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    SoCal reacted to tassojunior in TO THE FRIENDS AT DADDY'S   
    When you're on the highway and the other choices are McDonald's, Waffle House or truck stops, Cracker Barrel seems Michelin 3-star. 
    Rated best chain:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/style/2017/12/12/which-is-better-applebees-or-cracker-barrel-our-critic-ranks-americas-most-popular-chains/
  2. Like
    SoCal reacted to tassojunior in TO THE FRIENDS AT DADDY'S   
    Cracker Barrel became very pro-gay several years ago, including equal health and life insurance benefits for  same-sex partners. And Chick Filet stopped donating to the anti-gay-marriage Salvation Army and Fellowship of Christian Athletes last year. Personally I admire that Chick Filet loses enormous profit by closing on sundays because of their beliefs. That sunday closing is also a reason many people with families or spouses love working there. And my father made me promise to always help the Salvation Army because it was the only group to help him as a soldier plus I've seen the great work they do for people in AIDS housing in DC. 

  3. Like
    SoCal reacted to TotallyOz in Trump Can’t Shut Down DACA, Supreme Court Rules   
    Developing story and good news!
    https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/18/us/trump-daca-supreme-court.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage
  4. Sad
    SoCal reacted to SolaceSoul in TO THE FRIENDS AT DADDY'S   
    I only bother to comment or post in threads of topics that interest me. I’ve seen enough of his posts in the LATAM and European forums to know exactly what he is. 
  5. Like
    SoCal reacted to Latbear4blk in TO THE FRIENDS AT DADDY'S   
    What I said, A FOLLOWER!

  6. Haha
    SoCal reacted to Latbear4blk in Looks Like There Could Be 35 Other Alien Civilizations in Our Gal   
    Naw.... he said "Civilizations", not just alien life forms.

  7. Like
    SoCal reacted to Lucky in TO THE FRIENDS AT DADDY'S   
    Yes, I was sorry to see you leave. I had just re-joined there after 7 years away and I wanted to  post alongside you and Buddy2. Carry on and try to make progress on your agenda.
  8. Like
    SoCal reacted to Buddy2 in TO THE FRIENDS AT DADDY'S   
    Perhaps you should look at the other site before commenting. Your frame of reference is astonishingly out of date.
    There are several members here who posted there today, including the likeable, @Latbear4blk
  9. Haha
    SoCal reacted to Latbear4blk in Against USA state terrorism   
    Ignore me. I think I am going through my menopause. I am switching moods continuously, from apocalyptic dystopias to Viva la Revolución. 

  10. Like
    SoCal reacted to Lucky in Against USA state terrorism   
    Latbear4blk, don't be too hard on yourself. You made the effort, you engaged the discussion. What I think is different this time is the very thing you brought up early on- white privilege. I think many white people are finally seeing for the first time what a role that privilege plays in keeping things from improving. Just today I got an email challenging me, and others, to determine what practical steps we can take to make sure real change happens now. Partly because of disgust with Trump, people see things in the US as at a critical stage. Act now. Maybe it will be the children like you saw rally today that lead us, but  there will be leadership, and, I think, real change.
  11. Like
    SoCal reacted to Lucky in Hey Daddy, Go Fuck Yourself!   
    Poor RockHard. He couldn't win me over as an ally, and he cannot support his argument that I am unpopular.
    Let's face it.In over 20 years of posting one is bound to ruffle feathers, and I have. Yet most of those folks continue to either like me or tolerate me. Some don't.
    There is no continuing animosity among board veterans still posting except for RockHard. He doesn't seem to like anyone whom he cannot dominate.
    RockHard is a smart guy. He can make some great arguments and I often agree with him. But he loves to insult and loves to tell others what to do.
    Years ago, he and I were on friendly terms. I visit New York often and offered more than once to get together with him. He hemmed and hawed, and once even said his son didn't think it was a good idea. I suggested maybe I should meet his son to show him how harmless I am. There was no sexual connotation to it. I don't know if he even has a son. I don't even know if he lives in New York. I don't know if he actually has any connection to Hollywood, even on the fringes. He has built a character here without any real proof that he is telling the truth. I do believe that he masturbates a lot on Newtumbl.com, and I believe that he takes vacations to Sardinia or wherever in Italy he says. He has actually posted pix of that.
    Because I have met almost 100 men who post on the boards, people do know me for better or worse. I started the Palm Springs Weekend and people came. Oliver later helped turn it into an even bigger event. So knowing who I am as Lucky is easy. Like me or not, I am here to entertain myself, not you or RockHard.
    Finally, in a time of pandemic and systemic oppression of people of color, a time when whites are finally beginning to cope with the idea of white privilege and how it is used to prevent change, it seems odd to have a petty squabble with a poster here. I offer a truce to RockHard, in the spirit of the times and because there are just so many more important things to talk about.
  12. Like
    SoCal reacted to AdamSmith in Hey Daddy, Go Fuck Yourself!   
    In fact I have enjoyed some great sex with fat boys & girls. What is the Yiddish word — zaftig. They often very much know how to enjoy life, and how to give and receive pleasure.
    ’Milord Falstaff!’

  13. Like
    SoCal reacted to TotallyOz in Hey Daddy, Go Fuck Yourself!   
    I really liked Scott. I think Rick still posts at Daddy's under another name.
  14. Haha
    SoCal reacted to tassojunior in The Pope and Trump are in Front of a Crowd   
    The Pope says to Trump, “Do you know that with one little wave of my hand I can make every person in this crowd go wild with joy? This joy will not be a momentary display, like that of your followers, but go deep into their hearts and for the rest of their lives whenever they speak of this day, they will rejoice!”
    Trump replies, “I seriously doubt that, with one wave of your hand? Show me!”
    So the Pope slapped him.
  15. Like
    SoCal reacted to Latbear4blk in Will the Palm Springs Escort Weekend get cancelled?   
    Who knows how the pandemic will evolve. If international traveling is still too adventurous by April 2021, I may have my second PSWE experience. For sure rather than planning for fancy La Hacienda, I would go to kinky Cannon Club. 
    Side note, this is what drives me the craziest. It is not the isolation, it is not the confinement, but the uncertainty. I like having my next couple of years drafted in my imagination. Impossible now.
  16. Like
    SoCal reacted to Lucky in Will the Palm Springs Escort Weekend get cancelled?   
    That's because there is no Palm Springs Escort Weekend. The party began as The Hooville Weekend, named after the founder of what is now Daddy's reviews, Hooboy. Those of us who posted there lived in Hooville, the community of posters. Escorts have always been welcome, but the main reason for the gathering was for posters to meet each other. Once boytoy.com began its rise, an effort was made to welcome posters here to the Weekend, now renamed The Palm Springs Weekend to cover all posters. Escorts were still welcome.
    As the event gained popularity over 16 years, escort attendance increased as it was a good opportunity for them to enjoy each other's company as well as meet prospective clients. But the Weekend is not primarily for escorts.
  17. Thanks
    SoCal reacted to Latbear4blk in Adios Jerry Stiller   
  18. Like
    SoCal reacted to Latbear4blk in Hollywood by Ryan Murphy   
  19. Like
    SoCal reacted to Lucky in Hollywood by Ryan Murphy   
    I loved the series. I thought the sets and costumes are great. Who would be so petty as to focus on whether Patti Lupone has gained weight when she is acting her heart out? That gas station was played quite well. Ryan Murphy is trying to show us what Hollywood could have been, and I, along with millions of others, am along for the ride. If I could have seen positive gay role models when I was young it would have changed my life. There can be no doubt about that.
    Now Jim Parsons as the nasty agent was not the role I would have preferred, but his character, a self-loathing, pompous closet queer who criticizes everything as not good enough for him, well, we have to live with that even today.
    So if you are a normal red-blooded homosexual without pretensions of being a New York assistant on some minor film, you will find a lot to enjoy here. If you want something to make your skin crawl, focus on the disdain that the real Hollywood had for women, people of color, and gays. Then enjoy this alternate look and come tell us about it.
  20. Like
    SoCal reacted to Latbear4blk in Why the Daddy Site Is Dead (to me, at least...)   
    Ignore the melodramatic exaggerations. Daddy's forums are overwhelmingly Liberal, whether or not you like the owner.
  21. Like
    SoCal reacted to SexyAsianStud in Why the Daddy Site Is Dead (to me, at least...)   
    I know this has been said many times before, but.... you are totally correct that the nasty Daddy and his Kapos have a god complex, or, perhaps an emperor complex,, but at this point The Emperor Has No Clothes (ughhh what a horrible image that conjures up!)
    It is tragic but Daddy and his sidekicks have a grossly inflated sense of self - his sad little site's Politics Forum is now home to several brave souls who somehow manage to try to hold back the tide of absolute craziness there -- right wing conspiracy theorists, racist trolls, Trump cultists, and so on... all of whom no matter how vicious their behaviors may be escape punishment by DADDY because they obviously reflect the czar's mindset. Never have I encounter a site so friendly to the worst people out there. And who DOES get banned? Anyone who dares to stand up for what is just and what is fair and has the courage to do so in a manner that pisses off some right wing queen.
    My banishment ends June 1 but there is no way I am posting there again. Let the Gang of Three (BSR, Bnac, and especially senile Augustus) post away. No one pays attention to these needy sad losers.
    OK, enough for now. Back to posting pictures of my little Asian butt!
  22. Like
    SoCal reacted to Buddy2 in Homophobe Hospital In Central Park!   
    Kirk Cameron ("Growing Pains") and his sister organized a virtual concert with all the funds raised to benefit Franklin Graham's Central Park "hospital."
    Kirk used to have a very nice ass. Now he is crazy.
  23. Like
    SoCal reacted to AdamSmith in COVID-19 SHELTERED IN PLACE HUMOR   
    You and I have (accurately) gone back & forth calling each other crazy at times.
    You are now fully & truthfully off your rocker.
  24. Like
    SoCal reacted to TotallyOz in Ozark - Netflix Must Watch TV   
    If you get bored during your self-isolation, Ozark staring Jason Bateman and Laura Linney is excellent. Each season gets better and Season three just popped on Netflix and I would not stop watching it. Great acting and great story. They really do develop these characters and it is enjoyable to watch the family struggle through so many roadblocks.
  25. Like
    SoCal reacted to RA1 in Will the Palm Springs Escort Weekend get cancelled?   
    The actual suggestion is to take a deep breath and hold it for 10 seconds.  The point is that those with lung infestations cannot do this without coughing.  Of course this ad hoc test does not prove lack of illness, only a possible marker.
    Best regards,
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