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Posts posted by SexyAsianStud

  1. Been away from posting for awhile.... this isolation thing is not working for me, but I can happily report that I am here, I am employed (!), and continue to prosper free of the shit from the demented "Daddy" site... (sorry, just had to throw the last thing in...)

    Musings of an ex-grad student:

    I hope that all of you are safe and healthy. This is a stressful and frightening time for everyone, and the uncertainty of where the pandemic is headed adds to our anxiety. Our schools are closing. Our favorite places are closed. Our communities are under emergency alert. We are told to practice “social distancing” to prevent the spread of the virus. And that is right — from a public health standpoint. But we cannot allow “social distancing” to be a metaphor for how we respond to this crisis and the profound social failure it reflects. This crisis threatens to amplify inequality in countless ways, and more than ever, we need to respond from a place of community, compassion, and solidarity.

    We should know some lessons from the history of crises. Elite groups always use crises to push “solutions” that enhance their power and profit. The same is already happening during this crisis, with Trump pushing tax cuts and bailouts that disproportionately benefit those who need no help, and angling to bail out his friends in the oil and gas industry as prices plummet. Private prison corporations continue to profit from the mass incarceration of immigrants and poor people in detention camps and prisons, where this virus will likely spread quickly, with devastating consequences.

    But we can also see the outlines of a more progressive response. Activists and social movements are demanding immediate steps toward free universal health care, paid sick days and paid family and medical leave, direct subsidies to those facing loss of jobs and income, an end to evictions, a moratorium on foreclosures and utility cutoffs, and emergency housing for all who need it. 

    The coronavirus crisis is horrific, and even in its early days has led to great suffering, and widespread terror. But this crisis is not a time of retreat; it is a time to insist on, to organize for, an agenda of human rights and wealth redistribution. Has there ever been a time when the need for universal free health care was more essential — and more obvious? Or paid sick leave? Or for everyone to have guaranteed access to clean water and a safe place to live?

    So yes, please join me in washing our hands, and then raise them, to continue to fight for equality and justice.

  2. 2 hours ago, RockHardNYC said:


    The (Daddy) owner of that other escort site is totally incompetent. (As are his laughable mods.) He always was bad at this game. Even worse, he suffers from a god-complex, among other things. It's sad that a small number of loyal members, an extremely cheap and lazy bunch, cling to a dead legacy almost two decades old, supporting this buffoon and IT failure.


    I know this has been said many times before, but.... you are totally correct that the nasty Daddy and his Kapos have a god complex, or, perhaps an emperor complex,, but at this point The Emperor Has No Clothes (ughhh what a horrible image that conjures up!)

    It is tragic but Daddy and his sidekicks have a grossly inflated sense of self - his sad little site's Politics Forum is now home to several brave souls who somehow manage to try to hold back the tide of absolute craziness there -- right wing conspiracy theorists, racist trolls, Trump cultists, and so on... all of whom no matter how vicious their behaviors may be escape punishment by DADDY because they obviously reflect the czar's mindset. Never have I encounter a site so friendly to the worst people out there. And who DOES get banned? Anyone who dares to stand up for what is just and what is fair and has the courage to do so in a manner that pisses off some right wing queen.

    My banishment ends June 1 but there is no way I am posting there again. Let the Gang of Three (BSR, Bnac, and especially senile Augustus) post away. No one pays attention to these needy sad losers.

    OK, enough for now. Back to posting pictures of my little Asian butt!

  3. I think the level of psychosis of the Daddy's management is quite congruent with some of the active posters on the politics board. i do not name names (BSR, Bnac, Augustus), but they are a fairly seamless team and are doing their best to destroy whatever credibility may have at one time existed there.

    perhaps "daddy" (ugh... what a revolting image that is!) should choose a more worthwhile profession and take his evil Gang of Three along with him.

  4. 1 hour ago, Latbear4blk said:

    Has it ever occurred to you that right wing nuts also pay for sex?

    actually since they never post in discussions relating to masseurs and escorts AND since at least one of them boasts of being "proudly heterosexual" AND since they display toxic masculinities...let us just say that i have my doubts. profound doubts.

  5. 5 hours ago, unicorn said:

    All I can say is "Wow." Someone resurrected at the M4M foums a 5 year-old string (What's Your Earliest "I'm Queer" memory?)  in which people were asked to recall when they first realized they were gay (in my case it when I was a 12 year-old in my gym class, admiring the 14 year-old who led us into calisthenics, which I discussed in my 2015 response). The string was locked with the following message:

    "Thread Closed. It is against the rules to discuss children; even ourselves."

    So discussing our past is child porn?? I don't think even Justice Thomas or Justice Alito would go that far.  I can certainly understand and wholly support banning child pornography. But if the mere mention of children in a non-sexual way is child pornography, so is Mary Poppins.  Am I the only person who feels this way, or is the leadership at M4M completely off its rocker?

    Are You Nuts Emoticons for Facebook, Email & SMS | Emoticon faces


    It is old news that the "leadership" at that site is totally of its rocker.

    It is the one place, however, we can turn to for people who are arguing that Covid-19 is not a threat, that Donald Trump is a great national hero, and that senility is no reason not to share one;s thoughts with the world.

    The site has totally degenerated into a resting place for sadistic and nasty kremlin fueled bots who do nothing but rant and rave and look for anybody, anybody at all to engage with.

    And that is the TRUE meaning of "pornography".

  6. 4 hours ago, Latbear4blk said:

    This could have been posted every time Trump showed his world record level incompetence and pettiness; which was its often starting with Inauguration Day.  However, he still has 40% of solid support in the American electorate. It really looks like Trump is not the problem. 

    if the activity on that other board is any indication, senility seems to be an issue with his supporters, so you are right - Amerika is in some pretty shady hands right now

  7. I have information from a good source over at the daddys site that the whole COVID thing is a democratic hoax to ensure that trump loses the 2020 election.... my source must have unimpeachable (pardon the pun) information because he is willing to, and encouraging others, to resume normal behaviors asap.

    now i understand that st. augustine has more than just mild  traces of senility, but this is clearly an actionable analysis which because of its real world implications must be based on more than just the deranged hunches of a demented soul.

    st augustine.jpeg

  8. Just now, Lucky said:

    But wait! Or should I say Butt, wait! If you don't share this space because someone to the right is also using it, then you deprive ME of your opinions and wisdom. Granted, I can look at your butt, but...again!...I'd like that to be the restful conclusion of my online experience with you and your mind!


    (Not me!)

    You state my feeling perfectly.... I have been privileged by being exempted from dealing with people who triumph what to me are morally reprehensible views. and i will continue to exercise that privilege, partly by not going down the rabbit hole of justifying my beliefs.

    i leave it with this:

    shiro pits.jpg

  9. 2 hours ago, nycman said:

    When is the left going to realize.....

    His base isn’t in NYC and they don’t give a fuck what the NYTimes says. 

    I am a NY’er, I like the NYTimes, and I’m certainly not a big Trump fan....

    Nonetheless, I think the NYTimes has been pretty biased and irresponsible in its reporting for well over a decade. 
    Stripped of its unbiased veil....it has become a useless weapon with which to fight this beast. 

    As soon as I saw a reference to "the left" I stopped reading. These clueless right wingers think they can combine into one meaningless designation the huge variety of thought that stands in the spectrum of those who believe that our country deserves truly fundamental change during these transformative times. I did not flee the lunatics on the daddy's site to have share this space with them, too.

    Some tents are just not large enough for me to enter... and I certainly cannot be in the same space as persons of this ilk.

    I'm just going back to posting pictures of my butt, haha. 

  10. i was surprised to see this thread because i am still relatively new to this site....

    (as you know the daddy's site which has now become the amusement park of choice for every senile right winger thinks that they have banned me even though i easily re-joined under another identity but that's a discussion for another time, another place)

    i love having disagreeing voices here - people who i do not agree with i understand have different life experiences than I have had, and that brings them to different points of view - with the exception of the Evil Sisters of the daddys site (nazi Bozo, senile Augustus, stupid BSR, and proud heterosexual BnaC) i do not think that a disagreement with me is a sign of moral short-coming.

    let a hundred flowers bloom here!

  11. Thai guy here....

    Pattaya? Nah, sorry, not been really fun for a long time. Boystown sad, Sunnee nothing..... Jomtien maybe the best now but still nothing special.

    Wonder what it will look like after this passes. Bangkok already started to look different. What place will become the new center for fun?

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