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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. Merry Christmas to you too, thank you for trying to be helpful. I'm not into saying that daytime activities are not available, just what's available is not of much interest for me. I liked Sanctuary of Truth and was impressed with Nong Nooch Tropical gardens but other stuff is just tourist trap. I love big cities and don't like tourist resorts , Bangkok is just to close to Pattaya and steal my heart long time ago. But I will continue visiting because somehow I like Boyztown better than soi Twilight chiefly because of BBB.
  2. Of course he is from Laos, Tawan boys : Tiger, Boy and soon to be introduced Tip# 51 are from Laos as well. It looks that I have some weak spot for Lao men and I'm glad I do. Bank , my quasi boyfriend from May trip and One, six times offed in December 2014 were Lao too
  3. scantilly dressed maid of male variety would do even better job vacuuming and so on
  4. Day 8 Morning breakfast together and we parted out ways. My problem with Pattaya is that I don’t have anything to do during day there. Hate beach and shopping even more, really what I should be doing it’s just securing boy for a day and spent a time together in the darkened room. Anyways I went for a stroll to Sunee Plaza , obviously deserted that early but apart from Good Boys I did not miss anything there anyways. Not trying to discourage anybody but Sunee is twinks kingdom - not my area of expertise. Then short detour to Tukcom area. Smiled at boys and girls in various massage places but after two rounds marched straight to a Blue House to try famous soap massage. Few boys on duty, all smiling but on smiling a bit more so took him upstairs. Place is clean and well appointed and soap massage has own room for it with massive mattress. Basically you are foamed as prelude to body to body massage, very sexy but I ruined it for myself by making my advances too soon which boy rightly took as signal not to bother and move to phase two. So great time we had but I need to return just for soap part. But I left smiling and left boy smiling , that’s all what counts. Then I decided to check rumors of Magnolia’s demise, jumped on songtaew and went there. Sadly true, Magnolia is gone , gay flag on the fence replaced with sign ’’ room for rent”. It was classiest massage place in PTY and massages there were always 5 stars although personally I had some reservation about boys moving to stage two too fast but I miss the place. Probably location was too removed from the mainstream gay areas and did not have enough custom. RIP Magnolia. Motorsai to the hotel, dinner there , some internet and decided to get acquainted with handsome masseur I spied during dinner at Ambiance’s Body club right across the soi. The same like Copa – 400 for the house , 500 for the boy collected up front and ‘ it will be more if we have more” and we had, good English and conversation as a bonus, boy expressed an interest in long time which I ‘d consider but told him that likely I’m already set for a night having #99 in mind. We finished in time for BBB singing and clapping , still did not see Bank there, in meantime I was subject of adoration by my yesterday’s Copa masseur although I told him early that I had 2 massages already today and that’s enough. Wanted drink , told him that he needs money more and slipped him 100 baht , in meantime his persistence paid off as he stopped passerby and extracted massage contract from him to my relief so I could watch boys singing and flexing undisturbed. Then bar hopping, first Funny boys. Using Christian advice I switched to hot tea which my body absorbs very well opposite to third or fourth beer. About 10 boys and as many clients, few boys acceptable but since I was fixated I did not even try to have anybody sitting with me . Finished tea and bag of nuts provided and in time for XBOYS show I moved there. May be dozen patrons, show standard to a degree , boy with silicone monster still participating in big cock show, music 500 decibels too loud , BBoys with their gyrations entertaining as always and after a while boy with sign ‘ NO PHOTO” marched across the scene- sign of things to come, namely full on f***k show with bottom being pretty manly specimen. As usual still coupled boys circulated an audience and collection quite a bit , in fact all patrons contributed , may be I missed one but no more. If not a loud music , quite a bar ! Then trip back to soi 3 for ToyBoys. 20-30 boys on stage and sitting around it with pretty frequent rotation , one I offed last Dec with perfect, photoshoped-like skin recognized me and suggested we go together but me still fixated on #99 declined politely using 100 baht note. Certainly a lot of hiring material in that bar. Then to BoyzBoyzBoyz, bar crowded behind capacity with patrons and so was stage with boys. Had a drink , exchanged few jokes and smiles with boys from yesterday and again slipped 100 baht in # 41 briefs not knowing where it will lead. Time to fix my fixation with #99 as it was getting late, marched to ABOMB but disappointment there, mamasan told me right away that he did not come to work today. I realized my mistake of not securing his presence in the morning. Saturated with drinks in so many bars I bought drink for mamasan so bar has something from me, ogled boys on the stage, slipped 100 to most attractive but decided my masseur from Ambiance today was even more attractive. I went there just to discover that only one masseur left on duty but it was not him. Things start looking desperate, for a second I’m thinking about going across the soi and taking Mr. Perfect Skin from Toy Boys but passing Guardian Angel reminds me that I already put twice my had in undies of #41 at BBB and he not only has beautiful body but somber face of aspiring axe murderer I so adore so back to BoyzBoyzBoyz hoping it will work. Boy still on stage, mamasan standing right beside me , bring him over and litany starts , how are you? where you are from? do you want a drink? you want go with me? Yes, I want long time till breakfast ? Yes / yes. Yes , yes ! / , how much you want? 5000, noooou, 3000 ? 3500? I pay 3000, OK, finish drink , change shirt and we are on the soi. Are you hungry, just a bit , I buy something at Family Mart, lets go I will buy you something. It was some cheap sandwich , strange contrast with 5000 demand just few minutes ago. From there things are going uphill. Second night in row I’m in paradise , is Pattaya becoming new Bangkok for me? Lottery won already and 500 baht bonus visibly needs to be paid before we even open can of beer. I always praise BBB bar as best in Thailand and now have feeling that bar’s Guardian Angel sent his best as a ‘thank you ‘ token . Great end of day 8, Win Win situation / boy’s name is Win /
  5. while you are correct, in particular case above #41 I mentioned is the same boy 1moRussian has in mind.
  6. and we hope too, Thank you for your effort, I know how much time it takes to put some report together but reward is that all those cherished moments are coming back to us. Return to Thailand soon ! Don't fall in love in Thailand before you become seasoned renter of it - you too young for a broken heart!
  7. not a single mall stepped in during my last trip, I prefer street markets and even found new love for a Chatuchak. But to be honest to myself it was not that hot- my main reason to visit mall in Bkk is to get some A/C As for eye candy - it's everywhere, for me main eye feasting places are BTS and MRT
  8. Hopefully somebody goes there tomorrow and will report first hand, I feel sorry for myself it will not be me though
  9. Day 7 In the morning he was sleepy and I was hungry so I left him in bed and went to Foodland Patpong for a breakfast with Xiluzer, our last meeting since I’m going to Pattaya today and he is going home tomorrow. He was my inspiration for this trip , when we were parting our ways in May he said he feels we will meet again this year and it happened. Great friend and company because we share the same taste although surprisingly perhaps very rarely we off the same boys. There’s always something which makes him to pick A and me to choose B. thank you xiluzer and again hope our paths will cross soon somewhere between Hero, Jupiter and Tawan. Upon return to the room I just couldn’t just let Boy to sleep so started some ministrations and it was plainly visible he liked it. Not far from noon he left, I packed and went to Ekkamai by BTS. It was smooth sailing , when approaching bus station I noticed that Pattaya van is ready to leave waiting for lights change but they had one seat free , door opened, I jumped and we were on the way. 130 baht but I was dropped on the Bitch Road / I know the spelling, relax/ at mouths of Pattayaland, just steps from Le Café Royale. Dropped suitcase and went back to Beach Road where German restaurant serves great Wiener Schnitzel with all trimmings so I had my fill. Returning to the hotel I was stopped almost by force by a short and stocky , muscular Copa masseur who suggested his services right away and I agreed although it’s against the book to have massages after sumptuous meal. 400 for the house and 500 for the boy payable up front which is Boyztown standard but suggestion came that if we have more tip should be more. I nod knowingly and so they winked. Boy was very enthusiastic and massage was very strong which is my preference, I’m not a cat to be caressed after all so an additional 500 was earned and I left mutilated yet happy. Short tour of Boyztown to see what changed since May / nothing other than new faces in massages / and half past 8 I had a sit at Copa bar , ordered beer for myself and coke for my new friend the masseur and we were waiting for BBB boys to start their spectacle. I was also eyeing if Bank, my quasi boyfriend from May trip will show up but did not spot him. At 9 flag waving , clapping and singing started , many familiar faces at BBB but quite a few new ones as well. After it ended I decided to check ABomb and what a great idea it was. Several boys on stage , they have wasteful rotation system where only 8 boys are on the podium at any time and every so often one steps down and another one climbs up. Bar is known for manly types in the buff but not really bodybuilders but immediately I noticed shining star. #99 , pretty diminutive boy with bodybuilders posture, take Schwartzeneger, divide him by half everywhere and you get an idea. It’s not me who is wasting time on such a sight so boy was waved over , treated with drink, Cambodian, 23, good English, kissing yes , long time yes , today yes, sealed, off fee paid and told him I will pick him up after BBB show. BBB was packed with both boys and customers, Bank was not here, I asked , they said he did not show up today but still shows up from time to time, either he has sponsor or is freelancer or both. Somehow they found me a spot in the second row in front of stage and I caused a bit of sensation as I had piece of paper with numbers, clever boy noticed it and said that I’m prepared with boys metrics. In fact I was. Ever since I knew I will be coming whenever somebody mentioned number of boy he likes or doesn’t I wrote it down with short symbol who is recommending and why. Just wanted to see what other people like . Quite a few numbers were present but they did not shine that much for me. Nevertheless boys and me with my list had lots of fun as they were trying to spy what I have there and I pretended to keep it top secret, several twenties were distributed and even 10 baht coin landed in some underwear. For me BOYZBOYZ BOYZ has the best show and line up in Thailand , no change here. I guess I could be week in PTY and not to go anywhere else and still will be happy. Show at times was wall to wall cocks. BBoys were fantastic with their break dance show. And after show stage filled above that capacity with dozens of handsome boys with all types available. But my heart was already somewhere else as we know and no change of mind. I liked #41 standing in the back , one of those manly faced musculars so he got my departing 100 into his briefs. Who knows what future brings. Went to Abomb, picked my boy, he wanted something to eat from 7/11 and scored even more points because asked to buy him tooth brush but I did not because I always have 1-2 spares for a visiting dignitaries so assured him I had one for him 5 star stretch continued to this night and even better , in the morning I discovered that he likes morning gymnastics even more, just like me. There was no doubt in my mind who will be my next night companion but old fool I made mistake of keeping it to myself. And day 7 was over.
  10. Day 6 Ever since I arrived, in between all this whoring quietly but regularly e-mails were circulating between ChristianPFC and me since I always report my arrival and ask him for a bit of his time for either bar hopping , dinner or both. This time he suggested some tourist program and we settled on Tuesday trip to the woods and canals on outskirts of Bangkok. He found some community based program visiting farms , orchid plantations and canals on Thonburi side of universe. I found that Xiluzer is interested to join, then z909 arrived and I suggested he will go with us as well, Christian invited Bruceny, shortly speaking on Tuesday morning whole pack of 5 forum members plus extremely handsome local companion of one of us congregated on the platform 7 waiting for train 261 to depart with ridiculously cheap 9 and 14 baht tickets to Wat Suwan on Bkk – Hua Hin line. After 1 hr we found ourselves in rural Thailand. Short walk to the canal where 2 boats each holding 3 people were hired for 190 baht each and off we went for tour of canals , ponds , fields and orchid farms . Perfect weather and company –we had fun and a nice break from big city not that far away. We had lunch in a local restaurant, tried and purchased locally produced snacks, rented tractor for 80 baht to give us tour around the farm and even purchased locally produced ginger wine of dubious taste but great novelty value. some pictures below including handsome guy in now ubiquitous yellow / blue shirt Not being big fan of nature- I prefer cities and ruins over fields and forests nevertheless I enjoyed it immensely. Nice break from big city life. When trip was over Z909, Christian and me decided on Christian suggestion to take a local bus to a park commemorating 2500 years of Buddhism in Thailand . Vast expanse of greenery with several temples and pavilions, quiet and to a degree serene and owing to a distance from central Bangkok very unutilized. Late afternoon we took taxi back to a civilization and 260 baht later we were back at Silom where all those fumes immediately eliminated headache caused by all this fresh air I was breathing whole day. Today again Senso on the schedule so after refreshing myself in the hotel I was heading there hoping M I promised on Sunday to return for will be there. And he was . I decided to splurge and took VIP room for 1500 for 1.5 hr course. After providing him with some hints he actually recalled our last meeting year ago and off we went for massage and rest of liturgy. His massage skills are one of best I had pleasure to utilize but today we both were in more amorous than business mode so massage was less stressed and afters more. Clearly this trip, Senso does it for me, expensive but I like it and this is all what counts. In M ‘s arms I forgot that at 9 we have dinner with Christian at Madrid restaurant in Patpong and actually part of way I was running to amusement of passerby’s and still was late 10 minutes, my apologies Christian again. As usual tasty food and conversation but no bar hopping together tonight because yesterday I booked Boy for 10 p.m. return to my room and was quite curious to see if he shows up and when. Farang was late for the dinner with his friend but to my amazement at 9.59 I heard noise on stairs and second later knock into door. So much for those who doubt Thai boys can’t be on time. Another 5 star experience , we did not even waste energy and time on drinking and talking , just hit the sheets right away after shower and brushing teeth about which I was sternly reminded ‘we don’t kiss now, clean teeth first”. Certainly Boy knows what he wants and this time he repeated his yesterday’s mantra “ I want sleep wit you” again to my great joy. At midnight I left him alone, dressed in now famous yellow/ blue polo shirt and went to soi twilight around the corner to meet another forum member paulsf. He was sitting at Hot Male downstairs as planned , I was dressed in shirt as described so recognizing each other was easy and immediate. We agreed on meeting when I return from Pattaya ,exchanged latest news and I returned to my Boy who was soundly asleep but when I joined him under the sheets I still received strong and long welcome back hug. And this was how day 6 ended.
  11. Particularly you 'd be happy to change gears with his gear stick I presume. Count me in !
  12. there's this old saying ' you can take girl from bar but you can't take bar from girl' , certainly it works the same way for guys , both workers and clients
  13. surprisingly or may be even shocking for some including myself Hero and Prince are close to be there, in both cases last two massage experiences were underwhelmed for me, not that something was wrong but nothing sparking warranting detour from Silom where I spend most time. We will see what happens next time I'll be there
  14. I don't mind, I suspect my reports may be too long for some so kind of break from my ramblings may be refreshing.
  15. I do, but it just happens, I don't chase Lao men particularly. Somehow at end of day when I ask where they are coming from often it turns they are Lao, lucky me
  16. I was kidding, I like to hear about my companions in other's hands as well. Your wish about your ....hmmm friend will be granted mid-week in due course since I'm planning to post 1 day of trip per day. You will not get a Tiger photo, not THAT Tiger. By the way it was side discussion about negative experiences we have from time to time. Two of our contributors warned me in the past about Tiger's attitude. I registered but glad I did my own research. At end of my trip I must say that while all of my night stands were fabulous , Tiger , even if present for 2 hrs only seems to be winner , in both activities and an attitude. This proves what I always try to convey - pay attention to what others say, register , but check for yourself and don't get discouraged at first try, give them a second chance if you like them - this was my case with Boy#15, pissed off first time , in heaven next three ! Shirt's photo posted, I paid for my polo just 100 , long live Bangkok !
  17. me and self pic - dream on ! LOL My tipping habbits in bars: boy sitting with me if invited 100, sometimes 200 big cock participants - one chosen 100 fuck show participants - 100. departure tip to best looking boy in line who was not tipped for other reason above - 100 , sometimes I reward more than one, once got carried over at ABomb and rewarded 7 ! If nobody took my fancy then I don't tip - my recent Dreamboys experience.
  18. my father used to say on the subject : 'work like any other but at least there's no dust"
  19. welcome to the forum find a man, fall in love, make sure he does as well after that it will be smooth sailing to iron what's needs to be ironed
  20. it's why I sleep so little when on vacation, this way it seems I'm extending them
  21. Day 5 Tao left, I returned to Raya for a breakfast, packed my meagre belongings and went to BBB Inn around the corner. For umpteen time in row I was again assigned room 302 so it felt as homecoming. But there are changes at BBB and not sure they are for good. No more massage boys available so place seemed very , very quiet. In fact in my 2 days there I did not see nor hear any other guest. I hope they are doing well on their short time business to make up as it’s pure waste to have hotel in such location not being filled in. May be fact they advertise themselves as ‘BBB gay Inn” on Agoda scares some people away? On positive side, no more sleeping under the massage towel , this time proper sheet and blanket provided. And air conditioner as always working perfect. Did not waste time unpacking, marched to San Yan MRT, 1 station hop to Hualampong, 20 baht ridiculously cheap ticket for express train to Ayuthaya and at 8.40 / 20 minutes delay / we rolled over from station. It took us 1 hr to leave Bangkok but only 20 minutes from DonMuang to Ayutthaya and at 10 I was there first time since 2002. Several tuk-tuks waiting at the station, guy wanted 800 baht for a tour, I agreed right away probably overpaid 200-400 but did not feel like haggling so I paid and off we went. We visited several temples scattered all over the place , weather was nice so to some of them I actually walked instead of being driven to in order to save earth from pollution and get some exercise. I can explore ruins to no end so it was pure pleasure for me, not that strenuous as complexes are not as big as Angkor Wat and pretty close to each other. Around 3 p.m. I was done and back at the station but it turned out that next train is in 100 minutes so driver took me to minibus station at the center where I was placed in the bus departing in 2 minutes. It cost 50 baht to BKK, 1 hour later we were already at Victory Monument , BTS to Silom and by time train was departing from Ayuthaya I was back at BBB Inn. Went for late lunch to Madrid Tavern at Patpong 1, restaurant revealed to me by Christian PFC some time ago and only place in the whole world where I eat pizza because I like it , not just to avoid starvation. Not particularly cheap at 245 but worth every satang as far as I can see. That’s the same place Christian just praised in his blog recently. Evening stroll along Sukhumvit, definitely I like Silom area better, popped my head at Banana to learn that definitely they will be moving on Saturday and for evening joys I returned to Silom and went to Classic boys where show just started. Nothing spectacular but enjoyable, quite a few people in the audience including one drunk Indian looking guy being entertained by one of their boys. Guy left alone but left 500 if not twice 500 baht tip to a boy for his troubles. Two ladies in the audience and this time their presence was annoying due to a constant and pretty loud chatter. I was not far from asking “would you bitches shut up please” but somehow held on avoiding an international scandal. I’m not against girls in boy bars as long as they behave the same way other patrons do, in fact I kind of like them as it adds a bit of spice to an experience but those two and their yaking was pretty annoying. Classic is not a place I normally go to feast on boys, usually young twinks there , not at all my area of expertise but surprisingly I found myself dispensing not one , but two 100 baht departing tips . One to pretty rough looking guy I remember from previous visit when I tipped him as well and he thank me with ‘welcome to Thailand’ , another one went to more massive veteran there who used to be top when they had fuck show. Briefly I was thinking about offing him owing to amount of muscle on his bones but Guardian Angel somehow intervened and ordered me to return to Tawan not visited yesterday. Thank you Angel, I was hoping to see Tiger to find out why he did not show up day before but first thing I saw upon entry was # 15 Boy sitting with customer. He recognized me immediately and told me he just arrived from Laos today. And we need a bit of background here. He is one of their smallest (in Tawan sense ) boys. For me he is my first ever off from Tawan , one from last night of my Dec 2014 trip. He was greedy demanding 2500 for a short time and committed grave sin leaving early under false pretext of parking motorbike in wrong spot, still I liked him and when in May I tried to off him as much as he tried to be offed by me but somehow puzzles did not fit. One night I was with the boy already so even if he recognized me and suggested threesome I declined, next time he was not in the bar, night after I came looking for him and likely they let him know but nobody told me so after hour or two I grabbed #14 instead to no harm to me only to discover that Boy just showed in the bar- literally minute too late. I asked mamasan about Tiger – he went to Laos yesterday. Why he did not tell me he is going remains mystery but he is forgiven. I have reason outlined below to believe that Boy thought I tried to teach him a lesson, not a case but it worked for me. Shortly after I had my drink he came over and said with charm of seasoned diplomat “ I want sleep wit you today”, good start. But you are already with client, no problem I tell him I must go with you, you want me to change to a shirt? Thing were moving fast but not so fast Boy – I off only long time , till breakfast, not like last time. I know , I know – hey I think he thought I was holding grudge. At the same time I felt vindicated because in May another boy from there, Tip #51 did to me exactly opposite thing – deal was sealed but he told me he needs to go with another guy. I felt a bit sorry for a guy dumped by Boy tonight but I don’t know if any deal was sealed or Boy simply planted beside him. Anyways I was not bitter in May, hope guy was not bitter tonight, boy’s freedom of going with customer of his choice is not a bad thing to have. We did not waste time for drinks, he was hungry and wanted to be treated to a steak, fine , we went to place on the corner , I invested in his dinner and even a drink and was happy to. For reason unknown he seemed as happy as me marching together to BBB Inn and in the room happiness presented itself nicely right away. Last year’s infractions redeemed well before dawn to a degree that in the morning when he offered his bed warming services for another night I just gave him 500 baht for off fee asking him to go to the bar and pay and be here again at 10 pm. hoping for that to happen. It’s a bit strange perhaps but what I like about him is actually personality. Sure he is not short in handsomeness and endowment but he is one of those we sometimes feel simply happy to be with. And I’m not alone in this forum with such an assessment of boy Boy#15. One of our readers compares him to cat always going his own ways. So day 5 finished and all my nights so far are still 5 stars.
  22. you are probably right about me being easy to please - I don't pay 1000$ for a ticket to be grumpy, that's my attitude. I do recall positive posts about Jupiter boys including by the poster who responded to this thread
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