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Posts posted by Jasper

  1. I have been to Thailand 30+ times and I never been scammed or money stolen. I have once left my wallet in a breakfast restaurant in a hotel and remembered when I returned to my room. How stupid can I get? Anyway when I returned my wallet was where I sat. Phew!


    I think you can avoid most scams and theft with common sense and clear head just like when you are at home country.

  2. Hi numazu,

    Thanks for your brilliant reports. It's brutally honest thoroughly enjoyable and thought-provoking.

    I admire your honesty and courage to be open to criticism from forum members including me.


    I wish you a good luck next trip to Thailand and happy butterflying.


    PS Do you mind if I take DTG to a shopping trip with me. I am very curious what he is going to say to me. it's going to be "too expensive" or "yes please"? Am I evil and twisted? :)

  3. Hi ct2005, ryanasia, Alexx,


    You guys have good imagination!

    I never thought about the boy could return the jeans to the shop for refund. Haha :)

    As with Numazu, I always give the receipts to boy and I always pay cash. So he could have done that easily.

    But in this case, after he tried it on, he continued to wear them for couple of days. So I don't think he wanted cash that desperate.

  4. My advice is , if we want spend money on the boy - increase his tip. If we buy him expensive stuff or treat him to a expensive dinners as somebody above sensible noticed - if fact we are spending this money on ourselves. I don't mean to offend anybody and my apologies if it sounded harsh but we want him to look good or have a company for a dinner we fancy.


    Totally agreed. We buy him clothes / watch / iPhone because WE want him to have those. I think they know it too so they just let us indulge our little self satisfaction. They consider it as Tam bun -ทำบุญ and not as a gift. We think we are doing him a favour but in fact he is offering an opportunity to make us feel better about ourselves by spending money on him.
  5. About a boy DTG..... Is he for real? He seems almost too nice.

    A cynic in me would say he tried to sell you a sob story.

    If your interpretation of him was as genuine as written on your report, he is a rare gem of a money boy.

    I just cannot believe a popular DREAM BOY's handsome hunk would call clothing in H&M expensive. Surely he is used to farang or Asian customers buying him clothes or other gifts.

  6. oh i think you mean peet. number 32, the one with the faux hawk and extensive body tatto.


    I think you are right. Young(22 years old) cute smile but horrible tattoos. I like Boy's tatoos much better. Koi Carp in arm/ Geisha in chest/Dragon in back. I also like other boys Sak Yan tattoos too. They are hot to look at.

    Oh he was wearing a Gucci messenger bag, I wonder who gave it to him.

  7. To be honest, I am little surprised you only gave 100B to your drinking party boys considering the length of time, 2 bottle of whisky,they entertained you. They sacrificed a potential customer while drinking with you. Also the amount of tip you have given 660B to Thai boy you offed. I admit I don't know anything about Pattaya scene and your tipping habit is absolutely none of my business but if someone ask me, I would say I tip 1000B+ to a non-performing boy as there is no malicious intent on his behalf.

  8. They never make 3000 in their entire lives for 1 night and are ecstatic if they can make that in a week.

    Your revelation simply shocked me. I had no idea. I assume you are talking about Pattaya money boys right? As I cannot see Bangkok moneyboys, barboys surviving on so little money considering higher rent and general cost of living.


    I had once wondered in Tawan someone like Mr Porn how he could make a living in the bar. He makes very few offs- once I witnessed when he dressed in street clothes and went with a customer 5-6 boys clapped. I have been told his majority of income is made up by appearing shows, Tawan pays 200-400 per show to a performer and can make 700 per night. I don't know if it's true or not. Since then I started contributing more to their jerk off show.

  9. Nobody can FORCE a customer to off them.

    Of course not. It's not like boys put guns to customers head.

    The situation is like this.

    You are in Tawan for the first time you have never been to a gogo bar. You see hot muscular boys walking around in thong and you think you are in a paradise. One of boys you were staring on stage walk up to you smiling,shake your hand asking if he can sit with you.

    You nod your head feeling your heartbeat quickened.He is touchy feely massages your hand neck whatever and encourages you to examine his goods. You really like him. You are dazed in his hotness.

    But you are not really sure what to do from here. You came here only for the show.You have never offed a Thai boy in your life. Is he a thief? Does he do what you want him to do? How much does he want? And you feel undecided you are out of your depth.

    Boy reads your face and force his hand then and there before customer leaves.

    He says " I change?" You smile because you don't understand what he means.

    Boy disappear and you are left watching the rest of the show. Boy reappear smiling embracing you and " we go".

    You are surprised by the turn of event but follow your boy like a zombie intoxicated in his smell, smooth body and his killer smile and think "what the hell you only live once"


    This is my definition of Tawan boy Forcing customer Off.

    Sorry if I didn't explain myself very well.

  10. The tawan guys hug you? .

    I got a big crushing hug from Mr TEN for the first time in the last trip.

    It was a particularly quiet rainy night when I entered the bar he came pretend to be crying " no customer, no one love me, only you love me"

    and gave me a big hug. Enclosed in his mass of warm muscle was most amazing feeling. And he said " you don't look good today" Haha How not to love him?

  11. Hi numazu,

    I really enjoyed reading about your encounter with BOY particularly your discription of the unique way that he stares at you.

    He stares you very very intensely like you are the most amazing thing in the world and literally " can't take my eyes off you"

    There is a genuine curiosity with a touch of inoccence in his gaze yet I feel a slight detachment like a feline predator observing his prey timing when to pounce.

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