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Everything posted by TotallyOz

  1. Now, Republicans are starting to worry as at first Santos said he would not run for a 2nd term and now he says he will. That scares them as they know he will be defeated. It also means that all the other seats they took in NY will have Santos in the minds of voters. IMHO, the best thing for them at this point is to get rid of him ASAP. To do otherwise, will spark issues in the next election cycle.
  2. Lookin, I have been there and enjoyed my time there but that was 20 years ago. I don't know what the situation is like. I do have friends that are Russian and they are pro Putin. They also support the war the invasion. I don't understand it anymore than I understand the mass support for Donald Trump. I think so much has to do with wanting a strong leader who in their view cares for them.
  3. Happy to have you more. First political discussion: rainbows or fairies?
  4. Update: the overnight was great. We got along fabulously and watched a movie, cooked dinner together, and good massage (me to him), we went swimming two times, and just had a fun time. Night was very good. He works and had to go back to work after one night, but next week will take 2 days off together and spend the entire weekend with me. Yesterday, I got a nice Valentine's Day gift from him. So, so far, things are progressing nicely.
  5. I hired a group to trace the IP and got a few others involved. Resolved for now, Yes. But, you know as well as I do, once a file is out there, it could always come back and haunt you. People are often naive when they think someone likes them. (just see my thread about my new crush)
  6. This happened to a young cousin in USA 2 years ago. He was mortified. I was able to get involved and resolve the situation. But, he was terrified.
  7. He saw these sitting at my door and we were going to the pool and he wore them down. I have size 14 boots so a bit big for him, but he wore them about as well as I wear Dorothy's slippers.
  8. @kokopelli3 we are not in Kansas anymore!
  9. Years ago, I was OK with a BF staying home and doing nothing. But, the more experiences I have had, I have come to give two choices if someone lives with me. Either work or go to school. If going to school, I'll pay for it all. No worries. But, if not progressing in a career in university, they must have a job. I just came to believe I was doing a disservice to them to let them do nothing but have fun and play and when things break off to have nothing to fall back on.
  10. No one is limited to only one BF. Lots of love to be shared. I like the TV analogy. Correct!
  11. Everyone needs to work. It builds character. My BF of 20 years works full time. He is a truck driver. I can't have someone just sitting around waiting on me day and night. Not good for them and I can't have other visitors.
  12. Yes, 20's, yes and has never asked for money (just a loving husband who caters after him night and day)
  13. Thank you for the great report. I have been before and loved it. I wish I had know in advance.
  14. Here is a review from November. Like you, the rate was high. But, all were willing to go with me. However, I think I offered a bit more up front.
  15. Thanks. Both were on my todo list.
  16. He told me to ask you about your dick, your preference for role play (whips, chains, or rope), and your tolerance for pain. He said most people that would ask that kind of a question is a bit of a pussy so he expects your tolerance to be low.
  17. He would be a stay at home dad. I'll work and he can take care of the dogs. Crazy in love? Love is never crazy.
  18. Pre-Covid I met a guy online and fell madly in lust. I met him on an app but followed him on Instagram. Covid came and I was scared to go out and he got a BF and was off the market. For 3 years I have followed his every move still in lust. About 4 months back, he broke up and we started chatting heavily. Now, LINE at least 20 times a day from morning till night. Last week he met for dinner and we had a great time but no sex. I told him I could wait till he was ready. This week, he said he has Sunday off and will spend the weekend with me. I am more than just a bit excited. This is a potential true love. The guy I'll spend the rest of my life with. I may get his name tattoo plastered on my body. Should I go ahead and apply for immigration for a visit to the US? I am beyond giddy.
  19. Your first report can either be in person or by mail in Bangkok. If you change addresses or exit the country, or get a new visa, the same process (in person or in mail) and then online works. I like the online option a lot. But, I have traveled a bit and now will mail everything for a bit.
  20. In Bangkok this does not work your first time upon arrival. This must be done either in person or via Mail. Once that has been done one time, then each online update works. They don't tell you clearly the reason the online is denied. But, this was one of the issues.
  21. I most definitely prefer it. Some of the places are really nice and I'm OK going there (Zoo, Cloud, Motion) but they are few and far between and service is not good there. What happened to Prince and Hero. I never had an issue going to either place. Anywhere look as good?
  22. Covid changed things and one thing that is good is that there are now massage services that deliver guys to your door. I normally get them for 3k all inclusive and that is an OK rate if I don't want to travel. Specifically, Homespa, 24m, 15m, and Intra all do delivery. Kman and KK are hit and miss depending on the guys. Does anyone else know if places that delivery consistently?
  23. TotallyOz

    RIP Kadu

    This happens in Thailand quite a bit as well with motorcycles and cars. The longer I'm here, the smarter I get. I had a cop car try to pull me over last year on a side street with no lights or anything, but I kept going until a nice 7/11 and then pulled up to the front. The cop car kept going and did not stop. I knew what he wanted.
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