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Everything posted by ChristianPFC

  1. Tipping airline crew? That idea is absurd! I used to tip inconsistently in the past (up to five years ago, sometimes 20 THB, sometimes nothing), but then stopped tipping altogether. I think it's incumbent on the business owner to pay his staff, I don't want to have anything to with it. I pay the goods I order, that's it. I usually stay in cheap hotels (300-500 THB in the provinces, in places like Chiang Mai or Phuket I would have to go up to 700, or if I want a certain location and a km further would not do or there is not much choice hotel-wise), where a tip would not be expected. And in gogo bars, well if I pay up to 200 THB for a drink, that should be enough to allow the owner/manager to pay his staff a decent wage?
  2. No. I have limited (let's stay 3 times) and distant (let's say five years ago) experiences with songtheo as well. And as I said, it's one of my pet peeves, just make a post that has "Chiang Mai" and "songtheo" in it and I will tell for the umpteenth time what I think about the public transport system in Chiang Mai.
  3. But Hua Hin has some songtheo lines that are clearly labelled and cost 10 (or is it 20? I don't remember clearly).
  4. The public transport situation in Chiang Mai is one of my pet peeves, I could bitch endless about it. Only Phuket and Samui are worse. But the bus or songtheo in Bangkok or in the provinces is 7 or 9 THB, and even in Pattaya songtheo is only 10 THB. Intra-city bus lines in Chiang Mai. I have to try next time. (Inter-city would be between different cities.) I'm referring to one incident when I had to wait 10 minutes to cross from outside ringroad (around the moat) to inside ringroad, and there it appeared to me that in Bangkok we have at least pedestrian overpasses (and a few tunnels as well), whereas Chiang Mai has not! However, there are traffic lights in both, and I don't remember why I didn't cross at a traffic light. There are roads in Bangkok that are impassable unless you cross at a traffic light or pedestrian overpass. Although I once managed to cross Rama 4 road, and survived to tell the story, without using either (where the railway line crosses and there is no barrier in the middle).
  5. Non-air-con buses are 6.5 Baht (no fan) or 9 Baht (fan). But that's all I look for in a hotel: bed, toilet and shower.
  6. Bangkok. No aircon, but you can call it a restaurant as kitchen and furniture are fixed installation. Your questions are valid. Need more information than just price to compare.
  7. I'm lenient when it comes to poor pictures or multiple or often changing profiles. The problem is rather efficient communication. Most notably unacceptable delays in reply, and when I ask a simple question I don't get a straight answer. Like where the boy is now, what he is doing now, when he is free, all things I need to know to set up a date.
  8. Buses from terminal to airplane are the worst part of flying. A human rights violation! In Don Mueang, I once (2014?) spent half an hour on bus to airplane for a 45 min flight to Phom Penh. I was beginning to think they will take me there by bus instead of airplane.
  9. The dire public and private transport situation in Chiang Mai is the reason I nowdays only go there with friends who have a car. I haven't been alone in CM for over 5 years as I don't want to walk (situation for pedestrians worse than in Bangkok) longer distances or pay rip-off prices.
  10. Don't worry. You are in good company. A non-commercial encounter. I was in Surat Thani two years ago (?) chatting with a profile that looked very yummy and was nearby and wanted to meet. The person who arrived was just acceptable when we met outside, too fat naked in my room. Under normal circumstances I would hot have had sex, but he rushed me to my room and I was confused, so I let him play with my body. Afterwards I could not contain my curiosity any longer: "Is that you in the picture? You look quite different." "The picture is my younger brother." "Can you send your younger brother to me next time I'm in Surat Thani?" "He likes girls."
  11. My wording was poor. I meant that technically, they all survived the capsizing. Anyway, I thing I confused that with the accident on the boat to Koh Larn. I could easily swim to shore from a boat that capsizes between Pattaya and Koh Larn, but probably not during bad weather somewhere between Phuket and other islands. And I read somewhere that drowning is a major cause of child death in Thailand, and most of them would have survived if they could swim.
  12. I regularly eat fried chicken with cashew nut, rice and drinking water (glass bottle will be refilled) for 85 THB in Ladprao near soi 101.
  13. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I would have missed. I went today.
  14. I once (2013) took a boy from Banana bar in Soi Twilight (long time 2000 THB). Some years later, he was still working there and I spotted his profile on one of the gay dating apps. I asked to see his private pictures and the reply was "You know already".
  15. Just found this by chance: https://jackbangkok.wordpress.com/2017/03/01/the-global-pig-who-makes-bangkok-his-public-piss-playground/ Activities match, but time does not (2017/03/01/the-global-pig-who-makes-bangkok-his-public-piss-playground).
  16. An ailing friend once sent me to do medicine shopping for him (he spends about 8000 THB per month on medicine), and that was to the pharmacies on Rama 4 road across Chula hospital. He says they have the lowest prices and largest choice. On google maps, search for "Chula Bhesaj Pharmacy"; there are several pharmacies next to each other, and all around the corner from Soi Twilight. Prices for medicine can vary widely, for Ciprofloxacin and Sidegra by factor two. In Cambodia (Pharmacie de la gare, near railway station as the name (French) says), some stuff is considerably cheaper than in Thailand, above mentioned friend asked me to bring some stuff from there as well (his consumption 50 USD per month when bought in Thailand, 22 USD per month when bought in Cambodia). Price variations for Sidegra, own observations: from https://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2018/08/wop-viagra-sidegra.html
  17. I have been using Line for years and here some thoughts: I haven't set a Line ID (just can't think of any, and once you set it you can't change it), I give the boys my phone number to add me. If you are friends with someone on Line, I didn't find a way to get his Line ID other than asking him. A friend wanted to introduce me to one of his friends via Line, so we he set up a group with us three, and in this group I friended the third. I accidentally logged off Line on my phone, and on logging in all chat data was gone because Line didn't recognize my phone as the same as before, thought it was a new device. With upcoming purchase of new phone, I want to move all chats from old to new, and then have to look again into how to do this. Pictures and videos are only available for 30 (?) days. However, on my phone I found a folder that seems to contain all pictures I even sent or received on Line, and which amounted to 2 GB (!!!) of data. The folder is ASUS_Z00LD/Internal Storage/Android/data/jp.naver.line.android/storage/mo (might differ for your phone). The two points above are an awful backup and awful waste of space.
  18. I read somewhere [quotation needed] that most of them drowned because they could not swim. I learnt swimming at school, so I cannot imagine how someone cannot swim. To my greatest surprise, even some of my Farang friends (from Ireland and Scotland of all places!) cannot swim.
  19. Operating a gogo bar on some of the most expensive real estate in Thailand (according to sglad, I have no knowledge in this area) is a waste of money. But not my money, I hasten to add, as I don't go to these places. I go a few hundred meter further (Silom Soi 6), or even 100 km further (Pattaya), where gogo bars do not operate on some of the most expensive real estate in Thailand.
  20. If I have to pay 350 (?) THB to look at fully dressed boys in BoyzBoyzBoyz, whereas for less money I can have drink for myself 79 THB and a drink for a boy 130 THB and have the boy sit with me for some gropes for tip 100 THB = 309 THB, then I call those 350 THB expensive. And I vote with my feet, in the last years I have been to Winner about 20 times and to BBB zero times.
  21. I find jeans totally un-erotic. And that's over 300% more than Winner (drinks start at 79 THB), where all boys are in underwear, and nothing more than underwear. For that reason, I usually start my night in Winner, and even by the one or other boy a drink (130 THB) and have him sit with me for some indecent touching (tip him 100 THB), that makes 309 THB, still cheaper than looking at fully dressed boys elsewhere..
  22. My opinion about the gogo bars: When in Pattaya, I usually visit all bars in Sunnee (Winner Boys, Nice Boys, Power Boys and Eros). In Boyztown I visit Cupidol and Dream Boys. I rarely go to A Bomb (boys are not my type) or X-Boys. I don't go any more to Boyz Boyz Boyz (boys are fully dressed, and expensive), Toy Boys (expensive, I have been asked for 1500 short time, and it is reported that some boys go only with women, and I observed myself that some of the boys outside never appear inside).
  23. A Farang friend reported he had his wallet stolen on BTS Siam by another Farang. He knew it was another Farang because he noticed the theft and then approached the thief saying "Wallet!" whereupon the thief dropped it on the floor. I once had a vision of someone spilling a drink over my trousers, therefore I put my passport in a plastic bag. In addition, I have a card with my name in Thai and phone number in my passport.
  24. The bus/van stations in Bangkok serve certain regions. You will most probably find bus or van to Aranyaprathet at Ekkamai or the bust station at Suvarnabhumi airport. (Whereas Souther bus station has buses/vans to Western and Southern Thailand, and Mor Chit has buses/vans to Northern and Northeastern Thailand.)
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