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Everything posted by floridarob

  1. Are you still drinking and eating like crap 🀨
  2. As it slides right in.... like throwing a hot dog down a hallway πŸ™„
  3. Isn't your state red, if you still live in KY? He's OK....don't be a hater, lol We give presidents more credit than they deserve , just like CEO's. The administration comes up with the ideas and they ask his opinion, maybe. Maybe Obama was more involved....do you think Bush Jr or Chaney ran the show 🀨 As far as extremists ....the media gives more attention to them, on both sides. The MAJORITY of the country is closer to center on most things, we have more in common than people think. I get into "discussions" on social media sometimes and after the insults and name calling, we see how much we agree on other non-divisive issues (pushed by media).
  4. floridarob

    mae sot

    via a séance 😳
  5. Not to Scotty...he is rich and gets things better/faster than us poor people 😝
  6. This is the part that I was referring to: β€œTwinning” is, by far, the most common denominator in dating, sexual and romantic attraction is same-sex situations and relationships.
  7. Chelsea boys in NYC are like that.....they are so into themselves, they look for someone like them......I've always gone for the opposite of me, which most couples I know or associate with do.
  8. Not recent, usually later at night...after 9pm.
  9. It's been awhile, but I've picked up guys at a small park between Termini and Repubbilca . Is mostly for cars cruising around the block that will stop and pick up the guys, but I did it on foot. Mostly Romanians but I got a guy from Milan there too.....gotta be very specific with the Romanian guys as they are full of lies and look to say, they didn't agree to something, when you thought they did. I also avoid guys with backpacks and duffle bags....no knowing what's inside or what they plan on putting inside.
  10. You make me laugh...#1 & #2 are illegal as well, lol
  11. I had no idea what you were talking about until I read that Covid post 😷
  12. Yeah..... not the impression that you give 🀨
  13. Friendships are important.... Scott wouldn't know about that, he only treats his MB's like objects πŸ™„
  14. As is the case with just about any moneyboy....most that say they are married for example πŸ™„
  15. Has anyone stayed here....they seem like they'll be small for 2 people. The public areas and swimming pool look nice though....but the unit is only 26m sq https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/865249717274357563?source_impression_id=p3_1681546949_Q6LH2AQSogaeNPr9 I'm also looking at another place on the way to Jomtien, for the same price and it's 85 m sq https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/17351697?source_impression_id=p3_1681547102_DY1m%2FhMCfa5pEzbd Which would you pick, or someplace else that you recommend and why. I've only stayed at Ambiance, Classroom Hotel, Agate, The Venue, Hilton and one of the view Talay's across from Jomtien complex......looking for something different as I'll be traveling with someone else and not alone, as usual.
  16. Not keep up with technology....I'm sure most of us here 😝
  17. Namazu had some great times, even stayed in one of the houses where they do some video shows from.....maybe if he sees this, he will chime in πŸ˜‰
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