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Posts posted by davet

  1. Lagoa seems to be mostly a weekend place now, with maybe Thursday tagging along. We know that the insane frenzy that used to be their Wednesdays is no more and will never come back, but does anybody have reports on what it's like (i.e., how dead is it) on Monday-Wednesday? There was a mention of some promo on Tuesdays but I don't know if that has increased the selection of talent.

    I'm assuming the other place, 555, is as dead on any day of the week as on any other.

  2. On 3/2/2024 at 5:34 AM, jamieb202 said:

    This is an important thought. And let's me honest. It would be wrong to see a guy you had made a genuine connection with starve for food 

    Obviously wrong. But what if it's a guy who tells a not entirely believable "sick grandmother" story or if the starvation is not for food but designer jeans and sunglasses? And what happens when you're no longer excited by him - would the friendship continue? I too have had my Pretty Woman type rom-com fantasy but it has not yet seemed feasible.

  3. Bangu is not a rundown slum but a quiet working class exurb. There's a pretty shopping mall converted from some old factories. Food out here is notably cheaper but less fancy and quality than down south. My half-hour Uber from Sao Conrado was ~$10US a couple years ago. You can even do a train adventure from the Central station in downtown Rio. It wasn't hard to get to Bangu but a little hard to find Casa Boate. The facility is okay and has a breezy semi-outdoor section. I did not find anyone to my fancy, but my tastes have gotten too caviar and champagne. Let's say these are guys who can't be sure they'll get enough customers in Copacabana to make it worth the trip. 

  4. I think I walked from Teatron to my cheap hotel in Chapinero, but I'm like that. Chapinero seems pretty quiet and safe. Parts north of Chapinero get ever more affluent and chic, so you should be okay.

    There are some excellent Michelin-style froo-froo restaurants that would be $300 a person in the US but less than half the price in Colombia. Leo is very well-regarded. But other than these bargain high-end restaurants (whose chefs and staff trained and worked in Europe), my favorite Colombian eateries are the chicharron chains. You get a cup of deep-fried tasty, salty pig pieces with a twist of lime and a beer. Life can't get any better than that!.

    Aand the folks on this board can't possibly be worried about the dietary effects of what they put in their mouth.

  5. I hope it's hit or miss, unless things have changed drastically since fall 2022 and the remodeling. There were definitely Bel Ami types, actually, both the svelte twinkish Bel Ami type and one memorable exemplar of the Bel Ami muscle-hunk type. Plus a couple traveling Brazilian bodybuilders. 

  6. On 1/17/2024 at 2:55 PM, Tartegogo said:

    it is weird to me, an introvert, to have the balls to address people on the street and ask them for stuff

    The exact culture clash between a verklempt northerner (though I don't know where you're from) and a gregarious southerner. This was why french homosexuals went to Morocco and British homosexuals went to Tuscany and American homosexuals are going to Latin America.


    On 1/17/2024 at 2:55 PM, Tartegogo said:

    just because they look different

    No that's not why.

  7. On 1/17/2024 at 2:47 PM, 12is12 said:

    I visited brazil thrice; never had such encounters, but I wish I had. 

    What was described happens (though not all the time) in so many places. Street vending is common and the incident didn't sound aggressive. The occurrence with the boy I would find to be even charming, and even the homeless guy was a harmless human encounter. You actually interacted with three real working-class Brazilians who weren't in the tourist or sex industries. I would embrace it.

  8. On 1/15/2024 at 11:45 AM, Xclay said:

    Can you please start a thread with a report on your experiences in São Luis?

    I'm too tech-lazy, but whenever someone starts a thread, add that Alcantara, a short boat ride from central Sao Luiz, is a colonial time capsule that hasn't been touristified yet but will surely be turned into an Olinda or Ouro Preto. Try to be in Sao Luiz for their Bumba Meu Boi festival, while Alcantara has its own festas juninas around the same time - Brazil has so much more in addition to carnaval. The southern Brazilians, though, look down upon the Caribbean poverty of the north, and much of colonial Sao Luiz is in need of restoration, so don't expect a glitzy St. Barths.

    The lencois are beautiful. They basically mean climbing up and down a lot of little hills so be ready.

    From the picture on Google Maps, that must be the same sauna I went to in 2011. It was dead then, kind of surprising during festival time, though I did have fun with a scruffy surfer. Glad to hear it's lively now.

  9. On 1/14/2024 at 4:01 AM, Canadianbtmguy said:

    I would say that some, indeed most, enjoy sex with men to some extent (some, not as much as with women, true). And, I would say some, even most, enjoy sex with some clients, even if only a small minority of clients

    I would say that they might not enjoy the sex, but they can still enjoy the job. Many of the guys take pride in the fact that they are working and not selling drugs or panhandling. They take pride in the work of being a stud, and people who take pride often produce better quality work, and get better compensated. They do what everybody does to make work more enjoyable: make friends, make money (good money, in their world), be chill with the customers, be chill with everybody. If you enjoy your job and you enjoy orgasms and you enjoy feeling like a stud, it's going to be hard to untangle all the threads. 

  10. On 1/4/2024 at 4:51 PM, bcdaron said:

    I have not been to the Dominican Republic but I have been twice to Colombia and Brazil at least 5 times. So all I can compare is Colombia versus Brazil.

    Colombia: People are less warm and inviting and that makes it harder to find guys randomly like you do in Brazil. When you do find guys or go to the sex spots you will realize that the guys on average are shorter, less buff, and less endowed(gifted) than the guys in Brazil. The best gay city in Colombia is Bogota due to Theatron and Gigolo Erotic House and other venues. Plus Bogota has a whole gay area similar to Republica in Sao Paulo. 


    I had a different reaction about Colombia. I found the people there to be very warm and "gay" in the old meaning of the term: waitresses were literally singing as they brought my food out. People were making so much eye contact on the streets, on the buses, etc., that it was getting confusing. I had to remind myself that they are just friendly tropical people and no come-on was intended.

    The DR is a much smaller country than the other two so the men are more limited in availability (no saunas with 20-30 garotos) and variety (almost exclusively caramel, moreno, or black). But the few men in this small country have HUGE things between their legs. If you leave the DR without bagging at least a couple 8-inchers, ask for your money back. 

  11. On 4/28/2023 at 11:21 AM, SolaceSoul said:

    This part should be thumbtacked to the top of this forum, because WAY too many posters here want to believe that (1) this rule does not exist, or (2) they are somehow the exception to that rule.

    “Twinning” is, by far, the most common denominator in dating, sexual and romantic attraction is same-sex situations and relationships.

    I know the rule and I doubt that I'm an exception. But at least twice, a boy in a sauna has gotten me off without money changing hands. One time might have been a confusing negotiation (with lots of foreplay!). The other time, he was one of the scrawnier, gayer garotos, and I think he was just ready to get off himself. 

    Twinning? They used to call them "clones" and it's been going on forever, with outfit changes per decade.

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