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Everything posted by caeron

  1. I should be so lucky as to pass peacefully at 99.
  2. It used to be you needed 10 posts on the site to see all the forums. Not sure if that's true here too, but if you can't see them, I'd suspect you need a few more posts.
  3. You can start with: https://www.gayguides.com/gay-bangkok-gay-thailand/ I am sure somebody can point you to the threads in the forums that have discussed this sort of thing before.
  4. I've gotten spoiled with binging. Holding off watching more until more of the episodes drop.
  5. My arm was sore a few days after the first shot. End of the month for the second. I too find all the drama over the AZ vaccine overblown. Given the number of doses that have been administered to date, any complications are very rare. Given that we're approaching, I believe, 3 million Covid deaths worldwide, this seems a stupid thing to slow vaccination over.
  6. I started it, but it was a bit too strange for me and I returned it. Steam has a good return policy if you try and don't like a game. It has very good reviews though, and I can see how others would much enjoy it. I'm currently playing Cyberpunk 2077 now that the latest patch is out. A pretty good game that missed the mark of being great.
  7. I think I would have said blacklisted rather than banned, but the effect was the same. She was too hot to touch for quite a while and couldn't get work. She paid a very real price for coming out, and helped in the process make it easier for everyone. Ellen's experience, I'd imagine, is why a lot of other celebs DIDN'T come out. Who else wanted that? I'm not going to write her hagiography or suggest she's not without flaws, but I think she deserves a little more consideration than she's getting.
  8. Cute guy and I wish him luck. I remember naively thinking that the embrace of open markets would lead to more opening in Chinese society. Events have proven how wrong that was.
  9. Well, I'm almost ready. Got my first jab this morning. And after the second one, I'd be more than happy if this handsome guy wanted to give me one too.
  10. I think we're turning the corner... IF people can manage not to get so excited by that they immediately go out and infect more people. We have our first shot on Weds. By mid may, I'll be ready to start catching up with old friends I haven't seen in a while.
  11. I think I watched her for a month or two once. I found the pop culture stuff kind of interesting and educational to me, since I don't really follow it (or care). But, it got old very quickly. Every other one I've seen is much worse to me. I rarely like hosted shows like these, daytime, late night, whatever. Like you, I'm not really interested in whatever new 'project' the celebs are appearing to shill for.
  12. Nowadays, nice for men in business has upgraded all the way to "doesn't regularly rape his interns". Nice for women still involves them erasing themselves to please others. Look how hard the British Media tried to erase Meghan Markle for actually existing as a person rather than some cardboard cut-out white person attached to a prince's arm. It happens all the time in media. Women are torn down because they aren't 'nice' enough. Men get a free pass unless they do something really, really heinous.
  13. I seriously doubt, in line with Rockhard's estimation, that Ellen was any worse to work for than anybody else. I worked as a corporate lead on communications at various companies. This is a typical media-manufactured story. Somebody complains. Somebody offers rewards for stories about Ellen on twitter. Needless to say, stories are created, and a woman who isn't nice enough to suit people is trashed. The media get their eyeballs, people 'twitter' about the woman who has been shown her place. You call it being a republican, I call it not buying bullshit sexism. This story would very likely not happen if Ellen was a guy.
  14. I generally found those whining about her nastiness on set unpersuasive. You may feel differently. It seemed mostly people like people with an axe to grind.
  15. I have some sympathy for Ellen. She is running a business and I think some of her employees seem to think that kindness meant they got a free ride. That said, I imagine Rockhard is right that Ellen took her eye off the ball and shit happened. I'd be bored doing that same talk show for years too.
  16. Sorry you have to deal with this crap.
  17. Ok, will add that one to my queue. Was thinking about it, and you're right, Stan is hot.
  18. On a movie like this, I tend to trust that the editor made the best they could of it and in such cases more is not better. So I generally avoid director's cuts unless there is a lot of positive reviews. Your review cements the views of the other reviews I've read. This one is a hard pass for me. They'd have had to have added back in some really serious eye candy for me to have considered it, and I'm sure you would have mentioned that!
  19. Of course, I really want to blow it all on in Brazilians Saunas and Thai gogo bars, but I need that damn vaccine! If I thought standing outside a vaccination site and whining like a lost puppy would help, I'd consider it. Wouldn't be much crazier than this last year, would it?
  20. My laptop just gave up the ghost, so a new one has been ordered.
  21. British white guy trashing brown woman for not doing what he thinks she should. Poor UK. Still thinks its a colonial empire where white British guys get to tell the world how to please their white guy masters. It's just the same stupidity that led to Brexit. All the sad white guys who think they can reclaim their colonial empire if only they get divorced from Europe so they can go back to being top dog again. Not so much different than all the aggrieved whites in the US who are mad that their skin color doesn't mean they're magically best anymore.
  22. I am not as pleased with super small dicks, but I find the monster dicks mostly more of a hinderance to fun than an advantage. I'm better than average, and on occasion have to avoid rolling my eyes at the reaction. I get that some people have a serious big dick fetish, but I think of it a lot like straight men who fetishize enormous boobs. You're allowed, and more power to you, but it seems a bit silly to me. But, that is the nature of fetishes. They make perfect sense to those who have them, and not so much to the rest of us. Live and let live. But you can put me in the, 'don't really care' category.
  23. Fortunately for me, I retired early a few years ago, and am doing fine. But, this last year has been fucking miserable. My home is quite nice, but even a nice prison gets old fast. Give me the damn vaccine already!
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