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Everything posted by floridarob

  1. This....you said he own circus, et....πŸ™„
  2. One reason, Our diet of a lot of meat and dairy makes us smell to them, kind of how Indians smell to us.....then how many farangs smell like a brewery, cigarette, or BO from sweating all day....I consider myself hygienic but some white guys..... pee yew 🀒
  3. how did he end up owning that....what else does he own? I used to talk to him when he had Fan boy massage....kind of reminded me of Matt Lucas' character on Little Britain, the only gay in the village 😲
  4. big difference....a couple of shirtless guys in shorts does quite a bit to brighten it up. Instead of painting the front of my house, I may have to consider this option, but what will the neighbors think 😜
  5. I've heard so many people talk about this "Breakfast" thing......My only experience with it , is if it's served after 12 noon. Don't see the urge in waking up especially for it though πŸ™„
  6. Did you make it to Los Amigos bar....That's where I had the most fun and the guys are more "humble" (cheaper) ...but it's been awhile since I've been there. Maybe when we meet up in Thailand, we can make plans to meet in Mexico, being with someone that can translate/negotiate might give you a different opinion of the country....same for Brazil πŸ˜‰
  7. Good insights, that I'm sure many of us already knew and some deny. Chai seems like my type 😝
  8. no, there's way more cryptic, you must have a short memory πŸ˜‰ I know we've posted before, that we buried the hatchet, and I met Riobard in Lagoa in SP. He's really a nice guy.....but I still only understand about 10% of his comments.... he's either on speed or is like Doc Brown in Back to the future..... So latbear4blk, maybe we are the stupid ones after all 😳
  9. Because we're all whores here.....I have a partner, he's a whore too, lol
  10. I heard someone comment that the wind blows towards Russia, so they'd have consequences of their own doing, and Putin knows that. Tell that to the Mexicans, Central Americans among a lot of other places....the USA has been stirring up shit for as long as it's been the USA πŸ˜‰ Since we're talking about Cuba.....I'll bet the Cubans of today wished their ancestors had chosen differently: After the United States seized Cuba from Spain during the Spanish–American War, the U.S. flag flew from January 1, 1899, until independence was granted. On May 20, 1902, the Cuban national flag was hoisted as a symbol of independence and sovereignty.
  11. Not anymore, there are 3 cities doing a test of no immigration forms, just your passport....Cancun is one of them. Cancun gay scene is limited to apps, mileroticos, a couple of other shitty sites and 2 gay bars in centro.....I only stay in Cancun for like 1 or 2 nights at the most and only go when I need to get a flight from there because it's cheaper or using Copa airlines.....not my favorite city in Mexico at all.
  12. But you booked a single, because was a package....do you think if it was a double, you could have interchangeable guests??
  13. I forgot to tell you about this company.....would you have done it? https://www.facebook.com/jetsNakedBeachTours
  14. That might hold true on a small business level, bar - gogo bar.....hotels are another story.
  15. I used to look forward to his column , was always funny and witty.
  16. it's free....don't remember seeing anything about paying when I submitted it
  17. for the time being....they are late to the party. They will try to do as hotels in other countries have, when bookings pick up, they'll need to recoup what was lost for the past 3 yrs.
  18. That ended in 2017......the Generation that came in the 1980 during the Mariel Boatlift and earlier were adamant to see Cuba sink into the ocean. They were the voting block you speak of because they had no one in Cuba and lately, they have been dying off. The more recent ones that have arrived in the last 20 yrs or so, still have family and friends there and want to see normalized relations between the 2 countries....which was happening until, as one of Trumps 1st acts in office, put travel restrictions back in place. I'm sure this order came direct from Putin πŸ˜‰
  19. The Bacardi Family still holds a grudge, Their distillery was nationalized by Fidel. They are the muscle (money) behind keeping Cuba the way it is until Cuba recognizes and returns properties that they took, which won't happen the way they want it to. Don't believe everything you read....When Michael Moore went there for his movie "Sicko", I couldn't believe what a rosy life he painted of their healthcare.
  20. in Dallas: http://www.clubsaunas.com/ I wouldn't expect to see a top in there, never mind a cowboy, lol
  21. Perhaps you should take Gaybuttons advice: One other little thing - with a face that looks like mine, I'm doing the world a favor by covering it up with the mask. A few others around here might be kind enough to consider doing the same . . .
  22. Not all tops, not all gay for pay......even the ones that say they are only tops, when they are behind closed doors, say they do everything. I know lots of tops that travel to Latin America....bottoms outnumber tops, just abut everywhere, everyone knows that. Easier to find a horny bottom on the apps for free than a top too.....
  23. It's also the consensus of travelers to Brazil πŸ˜‰
  24. I feel naked without a mask, weird. People complain about wearing a mask, yet wear clothes....I feel it's more a political statement than anything else....I don't get it 😏
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