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Everything posted by Axiom2020

  1. https://www.garotolandia.com.br https://www.garotocomlocal.com.br I went to the first site and clicked on Rio de janeiro. ...gorgeous guys but more than likely at a cost. I wrote the last preceding words, for I used two websites long ago of garotos and hired a few. Their fee is far greater than that requested of the guys at the various saunas. Because I did not paying a little more- I hired and had only great times in spite of the language barrier in some cases.
  2. That was my thought as well when my eyes grazed over "Tuesday!"
  3. Yuk, very- very- very unfortunate that we lost a wealth of photos over that one! Think some vindictiveness arose to have warranted that action? I support Oz and hope that there are viable and new beginnings when he merges this site with the one to which he alluded three days ago. Strangely, as I scrolled three days back and prior to my reading Oz's important message, I sensed something was remiss. Sure enough, the entire forum "Porn, etc." had vanished!
  4. Well, I will miss the porn section, for the two or three major contributors did a stellar job in their almost daily postings. If Oz thinks it's best to do as what is being done, I'll accept and adapt. But I will miss the montages. I thank the two or three men who contributed regularly and I thank you profusely. ...very unfortunate that it did not get the traffic that it so deserved! Axiom/Eduardo12
  5. Please cite specific sites in order for us to answer your query!!!
  6. Although I've been on one hell of a draught since the latter part of February and probably want resume this activity until after I've taken the vaccine-- I can add that I have hated it when the guy requests his fee prior to "the play session." When this has happened to me, which has been rare, the sex has been so, so to nil.
  7. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you as well!
  8. I'd eagerly accept this hot gift!
  9. For many a year, excepting two, I would always spend Christmas with my first cousin and family who live in the San Diego, CA area. This year will be quite different, for her adult immediate family and her grand kids and some twenty+ folks (friends) will not be joining her. She normally has around 40 folks for dinner and for the mild party following. Her 10,000 square foot house would be exquisitely decorated, and the buffet area dawned with all types of food and desserts and drinks. Unfortunately, this year will be quite for her and her husband. Yesterday I ordered two special Christmas dinners from one of my favorite restaurants in Monterey, CA and, unfortunately, will dine alone. I'm already psyched for this, and since the NBA will be having major basketball games on that special day, I plan to watch each of them. Later I hope to view and listen to Ma Rainey's Black Bottom on Netflix. Last, but definitely far from least, I will make some phone calls to a few friends and to some of my relatives who live in various parts of this country. Happy Holidays, ALL! Stay safe and let us all attempt to be optimistic.
  10. We in the US will be saying this on January 20, 2021 along with "Butt out forever you despicable, corruptible beast!"
  11. I do not know about this year, but many of the sauna guys go to family for Christmas.  One suggestion is to check out Copa Palace to see if they are having a special meal.  Some guys here in the past would go there for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas.  In terms of seeing any of the guys, I'd suggest using the apps and perhaps seeing the guys in sex motels or that hotel that is directly across the street from Club 117.  Sorry I cannot make any other suggestions, except see what's happening on the beach, take a long walk along Avenida Atlantica (ocean side) from Copa to Ipanema Posta 8 (gay) beach.

    I'd assume the cultural venues are closed due to COVID as well as it's a special holiday.

    Happy Holidays- Eduardo

    PS  ...answered here instead of the public forum.  ...did not want to interrupt the continuity of your postings.

  12. When I read your "thank you," I was eager to read the report. But when I noticed the date, I thought: many things have changed since then and especially since the pandemic has risen its ugly, horrendous head. Things have changed world wide, and it is hoped that by mid 2021 that there will be a semblance of normalcy, but we'll just have to wait and see. I'm not traveling until I take the vaccine, for I DO NOT want to contract the coronavirus at home or abroad. It's an invisible disease affecting anyone.
  13. Muito Obrigado for writing and sharing your adventures and time while in the "Marvelous City." You keenly and clearly brought us into your trip and made for some good reading and vicarious experiencing. ...hope the world will see a vast change by the spring of 2021 or a little time afterwards so that all of us who've been "climbing the walls," so-to-speak, can begin to board planes and experience "the world" once again but under different conditions. I will continue to read your blog and Twitter and your posts here. I will also continue to support and enjoy Rhyheim's Only Fans along with one or two other guys he's supporting by encouraging them to have Only Fans pages as well. Again, thanks, Latinbear 4 Blk. Eduardo12
  14. I'd be game and take on the company of #s 1 and 3 and explore orally "all over," front and back!
  15. I love Bangkok. ...have visited 3 times, but for me I had problems for what you cited in line three: "I went to Freshboys on Saturday 7 November and a lots of boys but most looks underage and skinny." That was my problem in my wanting to off any of the boys that I viewed while being at some of the boy bars in Bangkok as well as in Pattaya. I was much younger then, but again, I had problems being seen with a boy outside of the bars, for the age difference was far too apparent to others who were on the streets and lanes and alleys. This couple was far too conspicuous for me to handle. Whenever I do manage to return, I'll probably have to have my fun on the premises (if allowed) or go to the massage parlors for some torrid play!
  16. ...have yet to go to Colombia, but if I were you, I'd begin by going to Brasil since the majority of us here have been to many of the various cities and towns for culture and for the boys/men! In fact, what thread heads this forum? ...have been to quite a few places myself in "Mother Brasil" and hope to return in 2017. ...have gone to the saunas in Curitiba, Rio, and Sao Paulo. My recommendation to you would be to "take the plunge" and go to Brasil. Return. Bask in the afterglows and prepare to return or to venture onward to Medellin, Colombia. As an aside- you might want to go to http://www.daddysreviews.com; join for free, and read the plethora of information that's there as well although this forum is much more current. Please report back in detail on either of your journeys, por favor!
  17. Peter and guys, Luis, a professional guide in Havana, has gotten rave reviews from a few guys with whom I've been in touch on Facebook. He has a wonderful website, too. The one thing that he DOES NOT do is to help one connect with sexual partners; he has that mentioned on his web page if my memory serves me correctly. If I do manage to go next year in February/March-- I definitely plan to engage his services after the tour that I hope will happen. It's for twenty days; afterwards, for at least a week, I hope to explore Havana much further. Two days ago I bought an "E book" for $11US from somebody who goes by Conga. ...paid via paypal. Well, since I don't have an e book, the man managed to send me the pdf this morning. I scrolled through it and had wanted to print, but it has 85 pages. The information is solid. There is one section about avoiding being scammed. From what the man had written on his purchase page, I thought there would be information about gay Habana; unfortunately, there isn't any information. But, that is all right, for I know of a website that gives it on a monthly basis and have cited it here in another thread.
  18. Paulerio, enjoy this vast city. For additional information I'd like to suggest that you read what is at www.gaycities.com/SaoPaulo. This site lists restaurants, clubs, etc. I'm presuming there is salient info. for Sao Paulo. Also, if you desire to do some cultural activities and want a personal guide [non sexual]-- I have a very qualified recommendation. Send me a pct. if you're interested. Again, make the most in being in one of the world's largest cities.
  19. On this site as well as at "the other one"-- there has been lots of discussion as to the fee that the sauna guys in Brasil request and have requested. When I read R$100 AND slightly upwards and bargaining, I cringe, for that "aint" much money for any of us here to pay. Why do I write this? It's definitely not the equivalent in dollars or pounds or Euros, and one would fork out hundreds if in certain European countries as well as various cities within the US. As far as the entrance fee goes, I am not commenting. So men, really think about the money equivalence when you're at the saunas and go from there. Long ago when I first read about the saunas in Brasil, the man who exposed all of us to them wrote that if a guy was with him more than fifteen minutes just to keep company and encourage play, he would give him at least five R$, and during the late 90s-- that was good money. He would tip the towel guy as well. Well, during my travels to Brasil and to the saunas in Rio and to Sao Paulo-- I would follow in the foot steps of the man who introduced all of us "old timers" to the sauna scene and have felt the better for it! ...hope to journey back to Brasil in 2017 going to Salvador [Bahia], Sao Paulo, Porte Alege [a weekend only and my first time] and Rio. ...will commence with making definite plans during the latter part of 2016.
  20. Check out http://www.airbnb.com. I stayed in a lovely apartment in the gay area AND had one guy over for 2hrs only. The apartment block was quiet the entire time. Am not at the site mentioned, but the apartment was not too far from the Sagrada Familiar... incomplete cathedral. I think that's how the apt. is somewhat advertised. Beautiful furnishings, conveniently located,quiet and quite reasonably priced.
  21. JunNJ, I enjoyed the read and the accompanying photos. Muito obrigado! I've never been to Porte Alegre, but read from previous visitors that being there on the weekend is the best time at the saunas. And that's from a guy who've visited Brasil over 100Xs during these years. Also, the possible reason for the guys being at the Sao Paulo saunas on a Sunday is due to the economic situation of the country! The Brasilian economy is apparently in dire straits! I feel sorry for the people!
  22. See what's available at http://www.gaycities.com.
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