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omega last won the day on December 30 2023

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  1. The swab test is more likely to be what happened.
  2. I'm not sure about spending 11 hours in a narrow body plane though... that might give me pause for thought when booking.
  3. I was in Chiang Mai ~6months ago. Adams Apple Bar was good. They had a varied selection of guys when I went; but as with all go-go bars, the guys that are there can change like the tides. For something more along the lines of fun.. I don't think you can go wrong with RAM bar, it's a fantastic show, and different each night. I found myself going back night after night. However, Chiang Mai has an entirely different vibe to Bangkok. Expect things to be much quieter, and much less choice. Don't forget to spend some time during the day exploring the temples and coffee shops.
  4. It's a bit like someone saying "I think Ryan Reynolds is hot" and someone else coming along and saying "stop being so purient, he acted with that kid in that film". Nonsense.
  5. Content filtering is a different kettle of fish. A content filter usually tells you the site your visiting has been blocked because of content filtering rules... or in poor implementations, just blocks access and you get "server not found". And Windows Defender isn't really geared for content filtering like that. To get a "dangerous" warning, usually means that something on the website matched on an identified threat, and Defender's flagged it as dangerous. I would guess that something being served up by this site for you is coming from a domain or IP address that has been flagged as a threat, probably for hosting malware. It could be an advertisement, or content being loaded from a local CDN node that's been flagged for hosting malware.
  6. 3 areas: 1. Boyztown 2. Jomtien (area around Zing Resort and Spa and Agate Pattaya) 3. Sunee Plaza (though this is just a couple of gogo bars, as I understand it, and not much like Walking street)
  7. Fake. Firstly, if the Police had administered a blood test, they would only do established tests for illegal drugs. Truvada for example, would not be detected, because there is no reason to test for it. Secondly, poppers have a very short half-life. They're almost impossible to detect in the blood unless the sample is taken and tested immediately after they have been inhaled. He's not going to pay big time. He'll get a fine, lose his license for a while. Slap on the wrist and "don't do it again".
  8. I've always wondered why this film was never really considered a queer movie. It's a really good movie, Pacino plays the role brilliantly. I highly recommend.
  9. I didn't know this. Useful trivia
  10. To be the pedant, you're not quite correct on the statutory rape in English law. That applies to sex with children under 13. Where the sexual contact was 'consensual', in so far as a young teenager (13 -15) can give consent, it is considered sexual activity with a child, and punished less severely. While I mostly agree with gayinpattaya, I think there is a big distinctions to make between 16+, 18+, and 21+.
  11. Worth also checking if your home country/country of residence considers it's laws on age of consent to apply to you wherever you are in the world. If you happen to go to a country where the age is lower than your home country, you may find yourself open to prosecution at home. However, @floridarob is absolutely right, 18+ should be the standard.
  12. I'm not sure I'd want to do Romania. Doesn't strike me as a very gay friendly place, but I don't know much about it.
  13. Yep, It's a big destination for gay guys in Europe. Some great resorts that cater specifically to gay guys, along with lots of nightlife along the lines of Soi4 or Jomtien, but with cruise bars and no go-go bars. You'll find lots of dark rooms, but you won't find anyone to "off" for a fee. You might find money boys on the apps. But, the pink premium is charged.
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