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Everything posted by Vessey

  1. I have had 17 trips to Thailand since 2009 and during that time I have seen a clear increase in the number of younger (say under 30 years old) farang tourists - and not just from the UK Places like the infamous Soi 6 have changed beyond recognition as a consequence. What was a double row of sixty odd enclosed bars where you basically went to shag the girls has turned into a large proportion of 'open' party bars - yes there are still girls a plenty, but bar profits now derive more from young guys drinking and partying hard each night. Another consequence is that the younger, prettier girls are getting more picky about their customers, who wants to shag a fat, balding old farang with bad teeth when you can get the same money from a 20 something hunk? The Sun newspaper seems to aim for the same demographic these days. Sensationalism and sex sells newspapers and so they major on it and at the same time fuelling the interest of younger guys to venture to Thailand for their holidays. Still plenty of fun for us oldies to enjoy - but Pattaya is still a young city and it continues to evolve.
  2. True, and as I understand it from some bar managers/owners - the new licences are not ready for issue yet - not that that has stopped the BIB insisting on their removal from bars as now being unlicensed. Honestly, you couldn't make this stuff up could you.... LOL But on-topic - please don't give up on Sunee yet guys, I spent a lot of time here last August and had great fun even in low season.
  3. Elsewhere recent raids have apparently been focused on looking for Cambodians and others without work permits. Be interesting to see if that was their motive here.
  4. Unusual for the police to take the word of a tourist against the word of one of their own officers - unless perhaps they already had suspicions about the officer in question?
  5. It seems to me that all styles of music evolve - even Mozart was considered an innovator by his contemporaries LOL Morlam seems almost universally popular still in Thailand -it gets everyone dancing from grannies to teenagers - and they all seem to know the words to the more popular songs. I have been to a big Morlam show in Pattaya - thousands there - its a huge colourful spectacle. I also regularly go to the little Morlam show, Zab, just in the entrance to Walking Street - I have never found a Thai companion of any gender who didn't have a good time there.
  6. There is still so much of the gay scene in the Pattaya area I have yet to explore, but I do like the Jomtien Complex with its density of gay bars opening onto the soi, it has a relaxed, chilled and friendly atmosphere to it. My favourite bar, as I have mentioned before is the @ Home Bar close to The Venue, staffed almost entirely with Cambodian boys; the cutest of which is actually the boss. Has a good Facebook page for those interested. Beer prices in the several bars I have been into here seem far more modest than those of BoyzTown, as are barfines, and also, as has been said, the tip expectations. One other plus is that a number of the bars are open from late afternoon onwards, @ Home Bar, for example, is 4pm. Although they dont have Sort Time rooms like the bars on Soi 6, my experience has been that they can find a room/bed upstairs if you ask and your expectations are not too high!
  7. The big question for me is not so much the water but are there any gay soapies in either BK of Pattaya?
  8. As if the process hadn't been difficult enough already ...................
  9. Well said, I echo so much of that, and not just with the boy that stays several days, but also the boy who becomes a 'regular' who I will perhaps see several times during a trip and sometimes then from one trip to the next. Yes it is still fundamentally remains a business transaction, but you also get to know each other, find out more about the boys background, family, interests; you can become friendly, and occasionally actual friends. The sex of a short-time can be passionate, but it is mostly about lust, about wanting, about scratching that itch. But, as you say, sex over several days, or sex with a regular can become more loving, more fulfilling. I even try to be more discrete about the money, placing it under their watch or phone for example, easily visible, but avoiding the placing of money directly into their hands. Nevertheless it remains what it is, and I suspect that it is probably more about my emotional needs as theirs.
  10. Thank you CurtisD, you have a very engaging writing style, I too am a fan of the At Home Bar - I think they are all Cambodian there and they certainly have some cute boys, but not all are gay. While in Boyztown were you not tempted to try Toy Boys, again a favourite of mine; their 'range' of boy types is very similar to that of Cupidol.
  11. This just posted on Facebook So hopefully all ok?
  12. Not that we, with our interests, are exactly helping them boost their birthrate LOL
  13. I was concerned to read this and when I saw that my friend Tao (who has worked there several years) was on line I asked him. His English is not great so I just asked if Eros open or not and he replied yes. Not doubting you at all, but it sounds like it may only have been tonight - what time did you pass the door? Its one of my favourite bars, I worry about it! LOL
  14. Vessey

    What a waste

    Ummm guys, this was a thread about how three people died tragically, one of them known to me. I am not sure the banter belongs here?
  15. Bloody hell they are all getting in on the act now; everybody digging up the past. Just wait until they get on to 'bosses and secretaries' and 'dirty weekends' there won't be enough lawyers to go round!
  16. I am not aware of how widespread any drinks 'quota' is in boy bars, but I am sure it happens? Certainly in many girl agogos there is a monthly salary, and a drinks quota (and sometimes also a barfine quota) and if the girl fails to make that drinks quota she is 'cut' from her salary that month. Harsh but explains why they are often so pushy for drinks, especially in low season. Easy for the popular ones, but hard on the less popular ones who rely on their salary to pay their room rent, etc. I was going into places like Cupidol last August and finding myself the only customer and having a stage full of twenty or more lads desperately trying to make eye contact in the hope that I would pick them. Sounds idyllic I know, but actually I find it quite intimidating as I feel so guilty for the ones I don't call down for a drink. But sadly my pockets are just nowhere near that deep, especially at Boyztown prices.
  17. Its getting the balance right, the boys appreciate the tips, the bar the drinks and that balance needs to be maintained for both to survive. If a boy sits and chats with me, I will buy one maybe two drinks and then leave him with a tip - maybe 100 baht? That way (I hope) the boy is happy and the bar is happy. I sometimes give bigger tips - but I need more from the boy to do so - depending on the bar of course. Last couple of times I was in Winner Boys the place was almost empty of customers and the boys were clamouring for attention - so a flash of their cocks got them a drink - but drinks there, even boy drinks, are comparatively inexpensive so it wasn't a hugely expensive gesture, and I also got to see a lot of cocks! LOL
  18. Haha, I always assumed that was you? (mine is very definitely NOT me I hasten to add LOL)
  19. Now I really have the Pattaya Blues
  20. Eros have just posted on Facebook that they are open again tonight.
  21. Its going to hit some of their boys hard, this being the high season and high earning potential. Some, of necessity may have found other bolt-holes but hopefully all will return. Sunne Plaza would be lost without Eros IMHO
  22. Vessey

    What a waste

    The girl pillion was well-known and popular to many of us from Soi 6; Nessy from Toy Box Bar. Actually she was, by chance, the last girl I short-timed, a couple of years back before Boyztown claimed me completely. A lovely girl, friendly, fun and with a heartwarming smile. The bike driver was her young Russian boyfriend and sadly they habitually rode without helmets, and, by all accounts, at speed. And as for the poor young Korean pedestrian just crossing the road ............ I just hope he never knew what hit him. Three young lives snuffed out in an instant May they all R.I.P.
  23. There is nothing like the thrill of unexpectedly finding yourself with a boy with a 'two-hander' cock LOL
  24. The classic example of this, for me, is Tao from Eros (or sometimes Toy Boys). Over the years he has had a succession of often quite stunning girlfriends, some agogo girls. And yet he is huge fun to take out, very affectionate, kisses passionately, loves oral sex, and is a good top - he does everything except bottom for me. He has been there a few years now and seems to feel entirely comfortable with his 'job'. Indeed last trip I had taken him out to the Stone House on Walking Street and he was dancing happily away and commented that his girlfriend would love this place. Ask her over, I said, and within about 20 mins this stunning girl shows up, a real head-turner, and she seemed completely at ease on seeing her boyfriend with his customer for the night. Tao remained equally affectionate with both of us for the rest of the evening. Nevertheless, I thought it best not to push my luck and invite her back to the room as well! hahahaha
  25. Not so different to Pattaya then, I would guess that half the boys in Boyztown are straight, as are most of the boys in Eros and, I think, almost all the 'boys' in Goodboys. It is just a job for them - some are better at it, or better actors, than others, some are more versatile than others but most have no difficulties in 'performing'. In many respects not really quite so different to the young Thai girl who agrees to sex with an elderly overweight farang male (or female). Money is indeed the universal aphrodisiac ! LOL
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