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Moses last won the day on July 21

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About Moses

  • Birthday July 15

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  1. Not China. Chinese. They buying real estate everywhere. It is another side of the medal: 1.5 biln of people became more reach and now have money to buy.
  2. There's no water to pump. The nearest water in sufficient quantities is in the Mekong 100 km away. But if it is pumped from the Mekong, then the electricity costs for pumping will exceed the electricity received from night releases of water.
  3. They called hydroaccumulating power plants and for them you need that reservoir to be very high located - at night pumps move water up and and day water flow down and powering turbines, but a) they are not possible in flat Cambodia, b) they are below 30MW of power
  4. How normal independent voters (gays) see situation. Typical discussion on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/comments/1ebsnd2/why_kamala_as_someone_who_is_not_a_natural_blue/
  5. do you know any hydropower plant without dam? (I'm not talking now about micro hydropower plant below 30Mw)
  6. Speculation, as usual. You can check all my answers here on the forum from the past almost 15 years. I never start talking about Russia or Putin on the forum. These words appear here when another user does not find facts to contrast with my opinion, and proceeds to discuss my personality. Exactly the same as in the post above - I also did not bring these words to this topic.
  7. Because of fish migration, most dangerous for ecology are downstream dams: than more close to delta, then is more dangerous. And there Vietnam has 18 dams. And when you talking about "yet another" Chinese dams, you should not forget about 56 existing dams in Mekong basin on the territory of Laos.
  8. Right now good tactic for reps is just sit and wait: Harris will fail herself... As soon as the invigorating effect of the novelty of Biden’s resignation, which everyone was waiting for and finally received, wears off, everyone will expect active and smart actions from Harris. Everyone knows how good she is at them (no)... so all that’s left is to just sit and wait for failure... First of all, as early as this week, she will fall into a trap between pro-Palestinian youth and pro-Israeli older generations. Then, one after another, other points of international politics will come to which she will need to respond, and her knowledge and skills in international politics are close to zero. And so it will go - without the effect of novelty, but with mistake after mistake, she will bury herself. And Blinken will not help - he has already announced that even if Harris wins, he will still resign.
  9. Sure. Sihanoukville still has a lot of signs of formerly French "influence". Now it is time for China. That why I wrote:
  10. As a general rule: if you have both flight in one ticket, and/or your luggage is registered from the start till the end of your final flight, then it is possible. But if your luggage is registered only till airport of transit, then usually they will ask to cross border, pickup luggage and then again to register to flight in main hall. In many airports also exists rule, if your transit time is longer than 8 hours and you don't need local visa for to leave transit zone, then they will push you to leave transit zone and register as regular passenger, esp. if 8 hours are night hours.
  11. Well, if anyone will look at the list of military conflicts in Xxi century, this person will easy find, that China started or participated in zero military conflicts in XXI century (if not count permanent conflict with India, which UK cooked few decades ago at time of leaving India, in a pair with permanent conflict India-Pakistan), while "most democratic country in world" - US - spend no one day in current century without participating in military conflict or war... so looks like Cambodia should afraid not China...
  12. Well, it depends... Currently Cambodia imports electricity, oil, coal and gas from Vietnam and Thailand. If dam will be constructed, TH and VN will lose money. And if speak from ecological point of view, Cambodia will burn less coal, oil and gas and produce less CO2 emission. If speak from geopolitical point of view - China is world economical leader (at least - #2) and neighborhood of small and weak Cambodia, do we have reason to wonder about Chinese influence?
  13. Personally, I see the following: Western countries are trying to prevent the growth of Chinese influence in Cambodia and prevent a large project to build a power plant on the Mekong - a river in the basin of which there are already 26 power plants in China, 56 (!!!) power plants in Laos, 1 power plant in Myanmar, 5 power plants in Thailand, 18 power plants in Vietnam, and only one (1) power plant in Cambodia. Currently, more than 50% of Cambodia's electricity is generated by burning coal or oil. And these “activists” are protesting against the construction of a hydroelectric power station on the river, where there are already 97 other power stations. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydropower_in_the_Mekong_River_Basin They are protesting in one of the poorest countries, which is forced to constantly import electricity, which critically slows down the country's development. They are protesting against a hydroelectric dam in the country that, due to electricity shortages, has increased the burning of coal and oil to generate it by 40% over the past 10 years. Why am I not surprised that Mother Nature Cambodia is a foreign NGO, supported by foreign funds, and the leader of this organization is a 35-year-old foreigner (Spanish) who fled Cambodia before trial? And one more thing: I wonder why CNN didn’t mention that among the accusations was insulting the king? Therefore, my opinion is that these children are victims of global geopolitics, in which it is beneficial for politicians to keep Cambodia weak and dependent on Western loans and grants and away from Chinese influence.
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