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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/2018 in Posts

  1. Tartegogo

    Bottoming in Brazil

    No i am not going to talk about the overly-large cocks. It is about cleaning your ass As bottoming is something I don’t do very often, I may be late to the party and several of you will say “Duuuh!” and that is fair enough. For those who are like me and didn’t know the fact that, in Brazil, unlike in the US where it is very rare (I certainly don’t have one at home), there is always this device next to every toilet bowl: I started using it to clean my ass, well I mean the outside. For the inside, I still was using this douche pump , which I brought with me. But I kept thinking, there must be a way to use that hose device, somehow, to clean inside also. So I thought, someone local here must have thought about it! I went straight to a sex shop, and asked, and here it was! I bought this thing above for R$95, but the only part that is useful to me is the little white item. It fits if you unscrew the hose-tap in this way. and then attach it tightly to the hose. As long as you don’t put too much water pressure, it stays attached. Much easier for me as you don’t have to move back and forth between the toilet seat and the sink to refill the pump. And no pumping! Be careful of the water pressure though, it can be intense if you don’t go easy! The sex shop where I bought this is on the 3rd floor of the shopping tower which is at 43 Rua Siqueira Campos in Copa (yes, that same street where Pointe 202 is).
    3 points
  2. Alaskabear

    Bottoming in Brazil

    So I had to learn the HARD WAY. I’m a total bottom and I need to be fully clean to relax and really enjoy sex. But while traveling in India and Thailand I would get the worst food cramps and shits. And I realized that it was the tap water I was douching with that was messing me up. Since then I’ve kept a rule that if I wouldn’t drink the tap water I’m not going to douche with tap water. how’s Brazil for this plan? Is the tap water reasonably safe? I’m sure it’s leagues better than India. Lol
    3 points
  3. Walker

    Bottoming in Brazil

    Please also post a illustration picture of this tool inserted in your butt hole. Thank you.
    2 points
  4. Riobard

    Bottoming in Brazil

    Douching in general is not good for your insides and should be done sparingly. I strongly advise NOT to use your homemade cold-water bathroom hosepump contraption. You are likely going to overshoot the pressured water up into your sigmoid colon where your pre-BM fecal matter gathers and lives prior to being released into the rectum. That fecal matter can then get diluted and runny and seep past the built-in semi-valve musculature into the rectum, thereby exacerbating your already existing concern of having poo in your rectum. You are likely going to fill the cavity with far greater than the recommended volume of water (100 ml or 1/3 cup) before the water can be expelled back out. That aggressiveness accounts for some folks getting a little obsessive and repeating the insertion over and over until the water comes out of the ass clear. They are reaching too far up the poop chute and dragging down more matter. I also think that those hoses by the toilet is the least treated water and not filtered like some kitchen tap water might be. I believe it's main purpose is household cleaning. Anyway, I purify douche water by boiling and cooling tapwater to lukewarm. Or using warm shower water. Adding about a half teaspoon of salt per cup to relicate normal saline. But I stay where there is a kitchen. Otherwise, would likely use room-temp bottled drinking or distilled water. I myself do use the typical Brazil bathroom hose for very exterior ass cleaning. Over the toilet, or in the shower if it reaches. And then gentle soap and a pitcher of warm shower water for rinsing the anus if the shower nozzle is fixed and not itself on a moveable hose. Or bidet if available. And the douche bulb as you describe, but no more than 2-3 times per week. I tend to get loose stool if not travellers diarrhea in Brazil, so have to calibrate my bottoming accordingly. I take the plastic measuring cup (you can improvise) of lightly salted water into the shower along with the douche kit. I override the refill problem by using a plastic-tip syringe, not a metal needle-tip type, drawing the water from the supply and expelling it into the bulb about 5 times to fill it, then inserting the tip back into the bulb and using a little lube for anal insertion. I try not to repeat the process more than once per cleanse session.
    2 points
  5. Latbear4blk

    Bottoming in Brazil

    Experienced bottoms can relax their ring and let the water fill their bowels.
    2 points
  6. I left America when Bush 2 got sworn in.
    2 points
  7. Don’t visit if any of the following is true: - if you need your boys to be muscular - if your care a lot about the place’s cleanliness - if you don’t speak Portuguese - if you have too little time to travel back and forth. - if you want to fuck only once. The Uber cost is way above the savings you will make. - if it is not a Sunday evening! Do visit: - if you like twinks and are already bored of those in Manhattan-Rio. and / or - if you want to fuck with 5 guys for a total of less than 500 reais, including transport, entrance, drinks, boy fees etc... and / or - if you like the thrill of being in what one of the garotos called “a danger zone!” Just for the record, my reason was so that I could brag about it here! Only kidding. I guess I needed to see something a bit less manicured and more rough. Life of a working boy in Brasil is hard, and not because of the competition in the saunas, but because there are areas with so little money, that some straight boys have decided that, to get fucked by old local men for US$9 is a good life option.
    2 points
  8. There was a time (for about twelve years) when I visited Fragata sauna whenever I was in Sao Paulo. During those initial twelve years, I enjoyed Fragata sauna far more than I enjoyed Lagoa sauna on other days of the week when Lagoa supposedly was the best sauna ("in the world"). Traditionally, Tuesday nights and Sunday nights were the busiest days of the week to visit Fragata during those early years. On those nights, Fragata was often filled with magnificent/handsome looking garotos. Fun was had by one and by all. However, about three years ago the garoto and client turnout at Fragata dwindled and became hit and miss and the crowds were, pathetically small. My being somewhat stubborn and loyal, I continued to visit Fragata at least a few times each year to see if it resumed its former fun place. Each time was a disappointment. About a year ago, I totally stopped visiting Fragata because it was a waste of time and effort to go there. Last week, one of my Brazilian friends told me he was going to Fragata "for old times sake" - - I wished him well. My friend reported back that he had a wonderful time almost as good as in the old days. I was skeptical, and decided to see for myself. Tonight I went to Fragata. My friend was correct. This being Sunday night, it was nearly as it was in the earlier years. What a shock I had tonight - - walking into Fragata was tantamount to watching a porno movie. Beautiful handsome guys, many with huge erect cocks, were standing around masturbating and many were making out (kissing and fondling) with clients in the hallways. Needless to say, I felt an inital shock but decided to join the fun, and fun I had. For those who visit Sao Paulo and go only to Lagoa, consider Fragata. You might be pleasantly surprised. Needless to say, I plan to return to Fragata Tuesday night to determine if the old tradition will also be in effect for next Tuesday. I will write an update if the Tuesday tradition holds.
    1 point
  9. According to Pokemon Go I walk roughly 5.4 km a day. Is that a little? Is that a lot? How much do you guys walk a day?
    1 point
  10. Lucky

    Time To Forgive JFK?

    JFK looks like a giant compared to the current president, but even he wasn't adverse to grabbing pussy when he could. His multiple affairs, including with a Mafia broad, were often conducted right under Jackie's nose. Kennedy kept his Addison's disease secret, as well as his use of drugs to keep his energy up...or more. I was alive when he was elected, and when he was assassinated. The youthful belief I had in him caused me to be crushed when, 55 years ago today, he died. LBJ was no JFK! Over the years, more has come out about Kennedy to tarnish the image. But I do believe he accomplished some things, (We didn't get blown up over Cuba.) and there is no doubt that he inspired many people. The Peace Corps continues today to help the poor. So can we forgive his indiscretions? If he was alive now, the Me/Too movement would castigate him. I would not.
    1 point
  11. Riobard

    Bottoming in Brazil

    I would not drain the swimming pool just to get a few leaves out. For bottoming, receptive anal intercourse dick only, I just want to get the worst of residual post-dump crap molecules out of my rectum. Because that requires so little water inserted, it is just as simple to use purified water that I have lightly salinated. I agree water from the aqueduct system in Rio is likely OK for most purposes. Some of Blindjaw's illustrated techniques are something my General Practitioner or Gastroenterologist might recommend very occasionally for serious constipation, impacted bowel, etc. They are both sex-positive practitioners and I use their recommended douche method. As I said, I tend to have runny poo in Brasil even though I add more pure psyllium husk powder to my diet. The douche method I described works for me. I do not use Imodium because I want to evacuate the pathogens that might be causing loose stool.
    1 point
  12. Tartegogo

    Bottoming in Brazil

    I can control the pressure, just like home in the US where I have a shower hose. And yes, I do it multiple times until the water comes out clean, that is the whole point! That is how it is recommended. Have you ever seen this? https://howtocleanyourass.wordpress.com/ So what on Earth are you taking about? Also the water coming out of this tap is the same as every other tap, there is only one water system in Rio, it would be incredibly expensive to have a separate set of pipes into every appartment just for the little bit of water that is used in the toilet! And yes, @Alaskabear, the tap water is safe to drink in Brasil: https://www.tripsavvy.com/drinking-water-safety-in-brazil-1467423 “Tap water is typically safe to drink and you can brush your teeth with the water. But because of how it's treated, it doesn't taste very good.” I don’t have many tasting buds in my ass, so that is fine by me.
    1 point
  13. Yeah. I love walking outdoors.
    1 point
  14. MsGuy

    Trump Closing Borders

    BBB, make sure your paperwork is all done for a quick get-away. I'm hearing those damn Frenchies kill each other over the gas tax on diesel. What's gonna happen to American ex-pats if (when?) the Orange One truly fucks up everything for everybody? They'll be on you like villagers on a monster. Maybe you could work up a good Kiwi accent? Start telling folks your mother is really Canadian?
    1 point
  15. AdamSmith

    Trump Closing Borders

    You are too easily triggered!
    1 point
  16. MsGuy

    Time To Forgive JFK?

    ...in 1959 the US and Turkey agreed to deploy one squadron of 15 nuclear tipped Jupiter medium range ballistic missiles (MRBM) missiles in Turkey. They also deployed them to Italy. The deployment to Turkey began in June 1961. They became operational in April 1962. This photo shows one of the five "flights" (3 missiles each) of Jupiter MRBMs deployed at Cigli Air Base, Turkey during 1962 and early 1963. The Jupiters were armed with 1.1 megaton W49 nuclear warheads. You can see from this map why the Soviets did not appreciate these missiles in Turkey. The sites in Turkey were largely in western Turkey. Even though the Jupiter was a MRBM with a nuclear warhead, it could hit Moscow. That certainly stuck in Khrushchev’s craw. Furthermore, the Jupiters really were very vulnerable. They had to stand in a vertical position, it took a long time to prepare them for launch, and they had little to no value as a deterrent. Instead, if anything, they would motivate the Soviets to attack them first, pre-emptively. -------- RA1, the missiles in question were the medium range version of the liquid fueled Jupiter. It took several hours to drag them out of their sheds, haul them to their launch pads, hoist them upright and then load them up with hydrogen and lox and otherwise spin them up to a ready condition. H>O>U>R>S. Recall these are not the Jupiter ICBMs buried deep in super hardened holes in Arkansas. These are the fragile birds sitting in a Quonset hut version. Said sheds being located less than a hour from Warsaw Pact air bases. Deterence value: zero; retaliation value: zip; even first strike value; awkward at best, but scary as shit to the Russians. So what they were was exactly what you NEVER, EVER want in your nuclear inventory: (1)scary as shit but (2) easily trashed in a pre-emptive strike. The worst of all possible weapons to deploy, more dangerous to you than to the enemy. RA1, hard as it is to believe, in 1960 the guys running the world simply had not figured out that nuclear weapons were not just a novel, game changing war technology, they changed the whole dynamic of great power rivalry. So, yes, obsolete from the day of installation. We actually made ourselves a smidgen safer by removing them. As the Russians made themselves safer by removing theirs. It's funny how it's easy to see how the Russians were better off w/o those Cuban missiles but much harder to see why the US was safer w/o those in Turkey. It takes figuring that out to begin to understand the true, real world, very practical consequences of possessing nuclear weapons. PS Did we know they were useless at the time? Well, a lot of people didn't understand it that way. So many in fact that that side agreement remained secret until we actually began closing the bases some months later. And Kennedy denied any such agreement to the day of his death. 1960's version of FAKE NEWS! LOL. So Dear Hoarder: at the least, Kennedy figured it was worth scrapping a handful of missiles to keep Khrushchev's head on his shoulders long enough to get those missiles out of Cuba. Remember there were lots of folks (hoarders?)in Russia who didn't understand how Russia was better off w/o those Cuban missiles. Learning to think in terms of 3rd and 4th order consequences doesn't come easy.
    1 point
  17. Riobard

    Bottoming in Brazil

    Yes, please do, in case some here don't quite know where to find theirs.
    1 point
  18. Latbear4blk

    Bottoming in Brazil

    Did you ever visit Argentina, @Tartegogo? You will love the bidets over there.
    1 point
  19. Very interesting observation @demedici It reminded me of how I paid the very full asking price once. I dated a Brazilian musclegod several times when he lived in Europe. He had a fine-featured handsome face and a beautiful hard, ripped body. He had been featured on the covers of a couple of fitness magazines. He always had limits (I had to use condoms, I could not unload in his mouth etc) but we had fun together. He moved back to Brazil but we kept in touch and a few months later, when he knew I was going on holiday to the beach resort of Punta del Este, he asked to join me. I was unsure but he said he would pay for his own airfares if I would pay for all meals, drinks etc for the 4 days we’d be together. As his fee, he asked US$2000 but he promised to do “everything, no limits”. I did not haggle on the price. We had a terrific time. He was of course amazing arm-candy in the restaurants and clubs. His allure was compounded by the tight clothes he wore - Versace tops and jeans that looked as if they’d been sprayed on, and Speedos at the beach. He was attentive and devoted throughout. And each day and night, he kept his promise: I topped him a couple of times each day and he sucked me off, no condoms; I unloaded in his mouth and he swallowed my loads. He did everything possible to please me. Sometimes you have to pay a lot to get a lot.
    1 point
  20. @BiBottomBoy's premise is quite evident and right on point. I do not understand your premise, @RA1. I know of no immigrants who would do such a thing. Is there any chance Trump's agents infiltrated the caravana and caused the incidents to fire up the xenophobic trumpist mob in Mississippi? If so, shame on them. Best regards,
    1 point
  21. It’s good to know that Manny is still doing his thing. He and Freddy are like The Welcoming Committee Of The Conde.
    1 point
  22. Those who think you are - - - crazy to go to Fragata - - - would have a different song to sing now, if they had been there last night. By the way, it was not only the "guy next door" type at Fragata last night. There were some muscle guys but most were good looking or handsome types rather than the muscle types so often found at Lagoa. I already have a small group of my Brazilian friends ready to make a renewal appearance tomorrow night at Fragata. Like I wrote, if Fragata lives up to its former tradition (Sunday and Tuesday = good nights), I will write an update.
    1 point
  23. No bracelets for the lockers. They assume you want to stay clothed and so do not give towel and slippers unless you ask. Everything works 100% in Portuguese, nobody speaks any decent English. The water is still too cold, so nobody yet uses the pool. I got Ricardo-Junior, 21, for my first. He asked for 50, got 60 since he was an excellent bottom and he came while I was deep inside him. Next Kaio. 21 also, even cuter but top only, so we did only kissing and sucking. He was great, and made me come. Asked for 40, got 50. Spoke some very basic English. Last guy was 20yo and claimed to be able to bottom but didn’t actually let me in. He was terrible. I cut short my losses (loss of time I mean) and paid him off. He was short and cute, though, I liked that. Cabins are free but in a terrible state. Only cold water. None of the boys shave their ass, so, rimming is a different experience there. Several of the boys kept telling me to be careful around there. “Careful with your key”. “careful with your money”. “Careful, some other boys are over charging”, “careful, when you step outside, it is a dangerous zone here”. I probably paid 50 % more than the locals do. Still, the maximum I gave was US$15.7. And that was a full session with double orgasms. My sauna bill was 84. That includes my entrance and all the drinks (6 of them). That is us$21. The most expensive was actually the Ubers. 135 to go there in a premium Uber, and 76 to come back in a normal Uber (the premium cars don’t seem to hang around there, I couldn’t get one). You drive past several favelas on the way, and 2 areas that smell of sewers. I am glad to be back to civilisation, to be honest. All these warnings from the boys are kind of a turn off. Sorry for the font size again!
    1 point
  24. I've met Jackie Kennedy on more than one occasion. Never thought of her as the type of woman who enjoyed sex. Hated the fact that she smoked cigarettes. Why would they castigate him? As far as I know, he wasn't a predator. He wasn't known for harassing. I've never heard one charge of attempted rape or a lost job due to failure to submit. Many women seemed to throw themselves at Jack. There certainly was no shortage of women who wanted to fuck and suck him. Why is it OK for gays to have open marriages, but straights can't? Since when does not adhering to the rules of monogamy automatically qualify you for #MeToo? This thread seems way off to me.
    1 point
  25. MsGuy

    Time To Forgive JFK?

    I never held them against him in the first place. So far as I've ever heard, all his affairs were with adults and were consensual. Given the nature of this site, it's difficult to believe anyone here is addled enough to to get all bent about his affairs. Interesting that you would select the Cuban missile crises for praise. I too think that was his finest moment as President. The more details of that confrontation that have leaked out over the years since, the more it appears his refusal to be pushed into an aggressive military response may well have prevented nuclear war. Let's all pray that our current POTUS does not get himself into a similar situation requiring good judgement and steady nerves.
    1 point
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