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    Riobard reacted to Badboy81 in Photos From 117 Last Night   
    12 and 13 are fundamental truths across the board for most sex workers....Most are not interested in a lasting relationship except if money is involved and that makes sense since we are paying them for sex and not conversation or friendship...
    The guys who have lasting relationships with many of the guys or see the same guys regularly may be nice or good guys but for the guys who are getting paid, they are easy, consistent money...
    Having a decent or good personality is like icing on the cake...
    I love hearing guys on here "romanticize" the relationships they have with the guys from the saunas or guys who they are  paying for sex....
    Why romanticize a business transaction....it is what is is....
    I'm all for having a "relationship" with the guys but 9.5 out of 10 if we weren't paying them they would not give us the time of day...
    Note-this is regardless of how you look, how great your sex is or how nice you treat these guys...
  2. Like
    Riobard got a reaction from Tomasian in What's Rio like in May? Help needed by first timer   
    Good coverage here ... I will just add markets as you said you enjoy. Two daytime weekly vast open air produce, meat, fish, flower, snack markets take over the street at or near Gloria Metro (where 117 is). Indicated on image are the locations. Mid-morning to mid-afternoon. Ignore the yellow streak over Museu MRV.

  3. Like
    Riobard got a reaction from tassojunior in So where will the guys go now?   
    JKane, you make extremely insightful points.
  4. Thanks
    Riobard reacted to marcanthony in Curiosity Killed the Cat   
    It's been YEARS since I looked at that site (and certainly never donated money).  The trigger for me was when there was some kind of "incident" (I think it was a squabble between posters on one topic), and the owner decided to shut down the forum for a few weeks as a time out.  I actually wrote to him and complained about that move, making the point that the content was all created by the participants, for use by the participants, and that it seemed very heavy handed to operate with disregard for the suppliers of the actual value.  In a nutshell, this is the biggest problem I've always had about his attitude and the culture created there.  He owns the platform, but the participants create all the content and arguably therefore all of the value (reviews, forum posts, etc).  His reply was dismissive and rude, and the site remained shut down, and that was the end of it for me.  I didn't need to be abused twice.
    Of course when I first stopped going there, I missed it a little.  But the internet is such a wonderful and entertaining place... it you're not finding fulfillment somewhere, you're not looking hard enough. 
    It's like smoking or drinking or any other vice.  If you want to quit, the only real way to do it successfully is just to quit.  If you're periodically stepping your toe back in the water, it won't be long before you have to jump in the pool.  And without a doubt, regardless of our addictions, the one thing that is pretty universal, is that if you have an addiction, you'll pay for it.
    That last paragraph was a rambling and long winded way to say that I quit looking at that site many many years ago and the result of it is that:
    1). I no longer miss it
    2). I no longer even think about the owner
    3). I don't care if people give money to him or not, whether he's rich or poor, or whether he's legitimately worried about some law or not
    Life is good! 
    (PS:  I understand why Oz has to continue to look there since it's a business competitor.... keep your friends close and your enemies closer)
  5. Like
    Riobard reacted to floridarob in What's Rio like in May? Help needed by first timer   
    Oh, forgot to add, go hangliding....it will be one of the best things you do there.
  6. Like
    Riobard reacted to floridarob in What's Rio like in May? Help needed by first timer   
    I used to do that, then TomCal  told (and showed me) just to go outside, skip the prepaid rates and tell the driver to use the taxi meter...is cheaper almost always than the flat rate. Uber is cheaper in many places in the world, I don't find that so true in Rio (SP , yes).
    I don't think trying to save 20 reis is worth the hassle, just go with the 100...this is coming from a frugal guy, lol

    I like SP alot, but I don't usually get going until about 5pm, like a vampire....I usually have more fun in SP than Rio btw.
    It's going to suck not being able to bring someone back to your hotel, especially if you find someone hot and fun (99% chance of that happening). Cancel if you can ...AirBnb is hit/miss in Brasil...can have AMAZING places, or places that are meh. Book a place you can have someone from Grindr or the sauna over, just watch your valuables.

    DO CHECK THE BILL...I almost always find "mistakes" at 117 and Lagoa.....and make sure if you give your key at the sauna to someone that they don't go ordering drinks and food on your account...some guys are brazen, lol
  7. Like
    Riobard reacted to likeohmygod in What's Rio like in May? Help needed by first timer   
    Hi and welcome. Rio is always good, but that period of the year in particular is my favourite since the weather is not extremely hot.
    You will be staying in a hotel where the guest policy is very strict. They made a lot of problems the last and only time i've been there with a garoto. But since you're a 1st timer i would not bother to look for sex outside saunas. DO NOT GO TO A GAROTO'S PLACE. SP is worth a 2 days visit, as POA. There's not really a lot to see. As a first timer I would visit just Rio which is full of things to see. What favelas are you planning to visit? I don't want to scare you but I am asking because at this time, Rio's favelas are quite dangerous. The bracelet thing works like this: you will get it at the entrance (it will have a number which represents your account number, and your locker if available), you will use it every time you use a service (bar/rooms), you will return it when leaving and that is the moment where you'll get your bill to pay. I have never been scammed in Brazil. You can try to make a deal with the garoto for a lower rate, but without speaking portuguese it will be very hard. For you the standard rate at the beginning will be somewhere between 120 and 150. That's because the first time you'll enter the saunas none of the GPs will know you. So...tourist+non portuguese speaker=150. 70/80 is not going to happen. 100 is 95% sure if you negotiate. I am like a Uber bitch in Brazil....i use it even for 400 mt trips since it's extremely cheap. BUT i never use Uber to go from the airport to the city, especially at night. Again, i don't want to scare you but i'm just trying to be helpful. It is because of the position of the international airport. GIG airport is 30 min far from copacabana by car. In order to reach the beautiful Zona Sul, you will have to cross the shitty Zona Norte. The road runs above some of the most dangerous favelas of Rio. What happens if in the middle of the night, your Uber car breaks up (just an example) in the middle of Avenida Brasil? What will and what can your Uber driver do to bring you safely at destination at that point? This is why i prefer Taxis or Radiotaxis. If something goes wrong, i will have a very experienced and licensed driver which will just call the HQ and get me a replacement for no additional price. You will find Taxi Comum (normal taxi) and Taxi Especial booths at the arrival area. Never accepts rides from people besides the ones sitted inside those booths. If going by taxi comum (cheaper), ask for the prepaid tariff. http://media.melhoresdestinos.com.br/2016/08/IMG_0120.jpg TAXI COMUM
    http://media.melhoresdestinos.com.br/2016/08/IMG_0116.jpg TAXI ESPECIAL
  8. Like
    Riobard reacted to Tartegogo in What's Rio like in May? Help needed by first timer   
    Thanks for reading! 
    A few things:
    i have actually not been to São Paulo yet, I am going there end of May, my language difficulties were in Porto Alegre. I have been learning Portuguese using Babbel, we’ll see if that yields any results.  If you google “typical weather in may in Rio” it should give expected high and low temperatures, the numbers of days that it rains, etc. I don’t know about the bracelet thing in a dance clubs, but the bill was correct in the saunas. Going below 100 in Rio saunas might be difficult but you could try, if you first explain you want limited service.. They shouldn’t be offended but very likely won’t say yes. Some ask for 150 for a session, and 75 would be setting a precedent.  I think Uber is very active 24 hours like all major cities, but never tried to hire in the middle of the night. Since the airport has flights landing, I would expect drivers waiting in the area.  Btw, Daddy has removed my thread on his message-forum because it was “promoting prostitution” which is now presumed to be illegal in the US. 
    I am glad @TotallyOz is here and safely abroad to keep public theses memories. 
  9. Haha
    Riobard got a reaction from brockmiller in New Sauna Manhattan-Rios   
    Don't be daft ... the four studs carrying his litter- chair will walk on their knees, that are calloused anyway 
  10. Like
    Riobard reacted to Lucky in Curiosity Killed the Cat   
    In the threads at the other site, members are not being prodded by Daddy, so far as I can tell, to donate because of the new law. They are donating to show their gratitude for the site and to help enrich Bill as he faces lawyer fees to try to make sure the site complies with the law.
    If the government is really going to go after sites which promote prostitution, then his site has no future. If they focus on sex trafficking, then it should be fine as I have never seen even a whiff of that on that site.
    These sites are free to us. It's even a better deal than the so-called Flirt for Free! If people want to use money to show their gratitude, why shouldn't they? That goes for the guys here as well.
    I have organized a study committee to determine how much I should donate to Oz, and in what form, and at what time. Results are expected by late 2019 when I will then implement a plan.
  11. Thanks
    Riobard reacted to MsGuy in Curiosity Killed the Cat   
    Oz, much as I love you, I aint sitting here in Mississippi with an oxy tube stuck up my nose and funding your Thai boys in Bangkok.
    Maybe if you sent me pictures.
  12. Haha
    Riobard got a reaction from floridarob in Photos From 117 Last Night   
    And male frigate birds are NOT smug show-offs ... 

  13. Like
    Riobard reacted to sanddunes in Photos From 117 Last Night   
    I hope to see the legendary tomcal in action 
  14. Like
    Riobard reacted to tassojunior in 'Sex workers fear violence as US cracks down on online ads: 'Girls will die'   
    That's UK press. In the US we lost the "spin" on this. We're on the "evil" side.  It's a liberal progressive crusade against child trafficking:
  15. Like
    Riobard got a reaction from tassojunior in 'Sex workers fear violence as US cracks down on online ads: 'Girls will die'   
    Do you mean slinging burgers?!
    The recent crackdown makes safer options illegal. Unsafe street-hustling will potentially increase if women are prosecuted for online ads or for indoor venues that prosecutors deem to be sex brokerage houses. 
  16. Like
    Riobard reacted to JKane in 'Sex workers fear violence as US cracks down on online ads: 'Girls will die'   
    Yes, but that's because there're two Nevadas. 
    Where the brothels are is nowhere near where the people (nor the crime) are.  (Very rural--the statute for legalization requires sparse county population.)  
    Vegas is run by surprisingly conservative officials and they go out of their way to setup stings and bust people.  Those people often assume that anything goes and are easy to entrap.  
    Now, the fact they have legalized recreational pot without limits like those on the brothels... just maybe they'd reconsider those limits. 
    Come to think of it, "they" wasn't the officials, it was passed as a referendum.  So the citizens of Nevada could choose to do the same thing for prostitution, seems it'd be the easiest place to do it since all they'd need to do is remove the county restriction from the existing law...  but then Clark County would probably still try to disallow it...  
  17. Like
    Riobard reacted to Tomcal in Photos From 117 Last Night   
    i am in Belo Horizonte and am heading to Rio this morning and just read this! :-)
    first you should all know that I have never stolen one of Rob’s guys , but tends to drift off and they are still awake and wander down to my room because usually there is a party going on until 2:00 or 3:00 am and they are naturally curious! :-) just saying! 
  18. Like
    Riobard reacted to JKane in So where will the guys go now?   
    Despite everybody assuming us gay guys are horribly depraved, it was mostly on the W4M side.  Basically pimps moved off the street and onto CL and especially BP with all the same abuses.  When it was easier to con some 16 year old into working for them and giving all she made they had no qualms about doing so, whether they had her working the corner or the hyperlink.  Then there were also the massage parlors, which would also sometimes 'employ' a 15-16 year old trafficking victim and happen to also advertise on CL/BP...  
    That said, despite all the mania, I don't think they particularly advertised underage as a feature, knowing the attention it could get; nor were they pimping little girls who obviously looked younger than 18 in the pictures, from what I saw every time it made the news.  Of course there were occasional scumbag exceptions but those were usually relations to the young girls and also easy targets for law enforcement.  This just pushes that shit deep into the darkweb where enforcement is much harder.  
    On our M4M sections we just had guys making money for themselves, and if we thought they looked young or the alluded to being underage I personally ran the other way (clicking report on their post as I went), so it was very rare.  And yet here we all are, tarred with the same brush.  
    I wonder if there's M4M escorting sites spinning up in the darkweb as we speak?  Problem is the technical barrier to entry, if I haven't even bothered to learn how it's not like a guy who needs money for his rent, next meal. or fix will, especially when he can't do it from his phone.  I guess that does re-create the position for an escort service/pimp...  
  19. Like
    Riobard got a reaction from Alaskabear in Photos From 117 Last Night   
    Miguel is his actual first name. Sorry, I do not have offer surnames. He is a more recent protegé of the drag performer Juju, having been  featured in one of his/her hotguy pageants.
    I am pretty certain there is no video erotica featuring him. If there were, I would be viewing it right now and not wasting my time here. I do have a photo album of sexy images.
    Don't waste YOUR time ... by that I mean don't hedge if you are interested. But you may have to lunge and pass a note or your gentleman caller card to such a guy as there are various junk-blockers of both a human and venue-specific nature. 
    For perspective, they take about 75 reais per house show. And they are there to get you excited ... duuh ... how you express your enthusiasm is up to you. He will by now have the usual 5,000 followers many of whom do not invite him for Sunday worship.
    If both of you are clothed you are more likely to get him into a suite for a drink, away from the maddening crowd. Or get his digits. 
    The key is not to make it obvious you are using the usual programa playbook. And do not review them here even when the ex post facto daze has lifted.
    But if my contribution has facilitated anything feel free to private msg. 
  20. Like
    Riobard reacted to floridarob in Photos From 117 Last Night   
    Not sure how much longer you are there for, but just a heads up...the frigate bird (TomCal) is in flight heading to Brasil at this    moment, get who you want now and lock them in a room, lol
  21. Haha
    Riobard got a reaction from floridarob in Photos From 117 Last Night   
    ... and the grasshopper becums the Master.
  22. Like
    Riobard reacted to Suckrates in So where will the guys go now?   
    The fever has stuck and all the Steppford members are out in force praising Daddy for his activism and fight for "the freedom of speech", while the battle crys for donations to help his Norma Ray moment abound.
    YET, arent they missing the point ?   Apparently, HE wants free speech everywhere (or is feigning the cause to get money ?)  BUT on his own site,  where he will BAN you for doing just that !     I guess HE is just not that versed in the word HYPOCRISY ?    It's the same blind uneducated loyalty that led Trump to power...  People are just plain STUPID. 
  23. Like
    Riobard reacted to TotallyOz in So where will the guys go now?   
    Listen dude! You are not allowed on this site to comment in a way that causes me to piss myself.  This is your last warning!

  24. Thanks
    Riobard got a reaction from tassojunior in So where will the guys go now?   
    Apples oranges.
    Msgforum and reviews were already segregated and the only difference now is no convenient e-link. It is merely coincidental the reciprocal tabs were just removed, and the administrator described reasons related to whose views opinions represent. Removing the links does not transcend liability. However, admin will now be mindful of SESTA/FESTA compliance for both siblings. I would not be surprised if members' posts of ad links will draw more attention to ad sites and face restrictions. Admin needs to decide between compliance and activism. I do not think admin has the chops for one particular of those two tactics.
    Romeo was already in compliance across the board with jurisdictional legal regulations. The two siblings are now segregated by company delineation, with unidirectional e-link accessible within certain classes of devices. Romeo had a philanthropic foundation component added some years following its launch. Since grants are bequeathed to LGBTQ causes and commercial intimacy providers fundamentally contribute to the overall capital, it made sense to divest and separate HUNQZ to a reduced Siamese state, but not because commercial sex is prohibited in the Montague homestead. In addition, since third party monitoring of fraud/scam activity is more relevant to human services marketing, separate terms of reference liberating HUNQZ to override privacy in that regard made the most sense. This is my take. 
  25. Haha
    Riobard got a reaction from tassojunior in So where will the guys go now?   
    Kkkkk ... Sucky, I am no friend of the GUY you call Daddy but some folks call Nutter ... I have no clue why any negative term, in the fondest of ways of course. I am banned there. Kneejerk babyish overreactivity the reason. His or mine? You be the judge.
    I have subzero interest in any stream of income benefitting anyone over there. He already has the stars of the stars and stripes aligned against him with the new bill. I do not have to retaliate for banishment. 
    Dry in the desert ... don't forget lubricating moisturizer on the date plantation excursions. And new reading glasses when you return home. 
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