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Posts posted by Novarunner

  1. 12 hours ago, Canadianbtmguy said:

    What time of the night does it get going? I'm assuming it's not an early evening thing like the GP saunas?

    22:00 to 02:00 on Friday and/or Saturday night (I don’t recall which night I went but know it was on the weekend).  I’m told Sunday afternoons can be good as well.

  2. I have certain advantages in this life as do most others that read and post here.  In my case, it is American money and education and, based on the way you write, I strongly suspect we share those advantages.

    While it was fun to suggest that you look into joining the abstinence-only club, perhaps we could just agree that using our advantages to obtain sem camisinha from a GP (or really anyone) that would prefer to use condoms is wrong.  Period.

  3. 1 hour ago, KeepItReal said:

    You take a risk when you get out of bed in the morning. Risk is part of life...and sex. I don't think that is what we are talking about.

    There is choosing higher risk behavior and choosing lower risk behavior when it comes to sex. In addition, encouraging higher risk behavior when interacting with an impressionable youth (the 18 year old mentioned above) is something else entirely. 

    Have you, by any chance, used Grindr in the United States at any point in, say, the last two or three years…?  You appear to fall into the condoms-only club which is fine and apparently right for you but the membership is dwindling.  Times (and technology) change and with them attitudes.

    Lastly, I cannot help but mention that you may also want to investigate the abstinence-only club.  I’m told it has the lowest risk of them all…

  4. But what about 18 year olds that one meets on Grindr that like taking pictures from the rooftop of your “fancy” hotel to post on their IG account that have taken PrEP for their entire sexually active lives and that think condoms are only for when they occasionally have sex with women who can get pregnant and all…?  You’re right, instead of feeling incredibly old when he told me he had “always” been on PrEP and then letting both of us make a risk based decision because that’s what adults do (even if they are only 18), I should have lecture him about the necessity of wearing condoms during a time when he was a child.

    I wish I could end this post by saying that we had mind blowing sex but, unfortunately, he turned out to be an attractive dud.  Hopefully in a few years he will be better able use the gifts that God gave him and we can try again….

  5. I suggest you read the recent thread in the Colombia forum titled observations.  The thing you desire directly correlates to the amount of time PrEP has been available in a given place (and the cost of access).  Oddly enough, Merica leads the way in helping gay boys exchange certain bodily fluids with each other safely.  You don’t even have to take a pill every day any more…. An injection once every two months is also available (and free) if you prefer.

    Perhaps our best days really are ahead of us.  Now, if only this country would take the same enlighten approach to granting a visa to a certain 28 year old that has an amazing pau but “non-traditional” employment in Rio de Janeiro….

  6. 2 hours ago, floridarob said:

    I'm in Medellin right now.....closer/cheaper flights, every meal has been good....can't complain about dick size here, I've used more lube than ever 😉

    So, even if I do sound like a drunken third grader, I am able to communicate in Portuguese which is important.  I also prefer to see the same few guys multiple times rather than endless random dick (yes, I’m aware that most others on here feel differently which is fine) and I have established the needed connections in Rio to do so.  Most of my future trips will continue to be to Brazil.

  7. I applied for my visa to travel to Brazil on the weekend of March 16th and it was approved around noon on Monday, March 18th.  Based on this thread though it sounds like I may or may not get to actually use it when I travel to RJ in mid-April.

    In other (somewhat related) news, a friend of mine from Brazil applied for a tourist visa to travel to the United States in 2022 and it was approved in late-2023.  He made the trek here earlier this year.  Apparently, the food is too spicy and everything is more expensive than he thinks it should be (other than Apple products which are less expensive for some reason) but he is a fan and is planning a return trip in June.  He wants to go to Vegas.  If you are wondering, yes, he has been known to fuck tourists in exchange reais but - being the intelligent young man that he is - he left that off his application and instead provided documentation concerning his job selling insurance.  During the interview, he also apparently stated that he wanted to travel to the United States for futevôlei tournaments.  In any case, it’s nice to have Brazil visit me and Vegas can be fun in very small doses.

  8. 58 minutes ago, Latbear4blk said:

    You may be correct. It's been available for me for free since 2017, for belonging to the risk population category Runaway Homo Slut. 

    @Latbear4blk it is important to accept yourself for who you truly are.  I’m glad you’ve reached that point in your life.

    @Riobard I feel like there is an equation somewhere in this thread.  Variables would include time, condom usage when meeting new friends on Grindr and the degree at which gay boys become comfortable without using condoms regularly with random or semi-random partners.  It would seem that it is possible to calculate the rate at which a certain population accepts risk.  The data you provided from Canada could also be used to actually put a price tag on sem camisinha.  I’m fascinated by these ideas and perhaps in another life I will get paid to study stuff like this but since I am very much aware that the purpose of this board is not, well, unusual applications of economic theory, I’ll stop now.  Thank you for confirming my hypothesis.

    In other news, I’m floored by the fact that any drug - let alone one prescribed to allow gay boys to more safely exchange bodily fluids with each other - is somehow free here in America but moderately expensive in Canada.  Everything I know says it should be the other way around.

  9. 3 hours ago, Riobard said:

    HIV PrEP access was established as a human health right under the public health insurance system for Colombian nationals as of Dec 2021 and does not require epidemiological high risk group affiliation. Similar policy position as Brazil that established access for ‘high risk’ in 2018 and finally removed in 2022 the requirement of self-identifying with potentially stigmatized risk group membership. 

    You seem to know a lot about this and I am curious, so…

    1. PrEP has been available to “high risk” groups in Brazil since 2018 for free (5 years)

    2. PrEP has been available to anyone that wants it in Colombia since December 2021 (2 years)

    Would you happen to know when PrEP became widely available in the United States?  I’m thinking it was about 2015 or 2016 but not sure.

  10. 3 hours ago, Boy69 said:

    1. They are practicing safe sex what's wrong with that?

    2. So ?

    1. Nothing is wrong with it.  Condoms exist for a reason and definitely have their place.  The attitude toward them just seems to be significantly different here in Colombia compared to America or even Brazil, to a lesser extent.  I was just curious.

    2. Taqueria Popular is also excellent.

  11. During my time in Bogota, I have made the following observations:

    1. Colombians seem to be more interested in condoms than Brazilians.  I’m guessing Colombia does not handout free PrEP to anyone that wants it, correct?

    2. The tocos at Leono Birria are delicious.

  12. Apologies in advance if this falls into the asked-and-answered category but I don’t even really know what term to search for.

    After an excellent experience at Complices Spa on Thursday, I decided to conduct additional research and sacrificed my body to science at other saunas.  They were not all filled with chicos that just got out of class at the local university but - do not fear - I still managed to find willing playmates and I have slept very well these past few nights.  That’s not the purpose of this post though.  The purpose of this post is to ask if Colombia has a “sauna culture”.  I definitely got the local bar where everyone knows each other vibe multiple times while conducting research.

    I have been to non-GP saunas in Brazil several times.  It’s not the same.  Non-GP saunas in Brazil are basically in person Grindr and the good ones are similar to Steamworks in Chicago.

    Does anyone that has lived in Colombia have any thoughts they would like to share?  Do other Spanish speaking Latin American countries such as Argentina have a similar atmosphere in their saunas?

  13. 4 hours ago, Tomtravel said:

    When 75 I would travel to arab countries, they often think the older the better. 

    In addition to traveling to SE Asia in my 20’s, I also traveled to Saudi Arabia and the UAE a couple times.  I’m not a fan.  Grindr doesn’t work there (or at least it didn’t 15 years ago) because it’s illegal to do one of the things I like to do with other consenting adult males.  The swarms of largely Russian female prostitutes outside the hotels though, the hypocritical government never took any notice concerning that that I saw.  The Saudi and UAE nationals treatment of the largely Pakistani work force is also horrific.

    I hope things have changed, but someone else will have tell me because I have zero desire to ever go back.

  14. I don’t think I ever posted anything but I started reading the gay Thailand forum when I was traveling to SE Asia in my late 20’s.  A massage after a 16 hour flight is a necessity and if it can be done by a hot guy that is also good with playing with my dick, that’s even better.  Go go bar etiquette was not part of my upbringing so I needed to learn about that somewhere too as well.

    Do I have a point?  No, not really other than that I suspect the average age of the readership here might be somewhat less than you suggest.  Even if you do happen to be a decent looking 28 year old and meeting other decent looking 28 year olds at DJ Station on Saturday night in Bangkok is an option, that takes effort which might be more than you can muster after a 16 hour flight.  It also could be Wednesday and DJ Station is closed.  Maybe I’m unique but I suspect not.

    Bogota has been fun and I’m glad I’m here - I wanted to try something different - but I miss Rio.  There is a lot to be said for staring at the ocean while drinking caipirinhas and being able to speak the language somewhat.

  15. I have unfortunately left my thirties behind which raises an interesting point….  Before I left my thirties behind, I had a day to kill in Paris.  I tried Grindr to find a friend but not speaking French made things difficult so I went to Sun City which is, well, similar to Babylon before it closed but in Paris.  Sun City was filled with hot 20-somethings and there wasn’t much talking going on so, initially, I was very excited.  My excitement faded after about half an hour though when it became clear very few people there were interested in what I had to offer.

    My theory is that part of the human brain is wired for evolutionary reasons to fuck things that are new and different.  If you name a white European country, chances are I have an ancestor from there which is the long way of saying that I don’t qualify as new and different in Paris but that here in Bogota there just aren’t all that many Irish-English-French-German-Dutch-Nordic guys so you’re stuck with me if that’s what gets you hard.  And, since part of the human brain is also wired to fuck hot young guys with six packs and sexy tattoos and gorgeous, thick, straight (curved is a huge turn off for me which bothers me and I feel badly about because it’s not like they have any control over that but I digress) uncut cocks, this works out well for me.

    My friend may have said Americans are hot yesterday but I think that what he meant was that different is hot.  This is of course just a theory so I will continue to conduct additional research.

  16. I visited Complices Spa in Bogota this evening which is a Thursday.  The place was filed with hot 20-somethings, most of which were interested in playing with me even though they are about two-thirds my age and my Spanish is abysmal.  One guy told me Colombians think Americans are hot or, at least that is what I think he said.  For so many different reasons, that absolutely should not be a thing (and may not be since his English was on par with my Spanish) but, in any case, he had a sexy tattoo of a small bird on his chest, abs and a really nice uncut cock so I let him (and others) fuck me.

    The sexy underwear or nude dress code does take some getting used to and probably isn’t for everyone but I adapted and got into it pretty quickly.

    I’m told Sunday afternoons/evenings are also good.

  17. I’m surprised by the articles you referenced (which most definitely does not mean they are inaccurate in any way).  The gentleman I see most frequently in Brazil takes PrEP - and has explained to me how to get it in Brazil which is the source of the info I provided - but obviously that’s a sample size of one so it’s really meaningless.  In any case though, I started taking PrEP not because I hate condoms but because I like using Grindr which results in me periodically bottoming for attractive but random strangers; some of whom occasionally turn out to be truly awful human beings that remove the condom we both agreed to use mid-fuck without consent.  My point is two fold: I would think a GP working in a sauna would share my fear/experience and start taking PrEP if given the opportunity and if you’re taking PrEP - which I fully understand isn’t right for everyone - it’s basically just one less thing to worry about.

  18. Huh….?  PrEP is available and free (or at least very affordable) in Brazil (and many other places too) if you happen to be man that has sex with other men (or a woman that has sex with men in exchange reias).  It’s been that way for several years now.

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