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Everything posted by Moses

  1. Have you brought propaganda here again? Karelina created a network to raise funds, equipment and supplies for the troops of Ukraine, a state recognized as an “enemy” of the Russian Federation. Obviously, Russia could not forgive her for this. In the USA during World War II they were sent to concentration camps for less - the Japanese were sent simply for being Japanese. Karelina, being a citizen of Russia, committed actions against the interests of Russia, and she paid for it. And the fact that she is still a US citizen does not play any role. Other US citizens come and go without problems, unless they are engaged in espionage in military factories, as Gershkovich did. You really don’t think that only 2 US citizens visited the Russian Federation in 2 years? Those who do not engage in hostile activities easy visit Russia: in 2023, almost a million Chinese and 560 thousand Europeans visited the Russian Federation. The incoming flow of tourists from Europe increased by 30% compared to 2022; in total, incoming tourism increased by 20%. And no one was detained. Surprise, right? Conclusion: there is no need to engage in hostile activities, and nothing will threaten freedom. Tucker visited Russia with positive impressions, easy returned and now tells everyone about the beauty of the Moscow metro and the squalor of the New York metro.
  2. The same way how works every bar owner - they establish company. Idea of film is stupid. Growing presence of Russians isn't linked to war, it is linked to end of COVID and restoration of numbers of flights to TH from RU. Number of Russians who is living in TH is still significantly lower, than number of Russians in pre-COVID "era". There is no war on Russian territory. And most funny part when in film they are talking about falling of Russian economy, which grew in 2023 3.6% - #1 in Europe and #5 in World by growing.
  3. “On the topic of homophobia in Russia,” a believer out of nowhere insists that he knows better than the locals what is happening in my country. The situation itself is absurd. You can also write to the Eskimos that you know better how to build an igloo, to the Arabs that you know better how to breed camels. Well, or tell the Thais something about how to grow rice properly. And, since your favorite habit is getting personal (see above), I’ll allow myself once to explain the situation to you in your language. Your naive self-confidence that you know better what is happening in my country is second only to your proud stupidity in which you accept at face value what your media tells you.
  4. So you admit that you're afraid to substitute "Russian" to "Brits" in your questions. Epic FAIL
  5. Insert in these sentence "British" instead of "Russian and then answer... and if you will answer "yes" then you'll be grilled by me after it. I will ask about Lèse-majesté laws or similar, what exists more than in half of EU countries. "Free speech" you said? Protection of persons only because they have specific family name? "Freedom" you said? How far ago you counted monarchies in EU?
  6. I'm living here, dear. Not "believing", but living. Visiting gay clubs from time to time, saunas. 20 years have husband, his family knows, my relatives know, his friends know, my friends know. It is you "believing" to things which you never saw by own eyes. I see life around me every day. And when you bring on forum bullshit, I clearly stating every time: it is bullshit. Because you not only believe to filtered news and propaganda, but you spreading em to other easy trusting persons. So, it is you, who "believe". I know. That's the difference.
  7. Do you have to demonstrate the typical behavior of a poorly educated, uncultured person? When such an opponent does not have enough arguments for discussion, he switches to the personality of the interlocutor.
  8. Well, what is this thread about then? "Nobody from Nowhere" is trying to tell me what Western propaganda "really" thinks is happening around me?
  9. By the way: Biden, while still a presidential candidate in September 2020, promised that he would resolve this issue in Poland. And, as always, he did nothing.
  10. Easy: why you never wrote about Poland with their "LGBT-free zones"? Member of EU and NATO. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT-free_zone Official signs are placed over Poland. It is state policy. Even Russia doesn't allow that.
  11. Could you please quote me where I "minimize" homophobia? Maybe by word "strong"?
  12. So, it was Putin, who attacked Ershova? Or what? Russia is known by strong homophobia. If you wear rainbow flag, you will find troubles very soon, esp. to the east from Moscow. Meanwhile gay clubs and saunas are working in Moscow as usual. Central station https://www.mcentralstation.com/new (ru) 3 monkeys https://www.monkeysclub.info/afisha (ru) Voda (sauna) https://www.spavoda.com/afisha (ru) ... and so on. More on Goggle map: US$ 10.7
  13. Google it. It is known. And they publishing all researches in 3 languages: RU, UA and EN
  14. It has been predicted by Russian govt from the start. But Western propaganda told you "fallen state" and you repeating it non-sttop here whole 2023. In fact Russian economy grew 3.6% in 2023. While most Western economies not got even 1%. I told from 2021 - West will shoot own legs by sanctions. Now I may say: I was right. By the way: Ukrainian Kiev International Institute of Sociology ( located in Kiev, working since 1991), just published new research: 72% of Ukrainians wants Ukrainian govt to start peace talk with Russia. 2 months ago number was 59%, half of year ago less than 40%.
  15. Only in your dreams, dear. I'm traveling almost nonstop. Zero haters. Russians are welcome, because they have money. Ukrainian beggars - that's disturbing thing, as well as their criminal behavior: steal anything that is not securely fastened. Not for me, for locals.
  16. Polish farmers are blocking border crossings on the border between Poland and Ukraine. The inscription on the poster: “Putin, restore order in Ukraine and in Brussels, and in our government.”
  17. Just open WIKI... P.S. correction: 2019. released in 2020 https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/chelsea-manning-ordered-released-from-jail/2020/03/12/0ee56efc-6478-11ea-845d-e35b0234b136_story.html
  18. And arrested in 2018 again...
  19. Quote from Solzhenitsyn interview to Tretiakov, 2006
  20. Biden... Trump... Trump... Biden... Country of gerontocracy and Congress dynasties. The country is more polarized than ever. Why not unite it under the slogan "Make America Young Again"?
  21. Crying so much about Navalny. Aren't you tired of fake crying and pretending? Known facts about Navalny: - participant in the right-wing "Russian Marches" - supported the annexation of Crimea to Russia (“Crimea is not a sandwich, so you can take it and then give it back”) Assange has been in a British prison for 5 years. Has anyone here come to his defense? Snowden has been hiding in Russia for over 11 years, has anyone come to his defense? Manning received 35 years in prison. Has anyone come to her defense? No?
  22. Why so many hysterics from country of Congress of dynasties?
  23. Dreams, dreams... EU already makes plan what to do when (pay attention: now "if", but "when") Trump will get power again, it is mostly about NATO. Biden is clearly looser in this game, despite Putin just told, that Russia prefers Biden to Trump.
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