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Everything posted by Riobard

  1. Yes netgay and some others usually have pro photos. There are actually many sites ... some have a larger contingent than netgay (go to 'erotica' field) in places beyond SP and Rio. One has reviews (authentic?). There is provider overlap among some of the sites. There appear to be some unique gems within the more obscure sites. You will see that one or two sites have a fuller supply in Salvador. A fairly exhaustive list is as follows, the word preceded by www. And followed by .com.br: garotolandia garoto malicia eliteboy vivalocal garotocomlocal skokka (very minor) Your secret Bahia Santa/GodOfThunder awaits:
  2. Managing a multitude of hires for bone issues. Managing a multitude of hires for boner issues. You ARE specialized, aren't you?
  3. I realize there is some minor change, but are you certain that much.? My currency converter indicates 3.71 today, not 3.37 Anyway, I bought 5,000 when the rate seemed optimal recently. Furthermore, I compare the current rate to the 10-year average for a true sense of relative value. Today the latter is 2.48 (high 4.25; low 1.53)
  4. Gave prurient meaning to the term "shooting fish in a barrel".
  5. I am a man of contradictions. I will not dip my toe into the "jizzcootie". I will send back the snack fork if there is a speck on it, but minutes later be flicking my tongue into some dark recess.
  6. Not the top (3rd) floor, I think ... jacuzzi appears to be the area up over the the northeast stage section where people go up the stairs to bathe, likely integrated with other spa features. I have not been since the reno. Didn't someone suggest the lease might expire and the club end up on the chopping block? Or was that Lagoa, or both?
  7. Sauna Tempu's, 8 km south across the bridge in Vila Velha definitely DOES have garotos de programa. A third establishment Sauna Beira Mar ... I am not sure what is on offer. A fourth, Acquarium Sauna, may be in existence but appears to be a very rundown 'hood.
  8. I can now confirm that Vitoria's Thermas People Club does not have free-agent GdeP guys, just the tantric massage. A new feature that they do have on their website, however, is a head count of customers updated per half hour.
  9. I agree ... the question was not directed specifically to the tour guide, but the guide evidently took it upon himself to answer. I find that many of the saunas, even with GPs, are reviewed by people that have the designation "local guide". Not FB reviews, but I think Google or some other platform.
  10. If you landed at Tobi, for example, with no compelling need for those low prices, and announced your interest in top-drawer muscular lads, money not being so much an object, what would be the cash threshold just below which you would have your preferred desirables swarming to you, and above which you might be put in an unseemly light? Obviously, they would be guys who have not yet bolted to Spain.
  11. Thermas People Club explicitly advertises erotic/tantric massage, but whether you have to go with their choice on their venue's designated massage table versus a free-agent onsite GdeP is unclear. You would think that suggests an open attitude but they may be restrictive about what happens with whom. I recently read a local Vitoria tour guide respond to an online query about commercial sex workers there (TPT) or one of the other saunas (I believe there are a few) ... his answer was that, thankfully, such activities have no place other than one's home or hotel. But it sounded more like a judgment than a definitive answer. Besides, Vitoria ... meh.
  12. You're it for updates, unless others know. My last visit goes back 30 months and I tried out the two steadies at the time on only a few select days due to a busy sights schedule, and knowing I would have weeks of down time elsewhere in Brasil where the gay brothels are plentiful. I find the variables that correlate most with a satisfying time are luck and serene acceptance of reality. Other forum members have different criteria, eg, population density, discounts. The new 13 has minimal info on the WWW, in spite of apparently opening May 2017. The paucity of reviews and the recent name change (new ownership?) perhaps do not augur well. Many working guys would have to invest a lot of local bus travel time to get there. Fox was rather a long hike and I did not find what I wanted. Clube 11 (at the time P11) was conveniently nearby and consistently yielded more programas than I could keep up with. [correction previous post: privacy wall (not walk)]
  13. Take note that the new Thermas Club 13 is pinned incorrectly in Google Maps, basically in a dodgier section. However, it was called Blue Space Club in the Spring, and is pinned correctly under that name. So no need to have a driver go unnecessarily east to swing north and take the club's street one-way west. You can just get out at the new Hotel Diamante or Villa Bahiana restaurant at the corner. You will not see 13 clearly on Streetview because the bldg has been renovated and the pink privacy walk erected since Google Maps' latest iteration. With luck, 11, Fox, and 13 will prove to be a productive trifecta.
  14. I I will weigh in on this thread anyway, though it also now straddles another thread. Everything is quite spread out, and transit across the vast spaces will require taxis or Über ... the latter is quite cheap. But if you are organized, Clube 11 might best follow a day in Pelourinho. If you are OK not going directly back to the Barra hotel. There is not much to see in the central part of Pituba, but the large high-end shopping complex n/w of Fox was pleasant to stroll and grab a bite in the massive food court prior to hitting Fox. Also not too far from Praia Pituba and from Praia Amaralina that is apparently known for local fare food kiosks particularly weekends. The new club, 13, is quite a way out but situated at about the 12th of the string of beaches running the Atlantic coast east of Barra. It might make sense, activity-wise, to fold in a beach visit and possibly the Itapuã lighthouse nearby. This new venue with GPs might be well-suited to beach vacay lovers who have already seen the popular cultural sights and may also be predisposed to hosting eye-candy at the shore. Otherwise, it amounts to at least 25-30 km return travel from most other zones.
  15. I just saw the 2-minute Funny or Die mashup of CMBYN, Call Me By Your Twins, about 5 times. Laugh Out Loud Hilarious. If you do not have Amazon Prime, just google a pirated Youtube clip of it. The creators even found and integrated a few seconds of DeVito messily eating a peach on Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia. The last few seconds is from Junior, DeVito doing Schwarzenegger's ultrasound.
  16. Oh I so agree. I watch all TV and movie releases on TV with closed caption. The CC thingamajigs in theatres are so finicky, and unless it is a film with subtitles it can be a struggle to understand the audio.
  17. Define in-depth. Define repeated searches. And do you mean an airline's booking system or a generic multi-provider system? If you are extremely flexible with dates and can only pull up a week at a time, you have to do the search many times. The more flexible your dates the less you are specifying particular dates. Perhaps you mean, RA1, it is ill-advised to keep searching the same specific dates repeatedly.
  18. It required some patience, sitting down for an hour and reviewing Copa fares week by week (as opposed to regularly searching, likely a better strategy I did not apply), as I have never seen "official sales". Rather, I find it hinges on their cheapest economy fare allocation and how and when they open those blocks. The leg from North Amerca to Panama, particularly, tends to be harder to find reductions. But I snagged two winter daytime fares for two 3-week return trips Canada to Rio, prices slashed to almost half the usual, with 60-90 min Tocumen layovers. Dec 726USD, Feb 646 USD.
  19. Sounds hot ... you did them a solid, helping with exorbitant fuel prices.
  20. Selective encryption may be an option for shared devices, I suppose.
  21. Yes I know about nifty cloak'n'dagger hide features .... info not seen on other account holders' systems on their PC or device, but occasionally my device(s) is(are) used by more than me, and my FB account (friends, auto newsfeeds, etc) is up for visibility by them. I can clear browser Hx but I don't think I can hide my friends list and newsfeeds from myself. Another question: about the difference between a FB friend and a follower? MR shows their follower list. Is one automatically listed there if friend status? If a follower but not a friend, why so many MR followers considering the MR newsfeed is no longer public and only those who are friends (by default also follower) receive the info? As I type this, I realize my 1978 self would be wondering how my 2018 self came to live a life of such abject absurdity.
  22. Thanks. I had thought of that actually, as I noted that sharing was predicated on friend status, but I thought that would mean all posts were invisible, and wondered why this requirement in contrast to other whorehouses whose info access seems to be public. They are businesses after all, and MR lacks a website (I think! At this point, anything is possible.) They may get more buck for my bang. I guess only some of the early posts were public I am not in a position to have MR visible in my FB friends list. I have already been asked by a few of my peeps why my Brasileiro "gym friends" cum workout buddies are all so hot. "They inspire me" is my pat answer, as I try to shift the topic. Anyway, no biggie ... the OP has everything he needs now, except the more solid prediction he desires.
  23. Yeah, I have seen it ... a preopening Feb post and one mid-May post. Where is this elusive regularly updated club FB page you allude to, tomcal? Perhaps there is another one.
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