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Everything posted by caeron

  1. Kids keep dying subway surfing. I'm all for good fun, but the fun ends at death. I guess I never was the type that got a thrill from doing shit like that. If I wanted to live large, I'd do this... https://www.xnxx.com/video-166qqfaf/big_dick_beefcake_assfucks_his_client_in_a_public_gym
  2. But not very bright. What an embarrassing obit that would be.
  3. Indeed. Both Iran and North Korea have locked up innocent tourists. If they think they might need currency for an exchange, you might become it. I wouldn't go to either of these countries.
  4. As a public service announcement, I remind fellow forum users that you may from your profile ignore users. No point in engaging with morons on the internet. EmmetK is such a one, and he won't respond to reason. He apparently is turned on by rotting pumpkin face. Best ignored. I have, you can too.
  5. I'm pretty sure she doesn't use any bathroom given how much shit comes out of her mouth.
  6. I can well imagine how much Tucker wants to be fisted by Putin.
  7. caeron


    Sounds intriguing. I've been thinking about a gay trip to india.
  8. Falun Gong is also rabidly anti-gay. A little google will reveal that a gay man shouldn't be supporting them.
  9. Oh cut Trump a break. It isn't his fault that he was misquoted. He said he was more Poopular than Taylor Swift. Who can argue with that?
  10. My brother was a senior actor in the US intelligence community. He is a hard core republican. Even he said that Trump was a horror to brief because he was only interested in himself. He lacked the intelligence and the focus to understand what he was presented and to act rationally upon it. He will never vote for Trump. We disagree on almost everything politically, but he isn't an idiot. He sees Trump for who he has proven himself to be repeatedly. Trump has managed to persuade a large part of the US that we're in crisis. Like conspiracy lovers who want to believe that only they know "the truth", his fearful followers cannot be dissuaded because they get so much emotional satisfaction from thinking that they know "the truth". Facts be damned. They "know". While I hate to lose the Internet, Trump pulls the exact same strings that Mussolini and Hitler did. Stoke fear and then ride that wave to ultimate power... followed invariably by a horrific collapse. But these kind of leaders want their narcissism sated, no matter the cost. I've hated a lot of republicans in my time, but I look to history and see that leaders like Trump have destroyed democracies before. I think Trump would like to do it again. I wish we had an alternative to Biden, but almost anyone is a better choice than Trump. His self-obsession is a danger to every American.
  11. I am clearly not the target audience, but yuck.
  12. There has been a lot of discussion over the years about this, because some believe (with cause) that bringing Garotos to your place is dangerous. I'm surprised you didn't find most of these sites with Google. That's how I found them originally.
  13. More illegals please. With enough poison, maybe it will kill of the cancer of Trump and his crybaby followers.
  14. I feel a great deal of shame. And I expect the virile, handsome young men to punish me for my nasty ways. Repeatedly.
  15. Russia is a shithole. I feel bad for anybody who can't get out.
  16. I'm more visual, I think, but the smell of a man can make me pretty randy too.
  17. Don't be so pissy. Chill. This is how forums work. They all go off topic. It's how conversations work. You start a conversation, but don't get to dictate what everyone says or how the conversation drifts. People were trying to be helpful, or just commenting and you act like everybody has taken a dump in your corn flakes. Take the advice, or ignore it, but but getting up in arms because somebody gives you advice you can't use is kinda silly.
  18. Xi is just another strongman. A strongman who happens to be squeezing the life out of China while throwing shit at everybody else.
  19. caeron

    Poll PANIC

    Polls this far out mean absolutely nothing. Fake drama.
  20. Western apps and sites (rentmen) cater to western budgets. Guys think that they can charge US rates because customers don't know any better (or maybe don't care). Might have better luck on https://mx.mileroticos.com/escorts-gay/jalisco/puerto-vallarta/
  21. "had to mention"??! "had to meet"?!? revengeboo said he met a guy and that Berlin was a melting pot implying a diverse crowd. He didn't say he "had to meet" an Asian, he just said he did. Scott456 was the one who turned that comment into a "had to meet". Scott456 was the one who said he "had to mention" it. It was a conversation about clubs in Berlin. Talking about who you met seems pretty normal conversation in such a thread to me. Marc is right, Scott456 reading so much into that comment says a great deal more about him than it does about the OP. Hell, Revengeboo has posted all of seven times in the forums. It isn't like he's got enough of a track record on anything to warrant this kind of slam. Stop projecting and read what people actually write.
  22. caeron

    This is scary

    Yeah, what is with all those savages who can't make do with their reservations?
  23. Seems they're a bit crazy about the gambling there. Some years back they raided the bridge club, sure that with all those cards gambling must be going on...
  24. I hate this kind of weak-ass shit. There are thousands and thousands of legitimate arguments to make about US foreign policy through the years. Hell, US actions with the Shah of Iran would be high up the list, and the list is very, very, very long. So when somebody can't be bothered to even make a legitimate argument and just posts weak-ass false memes, it is an insult to the viewers intelligence. I feel no need to validate an underlying truth to somebody who can't be bothered to articulate it themselves.
  25. Elon Musk is an idiot. There are no US military bases in either Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia. This is BS.
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