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Everything posted by floridarob

  1. Not to be a negative Nancy, look at ways of keeping yourself safe, legally. I think it was Jorge's Gang, don't remember exactly, that had problems some years ago in South America. Someone that has several porn websites explained to me a long time ago how you have to distance yourself, the person, from being involved in the hosting or making the content. Having several shell type companies, one that hosts, the other that sells/displays and the other a content maker....something along those lines to stay clear of trouble. Nothing might happen, but don't let a little fun fuckery get you into hot water with some religious zealots and banned from the DR.
  2. Nice to see you're being optimistic.....😉 My bucket list:
  3. Monkeypox it seems..... I know of 2 people in Mexico, where I live that just got it. I got 1 vaccine, going for another hopefully next week.....doesn't sound like a fun disease 😞
  4. Good point, anything other than rock hard makes me fast forward or move to another video. Ditto
  5. I knew of Elvis and his music, wasn't a follower. When I saw this movie was 2hrs 39 minutes, I thought I would be bored, I wasn't. The actor was so good and the story so interesting, I watched it several days later again with a friend. I had no plans to see this movie, but i was in NYC visiting a friend. He got a booty call and asked if I could get lost for a couple of hours. The theatre was in walking distance, so I went for a few slices and a movie.....his booty call didn't show up, lol
  6. For Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/help/103897939701143
  7. we're almost mid sept and the site still isn't working....lol
  8. After flying so far to get to Thailand, I'm usually not wanting to get on another plane to go somewhere else.....an overnight cruise I could do, especially if it is as described.
  9. @vinapu will always be KFC....
  10. I was looking for a Thai phrase and came upon this, just change from Bar girl to Money boy, pretty much the same, pretty funny. Phrases you will hear bar girls saying in English You can try to catch some of the following phrases that bar girls in Thailand are saying and you will understand better what do they really think about you. This is a list of phrases you will hear bar girls saying translated in to English. Most of them are said in front of their "new boyfriends" customers. Don't take this huomorous list too literally. Bye do eye? ----- I go with you? Go-ock ----- Liar Hello sexy man! ----- pay my bar fine! I love you long time ----- I will love you until your money runs out I miss you when you go ----- I miss your money when you go I only work here 1 week ----- I am a lying bitch I send money to Mama ----- I give money to my Thai boyfriend I wait for you come back Thailand ----- I wait for my next bar fine I will write to you ----- My bank details are My friend has too much Gold ----- When are you going to buy me some Today is my birthday ----- I was born on a Monday, today is Monday Tomorrow I go Bangkok ----- Someone else pay my bar fine already Want to come my village? ----- My sister needs a new roof When you come back Thailand? ----- When can I get some more money out of you Where you stay, I go with you no bar fine ----- It's 3 a.m. and I'm skint
  11. I thought it was the cock and ass that affected your throat, you inventing new excuses for next time 😁
  12. It's like my friends that have drug, money, alcohol problems.....gotta want to help yourself before anyone else can.
  13. I don't "act" gay, as far as I know and I've been told by people they can't believe I'm gay. I live my life, as I want. Don't advertise it but when I have been asked, I reply "why, are you interested, what you want to do?" I have straight friends from high school that I'm still in touch with, they never ask and I never bring it up, but without a doubt they know....just isn't part of our conversations, we talk about their kids and I talk about my dog or my travels. Couldn't imagine being afraid of enjoying my life as I want, I'm not 18 & confused.
  14. either that, or they don't even think about your sex life, because THEY ARE IN PATTAYA and they're thinking about theirs, lol
  15. And I've have a better decorated house, I don't have that part of the gay gene 😒 Pattaya only exists for 1 reason I've always said, Whoring. If they are there, I'm sure nothing will surprise them, they have probably been with a ladyboy or more.....it's chic to be Bi, test those waters....but in any case, I'm betting they already have a clue.
  16. wtf was that rant all about....were you at an all night rave in Spain as you wrote it 🙄
  17. In Thailand I know a few that have died. One recently that used to message me occasionally and I knew he was the suicidal type, and that's how he died. I'm sad, but not surprised. In life, drugs have taken many friends as well as suicide. Some had warning signs....some, no idea what was going on in their head. Before I couldn't fathom how someone could kill themselves....these days, I kind of understand. It's not something that someone wakes up one day and suddenly decides to do it.....it's demos they've dealt with or something they have thought about for some time. I see friends that I've known since childhood, but don't recognize them because of the drugs they've been doing, it's very sad. I feel fortunate that I never fell into doing drugs....other vices are enough without having drugs involved. Everyone is responsible for their own path they take, drugs is an escape for some...and most don't realize that that escape could become permanent. I try to lecture, without lecturing when I run into a drug user, whether they are using at the moment or not. Usually falls on deaf ears....sadly.
  18. You still talking about wine, or did it drift into sexual territory......😳 it's 2022...most hetero guys don't care, might have other gay friends. I have lot's of straight friends that know I'm gay, as long as you don't go into detail about sex, they're generally cool with everything. And if they aren't....they weren't really your friends. Gays can be more judgmental than straights....not to mention catty and dramatic, lol
  19. I was told a long time ago from an older guy....the regrets you will have at the end of your life will be the things you didn't do, not the things you did. Rings very true to this day. To get something of a visual, how much time you have left: https://www.businessinsider.com/infographic-of-your-life-in-weeks-2015-2?r=MX&IR=T Or if you plan to live to be 90: https://www.bryanbraun.com/your-life/weeks.html
  20. floridarob


    I was just in NYC a few weeks ago and couldn't remember that site for the life of me, would've been useful maybe there and Colombia and Panama las week. How is it in BKK?
  21. I think the question isn't exclusive to Thailand....could be Florida, Las Vegas, Punta Cana, where I live in Mexico, the answers will all be for similar reasons. People move, looking for a clean start, but so many end up returning to where they came from, their comfort zone. This article is a little old, but probably still true. The typical American lives only 18 miles from their mother.... https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/12/24/upshot/24up-family.html Not everyone is able to pick up and move to another state and even fewer to another country, especially where the language and culture is so different.
  22. You're talking to a guy that had to tell his shocked Egyptian Dr. That he was in Asia sucking 100 cocks deepthroat and eating ass.....😆
  23. Easier than you might think.....they find Thai people (just look for Thai restaurant or the Temple) and before you know it, they have a group of friends. I know someone that did this in Houston and others in London and Sydney..... where I live in Mexico, might be another story, lol
  24. Must be something going on Sept 23 & 24, other than that it goes back down. Use google and it lists all the travel site prices for a hotel....Agoda is typically cheaper in Asia.
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