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Everything posted by caeron

  1. Cheap shots is all Trump understands, so just speaking his language.
  2. I think some people think that since Gay actors get discriminated against that straight actors shouldn't take gay roles. I think that's nonsense. The solution to homophobia in hollywood isn't to ghettoize gay actors into gay roles. It's to recognize what the fuck acting actually is.
  3. I think outing is only appropriate to the Larry Craigs of the world.
  4. I'm with her. 19 fucking years is too damn long to do the same thing. I did nearly that for the money and while I made bank, it drove me mad. She admits she lost focus on the show and maybe that's why some of this happened, but who needs the bullshit of all this when you have trucks full of money already?
  5. My experience is that lots of people that think they can pass as native are fooling themselves. Some members here clearly can, but I know I can't pass, so I plan accordingly.
  6. As rich foreigners, there are expectations about what sleeping with you means for them. Paying clarified what that expectation is and ensures the relationship is as transactional as you wish it to be. It avoids would-be boyfriends expecting a blowjob means they get to move into your life with all their own issues and drama and expense. Nothing says you can't do those things after paying if you decide you want to invite them to dinner too, but now they're on your terms and not expected.
  7. I'd rather pay. My experience is that free can get pretty expensive.
  8. I play bridge (the card game) and "Americans are Weird" is a huge underbid.
  9. We lost our elderly boy last fall. The smoke from the wildfires here in Oregon put him in a slide we couldn't get him out of. Miss him terribly. Enjoy Squirt while she's around.
  10. The year Crash won was the last time I watched. The whole thing is a little too self-congratulatory to me. Hollywood loves Hollywood, and they are happy to tell you all about it.
  11. You rate Daddy's contributions to the sites he 'built' higher than I do. The internet has a zillion forums, and forum software isn't that complicated. He also managed to make the entire review process silly complex. So, yes, it was a lot of work because he made it a lot of work. It seems like a bit of molehill to me to turn moving a free forum to a new site as any big deal. If the site were actually worth anything, he wouldn't have had to ask for donations continuously to pay his bills.
  12. I have a hard time seeing this as data theft. The community that generated that data is keeping that data. Daddy got paid as the archivist. That didn't mean that what he archived was his. I recognize that my views and the laws may not align on this, but if you're here, you probably already agree that the law isn't always right....
  13. I wish them luck. It's unfortunate there was no succession planning.
  14. I would personally be nervous if I was approaching retirement and any significant portion of my assets were in something as volatile as cryptocurrencies. I'd echo the advice to get a financial advisor and figure out what you can afford. Try to rent an apartment in Bangkok for a month or two and see how it goes. make no commitment until you've done it for a while and are sure you want to keep doing it.
  15. My recollection of the time is that almost nobody gave a fuck if it was complicated or not because it was happening to gay men and brown people (remember all the Haitian finger pointing?). They started caring when it started spreading and they realized it wasn't jut going to kill undesirables.
  16. These pauses seem really ill conceived to me. The vaccine hesitancy you're going to permanently generate just doesn't seem worth it given Covid's continued deadly rampage.
  17. I truly hope so. The HIV pandemic has been a low level lockdown on all of us for decades. Gods, I would love to be free of the weight of that.
  18. Well, good to hear that it isn't a complete failure. I worried upon hearing this that with the weakness in the chinese vaccine that this might just lead to yet another spike in cases and deaths. I will likely travel again this year, and I'd like to go back, but with the current state of the healthcare system in Brazil, it seems unwise to me. I am old enough to not think I'm immortal and want to be able to avail myself of a functioning healthcare system if needed.
  19. I used a keurig for a while, but the expense and waste added up, so I went back to just making pots of coffee. I think part of it for me was there are lots of fun drinks you can make with the keurig and the zillion kinds of pods you can get, but as I've been working on my health (and cutting back empty calories), I've come to appreciate simple black coffee.
  20. I should be so lucky as to pass peacefully at 99.
  21. It used to be you needed 10 posts on the site to see all the forums. Not sure if that's true here too, but if you can't see them, I'd suspect you need a few more posts.
  22. You can start with: https://www.gayguides.com/gay-bangkok-gay-thailand/ I am sure somebody can point you to the threads in the forums that have discussed this sort of thing before.
  23. I've gotten spoiled with binging. Holding off watching more until more of the episodes drop.
  24. My arm was sore a few days after the first shot. End of the month for the second. I too find all the drama over the AZ vaccine overblown. Given the number of doses that have been administered to date, any complications are very rare. Given that we're approaching, I believe, 3 million Covid deaths worldwide, this seems a stupid thing to slow vaccination over.
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