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Everything posted by caeron

  1. Wow. Our bin stays outside, so frankly, I don't care if it stinks a bit. But then, I live in a house with some space, so I guess I have the luxury of a stinky garbage can.
  2. Why any business would ever think this would end well boggles my mind.
  3. I disagree with most of these "The government is just being stupid/selfish/crazy/mean." ideas. While Omicron seems noticeably less dangerous, how it plays out in hospitalizations and deaths remains somewhat to be seen. If it spreads ten times as fast, but is only as 20% as fatal as Delta, that still means twice the death rate of delta. Current evidence seems to suggest that it isn't going to be that big a problem. But, you cannot travel back in time and enforce measures to slow the spread if it proves to be a greater problem. The only rational decision you can make as a public official is to move towards strict anti-spread measures initially as the data comes in. You can always loosen measures as the data supports it. If the data supports tougher measures, and you didn't do them, well, by then its too late. Certainly, there can be debate as to what those are, but the suggestion that the only reason a government would use them is because they're power mad I think is more about all of our fatigue at Covid than it is a reasonable critique of policy.
  4. I'm personally hopeful that Omicron is the last of it. It's highly contagious, but noticeably less dangerous. I think pretty much everyone is going to get it at one point or another, and that plus the vaccine should mean most of us can go back to normal.
  5. Now you've intrigued me. What nations don't have any probate laws?
  6. Wills are mandatory. That's what probate laws are. If you don't decide it's decided for you.
  7. I hire a personal trainer 3 days a week who works the fuck out of me. I'd imagine in Bangkok you could get the same with a special bonus when the workout was over....
  8. Both the post and the times allow you to share subscriptions with another person, so I have one to the post that I share with my mom, and she shares her times subscription with me. Not a bad deal for us.
  9. #2 more or less spawned an entire genre that is alive and vibrant today. I mostly don't find these lists that interesting since they always skew to the recent and are more popularity contests than anything. It's like asking "who is the best artist in the last 125 years?" It's a meaningless question that is just a vote on personal taste, never mind the mixing of different genres and forms of art/books. I have, however, also read #2 several times. 😀
  10. caeron

    Tawan bar

    Ditto. I went a bit before the pandemic took hold, and all the guys were on their phones ignoring everyone which was just as well because it wasn't an enticing crowd. I visit rarely enough that It may have gone through ups and downs I don't see, but it was definitely down last time.
  11. That's a relief! Tyranny and fascism seem to be spreading around the globe these days.
  12. I hope Simon in Myanmar is doing ok in the midst of all their madness. He was a fabulous guide for me. I was hoping to go back and see more of the country... Maybe some day.
  13. I read a review that persuaded me. It basically asked, "what is the point of rescuing this film by remaking it?" That struck a chord with me. I don't really have much interest in watching it. Maybe if it comes to one of the streaming services I have, but I am not going to the theater for it, nor to pay to rent it.
  14. Yes, I expect Omicron to put a screeching halt to much of the openings, given its ability to breakthrough current vaccinations.
  15. I'm not sure how making light of sexual assault helps anyone. It isn't a joke to the people who are assaulted, and it feels quite gross to suggest they'd be more amenable to advances because they'd been assaulted enough to somehow be ok with it. How about "I hope in the army he learned to be more open minded about sexuality and more willing to experience new things." You can say the same thing without suggesting that Thai men getting raped by their superiors is somehow something to say "ha ha" about. I've known people who have suffered sexual assault. The spiritual scars can last a lifetime.
  16. I'm won't argue, since I'm sure you're right. I was using google to confirm my limited knowledge of the subject relating to the two ethnic groups and where they predominately were: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hui_people says that the Hui people are mainly in the Northwest as does https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uyghurs also says that the Uyghur are also from the Northwest. When my knowledge of a subject is relatively limited, I try to seek sources before commenting.
  17. They are both in northwest China is all I meant. I know they're quite distinct. The Hui speak Chinese and are quite integrated into Chinese society according to what I read. No doubt that's why they don't get the same abuse the Uyghur are getting.
  18. The Muslims of China are typically ethnically distinct to my knowledge. In Xi'an, they're typically Hui, though this is also the region of the part of China the Uyghurs come from that we've heard so much about because the Chinese government is oppressing them so badly. That said, he looks perfectly Chinese to me.
  19. I googled Luca, and you're right. Seems his genes are working against him, he was cute. Zhao certainly is.
  20. It's a travel article, not a news article.
  21. Of course the travel ban won't prevent the spread. But, it might slow it a bit and buy scientists a bit more time. And while I can't disagree with the comment that the rich countries are taking care of their own more than sharing, when has that ever been any different? The US has pledged a billion doses of the vaccines to developing nations. I think that's a good start in a fight that will likely drag on for some time.
  22. For all Biden's flaws, he had strong support among older voters, My mom and all her friends like him, and among black voters. He spent 8 years as second fiddle to Obama and they remember that. And, he was a guy which seems to be still enough of an issue for voters that women candidates struggle more.
  23. I feel grateful that I'm rich enough that I can choose what level of exposure to the world I'm comfortable with.
  24. Hmm. Maybe being a dog isn't so bad.
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