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Trip report Jan/Feb 2025 - Cebu & beyond - Research if an elderly gay retiree can live comfortably in Cebu

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Your reports are tour de force. Brilliant combination of concise writing, engaging storytelling and wonderfully illustrated. It's a true service to the forum.

Your narrative about X Club made me smile 11,000 miles away. Often we have no idea how a single interaction with a boy can have a profound effect on his outlook. Knowing you personally and through your posts, I really wasn't surprised. You made much merit and had one hell of a time with Mr. M.

Keep the reports coming! Thank you.


21 hours ago, bkkmfj2648 said:

I have to say that I was also influenced by the love stories shared here in this forum by fellow forum members; @jason1975 and @Min, as they both shared their love for their PMBs – and it gave me inspiration that love can be found with PMBs, when I had previously believed that it is a HUGE mistake to give your heart to a PMB.  If I have in fact made a HUGE mistake, at least I am in good company with Jason and Min.


1 hour ago, macaroni21 said:

One tiny question: is Mr B the same as Mr M?

Thanks for the compliment @macaroni21

Yes, that Club X gogo bar was expensive - but I intentionally let things get out of hand - money wise - as I was paying for both myself, my dancer guy, Mr. B and his waiter and 1 drink to the very helpful mamasan.  As the gay life experience here in Cebu is quite limited (few options) and one place can be far from the other (there is no gay ghetto), I jumped on this gogo bar opportunity to find out what it is all about and to indulge myself.

Obviously, if I lived here full time as a retiree - then perhaps I would only go to this expensive gogo bar 1 or 2 times in a month. However, Mr B told me that there is another gogo bar over on Mactan island - where I will move to next Wednesday.  It's name is: Perzeus Entertainment bar - https://www.facebook.com/p/Perzeus-Entertainment-bar-100083162290691/

You are very astute - Yes, Mr B is Mr M.  With the use of all of these pseudonyms - I became confused on who is who - as the guys here are SUPER sensitive about being exposed in the public eye in this ultra conservative Catholic country.


Day 12 (9 January 2025).

Eat breakfast at the Ayala mall.

A guy that I have been chatting with on the previous day, we agree to meet at my room today for a 2 hands massage.  Let’s refer to him as Mr. Diver – as he loves scuba diving.

Massage was good but this guy was kind of annoying as he kept telling me that it was his dream to go to the USA and he just had to have USA cock.  He was quite disappointed with me when I told him that I abandoned the USA back in 1999 due to gun violence.  So, it was hard to reach orgasm when someone is talking about your cock and his dream to go to the USA.  Eventually it happened but I was happy when he left my room.

Showered and then went back to the mall for a late lunch.  I was debating whether I should get the Armani watch repaired that my ex-Thai boyfriend gave me early last year.  It stopped working on New Year’s day, after I had said the magical words, “I love you” to my PMB.  I took that as a signal to let that watch remain in its dead state – which was also the state of my dead love for my ex.

Day 12 (9 January 2025) concluded.


Day 13 (10 January 2025).

Shampoo and body wash are getting low so over to the mall to acquire new ones.  I notice the new SINULOG exhibition of Santo Nino in the middle of the mall. Each day, as we get closer and closer to the SINULOG event, the city reveals more and more reminders that the big day is approaching.



Mr. B invites me to join him to experience the unique and fun Cave Bar in Cebu.


Watch any of the below videos to get a feel for the vibe that exists in this energetic bar.




The bar is run by drag queens and their fans and they do a pretty good job at entertaining you.  You can also eat lite food and drink to your heart’s content.  There is no cover charge.  You only pay for drinks and occasionally the lady boys pass by with a tip box but you can also give them tips as they walk by.  I did not dare to perform the “Vinapu tuck” on any of them – as I did not want to get bitch slapped.


Firstly, the primary drag queen, she goes walking around the audience with her microphone and gives you a chance to introduce yourself by responding to her funny questions.  For example, when it was my turn, she asked me, where are you visiting from?  I replied, Thailand – and then she started talking to me very quickly in Thai – I was like oh shit now what do I do?  She finished her lecture (I think that it was a question in Thai) and she was waiting for me to respond and I couldn’t and she laughed and said, honey, you got some work to do on your Thai.  Everyone laughed in the bar and then she moves onto her next guest.  This is truly an ice breaker and later on it gives something to other people in the bar to talk to about later in the evening.  I really liked this unique approach.


The show skits were like the ones displayed in the above videos (note that these videos are condensed snippets of the various skits) and there were 3 rounds of them, with like 30 minutes in-between them, where the DJ plays music and even takes requests – so even more fun.  Music was not too loud and it was easy to converse with the other bar patrons.

I highly recommend this place when visiting Cebu if you want a fun night out in a very friendly environment.

Below is a Google map of the Cave Bar location:


For more information, visit:  




Day 13 (10 January 2025) concluded.


It's a pity BKK, that you decided to skip the festival route. I walked the whole length before entering the event's stadium, and I didn't feel any problems of security or safety.

If you do move there, I VERY much recommend participation next year.


I've been eagerly awaiting this report for weeks and weeks, excited for what you would experience before you even arrived! I was so happy when I saw your series of posts pop up and elated at all the infinitesimal details.

THANK YOU for writing the first testament of THE BIBLE OF CEBU. I, and countless others, will certainly refer to this again and again when making plans for our first visit. The report is sweeping and comprehensive. I'll reread it many times, now and when I book my first flight to Cebu.

Although you've had some scary and unfortunate happenings, on the whole it sounds like a whole lot of fun. I'm curious to see what your Sinulog Festival experience was like. And if the daily finds on Grindr and Heesay continue to satiate your desires, if you think the quantity and quality of guys there (both locals and visitors) is a ✔ in favor of moving to Cebu permanently. And whether you'd enjoy, as a resident, having all this fun with ever-present conservatism crackling like static in the background.

Sending you loads of good energy from afar. ❤️ Hoping your adventures continue to (slooooooooowly) satisfy.

7 hours ago, 12is12 said:

It's a pity BKK, that you decided to skip the festival route. I walked the whole length before entering the event's stadium, and I didn't feel any problems of security or safety.

Unfortunately, my trip report updates are behind actual reality (current time).  Consequently, I have not yet arrived to the SINULOG parade update that occured on Sunday 19 January.

I never said that I am skipping the festival route, I only said that I will avoid Colon street in the historic center, which is not part of the parade route.

As of this morning, I have only posted up through 12 January, which is my 15th day in Cebu.

I wrote earlier in this thread that in my first AirBnB that there was no desk to set up my laptap and consequently I could not write any trip report updates for my first 20 days in Cebu.  So, I am in overdrive to try to catch up in my 2nd AirBnB condo which has a proper desk.



Not having a proper desk or desk-height table in the room is very frustrating. After a few such experiences I now look very carefully at photos of rooms to see if there's a desk before I book.



I get different reports about the cheaper prices in Thailand vs Philippines 

I did personally find prices higher in the Philippines🇵🇭🇵🇭 but of course that depends where you are .

Is Cebu budget higher than say Jomtien?

Condo rental I heard are more expensive in Cebu than Jomtien ,is that right ?

I might head to Cebu in March for a few days again ,I wasn't that impressed last time because of constant beep beep noises 

Could you do a price comparison on Cebu vs Pattaya 🙏

On 1/23/2025 at 3:09 PM, bkkmfj2648 said:

Day 8 (5 January 2025).

Slow day.  I had my usual walk through the Ayala mall and surrounding neighborhoods.

I note that the city is moving away from New Year celebration stuff to the upcoming 2025 SINOLOG festival, which will start on 18 & 19 January.

You are made aware of this by:

  • Loud “I love Cebu” music is starting to play all over the city,


At first I did not enjoy this song much – but after 3 weeks of hearing it everywhere in the city it grows on you and now when I hear it I get happy and emotional.

Similar to when I hear the Pattaya Pattaya song =  https://youtu.be/ulfn3bQNcdU

Music for me creates emotional bonds to a place, friends, and experiences. 

  • Shops throughout the city are starting to sell SINULOG merchandise,


  • There is a festive sense of happiness in the local people for the arrival of SINULOG.

Today I learned that CEBU, is commonly referred to as the “Queen City of the South” – how apropos.

Later in the evening, I chatted with a cute masculine guy, Mr. Jon from PlanetRomeo and he comes to my room for a good 2 hands massage + safe edging, oral, and edging fun. 

Day 8 (5 January 2025) concluded.


Day 9 (6 January 2025).

Day begins in a frustrating way when I returned to my room after my breakfast to find out that the digital electronic key entrance system to my room is dead. So, I contact my AirBnB owner about the problem and after 2 hours of waiting a technician arrives.  The problem was that the battery within the electronic device went dead and consequently the lock device could not respond to my electronic key nor my keypad secret code.  The technician had to remove a type of secret panel and then insert into a keyhole a type of Allen wrench key that allowed him to turn the tumbler with great force to allow us to enter the room.  He swapped out the battery, sprayed some W-40 into the tumbler – to make it have less friction.  He left me with this manual key in case it would happen again – but I am happy to report that from that point forward the electronic digital system worked perfectly.


Can you imagine if I had a guy with me that I rented for 2 hours ?  Would we do it in the hallway outside of my room?

Later in the night, we finally go to visit 2 gay places with Mr. M. in the evening.

First stop is the famous CENSORED gay bar.   image.png.7ba45e1c121ec9f31182f24fd237373f.png


It being a Monday night, it was quite dead, but we still had fun. We ordered some beers and some light food snacks and took some photos.


me standing in front of the CENSORED bar

If you want to get a feel for this place, enter this in the X (Twitter) search box and then look at the gazillion search results. image.png.4bcfa6467932b64cd28eacea9866995a.png. 

Some are X rated responses, as the local Cebuanos talk about their prey that they picked up from CENSORED and what they did to their prey, or what the prey did to them.

This is probably the most frequented gay bar in Cebu – as it is just off of the main road = F. Cabahug street (as shown in the below Google map) in an alcove that has many other open air bars there.  Consequently, there is tons of space for the guys to congregate, drink, be social, and be crazy.



Second stop is to one of the few male go-go bars here in Cebu.  So we visit:

Club X – MenXiest Entertainment Bar:   https://www.facebook.com/clubxcebu/



me at the Club X entrance - full of anticipation



Located over in Mandaue – which is right next to Cebu City.


This place was a blast.  As it was a Monday night, there were not many customers, so we got most of the attention. There is the very elegant ladyboy mamasan who came and sat with us to explain how everything works – which we learned that it is somewhat similar to how it works in Thailand:

  • You can invite a gogo dancer down from the stage to sit with you with a 1 drink minimum, where his drink will always cost 600 pesos even if your beer costs 200 pesos.  The gogo boy accumulates 1 point, at a value of 50 pesos for each drink that the customer buys for him.
  • 300 pesos per person in your group is added to your bar tab as the entrance fee.
  • Waiters are not allowed to drink with you – but we were eventually allowed to break this rule – when it became evident to me that Mr. M. was smitten with our assigned cute and fun waiter,
  • All of the male staff that we saw up on the stage are straight.  The mamasan explained to us that gays are not allowed to be hired as a gogo boy dancer.  I inquired as to why and she said, management policy with no further explanation.
  • Off fee to bring one of these gogo dancers with you was 5.000 pesos (~ $85.35 USD) payable to the bar PLUS the fee that the guy would want – based on what you ask him to do with you – sliding scale.  No quotes were given by the mamasan, as she stated that the bar has no influence on what is negotiated between you and the “straight” gogo guy.

So, the guys start doing their gogo dance routines (some in bikinis, boxers, and pant shorts).  The astute mamasan is noticing that I am intently in awe of one of their dancers who is quite good in his black boxer shorts.  She tells me that he is their newest dancer and has only been with them 1 month and he is from a nearby remote island.  She calls him down to sit with us and he is VERY tense and heterosexual – almost trembling, but at the same time very masculine.  I put my arms on his shoulders and start to caress him.  But he needs to drink like three 600 peso drinks before he finally calms down.  Then we start talking and he opens up to me, and by now I have my hands on his legs, which I am caressing.  He is quite apprehensive, as all of his “straight” colleagues are watching him.  I find out from the mamasan that I am the first person in his new month at the club to invite him to sit with a customer.





By this time, I had already bought the mamasan a drink, I ask her again if the cute waiter could sit with us so that my friend Mr. M. could have some fun also.  She agrees to break the rule – as there are not many customers that the waiter needs to attend to – so he sits next to Mr. M. and I see a lot of sexual positive energy between all 4 of us now and I also see that the mamasan is very happy – of course – it is a dead Monday night and my wallet is good for business.

My guy tells me that he will go back onto the stage to do a solo dance act.  I ask, when?  He says at 4:00am.  It was only 2:30am and I was already very tired, so I told him that I would need to leave by 3am.  He runs away to the DJs booth and then comes back so excited and says, that the management will rearrange the solo dance lineup so that he can dance for me within the next 15 minutes --> IF <-- I agree to pay 1.000 peso to change the dance lineup fee.  Wow, this place really knows how to milk their customers.  But I was really into this guy and already buzzing from the alcohol so I agree.

Then the DJ announces him and out on the stage he is all alone dedicating his dance routine to me – it was great.  So, I could not remain seated, I heard the voice of @vinapu, my Jedi Master, in my ears, and so I ran to him up on the stage and did the necessary = I planted a 1.000 peso blue note into his black boxer shorts.  The small audience and ALL of his "straight" gogo colleagues erupted into applause and shouting – as I learned that my new friend was now officially initiated into the warm gogo boy family culture of the Club X – MenXiest Entertainment Bar.

The mamasan made me understand that this passing of the torch into having his first customer was important for them to keep him – as it was already 1 month that they invested in him without any requests to sit with customers or offs. 

By now he was so estatic.  I told him that he is already so sexy and an excellent dancer – but that he needs to buy a proper sexy bikini like the other more senior already successful gogo guys.  I put another 1.000 pesos into his pants and told him this is for your bikini fund.

We then asked for our bill and drum roll please – it came to around 11.000 pesos (~ $190 USD) = outch – but it was a GREAT night out to see and experience the Philippine version of a gogo bar and my first time to see my cute and adorable Mr. M. get up close and personal with our sexy waiter. They exchanged numbers.  Unfortunately, I could not as I only have a numberless eSIM and I don’t have FB.  It is ok, as I probably would have regretted taking my guy home with me since I have my boyfriend back in Jomtien.

Here is a nice write up by a local blog here in Cebu: https://sugbo.ph/2023/cebu-club-x/

Day 8 (6 January 2025) concluded.


You look fit for your age ,nice body 🥰

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