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  1. Like
    vinapu reacted to NIrishGuy in Interstellar - The Movie   
    Quite simply a thank you to whoever edited out the spoilers ( whether that by the authors of the post of a Mod) as I'm as guilty as the next man of chatting away about a film whilst forgetting others may not have had the time to sit down and watch it yet - which is the case for me for this film  - so thank you, spoiler edit appreciated !  
  2. Like
    vinapu reacted to firecat69 in 7 Days to Go   
    So among other things yesterday we went to see the Big Buddah and were lucky enough to see a huge procession of Monks coming out of the Residence.
    I guess the Communists have not decided to crush religion in HongKong. At least not yet. Later we went on a night time cruise of the Harbor.
    Just 16 days until I return to Pattaya and I surely cannot wait. Have been hit on by a lot of 30 somethings on Jack'd and Grindr etc.   Nothing that I could not turn down although if I was alone , I might have tried to set up something.
    I did send out a few messages to my preferred type slim and 18-24 but no responses. Just as well!!

  3. Like
    vinapu reacted to Alexx in Boystown picture   
    It's difficult to give good advice in your particular situation, Praelu, but I think you need to realize that the feeling of urgency and neediness you're experiencing because of your illness makes you very vulnerable. Personally, I'd advice against swimming with the sharks in such a situation, the odds simply aren't in your favor and chances that such a relationship will cause you severe emotional distress on top of your health issues are quite high. Unless you can manage to adopt a "what the heck" attitude, just enjoying the time you can spend together without "thinking too much", that is. From your original question we're discussing here, however, it doesn't look like you're prepared to do that.
  4. Like
    vinapu reacted to TMax in Making that big decision   
    Just booked my accommodation for January, arrrr it's getting closer and I'm itching to get there.
  5. Like
    vinapu reacted to firecat69 in 7 Days to Go   
    If you have never been to the Peak in Honk Kong, this is the view you will get.

  6. Like
    vinapu reacted to firecat69 in 7 Days to Go   
    Arrived HongKong late last night.  Staying in Kowloon East in Crowne Plaza on points. Very nice attached to big Mall.  Been quite a few years since I have been in HKG. I was struck by lack of Caucasians both on the plane ride and out today on train . etc.
    Took the tram to the Peak. Got here early so minimum wait. By the time left it was very long. Taxis are not cheap and the train system is complicated and many times machines are out of service . Unlike Skytrain there are no live people to sell you tickets or make change.
    What I would consider cute boys are far and few between.  Mall was jammed but unlike Siam Paragon, I saw no one to fall in love with.  Same thing on train. My Hotel however does have some cute boys.
    After being in Australia and New Zealand, restaurants look like a bargain. Cheaper across the board then Thailand . McDonalds , bakeries coffee shops , asian food all cheaper then real restaurants or mall restaurants in Bangkok or Pattaya.
    Took a taxi ride to day that i know would not have been more then $5 in Bangkok and it was $20 in HongKong.
    I hate the HKG airport. You walk forever even with the moving walkways and when you leave Customs, it is still a long walk to taxis.
    First time I visited it was still under Great Britain and maybe I have rose colored glasses but it seemed a lot friendlier.
    At any rate , it will probably be quite some time before I return!
  7. Like
    vinapu reacted to NIrishGuy in Boystown picture   
    Praelu - no harm to you but i think the boy has more to worry about going with you than the other way round perhaps !!
    So, you're basically asking would someone mind going in to spy on my ( Pattaya bar working BF) to see if he's still in the same bar I'm paying him not to be in, oh and if you would also mind maybe offing him too and take a few pics when you're in bed with him too so that I can really hammer it home about "SEE I knew you were still working" ( in the same Pattaya bar where I found you).
    As I said in my message above if you even feel that you need to double check his "story" then run a mile and keep running as unless you go in open minded and aware of what's what there's probably only heart break ahead for you.
    Even if one of us was kind (stupid) enough to do what you ask and you went ahead and "fell in love" with your new now non working BF just how long do you think it would be before the next time you were sitting in a bar in god knows where with him and some other farang happened to pass by and raise an eyebrow at him to say hi ( i.e. fancy a fuck when you're not about) and EVEN if your "BF" totally ignored him about that your brain would be going into instant overdrive and your ( probably quite justified) paranoia would kick in  once more with you ending up coming back here asking for someone to buy him a drink when you go to the toilet or offer him 1000 baht for his number etc etc to "see what he does" etc etc - do you REALLY want to live like that for the rest of your realisitically probably short relationship with him.
    My advice ( which I fully accept you didn't ask for but you're posting on a public message board so I'm giving it anyway :-) is either accept him at face value and see where things go, being ready but not surprised if the worst ( if it IS even the worst depending on your outlook about such trivial things as sex etc) occur or bin him now and avoid the heart ache OR just DECIDE NOW to just live and be happy when you're with him and let things take their natural course and take every day as it comes as tomorrow just might be your last so theres really no point worrying about such trivial things  ! ( here's hoping its not though of course) as if you think for one minute you can check up and outwit your Thai Pattaya bar working BF if he's committed to fooling you then I hate to be the one to break it to you but you're probably very sadly mistaken there  :-(
    Either way best of luck with him and I hope it ends up how you want it to  -but alas I'm not so sure it will :-(
  8. Like
    vinapu reacted to ChristianPFC in Jomtien Complex Short Time Rooms   
    Quote vinapu: When I was there exactly year ago boys were gone, chased out by the management apparently but recently somebody / ChristianPFC ? / reported new sightings on them at front so hopefully all back to normal at Malaysia.
    Up to two boys at the same time, I wouldn't go with any of those I saw there for free, and the last sighting has been weeks ago (walk past almost daily).
  9. Like
    vinapu got a reaction from llz in Jomtien Complex Short Time Rooms   
    I'd not call Malaysia with private full bathroom,  room controlled A/C, refrigerator and ancient but still, TV  very basic , rather adequate
  10. Like
    vinapu reacted to baobao in Pattaya wallet snatch   
    Unless it's having your wallet stolen in your room after having your head bashed in and being left for dead... but I hear you, frequentflier. Alcohol can definitely add to the impairment of judgment, too. 
  11. Like
    vinapu reacted to NIrishGuy in Boystown picture   
    The fact that you already even feel the need or want to check would in my book be enough of an answer to myself as to whether to proceed or not with inviting him to my home town as if you don't trust him now you probably never will and will just drive yourself ( and him) crazy - plus let's be honest if you know him from one of the bars in Pattaya whilst it's not impossible the term leopards and never changing their spots comes to mind, either way best of luck with that.
  12. Like
    vinapu reacted to Alexx in Making that big decision   
    It's probably best not to make it "too big a decision", just see how it goes and don't burn your bridges. Initially, I planned to stay in Thailand for two years (for work though, not retired yet), and recently I celebrated my 8-year anniversary.
    It has never really felt as a big decision for me, because I've always been under the illusion that I can leave anytime. And I say "illusion" only because of the almost magical draw the place still has to me - I'm simply convinced I wouldn't feel as happy anywhere else.
    All the best, and keep us posted!
  13. Like
    vinapu reacted to Bob in Making that big decision   
    My favorite little town up here in the boonies is Mae Hong Son; however, it's a long car ride (about 8 hours).....although you can take a relatively inexpensive and quick flight via Kan Air.  No obvious gay life there but a lovely little town.  Here are a couple of shots:

  14. Like
    vinapu reacted to TMax in Making that big decision   
    Come January I'm in Thailand for a month, mostly to let my hair down and just hang loose for a bit (oh and have fun with the the boys of course) but during that time I will be looking to set up a bank account and check a few more things out.
    I have made the decision, that mid 2015 I will move to Thailand for 12 months or so (at this point in time the end of May sounds good), this may be a precursor to retirement over there but I figured to go on the 12 month multiple entry visa to see if I can handle the extended time there (providing I can get that visa first). I have some things to sort out here in Australia before the planned big trip, hence the long wait for me as I am also on a contract on a project that is tying me up until January.
    One thing I am planning for that time is to travel around the country, I would love to see the more out of the way places as opposed to the main stream cities and towns and do a write up of those travels and post some pictures along with it. I've gained some good advice from the members of this forum since I joined (many thanks to Vinapu and all the others for their advice) that I have decided to share those travels here for anyone that may enjoy the read.
    Of course I would be mentioning just what the boys and I get up to, can't just write about traveling around a country without including some spice, so I'm aiming to spice it up a little to get the blood flowing. For a start I would be looking at Chiang Mai which I think would make a good base for travelling around the north, plus some of the serviced apartments up there look to be quite good value.
    Now I know things change over time but my heart and head are quite firmly set on spending that time in a country that I love and want to see and experience so much more of.
  15. Like
    vinapu reacted to firecat69 in 7 Days to Go   
    Here are a few photos from the helicopter ride looking down at the Glacier and surrounding mountains. Today we drove along the West Coast of the South Island in New Zealand. As usual the scenery is ever changing and spectacular, Have been lucky with great weather the last 5 days.
    Not sure if I like the scenery in Ireland or New Zealand better. I love them both. People are great in both and prices for restaurants are high in both.  I do think overall the food is better in New Zealand but just my opinion.
    If you ever get a chance to go Down Under to Australia and New Zealand .  Do It !!!!
    25 days until  I get back to the scenery of Thai Boys!!!

  16. Like
    vinapu got a reaction from lilbob69 in Pattaya accommodation ideas (apartments) ??   
    start preparation for posting travel reports here - check 
  17. Like
    vinapu reacted to Up2u in Pattaya accommodation ideas (apartments) ??   
    I don't want to belabor this point but I think it is only fair that prospective residents and guests no what is the security policy. I took this picture today by the security desk(beware the long tentacles of the FBI, 555)

  18. Like
    vinapu reacted to firecat69 in 7 Days to Go   
    Fox Glacier to day and the morning was perfect without a cloud in the sky. Took a 30 minute Helicopter ride up to the Glacier. Landed and walked around for 10 minutes in the snow.  Pretty incredible.
    The Tasman Sea is only a few miles away and you are on top of the world looking up another 6000 ft to the top of Mt Cook.
    Includes a couple of photos from Milford Sound and Wanaka Lake.  

  19. Like
    vinapu reacted to brall3 in MONTARA Massage Spa   
    No, I am not upset, far from it. just attempting to add humor to some of the replies to this and other posts. My friends got a good laugh from my last post, and I hope others did as well. Additionally, it is an attempt to inform others to look over the comments of those who try to diminish the valuable information this site has and is providing for many. After 14 years of visiting Thailand, I really enjoy this and other sites related to gay traveling.
  20. Like
    vinapu got a reaction from ChristianPFC in MONTARA Massage Spa   
    when I saw you quoting me for a second I thought ' here it goes , second opinion about the place' so I'm kind of disapointed that  it did not happen.
    while you are perfectly right above,  there's big difference about  every place in Thailand and world famous, cum soaked,  quarter of Patpong .
    I venture is not unreasonable to expect that  bar or massage place located  in those few precious blocks between Silom and Surawong will provide some channel to the  pleasures of the flesh. Hence OP  decided to treat us with his report saying that it is  not necessarily always  a case.
    Report is balanced and fair, I'd not even say is critical and in no way of castigating.
    He just told us what you repeated after him - that not every place we think is sex massage place  is in fact so.
    He just did it on much more digestible form that "Intolerable crap shooter" / or is it crap thrower? / from post #6
    Buyer of lottery ticket has right to expect to be a winner, right not granted to  those who did not buy such  a ticket.
    Visitor to massage place on the " proper " side of Silom has reasonable right to hope that his sexual advances will not be summarily rejected.  He does not have right to ask for them, even less to request,   but certainly is not unreasonable to enter massage parlor there hoping for some thrill in nether regions.
    If it actually happens will depend of client , masseur or masseuse  and policies of the place but I'd say visitor can be a bit surprised if such located a place will turn out to be just proper massage place and no more, just like one in the Oriental Hotel.
    I wish more of us would be coming with  reports like OP from various places without a need of hearing pontifications.
  21. Like
    vinapu reacted to zombie in Pattaya accommodation ideas (apartments) ??   
    N Irish your latest post conjures up a lot of images:

  22. Like
    vinapu got a reaction from llz in MONTARA Massage Spa   
    when I saw you quoting me for a second I thought ' here it goes , second opinion about the place' so I'm kind of disapointed that  it did not happen.
    while you are perfectly right above,  there's big difference about  every place in Thailand and world famous, cum soaked,  quarter of Patpong .
    I venture is not unreasonable to expect that  bar or massage place located  in those few precious blocks between Silom and Surawong will provide some channel to the  pleasures of the flesh. Hence OP  decided to treat us with his report saying that it is  not necessarily always  a case.
    Report is balanced and fair, I'd not even say is critical and in no way of castigating.
    He just told us what you repeated after him - that not every place we think is sex massage place  is in fact so.
    He just did it on much more digestible form that "Intolerable crap shooter" / or is it crap thrower? / from post #6
    Buyer of lottery ticket has right to expect to be a winner, right not granted to  those who did not buy such  a ticket.
    Visitor to massage place on the " proper " side of Silom has reasonable right to hope that his sexual advances will not be summarily rejected.  He does not have right to ask for them, even less to request,   but certainly is not unreasonable to enter massage parlor there hoping for some thrill in nether regions.
    If it actually happens will depend of client , masseur or masseuse  and policies of the place but I'd say visitor can be a bit surprised if such located a place will turn out to be just proper massage place and no more, just like one in the Oriental Hotel.
    I wish more of us would be coming with  reports like OP from various places without a need of hearing pontifications.
  23. Like
    vinapu reacted to Alexx in MONTARA Massage Spa   
    You must be joking. Even girls working at McDonald's have offered me BJs and I'm not even a sex tourist either. These offers are about the only reason I keep going back, it surely cannot be the delicious food.
  24. Like
    vinapu reacted to firecat69 in MONTARA Massage Spa   
    As usual  when you post it is something combative and useless. In no way did the OP castigate the place. Perhaps you should get a dictionary and look up the word castigate before you make yourself look so DUMB!!
    In fact it was a very fair description of the place with a number of positive comments..
    Perhaps the OP does not have as much experience in which places to choose for which type of massage.
    In fact the place he described, he might get what he wanted if he choose a different Guy.
    In Thailand there are no absolutes in what is available in different type massage parlors.
    But certainly you know this and just want to attack someone because that is all you ever do!
  25. Like
    vinapu got a reaction from llz in Chinese Screaming females takeover of Toy Boy   
    Short changing me for time rarely happens in massage places probably because I always make sure that boy knows I'm watching time, either  by placing watch back on my wrist after shower or pointing at the clock  on the wall and reminding we have 90 minutes / rarely I go for shorter run / .
    If we  finish early , spare time will be used for some hugging , caressing etc.
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