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    TMax got a reaction from vinapu in And so it begins   
    These ones will be filed regularly for sure.
  2. Like
    TMax reacted to GoldMember in Japan, Taipei, Vietnam, Philippines and Cambodia Aug-Sep 14 report   
    I may have over simplified the reason I am not that eager on traveling to Singapore. I actually always wanted to visit Singapore. In fact, a local Israeli blogger just posted 2 weeks ago a very informative and exciting post regarding gay Singapore (link is with Google translate from Hebrew to English so it's a poor translation of his post) and after reading his post as well - I am sure it's worth a visit and that we will enjoy it there. The true reason I am not eager on visiting Singapore is that for an Israeli passport holder, there is nothing to do in that region except Singapore. I cannot enter Indonesia and Malaysia. So when I wrote that it is "too clean, too sane", it is just comparing to my imagined Malaysia-Singapore-Indonesia fantasy trip. Several years ago I thought I'd wait some years until they will allow us enter and then have a more intense trip at that region. But, nowadays, I understand that I will probably not witness peace during my lifetime in our region so waiting is just being naive. In addition, as i said, if flying to Singapore is what gets me to convince my BF to have several days in BKK - I am more than willing to take that extra mile  
    Yes we surly got "templed out". LOL. Your temple plan sounds better than the ones we did. I'll recommend it for my friends travelling to Kyoto. Thanks! 
    I understand what you mean and surly I am not judging or criticizing any one that has sexual/romantic preference for any race as I do my self have some preferences for certain races over others.
    However, I don't think I agree with your distinction between racism and preference for race. I am not saying that these are the same things but I do think that they blend without us even realizing that. I have several examples: 
    Some of the Japanese that we hooked up with told us that some of their friends think that Caucasians are less clean and more shallow that's why they prefer other Japanese. So, when a certain race gets assigned with certain characteristics that may cross the border to racism. It worked the other way around elsewhere - as I previously mentioned, a Vietnamese guy wanted to me to take of the condom - because I'm white so I'm probably well educated and clean. 
    Another example from my home: some of us Israelis, like having sex with Arabs (I am guilty of this preference as well). When talking about it, we always say how Arabs are like beasts in bed and that they are considered passionate and full of instinctive desire. In my opinion, these characteristics are a fruit of our developed imagination and also are racists whether we like it or not. In the sexual manner this racist preference works well for Arabs but it lowers them in the romantic manner since Israelis usually want them for sex and will less consider them as romantic partners (I am generalizing here).
    Finally, let's take a very common Caucasian sentence of preference - "I am NOT into Asians". I talked to lots of white people about this non preference (which thankfully I am not holding and I can enjoy Asian ass as much as I enjoy Caucasian ass). After having long conversations about this negative preference I think that there are some repeating motives which include the claim that Asians are too feminine, too small, and their dicks are too small. Even if some of these claims are statistically true, assigning them to an entire race and disqualifying them as sexual partners just upon that, is a sexual preference for race that is also somewhat racist - since it is not true for the entire Asian race. 
    Of course, I am not comparing this form of mild racism to the more severe forms of racism, but I think that it is rather a spectrum than a distinction. What do you think? Can you post the link to the post you wrote about the reasons of Japanese sexual preferences? As you may have noticed, during my trip, I was really intrigued by the subject of racist preference and talked a lot regarding it with locals and foreigners - which also made me contemplate regarding my own preferences for race and their origins.  
    And thanks again for the kind feedback regarding my reports  
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    TMax got a reaction from GoldMember in Japan, Taipei, Vietnam, Philippines and Cambodia Aug-Sep 14 report   
    Ditto here, have enjoyed reading this report.
  4. Like
    TMax reacted to vinapu in its not the same in pattaya any longer   
    the same here. More than 1700 posts and so far treated gently by the members.
    Not taking sides in the dispute I can imagine that somebody may have a policy of not identifying his offs other than in general terms at least as long as  one is still in Thailand for fear of some form of retribution or out of desire for privacy.
    I'd personally would report bad apple with full details since this is what forums are for. Then  it's up to everybody  to believe such an accusations or dismiss them.
    Still we should be thankful to OP for instigating quite an interesting discussion.
    I agree we should treat newcomers gently and sometimes trolling questions  are generating informative responses as noted above.
    On another hand anybody posting should be prepared  that his story or opinion may not be taken gently so no reason to be fast offended, place for primadonnas is in opera not on the  forum with sex interest .
  5. Like
    TMax reacted to TotallyOz in its not the same in pattaya any longer   
    I get so sick of people accussing new posters of being scammers (admitedly many are). But, I hate even worse the old timers who try to rule by directive.  "Give me the name or you are lying."   Well, a board poster should be able to choose what he or she posts and regardless of the accuracy, intelligent people can make up their minds. 
    People complain about the lack of posting and then when a good thread comes along, they attack.
    Fucking insane to think one can have it both ways unless there is another agenda at play.
    This is not an old boys club.  Everyone should be welcome and regardless of their first post or 1,000th post, believe what you will or not.  But, at least give them 20 or more threads to see if they are trolls or not.
  6. Like
    TMax got a reaction from vinapu in My brief report from May - June   
    Damn time seems to drag when you aren't there, not that I'm counting down the days until my first shag when I go back.

  7. Like
    TMax got a reaction from Alexx in My brief report from May - June   
    Damn time seems to drag when you aren't there, not that I'm counting down the days until my first shag when I go back.

  8. Like
    TMax reacted to vinapu in My 1st Trip to BKK   
    you have a good heart. I do it often, give  money to the boy and ask them to pay for meals or taxi. They like an idea I noticed,
    What may be surprising almost invariably they make an attempt to return change if fare was say 60 and I gave them 100 and they like part when I tell them to keep change. Elevated status and nice surprise for really peanuts.
    Sometimes I pay for their small purchases if we stop at 7/11 on the way to /from hotel but never for their smokes.
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    TMax reacted to GoldMember in Japan, Taipei, Vietnam, Philippines and Cambodia Aug-Sep 14 report   
    So it’s holidays (yes, again) and I will now start writing about PP.
    First, I'd like to share with you a conversation I had yesterday with the guy I've been in Manila. Since our weekend together we still keep chatting on FB and sending dirty pics to each other. After some dirty talking, he asked me as followed:  
    Him: I have a serious question for you.
    Me: OK.
    Him: r u HIV positive?
    Me: No, why?
    Him: Be honest, I won't mind.
    Me: No, last negative test was July 14. Why?
    Him: Just curious. J
    Me: After more than a month, you ask me this now… U surly have a reason. Did something happen?
    Him: No. I'm clean. It's just that you always insisted that we do it safe. At a certain point I started thinking that maybe you are positive and just protecting me.
    WTF?! I really like this guy but the logic here is so ignorant. He thinks I'm positive because I'm careful. So according to his logic, people that are not insisting on safe sex are negative. That's a sure way for spreading AIDS worldwide. Rest of that conversation was just me performing sex education. LOL. Play safe! And use proper lubes
    And now, on to Gay PP.
    Arrived at Phnom Penh at the late Saturday afternoon and took a taxi (12 USD) to Rambutan Resort (45 USD  - rate from owner). Traffic was bad. I arrived to Rambutan to discover that I got upgraded to a room with a balcony and a hot tub which was really nice. Hotel is managed by a gay couple a Thai (that I booked through) and an American. They also were helpful by recommending where to party that Saturday night. Nice pool and good service. No problem with joiners.  
    There was a young 23yo guy that I started texting with while I was in pain in Boracay. We kept on chatting for several days until I arrived and he wanted to meet me when I landed. I made it previously clear that this is a friendly drink since I am not into him (too young, too slim). When he came to pick me up I expected a scooter. He came in a large Lexus SUV. Guess he was a rich local guy. Drove the city a bit and had drinks. After, I went by myself to the night market. Again, as always, it's ok to visit but surly nothing special there (actually I think the only market I really enjoyed besides Chatuchak was Taipei's night market).
    From there, by the recommendation of the locals and the hotel manager, I went to see the show at Blue Chilli bar at 10PM (free). They had nice standard gay shows. Met there some Local guys and went with them to Heart of Darkness (free) at about midnight. That club is considered as a mixed club in the gay listings but what I saw there mostly gay people. It is also gay owned and owner was nice and friendly. Club was great. Finally, a real club, packed with people, no high tables at the middle, excellent electronic music. Danced till 4AM. Didn’t want to go with any of the Khmer boys that I came with except one which he was already taken for the night so I went back to my hotel, really drunk and started Grinding.
    Got a Grindr offer from another resident (muscular, Asian, my age) of the hotel to have fun at the pool. That turned me on a bit. The hotel pool is public and at the center of all rooms so everybody that enters must pass by it. Guess a little risk turns me on. We great fun at the pool and went to my room to fuck. That night a miracle happened. Well I don't know if it's the alcohol, the arousing massage in SR that noon or something else but I came inside the condom. For me it was the first time in my life. That was so much better then always cumming outside on the body/mouth of the guy I'm with (except my BF). I'm much more of a late cummer than early cummer and never succeeded before on cumming with a condom on. Surprisingly, I restored that night's success with my BF a few days ago (since we are still fucking safe – 17 more days to go!). He was surprised too. LOL.
    The next noon I went to the Russian market (waste of time – I really need to learn not to go to these places) and later on to the Tuol Sleng Genocide museum. That place was hard for me. I knew that if this hard for me to handle, killing fields the day after will be terrible (and so they were).
    After I went to check the local sauna – LoveSpa. That place is packed with local guys between 6-8PM. The reason for these weird specific hours is that most of them are local married guys coming home from work and stopping by for some fun on the way. I came there with a local guy I talked to that wanted to come with me because it's his first time and he wants to try it. Sauna is packed with people. Probably 100 locals were there that evening and I was the only foreigner. Most of them are too young and too skinny for me but I'm sure some will find this place very attractive.  After having realized that the I came with is my best option in that sauna we went back to my hotel and had fun. Later he took me to his apartment and we had dinner with some of his friends. 
    The next day I went to the killing fields with a car and a guide (20+20 USD) that I booked through Rambutan. That place was horrible. The only thing that may resemble that experience was the concentration camp tour I did in Poland 13 years ago as a high school student. Still, there is a difference. Nowadays, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Majdanek and the rest of the camps are more sterile and museum like. The killing fields are still raw. Walking there I stumbled upon old cloths and bones that were sprouting from the ground. After hearing the horror stories and seeing those sights I then realized that all Cambodians above 45 are probably somehow traumatized as my grandparents were and those living still are. This day trip changed something in my view of the Cambodian people. They still are a recovering post-traumatic nation - even if you don't see it - it's there. 
    After I came back to my hotel I went to rest from that shaky experience. In the afternoon I met with a local guy that I already started talking to a day before I arrived to PP. That guy had the body of a god and a so-so face. But when a body is that impressive – I don't care that much about the face. The reason I was hesitant regarding meeting him is that he was really moving fast our first conversation – wanted to pick me up from the airport, and show me the city. This kinda creeped me out but after continuing chatting with him later I just learned that he is a really nice guy that is attracted only to Caucasians and just really wanted to meet me. So I decided to meet him. He had a complicated name so I just called him Hercules. LOL. 
    Well I thought I'd have enough time finishing this report now but I have too much to write so I'll finish reporting PP and this entire post probably during the weekend, Happy holidays  
  10. Like
    TMax reacted to Bravo in My 1st Trip to BKK   
    Day 4
    My last day in bangkok... woke up with Film beside me, had my usual fun again.. making out/cuddling/hugging/kissing/licking everywhere hah... went to eat at this really cheap place at silom road for breakfast, a noodle place.. 84 baht for 2 of us.. went back to the hotel and packed my bags and headed out with Film..
    went shopping at MBK and he bought 2 tee shirts total 800 baht.. gave him $$ discreetly so it seemed he paid for himself haha.. so cute when he asks if its ok to buy it.. went to siam paragon walked around and had lunch pad thai again hah! wanted to go see some tourist attractions because i didn't know what else to do but then it rained ( wanted to go phreya river) so we went to watch a movie at siam paragon cineplex instead.. planes 2.. it was a nice cineplex!
    after that we had some time left and went to take a cruise along the phreya river.. pretty relaxing, just chilling on the boat and seeing the various buildings.. 
    unfortunately it was time for me to go, headed back to the hotel, gave Film one last hug goodbye and made my way to the airport sigh..
    we do still whatsapp a bit after i got back hah..
    oh well thanks for reading my posts guys! thanks again, most of you have posted on my other posts when i was asking for help, really appreciate it and it helped a lot!
    hope to go back to bkk again soon this year!
  11. Like
    TMax reacted to Bravo in My 1st Trip to BKK   
    hahaha... thanks for the support guys.. i'm not cute or anything but more on the younger side i guess. i'm early 20s, about 5'7, 140 lbs, average build typical asian guy hah.. 
    yea i think i did pretty well on my own, going to the massage places and soi twilight on my own haha.. senso is a really great place, although was nervous with 12 hot topless guys smiling and looking at you as they stand in a line, and they all look like they are really nice people and i always feel like i am disappointing the rest when i choose the boy, although they would be like "ooohh" and smiling to the guy i chose, seems like a great bunch of people.. i also saw an actor from Gthai movie at senso, he acted in several Gthai movies..
    as for blah blah blah, well you know the usual, making out, cuddling, hugging, playing with his bod, licking kissing sucking =) i can say that thais have really good tongue technique, the thing they do to your ear blowing it and kissing and licking it is so amazing, and i am a sucker for stubble rubbing against my neck and bod, something which all the massage boys excel at doing.. all of the massage boys so far sucked with condom which i don't mind, because i really am a hugging/cuddling/making out kinda guy.. and it's great that they practice safe sex.. i can imagine some customers wouldn't like it though..
    as my first trip was only 4 days, i thought i would hit all the popular places first like dream boys, hero, senso, even though i know there are just so many places to cover and not enough time to do so.. i have never been to a sauna before even in my local country so i didn't go babylon/ sauna mania yet, even though i was thinking of doing so, also mainly because i didn't have the time ( as i didn't know i would end up offing a guy for day 3 & 4 as well)
    Day 3
    The guy i offed at dream boys name was Film.. really nice guy.. he stayed over at my hotel but unfortunately had to wake up at 6:30am as he was learning to cut hair and had lessons at 8am.. he wants to be a barber next time and i thought that was really ambitious and found that attractive.. i woke up at 6:30am, kissed him goodbye and went back to sleep hah..
    woke up pretty late, and decided to try my luck at hero again.. I saw Os again, he smiled and waved at me and i smiled and waved back too.. felt bad that i won't be choosing him.. don't get me wrong, he was awesome and i enjoyed the massage, but there were so many boys i wanted to try something different, this time i asked the mamasan which was gay and he pointed at this fair skin chinese looking guy, fairly hunky and handsome as well, his name was Bing..
    funny, the day before after my massage with Os, while we were waiting at the counter for the cashier, Bing smiled & gestured for me to sit beside him at the place where all the massage boys were waiting haha i looked at Os and he gestured me to sit there too.. so i sat on the bench with other massage boys for like a few awkward seconds haha and then the cashier came.. what a cheeky guy, partly why I chose bing today..
    as soon as we got into the room, we hugged and kissed.. gave a decent massage, but since he was gay, he had no problems making out and making out we did.. lots of tongue, kissing, licking of the neck/ears/nipples, and sucked with a condom.. chatted with him and he was a really nice guy, told me about how sometimes he gets more customers and other boys will get jealous and sometimes fight with each other but he tries to stay out of the drama, wants to work and provide for his family, and enjoys his job as the money is much more when he was working in his previous job as a farmer or something..
    after the massage i sat down and drank some water, and just adored the beautiful boys.. i saw Os and Bing talking to one another and laughing haha oopsie.. i wonder what they were talking about haha! i knew it would be my last time here this trip, and before i left i saw Os wave at me and i gave him a nice smile and waved back aww.. 
    decided to go to siam paragon for my pad thai haha.. did some window shopping around the area, and received a text from Film, he told me that he finished his hair cutting lesson and asked if i was going to dream boy tonight.. was a bit hesitant because my initial plan was to cover various places, massages, saunas, some typical sight seeing places.. but why not haha.. that's how i operate when i travel, i book a flight and i book a hotel and i just wing it.. it's my holiday after all.. so i agreed to meet him before the show at dream boys for dinner and walk around before gg to dream boys... 
    went around silom night market, bought some singlets.. i paid 150 baht each.. ( the next day i went MBK and saw them selling for 99 baht haha oh well), i bought 6 some more... for my friends.. constantly harassed by people shoving cards into my face saying pussy ping pong show haha... felt like saying ME LIKE BOYS.. although there was this guy who said " you wan massage by pretty girl? pussy show? wad you want? you wan go go boy?" haha..
    so i met Film that evening, and went to eat at Mango Tree at tawan road.. it was a lovely place, i wore this shirt that said "i think he's gay " with an arrow pointing to the right, and he kept teasing me.. and always stood on my right lol.. ordered pad thai again hah.. after dinner we did some shopping at silom road, and i told hiim he could get whatever he wanted.. got him this bracelet for 100 baht and some earring for 80.. he was trying to find a black shirt but could not find one he wanted haha.. dumped my stuff in the hotel, made out a bit, and went to dream boys again!
    show started at 10:30 and it was already very full.. finally say down and a different waiter this time came and got our orders.. a few seconds later Keng came ( my waiter from yesterday) and "fought" with this new waiter to write their names on my drink order haha... and the off payment.. flirted with keng more over the night haha.. he's really a nice and cute guy, he massaged my neck and kissed me on the cheek a few times hah! watched the show again, it was really good! there was this guy who did acrobatic tricks on this scarf like material which hung from the ceiling.. so he would climb up the scarf and do various tricks, like suspending from just his leg, and doing splits mid air with only his hands.. whoa.. there were several dances and this cute guy who did back flips and somersaults... various other shows with drag queens parading around.. there was the usual line up of bar boys waiting to get offed.. and i saw my cute thai boy that i met yesterday in the toilet of dream boy.. ahhh he worked here as in the bar haha.. i thought that a random thai guy was trying to pick me up in the toilet but it was a bar boy haha.. he was totally my type but i had already offed Film, not complaining though, but gave him a smile.. aww.. the next time i come i'll find him haha.. number 99 =) he eventually got chosen though so happy for him..
    asked film if he was performing, and he said no.. i stay with you tonight haha.. it was my last late night in bangkok so i told keng that i'll find him the next time i come bangkok haha gave him a kiss and hug good bye awww...
    clubbed at Dj for 2 days continuously and i was tired so i went back to the hotel haha.. well you know what happened.. same old blah blah blah.. but it's never blah haha >.< 
    typing this just makes me miss bkk and i can't wait to return =)
    just wondering though, most of the people here are guys from the states, but i hardly saw a lot of GWMs, saw lots of asians around..
  12. Like
    TMax reacted to Bravo in My 1st Trip to BKK   
    Hi guys, due to all the help i received here from my previous post, i thought i should share my experience too to help newcomers..  
    So it was my first time to BKK, and i was so busy with work i hardly had time to research and stuff but i received so much love and helpful messages here that i hope to share my experience with you guys and maybe newbies can find this helpful!
    I really wished i had photos but i guess i'm not as daring as some of you here haha.. maybe next time!
    Day 1
    So i'm from asia and took a 2.5 hr flight to bkk.. took a taxi from the airport and did not use a meter... haha such an old tourist trap.. i read from here that by meter it should be ~ 350 baht, and the taxi driver asked for 550. There was a very long jam and he was really nice so heck i gave him 550..
    Checked in at the Le Meridien hotel which is along surawong road and I can tell you if you are looking for a high end hotel in the gay area this is the place to stay! the hotel workers were very friendly and helpful, and some of them pretty cute too >.< the room was clean big and has a good view of the city.. as soon as i got into the lift still with my luggage and all, a guy said i was cute and smiled at me haha.. wow..
    anyway i was lazy to travel to hero and so went to senso massage, the place is walkable from silom road.. senso has gorgeous guys with really good bodies.. if you are like the hunky jock guy, senso is the place to go! this is my first ever massage and i was so nervous, and when i went in it didn't help that i was the only one there with like 12 hot topless sweaty guys pumping iron just 2m away.. luckily the mamasan quickly sat me down and showed me the prices.. 1000 baht for a 1 hr room, 1300 baht for a 1.5 hr room if i'm not wrong, and minimum tip for 1.5 hr is 1500.. this was the normal room. there was another package for 4 hands massage in vip room.. the mamasan got all the guys to stand up and oh my it was really hawt.. but i was so nervous i quickly just chose one within like 5 seconds haha without seeing all of them properly..
    but the guy i chose was Kion, hunky jockish kind, just the right size, pretty handsome too with a ear stud.. i guess he was straight, he didn't want to kiss much and kept saying sorry.. i love kissing and i guess i should have asked first ( my fault), but he did kiss me on the lips quite a few times but no tongue haha.. he did suck with a condom.. massage was ok.. could have been stronger but i didn't ask.. actually i did but i think he didn't understand.. came quite soon and we cuddled and hugged for quite a while.. overall a good first time experience, could have been better but he did his best and he was really nice and cute and you can't not love him.. OH YA, he did this totally amazing tongue/stubble thing to my nipples, ears, neck, stomach it was soooo good haha.. can't really describe it.. i love the sensation of that stubble rubbing on my body with his tongue darting and licking my bod.. hawt!
    after the massage i roamed around silom road and bumped into the guy who said i was cute in the lift haha.. we then headed to DJ station to club.. we reached about 11pm on a friday and it was quite empty, but quickly filled up by 11+, there were a few drag queens performing lip sync which was decent to watch.. quite a young crowd in general, with a few older guys.. met some guys here and there but in the end grinder and made out with that hotel guy and eventually went back to my room and blah blah blah..
    Day 2
    Went shopping at Siam Paragon, MBK, silom road in the day, siam paragon is pretty much a branded place, similar to most high end shopping malls in cities so nothing interesting for me.. MBK sells all sorts of clothes & IT stuff.. if you are buying those tourist souvenirs shirts or singlets, get them here, silom market tries to rip you off and i think the cheapest can be found here for 99 baht.. 
    went to hero massage, the place i have been wanting to go for months ever since reading it on the forum.. so there were many customers, and i had to wait for a room, but i think it's only that week because a few countries were having holidays at that time.. did not really see a guy that was totally my type, perhaps because there were already so many customers, the mamasan was really pushy, cuz i sat there looking for quite a while, and smiling now and then at the boys who smile at me.. then the mamasan said "you sit and smile later wait room very long very boring you choose boy now", and quickly chose a guy that was similar to my type, even knowing that he was straight from the mamasan, and even after what happened the day before.. his name is Os.. good looking guy, fit and somewhat jockish but on the smaller side, had great tattoos.. he was really nice and funny, and gave a great massage.. told him i wanted a strong shoulder and back massage and he really delivered, felt very relaxed after.. if you want a strong & proper massage he is the guy to go.. didn't try to kiss him cuz i knew he was straight haha.. but he did suck with a condom, and did this tongue thing really great to my nipples, ear, neck.. do all thais learn to do this in Massage 101? haha starting to feel that way..
    Ate delicious pad thai for lunch at siam paragon, and for dinner had sticky rice mango from silom road, those roadside stalls.. It was AMAZING! really a must try!
    Read that dream boys was a must see from the forums, and went to soi twilight at surawong road to try to find dream boys.. as soon as i stepped onto the stretch of gay bars, several bar boys?? grabbed me and pulled me towards their bar.. whoa whoa... some were quite cute so i had to resist really hard giving in to them because i really wanted to go to dream boys and not just drink at a bar.. so embarrassing.. all the GWMs sitting at the bar staring and laughing at me getting pulled by all these boys.. finally managed to escape their clutches and not a few steps later, got pulled and pushed into a bar which i didn't even know the name of.. they said had a show so i was like whatever, i'll just go in for a while.. apparently it's called "Fat Boys"?? i didn't really like the show.. too little boys... very empty bar also.. you had to buy a drink for 300 baht, that's like the cover charge.. after a while i left.
    Finally found dream boys, and whoa it was so crowded with lots of beautiful boys on stage.. the performance was good too, the dancers could dance really well, and overall quite entertaining.. you also had to buy a drink for 400 baht, and if you chose a guy to sit with you, you have to buy him a drink for about 300 baht too.. so after every few performances, all their bar boys will be on stage with number tags, and you can tell the waiter which boy you want.. my waiter was Keng, he was quite cute too and very nice to me.. kissed me a few times and i kissed him back haha.. tipped him well, kept saying i was cute hah.. i wanted to go to dj station again that night so i didn't want to off a boy.. i went to the toilet and some guy chatted me up.. lets call him Cute Thai Boi.. he told me he was from thailand and worked here ( i thought here as in bangkok, not the bar, which i will find out the next day), he was quite my type, cute n all, he was wearing clothes fully so it wasn't obvious he worked at the bar, maybe he just arrived or was already offed.. anyway i thought it was rude to hook up with someone at a bar haha so i just went back to my seat and continued the show.. somehow i found a really cute guy and i thought hey why not he can go dj station with me so i told Keng the guys number haha.. i was quite shy, he sat beside me, held hands, chatted bit, and Keng told me that if i offed the boy he could get dressed so i quickly agreed haha.. off fee was 650 baht..
    Then went to eat supper at a restaurant in silom road, went dj station, went back to the hotel and blah blah blah... =)
    Day 3 & 4 to be continued if i'm not boring you guys to death haha... 
  13. Like
    TMax reacted to GoldMember in Japan, Taipei, Vietnam, Philippines and Cambodia Aug-Sep 14 report   
    Continuing my Vietnam report.
    After barely making it on time to the flight, I landed at Da Nang Airport. I had to choose between Da Nang and Na Trang where to spend my 3 days of central Vietnam. I choose Da Nang because I also wanted to see Hoi An but some guys in Saigon told me that Na Trang is better.
    I didn't even consider staying in Da Nang and booked 2 nights at Ha An Hotel in Hoi An (60USD). Choosing Hoi An was the recommendations I got in the Israeli travelers forum. In my opinion, Da Nang is a better place to stay and go for day trip(s) to Hoi An and not the other way around (will explain why). My hotel was great. I arrived at 10AM and they gave me free breakfast and an early check in. Room was more than I expected especially for 3 starts.
    Taxi ripped me off. It seemed like a good taxi at first but the meter was fixed so I ended up paying 600000 VND instead of 400000 which is the regular price (10$ difference). I am still not sure how I could have prevented it.
    HoiAn is a charming city. Nice markets, lots of tailor shops and good restaurants. Too much tourists in the city but it's not too bad. Most of the people I talked to regarding Hoi An mentioned that they did really good tailoring over there. I was less successful. Too many catalogs and options made me dizzy and unable to choose. Some people told me that it is necessary to come there already with an idea of the desired tailored clothes. This city also is a relatively quite one. A good estimate for a city's Gayness is to check how many people are on Grindr in the city area. Here it was about 10. The 11th was already from Da Nang. First night I had dinner and fun with another Top from HK. We searched for a proper bottom for the night but in Hoi An there were no good options. It kind of felt like we were "The only Gay in the village" (my favorite British comedy).
    The day after I took a really cool cooking class (40USD). It's the one that is rated the no1 attraction in TripAdvisor (Green Bamboo cooking class). I never cook at home nor will I start now but it was really a fun and interesting experience. Day started with a market tour to purchase products and then continued at the guides home where everybody (8 ppl) started cooking the chosen dished and of course tasted everything. At the end of it all (9AM – 4PM) I was so full I really couldn't eat until the next day.
    After cooking class I decided it's my time to explore Da Nang. I rented a motorcycle (8 USD). This was the only place in Vietnam I rented a motorcycle because doing that in Saigon or Hanoi is just suicide. Here it's just a half Suicidal. LOL. It's about a 40 minute drive on the scooter to Da Nang and I enjoyed it very much. Weather was really good (or so I thought). After exploring Da Nang for a couple of hours I came to the conclusion that I am sleeping in the wrong city. This city is much more vivid, vibrant, better beaches and gayer. I realized I had 2 options for that night in Da Nang. The first was a cute muscular 43yo Japanese guy on vacation in a nice resort with some friends and the second was a 24yo Vietnamese guy that looked like a porn star or underwear model in his pictures. After my Hanoi experiences with the locals I decided to take the option I felt was more fun and genuine and went on to the Japanese guy's resort. If I would have known how genuine and hot the other guy is I surly would have picked him. Luckily for me, I will discover him in Saigon.
    The Japanese guy's resort (son tra resort and spa) was more distant and was very fancy with a private villa and pool and also a private beach. He was there with 2 female friends vacationing. About 5 minutes before I got there it started raining like hell while I was on the scooter. I didn't have a rain coat and after 1 minute of driving in insane rain I was totally wet. I found shelter for 5 minutes until it stopped and got to his villa being entirely wet from head to toe but it was kinda funny. A minute before I entered he texted me that his female friends don't know he is gay and that he told them I was a friend coming. That seemed really weird but I played along. After the 4 of us spending time at the pool and the sea as well we went to his room for some Jacuzzi and bed fun. In the morning I told him that if he thinks that after this night and his moanings that his friends still thinks he is straight he is naïve. He agreed but said that he does not want to talk to them about it (he is 43yo! But I guess for Japanese it can be harder…). Well I had a really passionate and fun time with him. At morning I got back on my scooter, went to Da Nand beach for a while and then to eat what is considered the world's best Banh Mi at Bánh Mi Phương. Don't know if it's the best but it was indeed really good. Went to pack and to take my noon flight to Saigon (60USD).
    I originally planned to continue to Cambodia from Da Nang. But, I decided to shorten my Cambodian stay in favor of what every Viet guy advised me to do – and that is to visit Saigon.
    I arrived to Saigon at Independence Day evening. I booked 2 nights at Nikko hotel (100 USD) which is too fancy and too nice for my needs. I went out to the streets and lots of crowd out strolling the streets and some shows in the parks for the holiday. A guy from Jacked came to meet me at the park. Too young for me (22yo) but he was cute so we went to see the fireworks together. After that he took me a bit on his scooter around the city. This city is so different then Hanoi – in a good way. Much more western and capitalist.  At the end of the night he took me to eat really tasty weird street food – hard boiled egges that tasted like they were cooked for ages with lots of spices. I really liked it. He said he took me there cause after I eat that my cum will taste better. LOL. Went to my room for the night and had a good and fun night together. Morning was a bit weird. I assumed that that’s it and he wanted to spend the next night with me again. He was a little melodramatic regarding that (that’s why I usually avoid young guys) and instead of just ignoring it I agreed for one last night. I was surprised that he managed to make agree. Oh well.
    At noon I went to the war Museum. That place was really hard for me. Agent Orange and it's casualties were new for me. I was really shocked by some of the pictures and stories there. I know it's only the Vietnamese side but still what is shown there is horrible. I wonder how is it for Americans to go there. I remember walking there and imagining myself one day walking in Gaza's war museum. I wondered how I would feel facing pictures of my government's war crimes. I try to protest against these crimes nowadays but most of my countries' citizens think they we are innocent. That is so naïve. Anyway, this was indeed an intense experience for me. Espacially because during that day we were still at war at home. Had to sleep after that place just to relax.
    At night, same guy took me to a really cool place: Chill SkyBar. Very trendy with a really good DJ, really loud electronic music and mostly foreign crowd. There I witnessed for the first time a really cool thing that I saw also in clubs in Manila and Pattaya – Bottle saving. The young guy I was with had a bottle he previously bought and did not finish just waiting at the bar for him from his last time there. Didn't see that before. We were really drunk and he wanted to go to my hotel on his bike. I refused and we took a taxi and had a nice night and morning together. No drama at morning and I think he knew that was it for us. I wanted to spend one more night in Saigon but staying in that hotel seemed to be like a waste if money. I switched  to Eden Saigon (60 USD) and even got upgraded in the room. No problem with joiners (neither in Nikko). Very nice hotel.
    I went to the market. Nothing interesting to buy. Got a message from the too hot guy I decided not to go with in Da Nang. Apparently he lives in Saigon and was on vacation with his family in Da Nang. He sent me more of his pics and then I started realizing he might be even hotter then I previously imagined. I was still not sure so I wanted to meet him for drinks before. After realizing we both want to go to the gym – he offered to pick me up from the hotel after work and take me to his gym. After first seeing him I knew I hit the Jackpot. This was the hottest guy I have ever been with. He took me to California Gym at District 4. That place is one of the best I've seen – compared to the US and home (Best Iv'e seen so far was in Phnom Penh). Also this place is really gay and I'm sure there is action going there in the locker room and sauna. After pumping up for an hour he took us back to my hotel. Fucking him was amazing. It was a mind game between me and my self not to get too excited and cum. The surprising thing was that his cock was also huge which a refreshing sight in Asia was. After cumming we showered together I wanted to fuck him again but after fucking him and the guy at morning I couldn't get hard in a condom again. That was the moment I decided that I want to get somehow Viagra just in case I meet someone that is worth it I can fuck him all night. Never tried Viagara before and wasn't sure how to get it. Luckily in Cambodia you can get it in the pharmacies off the counter (details in Cambodia's report). We went to dinner. By what he eats, I realized how obsessed he is about his body. Well, he is so well maintained that it does come only with hard work. His looks and cock is just luck J
    At night I decided that this is my time to leave Vietnam. My original plan was to leave for Cambodia. But, the next day was Friday and after not clubbing at all in Vietnam I was not sure Cambodia would offer me a nice place to club for the weekend. In order to decide where to go I used FakeGPS. FakeGPS is an android app that allows you to fool Grindr adn Jacke'd into thinking you are anywhere you want. Me and BF bought new phones in Taipei (and got rid of our old IPhones – which does not allow fakeGPS). That way I was able to talk to people and get an estimate of the good places. I know Jack'd allows you to explore other places but this way people think you are actually there and they also contact you (and I also prefer Grindr which does not have this option). Actually it's FakeGPS that got me a nice hotel room in Phnom Penh in a really good rate (details in Cambodia's report). My second option besides PP was Manila. After talking to locals in Manila and Phnom Penh, I decided to shorten my stay in Cambodia even more and to spend the week in the Philippines. I booked a flight to Gay Manila (112 USD) and the next day checked out at noon and went to the Airport. I also decided to have a more relaxed week in the Philippines and to cut down the guys and sex and spend more time sightseeing. This decision lasted only two and a half hours after landing in Manila. LOL. 
  14. Like
    TMax reacted to vinapu in 1st time in bkk! suggestions on where to stay/things to do   
    for those staying in Silom are who want to sample  Thai temple thare's huge Wat Hualampong , short stroll of  few hundred meters from soi Twilight along Rama Rd away from Suriwong. Wat even has resident  live cows. Temple grounds  can be visited till late , I was there around  midnight and still people were milling around..
  15. Like
    TMax reacted to vinapu in 6 hands massage   
    Nirish, you always see full half of glass leaving to others worry about empty half.
    Nothing wrong about boys talking with each other. If two farangs pick up boy for a threesome they will be talking and poor boy will be wondering what they are talking about. Often we see such  a scene in restaurants , two farangs in lively discussion and  bored to death Thai beside  them
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    TMax reacted to GoldMember in Japan, Taipei, Vietnam, Philippines and Cambodia Aug-Sep 14 report   
    So after reporting about BKK and Pattaya (http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/topic/9706-brief-report-pattaya-bkk/) I will now report about the rest of my trip. Pattaya and BKK were my last destinations in what I refer to as my big Asia trip. Now I will start reporting chronologically starting with Japan and Taipei. 
    This trip started as me and my BF's honeymoon after getting married at the end of July. In total contradiction to the rest of my trip this part of the trip was entirely pre-planned. All flights, trains, accommodations were pre-booked. I don't like pre-planning too much but in Japan being spontaneous means spending more and we wanted to save as much money as we can since Japan is not cheap.
    Some advice for Japan travelers:
    1. In the big cities (i.e Tokyo, Osaka) book from airbnb. Half the price of hotels, three times more spacious. Hotels can get really expensive there.
    2. If you are planning to travel long distances, most likely a japanrail pass will be better to pre-purchase. Be advised that it can only be purchased and delivered outside of Japan soil. There are some sites that you can calculate if the pass is worth purchasing. Usually it is.
    3. In contradiction to all other Asian countreis i'v been, a local SIM is expensive. A better option is to purchase a pocket WIFI. I purchased one that we both were connected to it at all times at the cost of 80 USD for 15 days. Sounds expensive but the other alternatives are worse. We are internet junkies so no internet is not a option. Especially in Japan where English is not well spoken at all and maps and Google were most helpful. The device is sent to your hotel and returned at any mailbox (including the airport). 
    4. Japan is expensive. But, it's reputation is as super expensive is wrong. It's exactly the same as London, Paris etc... 
    5. Landing and departing from different Airports (i.e. landing in Osaka and departing from Tokyo) is a more efficient way to travel the country. 
    6. Travel light. Lots of moving in train stations with stairs makes moving around more hassle with large suitcases. 
    Kyoto - We stayed there 3 nights at the Citadines Karasuma Gojo hotel (160USD a night). This hotel is relatively fair price for Japan and since we didn't find a nice apartment we stayed there. Room was spacious and location was 30 seconds walk from a subway (Although not central enough - but prices double as location gets more central). This city is very touristic and everyone goes there to visit the shrines. After 2 days of shrines we got fed up of them and decided that's enough shrines for us (so we passed on day trips in Nara and Nikko). City is nice but for urban creatures like us it was a bit boring and retrospectively I would have booked there 2 nights only. Things not to miss (except shrines which i'm sure u won't miss): beautiful bamboo forest, monkey mountain with adorable monkeys and a city viewpoint. Not a lot of action going in the city - some on Grindr and jacked and mostly tourists or faraway people. Had dinner and fun with one couple in their hotel room which was way better then ours but more expensive as well (330USD a night!). After midnight we didn't find any gay or non gay interesting places to go to. 
    Osaka (2 nights) - In some manner it resembles Tokyo. It has it's unique urban charterer and we enjoyed that city and wish we had one more night over there. We arrived on Sunday so nights were slower. Gay Osaka listings have quite an amount of places but when we went to the gay area it was quite empty (Sunday and Monday eves). My worst mistake is that I successfully managed to drag my BF into a gay sauna for the first time in his life but choosing Osaka's Hokuoukan Sauan on a Monday eve wasn't a good first experience for him. Sauna was not full of people and mostly thin Japanese guys which is not our type. Sauna's in Japan are different in a weird way. No private cabins and it seems to me that there is less action there but again - it was a Monday night (same feeling in Tokyo's Sauna in nichome). We did have some fun with one guy but it was still one of the worst i'v been to. Don't miss: Osaka's castle and the Aquarium (the most impressive i'v seen so far). Stayed there in a nice Airbnb apartment (70 USD a night). 
    Hiroshima (1 night) - This place was not on our way but it's worth a visit. The peace park is impressive and the museum is interesting, terrible and a bit prone. Miyajima Island that is near Hiroshima is one of the most beautiful places we've toured in Japan. We stayed Urbain Hiroshima Central Hotel (100 USD) with a good location and a tiny room. So small that if u wanna open the suitcase u need to put it on the bed. No problem with a joiner we had in our room at night. At night we started walking the city and accidentally went into a gay bar (D&M). Only us, another foreign couple and one local old guy. The entire situation was really funny and we all Kareok'ed together with English pop songs until it was late. 
    Tokyo (8 nights) - This city is awesome!!! Excatly what I expected it to be. Half western, half eastern and half unique (yes there is a third half lol).
    Don't miss:
    - Visiting Harajuku fashion district for crazy unwearable Japanese fashion.
    - visiting the fish market and the Tuna auctions. Arrive a little before 4AM cause they let only 120 visitors a day. We arrived straight from a party at 4:10 AM and we were number 116 and 117 to go in. Eat fresh Sushi for breakfast there. 
    - Watching hundreds of people crossing Shibuya junction at evening.
    - We went on a day trip to Fuji-Q park. There is a bus that takes u there and a bundle price with entry ticket (70 USD). The roller coasters there were one of the craziest we ever did. 
    I also pre booked tickets to Lady Gaga's concert (250 USD premium ticket). Pre booking concert tickets in Japan is hard and there are some middlemen who do that and deliver them for a certain fee. The Japanese have a reputation of being crazy. We didn't see that much - but in that concert we saw that and more! Everyone went insane at the front rows (even 60 YO men who knew the words better then I did and tried to get closer to the stage). That experience was insane and fun. 
    We also decided to have one expensive honeymoon dinner. I researched online and ordered seats to the Tapas Molecular Bar in the Mandarin Oriental (150USD without drinks and service). Really unique dinner where they cook everything in front of you and use really weird and cool methods and products. Rest of the food we usually went to cheap local restaurants cause the food in Japan is really good and clean almost everywhere you go. 
    Now on to gay Tokyo. Gay Tokyo is concentrated in a small neighborhood called Shinjuku ni-chome. Un-coincidentally, our very nice and cool apartment (80 USD a night) was located 8 minutes walk from there. As I said, apartments are a cheaper and better option in Tokyo - and also no problem at all with joiners since it's just a private apartment. Every night we went out to dance and drink at that area. All the gay listings explain that there are places for Japanese only and places that are foreign friendly. We went to the same 3 main places: The Annex, Arty Farty and Dragon men as they seemed the most crowded and popular. Weekend was crazy and all places were full till 5 AM. Midweek was more quiet and at 2AM usually the place dies. Arty Farty starts early at about 10AM and u have to buy a drink at the entrance (My preferred drink, Campari and Grapefruit juice was 7 USD). The more younger crowd goes there - not me and my BF's preference but still good music, nice crowd. We picked up a young hot Italian kid there one nights. We preferred the other places since crowd was older and they were open late. Place closes at 1AM. Good thing about Arty Farty is that it's the same owner as Annex and if you have a stamp then you can enter Annex without buying a drink. Annex is, in our opinion, more fun. Crowd is more mature and mixed half Japanese and half international. Most of our hook-ups were from that place (or Grindr). Local Japanese guys were a little hard to figure out at the beginning. They can play really hard to get and they are very shy. In addition, for some of them, the fact that we are a couple and having sex with others was hard to understand. But, after figuring them out a bit, and being more straightforward with them, they were fun as well. Didn't encounter any weird kinky Japanese guys just normal fun. Though one was really submissive in a way we have never experienced before which was super fun. 
    Some of the Japanese are interested only in Japanese. I didn't encounter this phenomena anywhere else in Asia. It's the only time I saw racism working the opposite way since everywhere else I saw lots of Caucasians that state they are not into Asians but not the other way around. Even so, there are tons of Japanese that are interested in Caucasians and hookups are relatively easy to find comparing to any other city we have been to. 
    After 8 crazy days and nights we went for our final weekend to Taipei, Taiwan. This city was probably the biggest surprise of our trip. 
    But first, a warning, all 3 Island countries i'v been to: Japan, Taipei, Philippines demand that you show them a plane ticket out of their country. Actually they demand it at the checkin counter of the flight so what happened to me in Tokyo's airport (and later on in Siagon's) is that I had book on the spot on my mobile the next ticket. Try to avoid that situation since the stress and lack of time may cause you to book something too expensive or unconvenient. 
    We stayed 2 nights together at the Inhouse hotel in Taipei (140 USD a night). A very gay friendly and well located hotel. Room was big, clean and nice. We wanted to finish our honeymoon in a more luxury hotel and this one suited us. Taipei is much cheaper then Japan but not even close to Thailand's prices. Exactly in between. 
    But what was surprising for us, is that Taipei is SUPER GAY and super sexy. Taipei guys were much more muscular than any other Asian nationality i'v encountered, what made hooking up there much more fun and variety was amazing. Nothing prepared me to the Sauna experience there. Lots of bars near the red house that are all gay and nice. We also went one night dancing at G-Start which was really cool - nice shows and good music. Place has the same structure as NAB i'v mentioned in my Pattaya post.
    Don't miss in Taipei: 
    Night market - tons of people and better quality of products then other places in Asia. 
    Tower 101 - Tallest tower in the world until 2000 and something. There is a super cheap one Michelin start (!) restaurant in the tower. 20USD for both of us! 
    Electronics - Taipei is electronics heaven. If you wanna buy a smartphone, it's probably the cheapest in Taiwan. We compared prices to US and also to home and they are cheaper over there. 
    After 17 days together we split since my BF had to return home and could not continue with me to Vietnam. I stayed one last night in Taipei before my flight to Hanoi. 
    After we split I wanted to check 2 places I read online about: XXL gym and Aniki WOW. These are gay sauna's and after our experiences in Japan I knew the chances of us going together were relatively low so I went there alone. 
    XL Club (13 USD)- The place has the reputation of being a blend of a gym and a Sauna. I saw 1 guy using the gym and about 30 in the sauna lol. Place was fun and most of the crowd are Asian muscle Daddys (which I fancy). But if I would have known how the next Sauna will be I wouldn't spend there a minute and surly wouldn't cum there. It's a nice fun and sexy place but incomparable to what happened at the next one.  
    Aniki WOW (World Of Wonders) - And a World of Wonders it is. This place moved and was renovated and reopened 10 days before I got there. Price was high - One lifetime membership fee of 33 USD and a one time entrance fee of 10 USD. Even if the price doubles and i'm there again - I'll pay it. I got there straight from XL club probably at 8PM. I thought that i'll just stay for a couple of hours and then go and find a hotel for the night. Already at the locker room I noticed a few things: everybody is 20-40 years old, most of them are really fit or muscular, the place it self is clean. The facility is super cool - entrance floor has open showers and steam room and basement floor has cabins. maze and dark room. This sounds like a normal sauna - well it isn't! Everything is decorated high-tech and modern, super clean and very sexy lighting and music. But forget about the facility, cause that is not what is amazing about that place (well at least not the best thing about it).  The best thing about that place is the young hot Taipei guys that come there. I was there on a Saturday evening and it was crowded with probably 300 guys that were mostly young, muscular. At first I thought that the odds of me having sex with some of them are low since some of them are really super hot. But at that night I discovered what I rediscovered again in every country i'v been next in Asia - my stocks here are higher then home. Much higher. Apparently my cock which at home is considered average(+) here is huge. And for some reason my beard which at home is standard, here is super sexy. I can go on but U got the point. It's so funny how what is in one place is standard in another place is unique and desired.   
    Sexually speaking, this was the best night of my life. That place was like a candy store. I just took whoever I wanted and fucked him (safe. I maybe a whore but i'm not an idiot). I never felt more desired in my life which was really confusing and intoxicating (but got used to it really quick lol). I fucked probably 5 guys over there, got BJ's from I don't know how much men and came 3 times (this is after stupidly cumming in XL club). At a certain point, while fucking a guy, they put "Happy People" of my favorite DJ, Offer Nissim, and indeed happy people we were there. Good loud electronic background music all the time. That was the only night in my life that the reason I stopped is that I could not function anymore. If someone would have offered me Viagara I would surely try it just to keep on going and grab as much candy as I can. I left that place at 4 AM and it was still packed. I then realized that I didn't eat for about 12 hours and that I'm starving. LOL. 
    Shocked and Happy I took a taxi to my previous hotel just to take the luggage from storage and continue to the airport and to find out that I do not have a flight reservation to Hanoi. But I'll continue this (and other countries) in a couple of days. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to write about our and my trip, it sure is nice to recall all the nice adventures we had.   
  17. Like
    TMax reacted to GoldMember in Brief report - Pattaya & BKK   
    Now for My BKK report. 
    Arrived to BKK at noon (19.9). Booked a room at trinity glow hotel (45USD a night). I was not sure whether to book this one or a more northern one like Tartawana. In my previous and first stay last year I stayed at Le Meridien. A fabulous hotel with a nice location. After travelling 6 weeks I wanted something cheaper and also wanted a hotel that is closer to the nightclubs (DJ, GOD). This hotel's location is better for clubbing but is more distant from the bars. I liked it but it depends what you are looking for. Rooms were excellent and no problem with a joiner (or even 2 LOL). 
    After spending the noon and afternoon in the Mecca of shopping: MBK, I returned to my hotel and was about to go to Babylon. I checked again the gay listings (travelgayasia, utopiaasia) which served me really well in all the countries. I found out that I have a nice local sauna 2 minutes walking from my hotel: Sauna Mania (200 THB). This sauna was the only one that reminded of the best sauna I have ever been in my life just a month ago: Aniki in Teipei (which I will write about when I report Taipei). There are several good things about this sauna: I was the only foreigner, ages are mostly 20-30, half of the customers are toned or muscular, most of them are bottom (I have no clue how is that possible). I had a really good time there. Generally, the attention a white fit guy in his early 30's gets in Asia can be intoxicating. This makes coming home so much harder. 
    Later I went to TAWAN bar (350 THB + first drink). Exactly as i remembered it. The only guy I ever offed in my life was there too. Even more hot and muscular then he was a year ago. He sat next to me and started touching me, and I did the same. I told him I'm not offing him but he stayed. I ordered him a drink and we sat and touched together the entire show. Gave him 500 THB and a kiss at the end of the show. He said business now is really bad. 
    At night I went to DJ alone. Usually I find someone to go to on Grindr but this time I was less successful. Place was full and nice but after 2 hours I went back. I noticed that some of the people in the club are going to my hotels direction and then I realized that they are going to Sauna Mania. Entered there again at 3AM (140 THB). Place was even busier then the afternoon. about 200 people. Again, had a good time there. 
    Next morning I was on a shopping mission. I promised my BF to bring him lots of presents so I went to the weekend market. didn't fins anything interesting for him but I found for me some shirts and shoes That place is really tiring. At evening I met with a guy to have dinner in a nice Thai restaurant at central world: Nara. Food was really good, shared everything so together with drinks it was probably 1400 THB.  After that I went to DJ alone (he didn't wanna dance). There I met a couple one local and one foreign and we danced and drank together and the end of the night we went to my room. No problems at the front desk. I avoided threesomes this entire trip since I don't like them that much and at home that's usually what we do so I wanted only one on one this trip... So this was the only one in this trip and it was nice. BTW, GOD now closes at 2:30 AM for some military reason... That really sucks since after DJ closes you have only half an hour dancing before the night ends.
    Next morning I had a mission to stick to: buy lots of crap to my BF. The guy I had dinner with recommended me going to Platinum mall so I followed his advice. That was a very good advice... This mall is better then MBK or all the markets. I bought lots of cloths and underwear for my BF and also for myself. I now realized I have a luggage overweight problem. Later I went to Babylon. The only reason I did go there is because one cannot be in BKK and not go to Babylon, can one? Place was nice. Half foreigners half local. Met two local guys, first was a nice fit guy my age and second was a Asian muscle daddy (which I prefer). Both were nice and fun. I learned my lesson from previous places and experiences this trip: don't cum before night so all of my afternoon fun and action was usually without cuming: that's to save my libido for night time. 
    At the evening I met at a (mixed) bar an airport security guy that was going home on the same flight as I was. This was my first descent chat in my native language (after a month of travelling alone) so I was really excited. I don't know how I got so lucky but he offered to help me with my luggage since he has a big suitcase and was travelling light. The day after I came to his apartment with 9KG of shopping cloths. That saved me probably 100 USD of overweight. 
    At night I went with the Asian guy from the couple i'v been with a night before (which i fancied more then his BF). Since his BF left that day we had a great night and morning together. 
    Another thing I'v noticed in Thailand, Compared to other nationalities: Filipinos, Vietnamese, Cambodians; not even a single man I met wanted me to take the condom off. That was really nice and surprising. I wonder is this is representative or just coincidence. 
    Last day in bangkok I started getting really down since I realized I'm going home. Took things easy: no sex, no shopping just relaxing in the pool and gym. Also at night just went to see the show in Dreamboyz (400 THB). This was the best show I'v seen in BKK or Pattaya. Coming home was (and still is) hard. After so many days in Asia, the only thing I am doing now is convincing my BF that next summer we are going to Thailand. LOL. 
  18. Like
    TMax got a reaction from ChristianPFC in Ten Dream Places to Visit   
    My latest dream place  is in between two Thai hunks getting spit roasted, ahhh January why so far away.
  19. Like
    TMax reacted to Bob in 6 hands massage   
    A 6-hands message?  Unseriously, I'd guess it's three guys doing semaphore (or, perhaps, sign language).
    Being slightly more serious, a 6-hand massage is likely having 3 people give you a massage.  As to what (wat) all can happen, I'll leave that to your imagination.
    Of course, I'm more interested in what a 5-hand massage might be. 
  20. Like
    TMax reacted to GoldMember in Brief report - Pattaya & BKK   
    Just came back home after a 50 days trip around east Asia. It started as a Honeymoon with my BF and later on I continued alone. Our Honeymoon was in Japan and Taipei for about 17 days. After that I continued alone to (in this order): Hanoi, Sapa, Halong Bay, HoiAn & danang, Saigon, Manila, Boracay, Siam Reap, Phnom Penh, Pattaya (2 nights) and BKK (4 nights). 
    I have tons to say about each destination i'v been. But I'll keep this report brief and focused on Thailand. Since I have a direct flight home from BKK I decided to dedicate 6 days to BKK. When I landed at BKK I decided 6 days is too much for me in BKK and I took Vinapu's advice to go on and see Pattaya for the first time. 
    Pattaya 17.9 - I landed at BKK airport and decided to take a taxi straight to Pattaya. 1600 BHT. Probably a ripoff but I didn't have a better option. It was evening and on the way there I remembered that I once saw a show about ladyboyz and Pattaya and their show in Alacazar so I told the taxi driver to drop me off there. Got there at 9PM and last show started at 930 PM. They were kind enough to store my luggage. prices are 600 for regular seat and 800 THB for "VIP" seat. I took the VIP but if u go, take the regular, it's almost the same. The show is nice, I expected it to be a bit more professional but still it's a nice and fun show. 70 minutes. 
    After the show I took my suitcase and went to Sansuk hotel and sauna. This was from a recommendation I got from a guy I met at Boracay. Room is nice and value for money (700 THB) is very good in my opinion. After checking in, I immediately went out since I haven't decided yet if I want to stay one night or 2 and if it's my only night then I'd better make proper use of it. Went to Boyztown. Went to see a show in BoyzBoyzBoyz (I think). Nice show and some of them were hot. From there I took a taxi to NAB - a club that some people on Grindr told me it was nice. There is a certain kind of clubs in Asia that I didn't see anywhere else in the world. These clubs are theoretically dance clubs. But, They have high and small tables on the dance floor so it's not actually a dance club. It's a hybrid of a bar and a club. As a solo traveler, these clubs usually were more difficult to manage since the people there dance with their friends around the tables there. NAB is exactly that way. Appeared to be high class local and foreign people. Good music and vibe. 400 THB for entrance and first drink. Luckily for me I met there a local guy I was talking to on Grindr so he invited me to dance with his friends and I had a good time at the club and also with him back in the hotel. The hotel asked no questions regarding letting the guy in - just took his ID. 
    Second day I decided to stay in Pattaya for another night. I rented a motorcycle (200 THB) and started driving the city. The viewpoint is nice. Gay beach was almost empty (maybe 10 ppl) and there was a very persistent masseur that wanted to give me a massage but I didn't feel like it. At the after noon I went to the hotel Spa and Sauna. The facilities are very nice: steam room, pool, Sauna. And also for low season there was a nice amount of crowd. about 20 foreigners and 20 locals. Locals are mostly 20-30's and foreigners were mostly 45-65 (I was the youngest by far). Some action going on there and I think it's a nice place to relax and also have fun. Late afternoon I met with another guy from the club yesterday. This guy was hotter then the guy I talked to but I didn't want to be a jerk and go with the other one and I was also not sure if he was interested. The funny thing about the 2nd guy is that I met him at the lobby as I usually do, and we started talking and smoking (this is a precaution I take to try and estimate the danger before letting a person in my room). One of the first questions I ask is regarding occupation. He told me he works at a SPA. My red light turned on. I started investigating. He works at a man SPA indeed and our conversation and his perspective regarding it was really interesting. He was a bit offended when still verified with him that there is no money involved in our meeting but I had to verify that - He was really hot and the hotter the guy is the more suspicious I get. Great sex. He bottomed well
    At night I went to Sunee Plaza - Place was DEAD. Really. No people at all just staff. Went from there to meet another guy at NAB. Another nice evening at that place. Didn't find anything interesting to take so left probably at 4AM. Checked out at 13PM and took a taxi 1500 THB to my hotel in BKK - Glow trinity. 
    I'll continue my BKK report later. 
  21. Like
    TMax got a reaction from Alexx in Ten Dream Places to Visit   
    My latest dream place  is in between two Thai hunks getting spit roasted, ahhh January why so far away.
  22. Like
    TMax got a reaction from kokopelli in Ten Dream Places to Visit   
    My latest dream place  is in between two Thai hunks getting spit roasted, ahhh January why so far away.
  23. Like
    TMax got a reaction from vinapu in Ten Dream Places to Visit   
    My list was fairly simple really.
    1. France / Belgium WW1 battle fields (I'm a big history nut) - not done yet
    2. Thailand, Thai Burma Railroad - done but would like to see more now that Burma has opened up
    3. Machu Picchu, there is something about that place that just draws mt attention - not done
    4. Victoria Falls, would just be an awesome sight - not done
    5. Angkor Wat - not done but will be soon
    6. Borobudur Indonesia (and also Lake Toba) - done
    7. Antarctica - not done
    8. Coregidor Philippines - the history nut comes out in me and have done this one
  24. Like
    TMax reacted to Alexx in Ten Dream Places to Visit   
    I haven't made such as list yet, but it does sound like an intriguing idea.
    So far, I've been quite the creature of comfort when it comes to traveling: After falling in love with a place, I've often re-visited it several times before turning my attention to new places. That has its advantages (getting to know a place and sometimes also its people better) and its drawbacks (not getting to see nearly as many places as I could).
  25. Like
    TMax reacted to vinapu in Ten Dream Places to Visit   
    Influenced by firecat's comments in "Thai in Egypt" thread and e-mails exchange with another member I have question:
    Have you ever compiled such a list and if yes, what those places were ?. Did you manage to complete it or you are still working on this list ?
    I made such a list back when I was still school boy and Johnson was USA's and De Gaulle French president, I still keep copy of it in my papers. I'm counting my blessings because I was able to achieve that childhood dream which at that time for many reasons was just a dream without even distant hope of realizing.  
    My dream places were:
    1.Lhasa, Tibet
    2.Easter Island,  Chile
    3.Jerusalem , Israel
    4.Pyramids, Egypt
    5.Machu Picchu, Peru
    6.Angkor Wat , Cambodia
    7.Tikal, Guatemala
    8.Abu Simbel , Egypt
    9.Persepolis, Iran
    10.Bagan,  Burma / now Myanmar/
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