is why when I leave I have no less than 20 guys ask me which bar they will be working at or where they can find them to take them off. Actually, if you have read my posts in the past, all of the guys I have been with for over a week have been to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital and had an HIV test. All that are with me now were tested less than 2 months ago and are negative. I wonder if you can say that about the guys you are with?
  18. I was in Bangkok last night to see a friend off to Canada. I went with him to dinner at Siam Paragon. Like I have said on many occasions on this board, this is the place to be in Thailand for the cute boys. They are in abundance and they will look and smile and chat if you are brave enough. We had a group of 2 sexy Thai boys and one hot Farang boy with us. Needless to say, the gay boys at the mall knew we were on the lookout. X-boys - My friend took a very sexy waiter from this bar. He was the cutest in the place. They had a nice selection of guys but honestly, there were not that many of them. It was a Thursday night and I am sure they will pick up on the weekends. DreamBoys - As usual was full of hot men. When part of them on stage are my age or older, I start to worry. But, they had some great looking guys and we had a nice time sitting and looking at the eye candy. BoysBangkok - A nice bar. Not one person on stage caught my eye. I am sure some nights are great but last night was not one of them. X-Men - I think is the name. It used to be Xtreme. They had a nice show and a hot sex show. The boys on stage were cute and sweet. My younger Farang friend took one of them for a drink. They had some very cute boys in there and the big cock show was enjoyable. The seats were comfortable and if you get there, sit down front in the nice chairs. They make the show much easier to see and enjoy. We had to walk tot he Tartawan to meet our driver so we stopped by Tawan. They were packed with customers and men. They had a nice selection if you like big men. I haven't seen so many muscles since Brazil. The drinks there were 240 baht each. I had a good night and a very good time. I did not see the hot boys that I see in Pattaya. They had more boys in the bars in Bangkok but not the superstars you find in Pattaya. IMHO However, I was able to find the gayest bag in Thailand. The bag was in Paul Smith at Siam Paragon. I have decided that the price for the bag is about the right price to give a Thai boy for one month. I had to have the bag as it purple lining was screaming to me, "take me" much like my boyfriend did on stage when I first met him. Now I have a bag that is amazing and a boy that is amazing and I found it all in the Amazing Thailand. No wonder they call this the Land of Smiles!
  19. Thanks YardenUK. I appreciate the kind words. Have you been to Pattaya? Nice to each other? You must have skipped the gay scene here. : jk One of my favorite movies is Roadhouse. It is staring the sexy Dirty Dancing star. He is a bouncer for a sleazy bar. He is training the other bouncers and he says no matter what someone does, you simoply be nice. I would love a world in which we were all nice to each other. Especially gay men. I have never really understood why those of us with so much in common are able to find so many differences that keep us so separate. It makes no sense to me at all.
  20. Are twink lovers allowed to take that exit or only twinks? Please assist.
  21. Thanks. That sounds about right to me. Should I include the tip I left for the staff in that amount or is the first amount sufficient? Now Now. This is Thailand. Are you sure that this was not knock off goods? It is very hard here to tell the difference. Unless you are a true fashion queen. BTW: Did you see my watch that night? What odds are you giving that it was original or a copy? The kind generiosity of the guys here never cease to amaze me. Thank you for your help. Both I and the boyfriend (s) appreciate it.
  22. OMG. Is there more in Pattaya? I didn't know. I'll have to start taking the culutural tours.
  23. I didn't know they did a remodeling. When did this happen? Any new photos? They did a great job with Crazy Dragon and I am excited to see the new hotel photos.
  24. I have a boyfriend that I will take care of when I leave for Brazil for New Year's Eve. I want to be good to him and to be fair. I also want him to be well taken care of but not spoiled. It is a fine line. If the boyfriend goes back to their home and is not in Pattaya, what do you think is a good weekly or monthy amount to deposit into the bank account? Notice I want to be generous but not overly generous. I also do not want him to have to work or worry for anything.
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