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Everything posted by floridarob

  1. from Mexico to USA are double, soo a 100% increase
  2. and wait for it......she doesn't care what you think
  3. I remember sitting in Lagoa one Easter with a friend I met from the board.....he said we should have brought checkers or scrabble with us so we had something to do , lol
  4. Mostly a parking lot ..... https://www.google.com/maps/@13.7284335,100.5302142,3a,75y,325.4h,83.64t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1ss9itJ8SPiP2Clv0d70CLxg!2e0!5s20110901T000000!7i13312!8i6656
  5. they pay her just to be in her presence .....🙄
  6. Unless you happen to "show up" unexpectedly 😉
  7. I went with other people 😳
  8. I've been 2 times.....that's 2 times too many , what we do looking for the greener pasture, lol
  9. Where's the fun in that 😬
  10. Google translate is rarely correct with Thai, but gets the point across....sometimes 😜 Screw Boy recruitment- - Many male receptionists - Mrs. Show - Dorman water bar - DA Qualifications 20 years old, no experience Apply at Khun Boom 099-172-5955 quote Con
  11. There's hope for me yet!!
  12. It's funny when the uncle is younger than the nephew 😝
  13. Unless you're at the coast where they speak more like Cubans, Dominicans or Puerto Ricans, lol
  14. Generally, when you have such a good time and have withdrawals when you get home.....the trip planning begins 😝
  15. The apps made it easier to find customers without having to show up somewhere and gyrate on stage for hours, maybe without an off for days. I'm sure this has helped in the decline too....
  16. AM I that out of it that I had to Google ofc 🙄
  17. No, it would've been a very long time ago I was referring to
  18. That's one of the few pharmacies that don't ask for a prescription for many things and they're open 24 hrs I think, no?
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