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Posts posted by likeohmygod

  1. On 5/11/2019 at 7:10 AM, CaliPexx said:

    That is indeed hard to believe. According to an article in the illustrious medical journal :rolleyes:, Guia Gay São Paulo, even though PrEP has been offered by SUS (the Brazilian National Health Service) for people at risk since 2017, as of summer 2018 only 2,748 Brazilians had initiated PrEP, at least PrEP that is dispensed by the SUS. The SUS had sufficient supplies for another 4,200 to start PrEP. I doubt that many Brazilian MSM are obtaining PrEP through sources other than the SUS, because they would then have to pay the high retail cost of Truvada out-of-pocket.

    That's a worrisome observation. As a confirmed passivo (bottom) who wishes to maintain his HIV negative status, I am keenly aware of the point during sex at which garotos don their camisinhas (condoms). Truth be told, I have never been with a GP who has not used a condom. And I've never had to ask him to do so. If the mores of condom use are, in fact, changing among the sauna boys in Brazil, as you imply is happening among Brazilian MSM in general, that would be concerning indeed.

    I think that the statistics is talking only about the free of cost PrEP therapy. It's not free for everyone, the cost depends on the income you have, and even in the worst case, is no more expensive than Paracetamol. I saw many friends of me in Brazil and even some GPs taking PrEP.

    At the same time, there's a lot of people who don't take it and there's a lot of BB sex going on.

  2. Well as pauleiro and many of the readers in the Latin American section, I live in São Paulo/Rio de Janeiro.

    Depending on my job I am spending most of my time in one of the 2 cities above.

    Sometimes I end up to other cities of Brazil for a 5-10 days.

    My top 5: SP, RJ, Bogotá, Medellín, Barcelona

  3. 12 minutes ago, SolaceSoul said:

    Those are good statistics to know. However, we can probably all agree that homicide — although important — is not and should not be the only safety or crime concern or marker for anywhere.  Many crimes and accidents involve harrowing incidents that are short of death: physical injury or dismemberment, armed robbery, rape, assault, kidnapping, etc.

    That is true but as I said on a portion of text i've added later in the post is..."Many crimes in Brazil are not even reported to the police. So the statistics reported by websites like safearound, numbeo and similar, are not reliable. "

    So unfortunely the only data we can use to make comparison is the intentional homicide rate, and we can only assume that minor (non lethal) crimes, can be considered proportional (not necessarily 1:1) to that rate (as it is in the major cities of the world).

    To all the new users of this forum....don't be scared. Keep in mind that in all of these cities there are some NO-GO zones, which are ruining the data for the whole city.

    On average the intentional homicide rate in the Zona Sul, is about 20 times lower than in the Zona Norte/Oeste

  4. It's not a personal anecdote; I am taking in consideration only homicides rates in this statistics, because the way the minor crimes are managed in this type of economies (developing countries or 3rd world countried), does not allow to make a proper comparison. Many crimes in Brazil are not even reported to the police. So the statistics reported by websites like safearound, numbeo and similar, are not reliable.

    The numbers that I've taken into account are the countries intentional homicides rate (out 100,000 people):

    Brazil: 29.56 (2016); Colombia: 25.50 (2016); DR: 15.18 (2016)....for comparison: USA 5.35 (2016); Canada: 1.68 (2016); Italy: 0.67 (2016); Japan: 0.28 (2016)

    Then I've taken in consideration the number of cities by country, which are in the top 50 of the world cities with the highest intentional homicide rate (2017 data):

    Brazil: 17; Colombia: 3; DR: 0....for comparison: USA 4; Canada, Italy and Japan 0

    Then I've compared the intentional homicide rate (always out of 100k people) of the cities which we usually visit for the reasons we all know:

    Salvador (Bahia): 54.8 (2016); Recife: 47.89 (2016)  Rio de Janeiro: 40.0 (2017); Medellin: 24.71 (2018); Bogotà: 12.7 (2018); Santo Domingo: 12.7 (2018) Sao Paulo: 10.9 (2018)

    So in the end....considering that the most visited cities in this forum are the ones highlighted, and keeping in consideration the 3 factors above, i can say that...yeah DR is a lot safer than Brazil and bit safer than Colombia.

  5. In my opinion, Ipanema/Leblon/Barra are out of consideration; running this kind of business in there is nearly impossible right now because of the costs. It would also be quite hard to get the customers (without a proper adv campaign which could also attract problems) and garotos due higher prices you'd be forced to ask, and to the location which mainly hosts a category of guys who usually don't go to saunas for a lot of different reasons. Also...most of the guys who do sex tourism in Brazil are unaware of the existence of saunas, and since this business heavily depends on the local customers, it would be too far from the most populated areas of the town and from the business centres.

    Copacabana/Gloria/Catete/Flamengo are also out of consideration because they are too close to saunas working at full steam ahead. (Unless you want and you have something very different to offer which 117 and 202 don't have).

    Centro has a good bid/ask ratio, but is just too sketchy and dangerous, even during the weekdays now. This is keeping aways tourists but most importantly, the locals if the situation doesn't improve.

    Botafogo...that's the place where i would open a sauna. It's not too far from the north, it's not too upscale, it's easy to reach by metro and by car...it hosts a lot of businesses, and more importantly it hosts a TON of schools and 3 big universities (which means, young, fit, horny boys). It's not too expensive.

    I should quit my job...and run a sauna in Brazil, in Botafogo...sometimes I have this dream of running my personal harem, full of fit and hung guys flirting half naked with me and with the happy customers, who're keen to pour tons of R$ into my bank account...




  6. The only time i went to an "unknown" GP's apartment i got robbed :D (in a soft and smart way but...). In this specific case, it was the apartment of 2 random guys met in the middle of Rio de Janeiro...the pulsing hearth of prostitution.

    I'm not impressed by this story...the american guy risked his life.

    We'll never know the truth about this story...if he followed them spontaneously, if he was under drugs, if he was drunk, if he just didn't want to pay for the reason "X"...


  7. If you use the search function of this forum you will find all of the information you are looking for.

    Usually in SP and RJ saunas you're free to keep the clothes on or just the towel.

    As for the saunas... You pay the entrance, you rest and do whatever you want... You choose a guy, you set the rate and the things you wanna do... You pick the keys... You have fun... You pay the guy... Repeat.

  8. So the last month has been quite productive under the saunas point of view for me, since I managed to go quite everyday, due to a combination of spare time and forum users in town. March is over today for me since in the next days I won't be able to go to the saunas in the 2 main cities of Brazil. So I'd like to tell my 2 cents since maybe I'm gonna be unable (or with no will) to do this.

    If you're staying in Rio: Tuesdays (free cabin), Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays, the place to go is Club 117. During the remaining days you should go to 202 (which has its free cabin day set for Wednesdays)

    If you're staying in SP: you wanna visit Lagoa on Fridays, Saturdays, Wednesdays. The other days will be always hit or miss, meaning they can be extremely good or extremely bad (depending on the events planned). 

    Sauna Fragata (SP) and Manhattan (RJ), have not been taken in consideration since they are complete waste of time and money. (Fragata is old and run down, Manhattan is new, uncomfortable and Empty, and since the day it did open, 60 days ago, only had 2 days with more garotos than the fingers you can count on 1 of your hands). 

    About the quality of the guys in particular the new ones. 

    As I already have told, I think that it also depends about how much unlucky you are. Surely I can suggest you to be careful when planning your trips to Brazilian saunas, in order to avoid the month after the Carnaval, and in general to avoid the week just after any major religious holiday.  Speaking about the last 3 days in particular, pauleiro has already been quite specific about the good times we've spent in saunas. Many of you know that I have very variable tastes, so I can tell you that it's impossible to find someone who you won't like. Now i am speaking about the guys with who I have been with during these 3 days. Apart from Thiago (the typical Brazilian beauty), in Lagoa i have been with 2 new guys which could easily be top level fashion models watching at their faces and their bodies.

    As I said I am not counting the new guys I didn't go with, which were present in both RJ and SP.

    So given this I really hope than @mvan1 will have fun the next time he'll come to Brazil.

  9. Holy fuck... Thiago :hyper:

    Let me explain to forum members (I don't remember if you've already did this). Thiago is a guy around 21/24 yes old, with a perfect bubble butt, a nice body and an astonishing face with a couple of green eyes where you can get lost if looking at them. Major beauty. 

    BTW Yeah Lagoa did not improve after you left. Some good looking guys came at around 7PM but can't compare to yesterday or Friday. 

    As I said... The fugly guys in Lagoa are my major complaint about this sauna. They're a "feature" that saunas in Rio don't have. 

  10. This reminds me of the week from last year's august if I remember, where it looked like that the Rio sauna scene was definitely dead. There were just a few garotos, bad quality.

    The same thing happened in June, where I wrote a topic about Lagoa, lamenting a lack of quality and bad attitude from the boys. 

    Thing have changed... in better. Bad periods can happen. 

    It is nearly 3 years that I am listening to complaints from local customers and sauna owners, that the internet is making the boys leave the saunas. But I suspect that some people are forcing the comparison between now and the old years where internet wasn't yet so present in a Brazilian GPs life. Of course now it's different, but new garotos are always coming, and the saunas are always making good money. 

    A couple of weeks ago I was speaking with a garoto from 117. He wasn't a new face for me but I did never see him in a sauna. He is one of the best looking guys in Rio escort scene in my opinion (I was in the muscular side that time... You know that I have variable tastes day by day) . I asked him what he was doing there and he told me that he needed to advertise and to make some money. I didn't understand why cause I was sure he was getting tons of customers in the internet. 

    He told me that internet and apps are good but there's too much offer in the last times and that internet has a huge problem which saunas don't have... Time wasters. 

    I hope that @mvan1 you will have a great time next time you come. 

    @SolaceSoulI think you've indirectly understood my question since you replied exactly saying what I wanted to listen :D

  11. Mvan I strongly believe that the Bolsonaro thing is pure fantasy. The situation is the same as usual, the garotos need money and sex in saunas has always been a reliable and easy way to get it. The people who voted for Bolsonaro could not care less about what he says about gay people (for which he still hasn't done anything wrong... But it's too early to speak). Brazil has a very different culture from the other countries... The "i don't give a fuck about what you're doing" seems to be quite common, unless you're stealing something or killing people. 

    I believe you guys are somewhat unlucky, or maybe it's just that since I live here, I have a bigger pool of experiences to be added to the statistics. Maybe you should also consider the thing that nothing will be like the first times you were getting in a sauna in Brazil, because that kind of new thing experience (the discovery of such a good places) is gone. 

    I don't think that saunas are getting worse. Actually I think they're improving both in quantity and in quality. The economic situation (which is shit) is helping too. 

    Fragata is well dead from years and it's just a complete waste of time.

    Lagoa is a sure bet only in the Fridays and in the Saturdays. That's it. All of the other days are hit or miss. I did have great Wednesdays (like the past week one) and did have shitty Mondays and vice-versa. This week's Friday and Saturday have been great... I've met new extremely good looking guys. 2 of them are models with over 15k followers in Instagram. I was thinking that since there was no bingo tonight there were going to be a lot less garotos... It was packed. 

    But it's always been like that since the year when I begun to visit saunas with GPs in SP. 

    In Rio they're even better. 

    Since junior has put money for the new facilities in 202, there's been a surge in garotos quantity and quality. 

    117 is always good every single day.

    And about Rio that's it because NMM is dead and Manhattan won't survive 2019 from what I'm constantly being told (99%of the days is empty). 

    I'll tell you another thing. I have variable tastes about boys...but I can say for sure that the internet is not replacing the saunas (yet maybe). Apps like grindr are good to find paid sex, but the quality is not better than what you can find in saunas... Maybe is worse. So... Or all the great guys have disappeared, and that is not the case, or the guys in Brazil are still preferring the saunas because it's easier to let demand meet the offer in there, and the risks of getting caught while doing the escort by the people you know (if they care) are a lot smaller. 

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